'Whataya Want From Me' on the Global Track Chart for 21 Weeks!
Filed Under (charts,what ya want from me ) by Admin on Thursday, August 5, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, August 05, 2010

Adam Lambert's second single 'WWFM' off his debut album 'For Your Entertainment'is still doing very well worldwide. This week, it is at #33 after 21 weeks on the United World Chart. It sold over 80,000 copies worldwide. According to the UWC, the song has sold over 2 million copies worldwide! It was also certified platinum in the US a few months ago.
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So how many copies did it sell world wide? This article is confusing me ( it doesn't take much).Thanks.
It sold over 2 million copies worldwide....
I'm confused too!... either it sold 80,000 worldwide or 2 millions copies? Maybe the album sold 80,000 worldwide and 2 million for the single worldwide??
Either way amazing news!... just hoping that Adam is getting the proper accounting... cuz it seems too confusing at times.
It solds 80,000 worlwide this WEEK, more than 2 millions overall including 1 million in the USA
@ anon 3:15Pm
Oh, I see... thanks for clarifying that... and to be clear this is just for the single ( WWFM )and not the album.:)
.Adam's single WWFM is now at 73 in the UK charts and falling..
i know the UK has ALOT of loyal Adam Fans..but i still don,t think its enuff yet!!
when Adam come to UK in April and May he did work really hard promoting his Album and FYE single..as we all saw here on 24/7..(remember all those wonderful interviews and pics)
When Adam appeared on Jonathan Ross it was a great interview but he should of been allowed to sing..then UK would of heard his Beautiful Voice.
The other live performances he sang on GMTV which was imo BRILLIANT and the Interview really showed what a Beautiful Person Adam is..but the show was too early as most people would be at work etc then the Studio 5 FANTASTIC performance and interview was at teatime again wrong time for most people...i am hoping as Jonathan Ross has quit BBC1 and is now signed up to ITV1...so brand new shows coming...we in UK need to contact Wossy and ask for Adam to appear and SING
i feel the problem with the UK is that not alot have people have heard of Adam Lambert (yet)...nearly everyone i speak to have not...then i spend all my time telling them about the Amazing Adam Lambert...hoping they will go home and surf the net and see what a Wonderful Talented Human being Adam Lambert is
with Adams recent July release of WWFM..if Adam was around to promote it it may have gotten more airplay!!! but as Adam is VERY BUSY with Glam Nation Tour it didnt happen
i hope too it is not anything to do with the VILE boy george i did try to WARN everyone of the Dangers of the VILE george ...he is NOT liked in the UK and is known as the dirty Gay man!!! due to his disgusting mouth and being sent to jail for what he did to that guy!!!
our music charts are full of Gaga, Glee, and just about every other American Artist ( i do not mean to sound like i am being disrespectful to US artists as i am not) but Adam is American so how come Adam is not getting any airplay so Adam can be in the Charts..i have found Adams lack of Airplay or mention of any kind in the UK quite frankly very depressing..but i will keep up my fight to do all i can for Adam in my country even if i do live on the tiny speck of land known as the Isle of Wight
I will just have a moan about Adams management as simon Fuller is English and i really thought he would of pulled all strings for Adam in the UK...he knows alot of contacts.. why are we the last country to get Adams single releases no wonder we are lagging behind!!!!
anyways i start crying again with frustration in a minute over the fact that Adam is being overlooked in the UK...maybe our time is not just yet!! (why)
Anyways love to all Glamberts everywhere and to all the regs you know who you are Glamsisters xx
Proud to be a UK GLAMBRIT living on the Isle of Wight our time will come i'm sure
@Glambrit Isle of Wight 5:13 pm
Oh my goodness, Glamsista Glambrit Isle of Wight needs a giant hug, wish I was there to give you one!!!! Or even better,a REALLY big dose of Adam's Glam Nation Live, anywhere!!! I think its high time GIOW stows away on a flight to the US, sees Adam in person NOW which will tide her over (you will be so "Adam-ized" that you won't care for awhile what's happening or not happening in the UK-TRUST ME....one close encounter and you are basking in the "afterglow", so to speak....for quite some time.... ) just until he gets over there and converts a lot of those silly reluctant radio stations who aren't playing his music...You KNOW that once he makes another trip over there (soon) that things will turn around....Just hasn't had the proper promotion yet....A few properly placed and promoted concerts will work wonders....And you know that there are still many people HERE who are totally clueless about Adam...I am always thrilled to pieces when I talk to someone who is also a fan, especially if it is "out of the blue".....I just want to hug them, too.....I think I mentioned awhile back that I was IM-ing with an old friend and I "just happened" to bring up the subject of Adam, that I had just gone to a concert in Vancouver (April), how fabulous he is, etc., etc., and she said "Oh, isn't he the one that's like Liberace????" WTF???!!! (sorry..) I was so stunned that I could hardly think of anything to say, except that obviously she had no idea what she was talking about!!!!!! I couldn't really say that, so I just sort of excused myself from the conversation while I went in another room to compose myself, and then politely tried to educate her a little bit....Can't even begin to imagine where she got THAT idea...Guess I should send her a link to one of the WLL performances....I can guarantee that Liberace will be the LAST thing on her mind.....Think I'll do that right now....And if you hear a giant THUD coming from California, its not an earthquake, its just my friend truly experiencing Adam for the first time....may she RIP-Death by Adam...
