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Another TongueDiving Video! Front Row This Time!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 29, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, August 29, 2010

Another tonguediving view from another person's perspective in Providence ! Very interesting and it's HD clear!



Anonymous said...

Seeing this video on top of seeing him up close in Raleigh has put me over the edge! He didn't do 20th Century Boy, just Mad World for an encore. Concert started very late, maybe because of a meet and greet, don't really know. The crowd was wild and gave him plenty of love, but venue people probably wanted to go home. Adam is off Sunday and maybe he also wanted a little night life and bars shut down in Raleigh at 2 AM. He came out and signed autographs for the fans. He signed my FYE cd and my Spread the Lambert Love Poster that I also had in Charlotte. A woman with Adam took a photo of it and gave it to Adam to sign. Terrance also asked to take a photo of it and signed it for me. He's as nice as can be and Adam is drop dead, heart stopping beautiful. He still had his eyemakeup on, kept smiling and is so calm. I had held up the poster when I entered the auditorium and people started screaming and cheering! Even those in the nosebleed seats. Such a fun crowd! More later . Have had little sleep and many adventures past 2 days in Adamland! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

O.K. let's take a moment in all of this glorious insane Adamness.... to take a look at the conviction, talent and beauty of a guy who has known and supported Adam's talent for years, Mr Monte! He is SO quiet in his role, a great dad of FOUR, and I think, Adam's ROCK! And I watched a vid interview with him and I agree with another fan that he is shockingly more gorgeous then as you see him on stage! THEN there is Adam and this performance/ My god is there anything that gives me more pleasure?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the GlamINFO. So glad you met him.
Please tell us more.. :-)

Anonymous said...

Monte is very attractive in person! He has velvety brown eyes and is so personable and compelling to see. He now has a substantial beard that really looks good on him and I'm not a big facial hair lover, but dang, he looked good Sat. night! He and Adam have a long history together and I think they will seriously be writing songs together for the next album or sometime in the future. Monte also has a very pleasing singing voice. Check out his album "The Deepest Dark." Adam helped on one song, Circles. Songs more in soft rock, mellow out category. I think Monte is a really good, solid guy and great friend to Adam. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Agree, totally - Monte is great and seems like such a stable, calm, smart person - so great for Adam to have him around as I think they really compliment each other, although I don't know how he can stand being away from his kids this long!!

OK, back to this video - HOLY HELL!!! That was hot and so exhilirating to watch! Adam reminded me of a panther, stalking his prey. Gliding around the stage, playing with his "food", then pouncing on it! Won't even tell you where that makes my mind wander off to...

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said... exciting! Please do share more when you've had some sleep first! Do you have a pic link of your signed poster?


Anonymous said...

Are you ready for this? Scroll down till you see the picture...hope this works.


Anonymous said...

Yes I agree about Monte.......In person.....he is very handsome....looks much softer than his pics

Anonymous said...

wow Funbunn 40, i'm so pleased for you having your cd etc signed..

@Adam fix yes a panther is a great description.. i remember saying that the crowd would be like a pack of hyenas ( it was when Adam stumbled and nearly fell )...looks like i was right ha ha..

@daydreaminmylif..yup that worked :D Adam in that costume always gets me hot and bothered...

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

Phew!!!.....Glambugle indeed...toot toot!
Glambrit Isle of Wight

MiMi said...

The guy from VH1 made a remark about the tongue diving on the top 20 countdown show Saturday. How can anyone watching this video find it offensive? It's sexy and adorable at the same time. Let's keep voting for Adam and get him back to #1. It's not impossible.

Anonymous said...

Someone is selling AFL Tonguediving shirts to fans who want to be kissed. I wonder how Adam is going to cope that.. xD

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40: OMG, soooo exciting! Please please, after sleep and RL necessities, tell us more!

Anonymous said...

I hate to change the subject but after watching some of the Emmy Award show last nite I got to thinking about the AMA;s...I haven't seen Adam's calendar for November yet, But has he been asked to perform this year???Also, when are we going to see him perform 'CAN'T LET YOU GO?" If I've missed it, please someone give me the site...I love beautiful song and it can only be perfomed by our ADAM!

Anonymous said...

Boy, would I love one of those tonguediving shirts! Wonder what Adam will think when he sees them. As far as I'm concerned, Adam can't be too sexy! I think the AMAs would be foolish NOT to have Adam on the show. What a draw he would be! He may still be overseas, though. Too bad if he is. I always wonder if he'll ever perform Pick U Up from FYE. I love that song. It really shows off his voice.

Anonymous said...

