'If I Had You' #6 on VH1 Countdown
Filed Under (charts,If I Had You ) by Admin on Saturday, August 7, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, August 07, 2010

Adam Lambert's time on the VH1 Top 20 Countdown is still ongoing, even if his newest single off of "For Your Entertainment" is slipping a little bit down the charts.
In the newest information from Saturday morning, "If I Had you" is now at #6 after spending the week before at #4. The song spent two weeks at #1 a month ago, but has since slipped a few spots since.
Even if this news may be sad to American fans, there is some good news coming from north of the border. Thanks to some hardcore voting by primarily Canadian fans, "If I Had You" is at the top of MuchMore's "MM Top 10". Outside of a few bumps along the way, the song has been at the top for the better part of seven weeks.
Is there anything you want to do to help Adam get back to the #1 spot?
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I think we have to keep requesting IF I HAD YOU on the radio--- and online on different sites. People who still aren't real familar with Adam need to hear it. I also think he should be on TV singing the song. I realize that is almost impossible at this time with the hectic schedule he has, but a TV appearance would help his sales a lot. Why wasn't he asked to be on any of the morning shows this summer with his tour? Very puzzling. Maybe we should start writing to the morning shows and requesting him.
omg u have got to tell me where that pic come from?!!
great pic and Congrats Adam
to 9:31. Let's not kill our boy. Think he's pretty busy. But you're right. Amazing how many people never heard of him, or they just know him from his stint on Idol.
#6 is not bad but who's voting John Mayer?
I think that pic is from the Japanese Rolling Stone. (Correct me if I am wrong)
I don't get it! Now I'm thinking, FIXED!... just my opinion because we have been voting rigorously... just saying! I can't believe John Mayer is second!... while Adam is #6! fiiiiiiiiiix... lol
Yaaay to the Canadian fans... seven weeks in a row... wow that's amazing!!!
Hi,from Argentina I only can vote in VH1, do it every day constantly, fuck, they sucks and obviusly the votes are manipulated.
Here ADAM STILL NUMBER ONE in our TOP 40 RADIO RANKING with WWFM FOR 3 WEEK and began appear in teen mags...!!, obviously I buy..come back to my 12 :), sorry my english is crapy but i guess you understand...kisses
Argentina, No! Your English is fine! If someone loves Adam I dont care what language is used to express that love. Yo le amo a Adam tambien! Adamluv
Hi, I don't think the votes are rigged, but I do think we may have awakened the fans of other artists who see us going on and on about some of us voting 500 times a day for example -(how??) - and they probably are doing the same. I agree that the VH1 top Twenty exposure is important for AL but I noticed that both this week and last week,(can't swear to it), they only showed a clip of "IIHY" - Adam can and does stand on his own and, though I agree that he does not get the spins he deserves sometimes, I think right now it is more about a saturated market this summer. There is so much popular, new stuff out there that "most" artists, except a precious few, are having a hard time climbing up the charts anywhere. What I am trying to say is this. I think Adam Lambert will climb slowly, but will continue to climb, nontheless, on the top 40 chart & he will continue to work hard toward that goal. Vote on VH1 all you want but be careful not to risk damaging AL's credibility by bragging too much about how much.
What do you think??
Agree with you bec August 7, 2010 12:00 PM.
A lot of people who comment right in the comments section on VH1 for the video tell others to not mention their voting patterns. Really do think AL fans have awakened other artist's fans. I think #6 is fine, we just better try to keep it there or top 5 so that it doesn't get TAKEN OUT of contention for voting altogether!
RE videos and RADIO, also see a lot of competition, agree bec, and quite frankly good competition with good songs, right now...difficult for lots of artists to make gains. KEEP REQUESTING respectfully - airplay going pretty well in Massachusetts so I'm hopeful... keep requesting in your local regions. Open House party tonight and tomorrow - call if you have time. I heard a rebroadcast of the recent Seacrest interview with AL this morning driving home from vaca...good exposure, was psyched.
the photo is from the V-Man magazine photoshoot
Keep voting VH1 I don't think it's rigged, VH1 seems to love Adam- keep requesting on the radio to play his song and vote
I call Seacrest every day and never gotten thru once- always a busy signal. But I do go to his site and there's a place to request a song on his top 5 list. Request IIHY daily. Still waiting to hear it! Adamluv
That Argentinian fan speaks better English than you do Spanish. Yo te amo y Adam tambien!
Anon 1;23, Well arent you the "know it all". I meant exactly what I wrote. "I love Adam also." I did not write "I love You" and that is what you wrote. But I dont expect an apology from someone who would be as rude as you. Even if I had said it wrong, which I didnt, for you to make such an inappropriate comment says a lot about you and nothing good. Adamluv
Adamluv you've said many times on this site that you're a teacher. I for one would hate to be a student in your class. You are so quick to jump to conclusions and critique the other posters with such negativity. Bet your students are terrified of you.
