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Glam Nation Tour in Providence

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mad World/20th Century Boy



Opening Medley



Band Interlude/Sure Fire Winners





glitzylady said...

I just now commented on the previous thread about these vids and now they are up...Go IMMEDIATELY to 20th Century Boy.....and prepare to die.....again and again......Holy Shit!!!! and I usually don't talk like that, but this is worth risking getting in a little trouble for saying naughty stuff, because that is pretty much what is going to be happening all over the world after you see THIS one!!!!! OH......MY......GOD!!!!!!!!! Not everyone is going to like this...but love it or hate it.....WOW....

And again......>-->-O.......DEATH BY ADAM...millions of times....Okay, are you ready????

glitzylady said...

And that little teaser at the top is only part of it....

Anonymous said...

glitzylady: LOL! always love reading your comments. xD

And yes those gifs are such teasers! I hate my computer for being so slow right now!!! Still loading on youtube!!!

Patrice said...

Hey Glitzlady, Patrice here.

Got these videos about 40 minutes ago on another site and literally jumped out of my chair. Every video has some sort of crazy sh*t on it.

Adam was completely "ON" from the word go. The whole show felt like foreplay to me.

The other site is saying that he "staged" the whole kissing off stage stuff with a guy from the meet and greet. I believe that there is no way in hell Adam would do anything staged. He always so "in the moment".

These videos really are unbelievably insane sh*t. My adrenaline is so high, I'll never get to sleep.

Can't wait to meet up with you in Puyallup. Could you imagine seeing that in person? But Puyallup is an ALL AGES venue, damn!

glitzylady said...

@ Patrice 10:38

Yep....It's a pity...All ages..... :-(

And I've only watched that ONE video, and you are saying EVERYTHING is like that????? I'm still trying to settle down from seeing that one ONCE...And up until now, I was TIRED...not anymore...Nope....To say that I am "roused" is the understatement of the 21st Century after watching 20th Century Boy tonight....

And I am thinking its a good thing that MassGlamFan DID NOT go to this show....she would not have she should thank her husband for sort of suggesting she show some restraint ( I personally don't listen to my hubby...I just take him along)....but DEATH BY ADAM can't be ALL bad....

Looking forward to seeing you there...will track back and email you soon...So now, do I dare watch that one AGAIN or move on to Fever?????

Jones said...

OMGGGGGGGGGGGG those gifs.s......melts me!

Anonymous said...

You can tell he was pissed at the sound guy during WWFM. When he was done he immediately walked towards the sound area. Someone's gonna get it.

Patrice said...

Glitzlady...just jump in feet first. It's all good! Fever will definitely put you over the edge. Good stuff with Tommy, who by the way looks like he's wearing Adam's boots (not his usual creepers).

Anonymous said...

Help me!

Room spinning!!

Extremeties tingling!

Brain buzzing!!!!

Sweat squirting from pores!!!!

Mascara/eyelashes melted together again from massive blast of HEAT coming from laptop screen!!!

Claw marks on my dining room table (did I do that???)!!

Chair tipped over, yet I don't even remember jumping out of it!!

Typing with lips, as I sit on my hands/bite my tongue!!!

Feeling all wiggly!

Good god! That writhing around on the floor in front of Monty is EPIC! Seared into my brain now and forever. What possessed Adam tonight? He switched on "big-time rock star" mode and let LOOSE! And who is he kissing and making googly-eyes at in the front row, damn them??? And I loved Longineau jumping off his stool at the end to crash out that last beat on the drum.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is Mr. Adam Lambert, performing "20th C. Boy" - all for your entertainment.

This takes the cake. And I want to lick the frosting.


- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Oh shit - just went back and watched Fever, and my eyes popped out of my head! One of them rolled across the dining room floor and now I can't find it anywhere. Ah Adam, you're killing us - for sure!!

