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Tommy and Leila in Costa Mesa

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Thursday, August 5, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, August 05, 2010

Here's a short clip of Tommy and Adam's mom Leila in Costa Mesa with the fans. (July 27)


Anonymous said...

Good 2 have separate venues 4 each parent! Sorry they were thrown 2gether on idol! Why did he leave her.......amazing:))) realnottooldyet

Anonymous said...

Seeing how Leila and Tommy treat each other... Hmmm... Why do I feel that Tommy and Adam are actually lovers??? I think the two should be in love considering how they exhibit their kisses on the show. Hope that Adam is happy knowing that Tommy is actually Adam's type. But I thought Tommy is supposed to be straight???

Anonymous said...

Why do you assume he left her? And they both were in Costa Mesa both nites and San Diego too. And I admire them so much for putting aside their issues and supporting Adam during AI and now. That's what reasonable unselfish people do. As long as Adam keeps saying that Tommy is straight, I believe him. As far as the fooling around an stage, it's all rock 'n roll! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

My goodness. Adam's mama is hot!!!

Anonymous said...

Now we know where Adam got his good looks from, his Mom and his Dad of course... mostly from his Mom!:) Ok, height from his Dad!

Anonymous said...

Adam's mom look very trendy and pretty - just like her son.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you, Adamluv.Think Eber and Leila are both genuinely good, smart people that act like adults and have class.You can be divorced and still like and respect each other. Eber seems very cerebral and has a partner that seems the same. Leila is a beautiful, contempoary woman that seems warm, accepting and loving like Adam. He and Neil have the best of both parents and are fortunate. I take Adam and Tommy's word that Tommy is straight and it really doesn't matter to me. Anyone would love and feel affection for Adam, whether gay or straight. Good, loving vibes from the entire glamily, spreading the Lambert love. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

funbunn40, I agree with every word you said, coulnt have said it better myself

Anonymous said...

Wow-- that woman has a son that's nearly 30-- AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

They all look very CALIFORNIA - beautiful!!

Cecilia said...

Leila is very pretty and she looks young.

Anonymous said...

funbunn40 I agree with you also, you took the words right out of my mouth.

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear - funbunn40! Eloquently said, as usual.

- Adam Fix

(or is it "here, here"??) :P

Anonymous said...

Adam's mom is beautiful. What else is there to say?

Anonymous said...

I wish I got along with my mother-in-law so well!(ha ha)