Asymmetrical Look
Filed Under (pictures,twitter ) by Admin on Sunday, August 29, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, August 29, 2010
Adam's make up artist Jeni just posted this picture up on her twitter.

" the asymmetrical look we did in bethlehem, pa "

" the asymmetrical look we did in bethlehem, pa "
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So Glam. I love it.
Most Gorgeous man alive....
Did Sutan have to go back to Project Runway or another commitment? Just curious if this is a permanent replacement or not.Also don't know if it is a rumour that Cam is leaving. Someone named Delilah joined the crew, but don't know in what capacity. funbunn40
funbunn40 - Where do you get all those news and rumors? That's shocking to me. LG is leaving and now Cam is leaving too???
What's going on? I thought they all got along? :(
I love the band and I hope to see them again next year when Glam Nation Tour #2 begins.
Say what?!! We're learning more and more about other stuff! Yes, where is Sutan? I hope Cam is not leaving too! I have heard about a Delilah, because Neil tweeted this - Delilah joined the crew today, Aug 27th. We need to be enlightened... please!
Funbunn40, Didnt you just go to the Raleigh concert? And did I miss your detailed report someplace? Adamluv
OT, I thought it would have been reported before now but IIHY is now at 25 on Seacrests Top 40! Jumped 6 spots from last Sat. Do you think you might play the damn song now? It's only been out 4 months! Do I sound frustrated? "Nevermind" as Gilda Radner would have said. Adamluv
I wonder if some are leaving because the tour schedule is just too much for them? It's not like they are doing 10 big venues...they are doing what...close to 80. Exhausting and alot of time away from home.
I think Cam was always temporary, as she has her own band, same with LP, even Monte, I think the only one without another band is Tommy.
HK fan
@ Adamluv,Yes, went to Raleigh concert. It was a blast.Have had no sleep since Friday and will post more tomorrow when I can think straight. Did post some info on" another tongue diving video" [I think].I read that Cam was leaving on some other site, but no reason why, just that staement and no time frame reference. Maybe someone with credible info can enlighten us. Haven't seen Sutan lately and this person may be temporarily standing in for him. I don't have any details and hoped one of you might have more info. I know Sutan also is an entertainer and maybe he has a gig somewhere and will be back when it's over. That's just speculation on my part. I don't think anyone would be leaving for any other reason than personal career moves or prior obligations. They all get along so well, from my point of view and living on the road is hard. I talked at length with a man that used to play drums for Iron Maiden, Motley Crue,Bret Michaels, etc. He now has a successful company out of the entertainment industry, but he said the pay wasn't that great and not enough stable financial security with that lifestyle. However when I told him that Adam was auditioning drummers he seemed to get a fire in his belly and I sensed he still had a passion for that life. He and his wife had a more stable life now. I also see that Adam has hired Isaac, a guy with great credentials. I will miss LP tho' and told him so. He said to check him out with his band Yellow Card. His fiancee was with him and is very attractive. I'll tune back in tomorrow! funbunn40
I'm pretty sure that Delilah is the name that Neil gave to his new keyboard that fans donated money towards. He had posted this on twitter August 28th.... "@LinguaSardonica only @UhHuhHerMusic can be trusted with Delilah's delicate lady parts."
Seems like this is "someone" he can't live without!!!! Gotta love Neil!
I think Monte is with Adam for the long haul, they have been friends along time. tommy seems to be having a great time and he is so much a part of the performance now. Haven't heard or read anything about Cam?
Ha Ha. Yes, Delilah is Neil's (much loved) keyboard.
Btw, I think I'm developing a separation anxiety issue with all these people (joining then) leaving the band. I'm a creature of novelty myself but come on.. let's find some young musicians free from other commitments who could handle all the GlamMadness on long term basis! And keep Monte at all costs! :-)
As for the above picture.. no words.. just feelings! :-| :-)
Oh you beautiful, beautiful boy - love this picture!
funbunn40 - we missed you, glad you're back! Looking forward to your posts and details about the show!
- Adam Fix
Adam's hair grow fast
Love the look <3333
Aaaah you are so beautiful Adam xD
wow Jeni is very talented, the make up is amazing (i think i saw an interview where Adam said Jeni was his makeup artist for the moment while Sutan is away )...
i've done lots of make up for weddings and such as i'm a qualified beauty therapist... i am in awe of any talented make up artist, i remember seeing this look and loved the dark eyeshadow against the white highlight..stunning.. but of course any look would look stunning on Adam..
if Adam needs a professional manicurist i'm available..i love doing nails :D
chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx
@ anon 11:35 pm, Aug. 29, let's keep Tommy at all costs, too!!!!