OK, he needs a fan blowing on him at ALL shows. In Fever, I love how the fan is blowing the hem of his shirt up. And he seems to be having a wardrobe malfunction...he keeps grabbing his crotch...guess my duct tape job has finally met it's match. I will need to go in and make some repairs. Step back, people, this could be dangerous!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

OT - but will throw this in here - thank you 24/7, it seems you made some adjustments to your site...? The banner ad doesn't seemt to cover up the headlines anymore - hooray!!!

And thank you, thank you, thank you for these FINE clips you just posted.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Were those boys or girls he was kissing on in the front row of
20th Century? Beverly

Anonymous said...

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Beverly/11:43 - WHO CARES???? Probably all of the above. ;)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

But that's the point, A.F. "All of the above" are going crazy and frenzied over our Sizzling Songbird and I am hoping that they were all getting the a thrilling thanx hahahah. So, I guess you could say that I care! Beverly

GlammyLadybug said...

Hi! My name is GLb and I am an adamholic...
I last had my shot of glamB... 30 seconds ago.. and I think I just OD'd on it.. I’m loving..and hating everybody right now..
And you people are of no help whatsoever!!!...

Anonymous said...

Somebody help me. I've gone insane. What does STMNBN stand for?

bec said...

I wouldn't say AL would stage the going off stage exactly but I could imagine him asking if they would mind before doing it. That makes sense to me. I am pretty sure one was a boy but A woman twittered that Adam kissed her - so maybe it was one of each ???? Most artists get to experiment and see what works without the cameras on them. (at least traditionally, I suspect that has changed forever), I admire the risks he is taking and hope everything he tries,as he grows as a performer, works for him and none of it backfires, although his audiences for his live performances want to take the ride to anywhere he wants to go it seems. Great!!!

GlammyLadybug said...

@dancinqueen84 (Erica) is the luckiest woman tonight..
And this was taken right before.. the infamous act:

And the luckiest man on earth seems to be this one, btw, was asked to wait for.. GOD after the show!

I def need to get my life back together!

Anonymous said...

Tongue diving. Yeah. Oh my.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this encouraging information and great comments about his experimenting and growing as a performer. He is smart and caring about his fans not to close women out of his stage flirtations. Since he wants to be in movies and since WHO ELSE BUT ADAM could play Elvis convincingly, he will have to smolder when he looks at women glad he's practicing now...warming up for the Academy Award that's waiting for him. Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself. First, the Grammy :) Beverly

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My...My...aren't we flexible

20th Century with Monte


Anonymous said...

Adam was certainly in the zone in Providence. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying himself so much that he went all out with those outrageously sexy moves. There is a heat wave moving across the country this summer and it is Adam Lambert. He has raised my temperature and heart rate to a dangerous level after watching these videos. I am surprised he didn't set the stage on fire or have people in the audience fainting as he got so close to that group in the front. Taking chances, changing it up...that's Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

This is what takes a courageous singer with supertalent vocal to perform a 21-century concert. Adam, way to go, ppl, take it all in. Oh! I am screaming from another side side the globe .
Go Heaven, Rock and Roll!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know it's the "Robin Hood" part of the song, but not too much giving and sharing kisses with the audience Adam!

Anonymous said...

Better kiss in the IIHY band intro than Fever. I get the feeling Fever is so popular video because of the Adommy action, not so much of the song alone. It gives a wrong impression of that songs popularity.

Anonymous said...

What Adam? I see he is coming out of his He's too much and I am seeing him next week so I hope there are some good looking guys for him to smooch with at my venues. I guess he can't do the GaGa moshing because he's too heavy so, giving out kisses will have to do. Lucky boys!

Anonymous said...

Good thing is that those he kissed were in the m&g, so he knew them before :D

Anonymous said...

He should do the Led Zeppelins Rock n' Roll. I don't miss WLL at all at the moment.

Anonymous said...

The kiss from another angle.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:19 and 5:08

STMNBN is a nickname for the If I had You video. Early on Sony would pull off any YouTube videos of IIHY, so she changed it to Song That Must Not Be Named (STMNBN) so their search criteria would pass up her IIHY videos.