GIOW/UK - what the hell...? What's going on over in your fine country?? I am saddened by this news.
Lambrits - where are all of you???? Adam needs your help!!!
I think Glitzylady had a good point tho - once Adam hits your shores again, he will renew interest. People were all over him the first time he went over. But do keep up the fight!
Glitzylady - ha, ha! Loved the story about your friend...let us know how she responds to WLL! This will be a good experiment. :)
- Adam Fix
...glitzylady....loved your message about your friend (Liberace) WTF indeed!!!and felt your warm hug all the way from US thanx...and yes a Hug from Adam would be a Dream xx
Adam Fix.... thanx for your support..can't believe how low i have been over this...but love from my Glamsistas really has helped me cheer up again..
also i did have a great bertday with lots of Adam stuff big thanx for all messages....
anyone know whats happen to cheeza.sherbert.brit fan ?????
funbunn...thanks Glamsista for your message and i am glad you like my UK updates...todays update is that it is raining the first time for months..also its Cowes Week so thousands of very RICH people around showing off their luxury yachts!!!!!
massglamfan..where are you??????
kinda sorta gettin used to this new layout...everything is moving so fast...miss a day and its hard to track back!!!
Loving that Lambert soooooooo much
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Lots of vacations going on...cheeza.sherbert.brit fan was on vacation and trying to get caught up...MGF is on vacation and pops in briefly from time-to-time, HK Fan went on a looong vacation and is still recovering - and I go on vacation next week (YELP!)...Will suffer massive withdrawls, but will try my best to check in from time-to-time, but will have a lot of catching up to do, myself, when I get back!
- Adam Fix
Yes, those vacations are highly disruptive to keeping up with Adam and 24/7....I just bought a Droid phone to keep up with things when I'm away from the computer....Don't know why I didn't think of it sooner!!! Was at the local salon today, waiting for the nails to "dry", and thought, hey, I can check on things right now....woo hoo!!!! so never too far out of touch, except when the family tries to pull a fast one and take me away to some remote location with no service.....like last weekend ....so went through the shakes, the pacing, and other withdrawal symptoms but have fully recovered....phew!!! Again, my sympathy, Adam Fix....And do have fun too!!!
come on GLAMSISTAS....lets be honest we are not really on vacations/holidays...but in ADAM REHAB lol
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Yep still trying to play catch up, especially with all the concert threads on MJSsbigblog. Especially if my husbands home, as I have to try and limit my time on the computer, he already things I spend way too much time on Adam,(and he doesn't know the half of it!), he thinks I'm some kind of sick stalker...
Its official, AL plays HK on oct 12th, hopefully a group of us will go. The other people that should be going aren't really Adam fans, just always go to live concerts so hopefully they'll be converts by the end of the night, or at least understand my obsession.
HK fan
Okay, you are right, was just trying to forget...."vacation" ha!!!...just X number of days of rehab...but it just isn't workin''!!!!! That glam-my and glittery man is just too powerful !!! When he talks about his "wished for" superpower on another more recent thread, little does he know (or at least dare to admit) that he already has a very obvious superpower, that of keeping us permanently under his spell, in spite of the sneaky and useless attempts by family and friends to bring us back to the "real world" of "Before Adam"....that dull and non-sparkley place that none of us want to return to....It didn't seem so bad at the time but now we know!!!