I love Adam's band.....
will miss LP...I wish him luck in whatever
he does......
Is her makeup a bit more scary than Sutans?
Adam is an amazing solo artist not a lead singer for a band. Hope the next crew is as good as these guys!
Hello All,
Not trying to get in trouble with the admins here – I’m just looking for the threads with the most activity. I have one free ticket for tonight’s show in Covington KY and I don’t want it to go to waste. If interested please email to arrange drop off. Please share.
I met Jeni twice.The last Friday in Richmond she came out after the concert and she put some glittery stuff on my face.She complimented my tshirt,,she is so sweet and pretty!
Personally, I like Sutan's make-up ideas on Adam better than this Jeni. I think Sutan was more creative and just suited Adam better. He was more .. glittery.
There is something about Sutan, that people miss him when he's gone. I might cry after him.
When people talk about Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and other artists, they don't talk about their musicians. As mentioned before, Adam Lambert is NOT a band. He is a solo artist that has a great flair for finding musicians that complement his stage presence extremely well. The more variety, the better, IMO. There are tons of extremely talented musicians out there waiting for a chance to perform with an awesome artist like Adam.
This pic makes my bot-bot tingle (good one Adam Fix, so many opportunities to apply that one)... I have nothing else family friendly to say about this ;).
Hello to the 24/7 Glamily!
ps. Is it wrong that I'm going to print this pic out, completely cut out Jeni, laminate it, and put it in my wallet?? I'll put it behind my kids photos, 'though, not so bad, right? Sorry Jeni, no disrespect intended, you too kids.
Jen came out in Raleigh concert and put stones on the fans faces! Nice girl!
AH, HA, HA, HA!!! MGF - missed you!
I think you should laminate this picture and make a necklace out of it...why hide it in your wallet??
- Adam Fix
@Adam Fix
I've been making necklaces...good idea to use this photo!
Monte has said he is staying with Adam and with Madonna. He really loves working with Adam. Tommy is sticking too, but like someone said - ADAM is ADAM and is a solo artist. Cam hasn't said she is leaving though so I think she is around for now.
I don't blame people for leaving Adam. Who can stand it. I mean....common. They need a life.
Monte said he would have to decide at some point after Madonna finishes her movie and promo, which artist he would go with. He said they both treat him well and that the decision would be difficult.
To all Anons who said that Adam is a solo artist…(if you ever come back to this thread :-) )
Adam is a solo artist, indeed, not a band, we all know that, but more than this, he is a TEAM player. This is part of his appeal (for me, anyway) and a huge asset in a world/industry of ‘individuals’ and ‘big stars’. I remember what Michael Lynche said about our boy, his mentor for that week: what he liked the most about Adam was the way he was remembered by AI staff, musicians and crew members; Michael said he wished people would talk the same way about him. I think Adam could be loved merely through the eyes and hearts of the people who met and admired/fell in love with him. He is about working in team, about sharing, about bouncing ideas and giving credits. In my opinion, this will make him a bigger star than just his talent. The TRUE STARS are generous, humble and grounded and he seems to be all that.. and more.
(cont.) :-)
His journey is just at the beginning and it’s important for him to be surrounded by friends. He loves to work and travel with his friends. He chooses his musicians also based on personal affinities. Great musicians can be found more or less easily; great musicians to become friends with .. that might be a challenge for anyone. If you think the hard part of his career is in the past, guess again. He seems ready even for more hard work. This needs endurance, tolerance to frustrations and love for Adam from everyone involved! (Take Monte, for example) Plus, I don’t expect him to "play nice” (every time) for now on. Sooner or later, he will do something considered more or less ‘outrageous’. No matter how much he wants to become a ‘mainstream’ performer, the wild side of the former club boy/performer will show off.. ‘in plain light’. (And it would be such a shame to smother all that wilderness under a ‘good guy’ façade in order to appeal to... all out there)! Hopefully, the Glamberts will be ready for anything (desensitized by then through GNT performances), but what about the ‘rest’ of the industry? When that time comes (again), people around him would better be his friends.. either to endure the heat directed towards Adam and reflected to them too or just simply to reassure him and keep his spirit up.
Just saying.. my opinion.
To all of you who say Adam is a solo artist, you might want to think that over. Adam is the lead singer, frontman and is backed up by a band. Every music forum that I've visited lists him in the category "lead singers, frontmen." i.e., Freddy Mercury was the lead singer for Queen.
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