Anonymous said...

This by far is the happiest I have seen Adam and the most geniuine too. I think alot of the other concerts it was hotter than hell and the venues did not have alot of air. That in itself would make it less tolerable to perform I imaginge. What a treat for the two that got a "piece" of Adam. He is so fun loving and crazy. I would never call it over the top though. The crowd wows him into this stuff. He is so much more than just a singer..he is a complete whole package of entertaiment. I bet there is not a person who left there that was not 100% entertained!! Great Job Adam ...We love you so!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Shirley said...

I loved all these performances!! <3333333333333333

And great thread! Love you all! <3

Anonymous said...


Followed the twitter feed and MJ's last night, so knew what was coming...can barely function - will have to comment more later.

Dayum... just when I had finally come to grips with the brutal reality that I would never ever ever be able to kiss that mouth... he goes and kisses some fans... ;). Damn you Adam Lambert!

Thinking of bathing in Poutine and Tequila for Friday night and stowing away on Adam's bus.

Sorry, as I said, can't really think straight... a little depressed about this was so close to me... a little resentful at Hubby this morning... and I've been considering "shutting him off" to teach him a lesson... but after these vids, I'm going to need him and I'd only be punishing myself really, lol... think there's gonna be a whole lot of that going on as a result of this concert...and "Rachel-ing" too ;).

Better sign off, gonna get myself in big trouble... can't think straight, seriously... but just gotta add - the vocals - can't even deal, so special!


ps. I think I better get my Will/Affairs in order... cuz I don't think I'm gonna make it outta this tour alive

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous August 18, 2010 9:05 AM - re: trash !!

You know what they say Anon 9:05 - one man's trash is another man's treasure!


Anonymous said...

MGF, would be nice to be able to meet Friday night (if only to hold each other up)! Is your "beneficiary" (in more ways than one) the lucky person you are taking with you?

I'm still hyperventilating and it's only Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

@AG, Ha Ha - he is. How do we go about finding each other - I may be getting there a little late-ish for reasons which I won't bore you with... won't miss Adam, but may be rushing in :(... scary to me to give out any personal info (well, 'ya know, other than all the other personal info I just gave out in my post at 9:05am, LOL LOL, the THIRD 9:05 btw, not that silly FIRST one!)... MGF

Anonymous said...

I was busy yesterday so just saw this now. Good thing I got the things I had to get done finihed. My mind is mush now. I am shaking as I type this and I don't think it's the coffee. Adam has morphed into that Rock God before our very eyes here. He has the audience in the palm of his hand and knows it. Love the craziness on this thread. Love the Glamily. Love this man!


Anonymous said...

Yeah...look how I spelled finished.....


Anonymous said...

ha ha lmb/10:15 - that's the Lambert Effect ...

Lovin' the glamily too... hope threads stay positive!!!


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! The Rock God was unleashed tonight!!!
I am shaking all over and I can barely think. Lucky audience members who got a kiss. I'm so jealous!lol 20th Centruy Boy was AWESOME!!!

I wonder what WLL would have been like if he had sang(or is it sung?...i don't know)it tonight. :)
(please forgive spelling errors I find it hard to type/think at the moment)


Anonymous said...

I've been looking at vids and reading comments for hours. I just realized I had forgotten to breath for awhile and had to take a deep breath. Gawd. I think I'd give a year of my life to be the kissee. Sounds like a deal to me.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 7:58

I am anon 12:19. Thanks for the back story on STMNBN. It's been driving me crazy for so long. My mind can go on to other very important things now. You're an angel.

Anonymous said...


Never, never, never "shut hubby off." To do so would be to cut off your nose to spite your face. Hubbies, spouses, boyfriends, friends with benefits and significant others are the second most important persons in our lives at this moment of Rock Godliness. :))


Anonymous said...

