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Messages for Adam from the UK

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, August 10, 2010

From susierix1:

"These are messages for Adam Lambert from his UK fans. We wanted to show you our support . We are so looking forward to you coming here again to see us."


bec said...

Thanks UK!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, UK fans! Beautiful heart filled sentiments. Hope Adam sees this. Sleepwalker sounds great here! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

awww how sweet!

Anonymous said...

OMG.... I'm crying my heart out with these Wonderful Videos of my UK Lambrits...showing their LOVE for The Beautiful Adam
i have been so SAD lately what with the Music Charts situation without Adam Lambert's name anywhere!!! to see these videos has really cheered me up... Thankyou to Everyone who sent these LOVE messages to Adam xx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Was waiting for you to post a comment Glambrit IOWUK - happy for you, toot toot :). Wonder if we'll hear from "Chezza" soon too?

sheila said...

Adam is truly loved here in the UK by fans but he needs much more exposure on tv etc. and AI repeats, etc. with clips. There are too many who dont know him yet. He should and will be mega over here.

Sheila Box

Anonymous said...

I wish they would announce the dates of his uk tour performances
Sheila Is right adam needs more tv exposure over here, I am hoping he makes an x factor appearance while he is over here in the autumn it would be massive exposure for him and give him the break he deserves

Anonymous said...

Thank you UK for loving my sweet Adam and let him know that. The first video is beautiful but the second was blocked by Sony Music in Azores! WTF?

Anonymous said...

woohoo brit fans....indeed glambrit isle of wight we are not alone ( because that's how it feels sometimes )

i agree 100% with sheila and anon 3:01pm...x factor would be a fantastic choice for adam, come on simon SORT IT OUT!!!! it's true that not enough people in the uk have heard about adam yes this has cheered me up too :D

off topic for a moment...GIOW/UK and MGF...your comments on a previous thread about glam bugles, toot toot was hysterical...i was yet again lauging very loudly, the neighbours will start talking about the strange woman that laughs to herself late at night ha ha.
oh and Fan4fun...also loving the term glamcrap.
thankyou for the fun glamsistas. x

chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

How nice!...Brit fans! your turn is coming sooooooooooooon!!!

Anonymous said...

.Hi Everyone,i also agree with Sheila and chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx
i am just gonna drop some of the message that i posted on another thread a week ago

Adam's single WWFM is not in the UK charts at all and FYE has also disappeared
i know the UK has ALOT of loyal Adam Fans..but i still don,t think its enuff yet!!
when Adam came to UK in March & April he did work really hard promoting his Album and FYE we all saw here on 24/7..(remember all those wonderful interviews and pics)
When Adam appeared on Jonathan Ross it was a great interview but he should of been allowed to sing..then UK would of heard his Beautiful Voice.
The other live performances he sang on GMTV which was imo BRILLIANT and the Interview really showed what a Beautiful Person Adam is..but the show was too early as most people would be at work etc then the Studio 5 FANTASTIC performance and interview was at teatime again wrong time for most people...i am hoping as Jonathan Ross has quit BBC1 and is now signed up to brand new shows coming...we in UK need to contact Wossy and ask for Adam to appear and SING
i do feel the problem with the UK is that not alot have people have heard of Adam Lambert (yet)...nearly everyone i speak to have not...then i spend all my time telling them about the Amazing Adam Lambert...hoping they will go home and surf the net and see what a Wonderful Talented Human being Adam Lambert is
with Adams recent July release of WWFM..if Adam was around to promote it it may have gotten more airplay!!! but as Adam is VERY BUSY with Glam Nation Tour it didnt happen

our music charts are full of Gaga, Glee, and just about every other American Artist ( i do not mean to sound like i am being disrespectful to US artists as i am not) but Adam is American so how come Adam is not getting any airplay so Adam can be in the Charts..i have found Adams lack of Airplay or mention of any kind in the UK quite frankly very depressing..but we UK Fans must keep up the fight to do all we can for Adam in our country
I will just have a moan about Adams management as simon Fuller is English and i really thought he would of pulled all strings for Adam in the UK...he knows alot of contacts.. why are we the last country to get Adams single releases no wonder we are lagging behind!!!!
Adam is being overlooked in the UK...maybe our time is not just yet!! (why)
i am Proud to be a UK GLAMBRIT living on the Isle of Wight and i know our time will come soon i'm sure
Adam Lambert deserves radio plays in the UK
please tell everyone to buy WWFM and also to contact and complain and request WWFM to all Radio's
please checkout this link...and help Adam get radio airplay

enuff said
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

re... chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx
... yeah lol we really did overdose on Adams WLL on the * Glam Nation Tour in St. Louis * Thread...and we did have such FUN and still laughing now..thanks to everyone who joined in with all the Glambugle Fun..toot.toot....with our nightime naughtiness....i Love all this Adam Happiness...he's the best Tonic in the World..
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

@Glambrit Isle of Wight UK, no tears baby(even if they are tears of joy)! Adam is coming over to your country and busting ur ears off with his glamtastic voice girl! But I know, these vids are amazing...
but WTF is going on with the charts? Isn't there enough promotion? why isn't WWFM on top? It hit over 25 countries top 10 except UK...WTF!


LIVA said...

That was amazing. Thank you UK fans for sending so many positive and supportive messages to him!!

Anonymous said...

Way off topic but should make everyone happy.

VH1's This Weeks Most Popular Playlist:

1. If I Had You
3. For Your Entertainment
5. Whatta Ya Want From Me
6. Time For Miracles

Anon e Mouse

Anonymous said...

Anon e mouse, Thanks for the good news! That's impressive! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Have enjoyed watching all these latest videos andreading all your comments. Was any one else struck by the resembelence of Adam to Elvis at 2.24 on the "Cant let you go video"? Which by the way are some of the most heartachingly beautiful photos Ihave seen all together like that. It is so frustrating not be able to get Adams music up there where it belongs, what the hell is wrong with his management etc.

Anonymous said...

what lovely messages from UK fans,why is the UK being neglected??

Anonymous said...

Maybe that yummy 20th Century Boy will grab the attention of some brits??? Here's hoping!! MGF

Anonymous said...

OMG!i have just discovered this wonderful 24/7 site,i am from the UK and i love ADAM LAMBERT,looking forward to glam nation tour in UK soon. Betty

Anonymous said...

Betty, welcome to 24/7! Adamluv