Forgot to say, my comment at 7:06 pm was in response to GIOW at 6:23 pm
And in response to HK fan at 7:00pm
My husband also thinks I spend a "little too much time on Adam"...which can be taken a couple of different ways....either way, I too have to do a lot of my "Adam surfing" when he isn't around...I spend way too much time smiling (a lot...) and laughing and occasionally forget to close my mouth and so then have to explain what all that is about, which usually is better left unsaid....just gives less reason for the above mentioned "rehab" attempts......
glitzylady & HK fan and in fact any Glamsistas
...dont you find our men sometimes hang around the computer when you are typing in another one of our open love letters to Adam and you have to stop and give them the annoying glare..like go away!!!!! then he walks away muttering something about tea being ready and are there any clean clothes!!!WTF...so annoying...can't they see how busy we are!!!!! Loving Adam is a FULLTIME JOB and worth every single second..minute..hour..day..month..year and hopefully Decades of the Delectable Mr Adam Lambert...mmmm yummy
glitzylady...your words are so TRUE re...useless attempts by family and friends to bring us back to the "real world" of "Before Adam"....that dull and non-sparkley place that none of us want to return to....It didn't seem so bad at the time but now we know!!!
it sure does feel like our lives have Truly just begun without Adam what would we do...far too scary to think about
HK fan...your concert fans will be hooked once they set eyes on Adam and hear his Beautiful Voice and then theres the Glambulge!!!!
Berting with Happiness
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
No news from Fan4fun...oh Glamshit lol guess shes in Adam rehab too..
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
***LOL ~ LOL ~ LOL ~ LOL!!***
Oh man, I think this is my favorite thread because - well, because it's almost like I wrote it myself! Glitzylady - I can so relate to everything you said! You crack me up! And GIOW/UK - ha, ha, ha! - I hate when my husband lurks around when I'm trying to look at 24/7, too! And then he tries to TALK to me? WTF! Back off, mister, or I will have to hurt you. Then I turn back to the screen and everything is all happy/glittery again. Oh boy. No - I have not lived in "reality" for a year now. I look forward to gushing with all of you each night! My husband rolls his eyes, but I just say "deal with it - I can't help myself!!".
- Adam Fix
Sorry if the thread police try to put the "brakes" on this one (chat and all...), but now I am absolutely HOWLING with laughter, I identify totally with GIOW's comments re the husband: "the tea is ready and where are the clean clothes????", pretty much word for word the same conversation that happens here on occasion, thousands of miles away (we drink English tea here too-" PG tips" tea and milk) and then comes the comment from me "....What?....oh, I'm sorry, what did you say?...Just a minute (or 30...) I'll be right there.....I'm almost done...." and then the muttering begins.....That's why my most productive moments are late at night....when I can devote my full attention to Adamland and also give the illusion that I am still a resident of "Before Adam" world...We may all live many miles apart (or in the case of Adam Fix and myself, a few miles apart...) but we are all in the same little place....happily residing in two parallel universes that occasionally converge, and then look out, but oh so worth it!!!
hey Glamsistas...i was thinking maybe our menfolk need some Adam REHAB and help with fending for themselves...(like they don't already) lol
i have said this before..if our menfolk behaved the way we do with our Adam Addiction say with Beyonce..Rihanna etc...the plug would be cut off and a fork rammed in the back of computer..dont you agree Glamsistas
what are we like!!!!!!
i cannot think of anything more Blissful than spending the est of my life Loving the Loved one known as ADAM LAMBERT
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Psst...Adam Fix have a great vac/REHAB break xx
Glitzlady whats a droid phone???????????
oops est = rest
@GIOW at 6:45 am
Sorry, should have mentioned a "Droid" or Android, is a brand of mobile phone, similar to iPhone, but not a Mac....the version available through my provider....which does everything but wash the dishes.....(almost..)
And you are right, if my hubby was spending as much time on the computer as I do these days, I'd wonder what was up....not that he'd ever have the opportunity to get on it anyway.....although he is the same guy who stopped to kiss several Wellesley College girls while in the middle of running the Boston Marathon earlier this year so I have a certain amount of "ammunition"...I told him I'd be keeping my eyes open for any similar opportunities....(How many more GlamNation tour concerts are there???????....... So far I have tickets to three more.......ever the optimist.....)
the obsession is still on... continue to rock them down.......
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