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Love to Tommy Joe and Family

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, August 7, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, August 07, 2010

Here is a sweet video dedicated to Tommy and his family by the amazing Adam fans all around the world!


Anonymous said...

This is beautifully done! Beautiful photography and music
(Bach) in the background. The wishes are very heartfelt and I
hope it helps to soothe him.

Anonymous said...

That was a lovely tribute to Tommy and his father. You witness at the concerts the goodness and kindness shown towards perfect strangers by Glam fans. It uplifts your soul and makes me feel encouraged about the future of humanity. RIP Mr. Ratliff. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Beautiful video. So sad for Tommy.
Love from Israel!!

Anonymous said...

Tommy, dear, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'd like to have something beautiful to say but the situation doesn't needs beauty, it needs STRENGTH! (And that is what I've just watched in this video above. The Bible says «God grant me the strength to accept those things I can't change» but Robert Downey Jr. says it kind of better: «GOD GRANT ME THE STRENGTH TO ACCEPT THOSE THINGS I CAN CHANGE...AND CHANGE THEM». ISo Tommy, baby, if you have to change your life to go on without you dad, you co4nt on us, OK? We Glamberts love you much! God bless you and your mom, and keep your dad in a better place, in peace!

Unknown said...

Dear tommy and family we are sorry for your loss and stand with you- you Tommy area blessing to us the fans and so we wish to be a blessing for you in the knowledge that we appreciate and respect you and what you bring to Adam's band/family- May God give you and your mom and family strength- and may your pain be soothed and may you cherish the memories of your dad, i/we in Canada hope you know he is with you as are we.. Tommy, you are a gentle sweet super talented humble man i had the pleasure of meeting you at River Rock after the concert in the lobby area and I must say we are sorry for your loss and are with you every moment- you are not alone. suzy aka trebmal

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Video of Love for our Glitterbaby Tommy
sending Lots of Love from Glambrit Isle of Wight UK xxx