Glam Nation Tour in St. Louis
Filed Under (performances,tour news,video ) by Admin on Monday, August 9, 2010
Posted at : Monday, August 09, 2010

(Photo Credit: LightLoveAdam)
Sure Fire Winners
WLL Partial
Fever Partial
Tommy Intro
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Re: the top picture - Oh my lawd! Thud!
Re: the top picture
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
I don't mind about the lick, but to me Fever is as sexy without it. There's nothing erotic in it and I guess it will lose it's effect in time, when people no longer find it exotic.
Oh Glambrit IOWUK- "GLAMBUGLE" ... toot toot... I have all sorts of jokes about to burst outta me, involving bugles and blowing
you're a riot
I agree with you girls that the top pic is very distracting and sexy ahhaah
Have you all heard this?
People said on twitter that the concert was oversold by 200 tix.
Could be 200 over the 2300 which is max. capacity of that venue...
This WLL - further into the abyss of addiction we fall...
As I mentioned on previous thread - viewed in wee hours of morning today...still trying to form cogent post as to why I think this WLL is easily among the top 5, if not top 3... but I suppose it doesn't really matter does it?!! :)
SFW - OMG, just OMG
he's genius, he really is
GL posted a warning on previous thread about midday viewing of this WLL... um, allow me to add to that warning and say - don't use FULL SCREEN mode if you have to function afterward
and again, not that it matters - but maybe just maybe this rendition falls right under Fantasy Springs - dayum
it just ain't right... lol
MGF (who seems to never ever learn her lesson and really needs to get back to RL now)
I'm not sure, but was there a bit too much howling and chippendales dancing in this WLL..
Funny 9:05. I guess I can see that point. But for me personally, no.
Ah yes! He sure performed this evening as if he was walking on air. Maybe the boy received a little somethin'-somethin' to put that cheshire grin on his face.
I will agree that this WLL goes into the top 4 for me (with Foxwoods, Fantasy Springs and Milwaukee).
There's something about seeing happy and smilin' that makes me feel good, and all seems right in the world again. He is an insane talent that deserves "every inch" of success and adulation that he can get.
Bravo, Adam!
Just don't make him an object of a phallic cult.
@ Anon. 10:10am
Very interesting point you have there! Thank you.
Watch out you all, I'm letting my bad self loose now :) ...
People, please, behave yourselves. :) Ladies (and gents), let's open that 'box' that our 'Sine Nomine' 10:10am fellow brought to our table, shall we?
AFL is an ‘alpha...’, he is charismatic, well-spoken, well-spirited, kind, beautiful, totally potent and highly addictive. (He is the F between A and L!) Grown-up women of every status (or location) find this boy (without higher education) good enough for themselves as well as for their own daughters and sons (I’m still thinking about the husbands and won't say anything about 'happy' boys/men!). They ‘endow’ him with almost all the qualities out there that make him suitable for a mate – a universal human mate. Actually, his (homo)sexuality is the strongest asset here. He oozes (all-gendered) sexuality and he proudly shows it off. People leave his shows in a trance-like state and search for their (any?) mates thinking of the “the God of pop/rock/whatever”, the “out of this world” man, etc. They are willing to put their energy, finances and time on the line for BB’s causes. He is in his late 20s but preaches (physical and spiritual) love and tolerance to the elders.. and they follow him and spread his ‘message’. Add to all this the marketing apparatus of the entertainment industry on one side and the adversity he faces out there, on the other side and here we are.. the emergence of the New Glam (cult?) movement. :)
I would say he’s not an ‘object of’ but a ‘subject of’, a catalyst of almost cult-like feelings, powerful and compelling feelings that many of us cannot (or don't want to) escape from.
As for the phallic part of the ‘cult'.. that, my friend, is a ‘locus communis’ for all humans and societies, ancient and modern. However, the consumerist society have (almost totally) replaced the cultic value of the phallus and the ritual sexual promiscuity that celebrated universal love and fertility with the worship of the ‘mighty’ Wall Street (impotent) penis or with the ‘rent-a-penis’/‘share-a-penis’ deviations.
(I won’t say anything about Christianity and castration.. yet)
Hey, did you all fall asleep? Again.. after midnight here.