You might want to change your tag to Adamluv-youIhate.
There's an old saying: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."
I have really stepped up my voting. It is too hot to go the beach. I hope the fans of other artist are not as persistent as Adam's fans.
I don't know what "24/7" site you have been reading Anon 2:23, but Adamluv hardly makes a practice of critiquing and being negative on this site, hardly. And speaking of being critical, the "those who can do..." comment is not only unnecessary and mean-spirited, it's just plain silly.
Fellows Glamfans, please don't get me wrong but for me it doesn't matter if sweet Adam's any single is #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6...or no # at all... Personally I don't give a glamshit!!! You know why??? Because sort of 1 month ago IIHY was #1 for 2 whole weeks at vh1, a worldwide cable channel, in many countries much more appreciated and watched than MTV or others... and that was not just «luck», that was the result of the Glamfan hardwork (I've voted so many times, awake or dreaming during my short sleeps...AH!) Come on fellows, think, think as big as sweet Adam's talents are (imagine that's possible - Ha, ha, ha!): that meant many «new» glamfans. many new just fans, many more people introduced to the Universal Power of Adam Lambert, much more respect for our amazing shining star in the air, and.... mainly, so much more pleasure for our ears, eyes, mind and souls...(and hands, LOL!)
Sweet Adam is just starting and so do we, as such strong supporters of a new IDOL. He counts on us!!! So, everywhere and middle of nowhere Glamberts, let's all together, connected with love, give some time to the rest of the habitants of flat planet Earth to get in touch with the greatnes, the sweet supernova splendour! Deal???
Anon 2:23
Aw- don't say that about teachers in general- I spent 40 years of my life teaching and am proud of giving to students for so long!!! I consider myself a very intelligent and capable person who chose an honorable profession.
I'm going to go listen to IIHY and vote on VH1 again, positive energy needed. My husband, best friend, daughter, son-in-law are all Adam fans, which makes it fun.
can't we all just vote along? vh1 top 20 countdown, adam # 1 box. don't fill other boxes. we can do it if we start to vote now glamily!
@ Anonymous 1:23PM / 2:23 PM
What the glamhell is wrong with you? Live my fellow Adamluv alone! Yes, she is a teacher if she says so, and I would be proud of being her student (in fact she teaches me a lot of english here in 24/7 Paradise). She is a great glambert, a great and welcome fellow, and her spanish is as great as all the rest of her. If you feel unconfortble with her comments do not read them or just go to other sites. Who are you anyway? No tag, 1ust unapropriate comments??? Get a life, go to check out if Adamluv, Fan4fun and Argentina are driking and having glamfun together in a bar around the corner, a bar which plays ADAM LAMBERT, of course!" Let this thread of LOVE and CONSIDERATION to commenters with love and consideration. In other words(?) Shoooo, shoooo.... shooooooooooo...!
@ Argentina
Ola hermana, venga con nosotras a tomar 4n drink a la salud de mi dulce Adam. Tu eres muy bienvenida a nuestro site de amor al nostro dulce Adam Lambert. Perdona me si ya no hablo bien tu idioma, soy un brasileña que vive en Açores pero he vivido en Mexico un buen rato hace 30 años ya. Como está mi catellano? Todavia me pueden comprender? Besos y geracias por amar a mi dulce Adam. Yo he reaprendido el inglés para amarlo mejor, el tuyo está muy bién... adelante!!! Esto es el Poder Universal de Adam Lambert trabajando para una vida más feliz, no lo crees? Fan4fun
Something is going on with VH1. I can't view any comments or post any comments on VH1. Is it just me? I have written some comments that maybe they didn't like, and I happened to be watching the video when they refreshed the page taking over 9,000 views away. I commented that this happened then other fans commented that they saw it too. VH1 then restored the correct number. I have tripled the amount of voting that I do every day, and I wonder if some fans have stopped voting?
2:23 is ill-informed, period.
Teaching is one of the noblest and important professions. Our children probably spend more hours a day with teachers than their parents, shaping them and preparing them for the future. They not only have to have the patience of a saint, but have to deal with rude, unsupportive parents, student behavior problems and income that is sorely below what they deserve. I still remember the names of every teacher I've ever had, even tho' I can't remember what I did last week[unless it was about Adam]and teachers have my admiration and respect. We all can't be perfect all of the time and I can't sweat the small stuff when there are cults like the WBC out there. Let's keep spreading the Lambert love and celebrate what we all have in common, sweet lovable Adam! funbunn40
Re 2.23
your Nasty and Rude!!
Leave Adamluv alone!she was being very warm and friendly to a newcomer to this site,No need to be disrepectful and hateful
Adam does not need fans like you
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