Please someone find out about the AMA's...I agree with the above comments about ADAM should be on the show...It would have HUGE ratings...They are probably setting up scheduling with the stars as we speak...I too love CLYG!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Oh, Funbunn40
I swear I'm SO HAPPY FOR YOU fellow but at the same time soooo sad because I can't see any hope for me to feel him so near... Did you remember to tell him about my XXXL love and that he IS my forever «sweet» Adam? What did he say? Ha! (sigh)

My Turn! said...

Looks like they tried to rip his vest off of him again. HA! They would if they could. After listening to the screams from the audience, I don't think anyone minded the tongue diving at all!!! Go Adam, let the world know who you are!

Anonymous said...

It was such an earth shaking surprise when he did it - if he does again it will be sweet but just not have the same impact. Love the breathless profanity of the crowd after he left the stage like they could not believe what they saw and will NEVER get over it!! Can't imagine anyone saying anything negative about it - what's the harm - it was just kissing (though it was just about the sexiest thing ever recorded in human history). Maybe that's it - it doesn't matter what he does. Because it's him, it's just better than anyone else could dish out.

Tongue Roll said...

Anyone complaining must be a eunuch. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Loved that girl at 5:19 yelling "holy shit!" haha
that's just what I was thinking.
Why was that table thing there for him to
stand on to get lower to the audience? worked out well...

Anonymous said...

Code word: bot-bot! 'Nuf said!

- Adam Fix

melissa toronto said...

I was fortunate to be in this venue, Adam was wild & frisky the moment he hits the stage. When he was tonguediving, my mouth dropped open, my eyes popped out, my hands on my head & all I kept saying is holy sh@#, omg, omg, omg...That's it, I am dead the second time. The first time I was dead was in Montreal, Quebec, when Adam did the serious tongue business while he perform TCB two feets away from me, then he turned sideways & looked coy that I physically dropped to the ground, nearly fainted. This never happen to me before in a concert, but then again, nobody is as HOT & SEXY AS Adam.

funbunn40, I agree, Adam is truly more beautiful in person & sweet as ever. I am still in la la land. LOL.

Fan4fun, keep hoping, you never know. Universe has a way of making dreams comes true.

Anonymous said...

Will confess I was annoyed that whoever was filming this kept panning over to Monty, especially at the crucial moments - but cracked up after Adam kissed Eric that the camera turned on it's side...poor girl probably almost dropped it! OMG - to have seen that in person...would have been SO amazing! But this HQ vid is dee-lish.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I agree Adam Fix - was also a little annoyed at pans toward Monte (and agree to code word too ;))... but I wouldn't have even been able to be that steady!!

Loved your post melissa toronto, thanks... Poland Loves Adam posted recently too, love hearing from you peeps again!

Can't wait for Funbunn40's concert account... and hey funbunn40, Monte is very attractive in person, I agree... he wore the crimson-ish shirt to Cohasset (that intimate venue) but with no vest or anything over it, and his physique was quite nice too ;)!!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely best video of this awesome totally innovative and exciting Adam performance...the genius of the man, the artistry, and always new interpretations and gyrations to thrill and delight us all!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, glamsistas and bros, more tidbits from Raleigh! The first glamily sighting [11AM Sat.] was my daughter seeing Allison leaving Starbuck's and entering the Marriot talking on her cell phone. We stayed at the Sheraton right next door.My dtr,[jgirl911]kept her distance, waved and Allison waved back. Now we knew where the glamily was staying! The venue was a block away at end of the street. What looked like Kiss's bus was parked directly across from Marriot. He also was playing close by.We walked to venue with more great Adam fans and prepared to lurk in the heat. 3 buses were behind a metal bike rack like fence. LP and fiancee got into white car and drove out about 3x. Tommy peeked around bus door, waved and got luggage out of adjacent bus. He later came out with a beautiful, petite blonde girl. the crowd was small then and I told him I was sorry about his dad and he did a great job filling in for Monte when the twins were born. He touched my arm,[it took everything to remain calm!] looked so appreciatve and thanked me. I also said that Adam was the vehicle that brought us to him, but he and all were talented in their own right and now they have their own following. He said Adam was everything...? a fan began talking and he didn't finish the sentence.I wish he could have finished it but all wanted time with him too. I did get a pic taken with him. Tommy really was patient and so politely gave of his He wore platform boots and is very slender. He has beautiful features and he also is something to see close up. He seems to have a beautiful sweet soul and serene quality about him. He left in a red pickup truck, probably to grab some lunch. Hope I'm not being too long and detailed. [cont. below] funbunn40

Anonymous said...