I'm sorry for this.. burst. I've been previously encouraged. Put the blame on those nice ladies. They actually didn't know, did they? :))
(I don’t know if my English have served me well enough for this ‘elevated’ speech. I'll come back on it tomorrow :))
Hahah... late comers are left with nothing to say, cuz everybody else said it already!
Every single show Adam puts out is always MAGICAL!... so there! I do have something to say!:)))
Adam is Brilliance with Grace, and a side order of Sensuality.
He really is a true supernova.
@ Galmbrit,
listen to GlamMassFan, it's not «glambugle", it's «glambulge», do we have to teach you the boold english? Galmshit!
Oh, Lord...sweet Adam even danced like he did when he performed «Play That Funk Music» at AI 8th!!! What more does he have reserved for WLL's surprises?
ha ha Adam4fun........aint nowt rong wid me engliss!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
@GL/2:48 - Wow! Now who is sending who to the dictionary and reference books!! :). I've got some researching to do.
@Fan4fun - :)
@Glambrit IOWUK/5:01 - you are hilarious
oh what fun we have Toot Toot!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
The new trousers just don't fit quite as snugly as the old ones...
Love this WWL though
HK fan
HK fan... do you mean those AMAZZZZING TIGHT LACED UP LEATHERS..OMG just thinking about those..PHEW!!! gets me all kinda TINGLING!!! Lusting with Lambert mmm yes please...
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
OMG!!!! LOL, LOL, LOL!!!!! What have you all been drinking, smoking, or.......Oh, now I remember, you've been watching Adam performing Whole Lotta Love again!!!! Glambugle!!!! Toot Toot!!! I am SO glad my husband is out of town right now, he would surely take me to the ER thinking I had completely lost it......All the hysterical laughing and snorting coming from me at the moment...."I knew it, its finally happened, she's finally OD'd on Adam and 24/7 and its the "booby hatch" for her now..."
And we DID encourage GlammyLadybug to unleash her "bad self"...WOW!!!....Pretty sure I agree with what you said.....Yep, I'm still awake out here...and I would say your English was more than adequate.....Will be tuning in tomorrow for part two.....Let'r rip!!!!
I do agree those pants are a bit on the baggy (or stretched out ....) side....let's get poor Adam some new ones that offer more support for the Glambugle, er, Glambulge....
I'm sorry, I have to go now, I'm even scaring myself... still laughing...must settle down for bed.....Glambugle....thanks alot, now its all I can think about....and not a husband in sight...
No bursting today... just boiling down to.. little silence..
But 'I'll be back'.. on another (provocative) post!
Does anyone know where «Poland Loves Adam» and «Glitter & Sparkles» are by now???? Missing? Glamshit! We really need the «Glam-FBI Team» watching our backs... our missing glamfellows would love this thread, so much fun in it! Better than vacation... (oh, maybe they are looking for GINA and BigMaMa together?!)... Now, Adam Fix, as I've been informed so far, just went to an «Adam Rehab» at some weird clinic around Seattle...
I'm thinking I may need to go hunt down Adam Fix out there in Rehab, drag her back here to see this very, very, very....nice....Whole Lotta Love NOW because I'm afraid if she waits to see it until she gets back out...she will be heading right back in again...besides, that way I can just follow her back in for a little more treatment...after watching this WLL again...(.and again...) I'm pretty sure I need a refresher...that one was right up there with the best....Phew.....Very nice moves, Adam....Oh, and nice vocals too....
Something tells me that Adam Fix would have quite a zinger of a comment for this thread :). I think she said she might be lurking/reading while on vaca, just not commenting, Hi Adam Fix if you're reading.
I also have been wondering where some of the regulars are - maybe vacations and busy RL and all that... or maybe needed to go cold turkey from Adam Lambert to regain some perspective, ha ha.
@GL - I enjoyed your post @2:48.
This concert overall was awesome! Lawdy I love me some Sure Fire Winners when Adam is in a fiesty mood!!!
Had a few good zingers myself, but decided to behave myself.....those late night posts tend to be a little "loopy" shall we say....think more clearly in the light of day....and when I haven't been watching the videos....things just come to mind......and off I go......Adam is just so darn inspiring.....
yeah .......i really did overdose on Adams WLL...but i did have such fun..thanks to everyone who joined in with all the Glambugle cracked me up when i checked out 24/7 this morning it took me along time to get myself together..other half even laughed his ass off with our nightime naughtiness...
Wonder what TREATS 24/7 have for us excited
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
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