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Las Vegas Sound Checks!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Credits to Libracats:

"Taken from 16th floor hotel window with a 40x zoom camera."


Anonymous said...

Does this mean Adam will sing TFM in the show, or maybe is just using it as a sound check. It is a beautiful song and it was a shame it didnt get promoted or used as I thoght it would be. Does anyone know if the video was used any where? It was never on our Music channels here.Though I did hear it in our local mall a few weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:10, I cant answer your question but I love TFM and the video. IMO, Adam looked so handsome with the scruffy look and dirt stained face! Yummy! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I agree with Adamluv
Adam Looks very Delicious in Time for Miracles Video and that Voice....i have DayDreamed that video many times..mmm Adam is so Gorgeous in every way...
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

did you see adam kiss tommy wow again!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah he did part 5 lol

Anonymous said...

Wow! rehearsals can look funny!:)... only on the dancing part... Adam's voice is still great even on soundchecks! And Adam sure knows what he wants... very meticulous... that's what makes him so gooooooooood!!!

Quite a few crew behind the scenes, do they travel by the bus too? Wooooow!!!

Anonymous said...

The TFM video used to play quite regularly on MTV Asia

HK fan

Glitz and Sparkles said...

Listening to this Mandalay Bay soundcheck while waiting in line was like a bonus concert...his voice gave me chills...and it was heavenly. Met lots of our relatives (glamily) with great Adam stories. Where are you 'top hat John'? Glammed out in an outfit that would make Adam very happy. Hope you got to finally meet him, you are so deserving. Also met Glamtraveler who captured that famous SFW at the D.C. venue. Had so much fun waiting in line for hours and hours in the Vegas heat!! Hopefully will get to meet justpeachy in ATL and Glitzylady at HI concerts..???!!!

Anonymous said...

Adored TFM. Still think vocally it's one of the best things he's done. Don't understand why it wasn't a huge hit. Oh, I get it. He actually saaaannnng. It wasn't just a bunch of electronic crap and autotuning.

glitzylady said...

@Glitz and Sparkles 9:49

Am definitely hoping to meet you there in Hawaii...will be in touch and we will have a plan!!!! And at least we have seats this standing in line for hours...and hours.... Looks like a wonderful venue... Have a couple of other Adam-fan friends going over as my very patient fan-boy hubby...This will be his third concert and maybe his fourth as we have tickets for both nights (see???? its not all women....besides, he's no dummy and is well aware of the post-concert "Adam Lambert effect"....) BTW, glad to hear you are feeling better....

And yes, I am somewhat puzzled as to why Time For Miracles was not promoted AT ALL and went nowhere.... Adam is amazing with both the vocals and in the music video....Was listening to it today (surprise....) in my car to and from work, and was thinking the same thing....It is just a straightforward and beautiful song and has a wonderful message of who knows..

Anonymous said...

Talk about dedication from the Libracats. Wow.

Adam is the man in charge of this production, giving instructions to everyone. The stage is so small - not much room for the dancers. That Adam and his band and dancers do this at every venue shows what a perfectionist he is. He does what he says: "Gives 100% of himself at every performance."

Anonymous said...

Adam knows what he wants and gets it in all areas at his soundcheck. He's not playing and it's all business. You can really appreciate his knowlege, experience and professionalism by watching this video. You certainly have to respect his abilities and how dedicated and driven he is to give us his best, miserable heat and all. I admire him even more than before. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@funnbunn40 - right on ... to me, one of the most attractive things about Adam has always been his business savvy and brains... probably a close second to the actual raw talent and voice itself to be honest ... and then of course it goes without saying how much other sexy Lambert's got goin' on.

khaiezshronne said...

his vidoe on time for miracles is realy heartwarming...
the song makes me cry.... think bout the song's idea..
it's really wicked awesome...

Anonymous said...

Cool venue - audience in Las Vegas Glam Nation Tour.

Neil and othe GNT staff:

The ad: Alison wasn't on it but she was in the concert and sang a few songs.

Miracle said...

TFM was written by a married songwriting couple. When she was diagnosed with cancer, they began writing TFM, because for them it was time for miracles to happen. Sadly, she died and the song lay dormant for a long time until 2012 was being produced and tptb came to the man to write a song for the movie. He presented to them TFM, one of the producers requested Adam to sing it, and the rest is history.

It's such a beautiful song and when you know the backstory, the meaning of the words change from a disaster to a love story. I wish it had done better because it is one song I listen to every day.

Adam's look in the video is one of vulnerability and longing. He will be a great actor if it is to be.

Anonymous said...

Was TFM ever officially released as a single?

HK fan

Anonymous said...

@ Miracle 3:31PM, Thanks for explaining the conception of TFM. So interesting to know the back story and so sad that she couldn't see the results of the beautiful song that she created. Adam was the perfect one to do it justice. He looks so incredibly handsome and his face can dislay any emotion. His face is so expressive . It enhances every song he sings. The Mad World [finale]performance blew me away, not only because of the hauntingly magnificent vocal, but also for his moving facial expressions. I agree he would be a phenomenal actor and I believe he could do anything he set his mind to do. He has a fantastic work ethic, along with excellent theatre training, which is somewhat different than film, as in theatre you have to project more and he could easily make those adjustments. I hope it won't be too long before a savvy producer sees what is so obvious to the rest of us. If they can see past the glam, they'll discover a man of many faces and talent. funbunn40