This may be more info than you care about and I'm reliving this out of "body experience "in the telling, still pinching myself, awe struck and just wanting to share every piece of it with my peeps. Feel free to scroll! Terrance Reed came out, smaller looking than he looks on stage, very cute, asked to take pic of my sign,autographed it and took a pic with me and several other fans. Another sweet, wonderful glamily member. Liz Ann Hill, Allison's guitarist also came out a few times, signing and taking pics. The new makeup artist also came out and glued stars on us. Another fan named April had some gold glitter and of course we glittered ourselves up even more. You wouldn't believe the glam outfits and makeup! My daughter just called. She's trying to make a cd of videos and pics taken . We don't have a clue how to do it. Would love to share these with you and will try to find out what to do. Frustrating to be so tech. ignorant! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

More just before concert: Went to front of venue. Beautiful bldg and grounds. People all happy with anticipation mingling with one another. Adam has brought so many diverse people together enjoying each other and sharing the wonder of our BB. We met two great gay guys, one in his 40,s his partner 10 yrs older. We could have hung out with them all night. Loved hearing their feelings about Adam and their personal life experiences. We got hugs and kisses on cheeks from both of them. Wish I had thought to get their e-mail.Everyone just so excited! So much positive energy in the crowd and wonderful to be a part of it! Feelings of joy and good will! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Funnbunn40, A million thanks for giving more details about your experience! The positive energy and feelings of joy and good will seem to be a thread thru the GNT! So happy for you. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Concert: It started late. Audience so wonderfully diverse and revved up, dancing to music being played beforehand. When Adam came out, like Charlotte, air was charged with electricity. Had to remember to breathe! The sound was much better than in Charlotte, where there was a helium effect.Dancers so polished and strong, but Adam owned the stage,sensuously strutting his stuff, anihalating us all. Fever obliterated the air conditioning, raising the temp to a dangerous level! haha A security guard nazi told my daughter to stop videoing [with just a regular camera ]and kept giving her the evil eye. All in all a great concert. He gives his all as the whole crew does. Met a bunch that posts on mjsblog, I talked up 24/7 big time and met so many great people! You just feel the love! Adamfix, can't get the image of Adam like a panther, stalking his prey! He does move like a panther,graceful,fluidly moving, slithering across the stage. Having flashbacks now! Daydreaminmylif, I'll post a link to poster when I find out how to do it. The ex drummer from IronMaiden I talked about on a previous thread offered to mat and frame it for me, but he lives in Apollo, Fl. and I couldn't part with it with all of the signatures, especially Adam's. Hi, MGF,Chezzasherbet, Fan4fun I sent Adam a subliminal message that he's your diamond boy! I pray u will see him one day! Adam fix, Adamluv and all. Hope I didn't get too detailed, but I write like I speak, much like talking to dear friends. I'm leaving for south Florida Sept 10th and will see Adam at Hard Rock on 9/19 with my other daughter and jgirl911 and grandaughter if the last two can get tickets. I can never get enough of him! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40 - you're everything

A million thanks

And I LOVE how you write/blog very stream of consciousness (just like me, lol)... you go on with your bad self... there's always that scroll down function... but anyone who uses it on your posts has got to be CRAZY, and really missing out! ;)


GlammyLadybug said...

Thank you for sending us back to funbunn40's comments.

Thank you again for sharing your experience.
I've probably been quite bitter lately on some of the threads. You gave me hope and such a great way to close the night!


Anonymous said...

Indeed.. you have given me hope! :-)

Anonymous said...

funbunn40 - I am feeling your exhiliration and energy through the screen! Thank you so much for re-counting all this for the rest of us! SO great! Gosh - sadly, the one time I saw Adam live almost feels like a dream anymore, so thanks for re-living all the excitement for us. Love the description of the diverse audience and the electrically charged air when Sir Adam hit the stage. Yes indeed.

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

@ funbunn40

Just feel free to give us all of the details....Its so great that you got to talk to Tommy, and the others...and your description of your experience just brings it all back.....I was hanging on your every word...Can hardly wait for my next chance to see him...only thee more weeks now...

Anonymous said...

Funbunn40 I was standing right next to you at the barricades :D I think you were actually behind me! It was crazy out there wasn't it? I was SOOOO happy when the makeup artist came over and asked to take a picture of your sign, then grabbed it and got Adam's signature! When Adam came down and signed our CD booklets I was so quietly overwhelmed that I just stook there attempting to take pictures of it, lol. Everything you said about Monte (I got to meet him Waaaaay after the concert, what a hunk! I was so starstruck!) was 120% true! What a wonderful experience. Would love to talk to you more about it! @passionn2010 on Twitter & feel free to email me if you like . Glad we got to indirectly share this experience together!:)