PEOPLE, PEOPLE, PEOPLE!!! ROCK & ROLL IS BACK!!! There are a lot of gals out there trying to revive R&R, but it's just POP. The 60's, 70's, 80's, it was the guys bringing it. Bowe, Jagger, Tyler, Mercury, on and on--it was the guys man, it was the guys!!! Thank you Adam Lambert--give these kids who don't know Rock & Roll from Pop, a slap from the past and let the good times roll!!!

Anonymous said...

Too funny Stanley. Not to worry my friend - to be very very candid with you Stanley... Hubster working at home today... found ourselves unexpectedly without kids in the house... let's just say, I let him off the hook. But nice to know you're looking out for all the significant others out there :), they really ought not to feel insignificant to BB, lol.

I do love me some Adam Lambert and his "Rock Godliness", lord knows I do, wildly so, but alas, I have to categorize him as second to Hubby - thus the acquiescence on the Lupos tix, lol. I'm over it now... Hubby helped me move on :).

I like when you post Stanley. I'm curious about you... that is not a request or demand for you to post details about yourself, I would never do that to anyone in the blogosphere... I'm just curious about you. Just thinking out loud, no need to respond :).


Anonymous said...

WELL HARD TO FOLLOW GLITZYLADY ...and ADAMS FIX with such Wicked Descriptions of these Videos

Wooooo Weeeeeeeee!!!!! I'm back.....seriously ODeeeeed on Adam Lambert......dunno what happen....seeing Adam Strut his stuff on these videos....well i WAS at those Pearly Gates...with our Glamsistas.....but i wasn,t ready for Death by Adam just Yet!!!
still tooooo much to come from Our Glam Rock Sex God........
oh my Adam you need to be seen in UK so UK can see what you have done to GLAM....20th century Boy is yours now Adam same as WLL.....the UK WILL LOVE YOU its just that they havan't heard you YET!!!!
BIG THANKS TO Suz526.....thanks for all you do for us and thanks for taking the risks to get these videos for all Glamberts...without you and 24/7 we would be going totally insane for lack of Adam
also thanks SONY for allowing these Videos and heres hoping the Whole World gets to see these Fantastic Videos of the AMAZING TALENTED SEXY MR ADAM LAMBERT....
from a very Happy Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Someone from the first row of Providence tweeted that Adam and band were drunk...might explain the hot show but don't know if it was true or not. Also, I remember Adam saying somewhere that he watched Gaga on youtube while she was audience diving topless during the Semi Precious Weapons early afternoon performance at Lollapalooza and how cool he thought that was, but that he didn't want to copy her. I think this is what he decided to do instead...Just my thoughts...

Stanley, you are so funny (that is my dad's name!!)!

Anonymous said...

Adam wasn't drunk, just high on life and appreciating the fans. He wouldn't have pulled off the dance moves and clear speech if he were. Non-factual remarks from the fan in the front row were discounted by fans right next to fan that was kissed. No smell of alcohol and a bad way for rumors to start.He was bantering more with the audience in a less canned, more extemporaneous way, just having a really good time with the fans that love him and being his playful,frisky self! Adrenaline rush in full gear! Love him!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

As someone in another thread said - great diction, amazing agility (sigh ;)) etc - that sort of thing - doesn't = drunk. I agree with that assessment.

Hey Glambrit Isle of Wight UK, re your "seriously ODeeeeed on Adam Lambert"... me too lately, somebody needs to stage an intervention for me :). But hey, like funbunn40 just said - this is just being "high on life" really, not too destructive to one's life (except maybe work and chores ha ha)... Adam Lambert - my drug of choice!!


Anonymous said...

I've noticed in "real life" that a lot of people think you have been drinking if you dance a lot, are not inhibited and just rocking out having fun in life! Sad commentary on the way we think. I dont for a second think Adam had been drinking - way too in control! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Yeah Adamluv - I do love me a cocktail once in a while, or maybe a nice cold beer (like Adam seems to as well :)) but you know what I really love - how the Lambert Effect is breaking down inhibitions - without one drop of alcohol! MGF.