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Adam Lambert on on Kidd Kraddick

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Urethra_Franklin said...


Anonymous said...

No kidding... Adam DOES NOT LIP SING! So true, AI is never the same after Adam! Adam left such a high benchmark that no one else could ever outdo Adam!

Neil is quite a funny guy. He should go on showbiz as well... ah, on the 2nd thought maybe not he doesn't like fans as much... lol

Thanks for doing interviews Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

That was too short, I am sure they talked a lot more. Loved it, Never heard Neil actually being interviewed with Adam. It was great, I felt short changed, there must be more lol.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 24/7... have seen this interview/these clips floating around all day - don't have time to keep up w/ all BB's "stuff" - thanks for making it easier :).


ps. OFF TOPIC - Hey Adam Fix -
saw your other post about being busy with getting your little guy off to school... lawdy it's such a big deal nowadays to get young school age kids all set to go in September - sheesh!! When I went to school it was a few new clothing items, a few #2 pencils and a notebook and we were good to go, LOL... and that really wasn't all that long ago!! Geez what a production it is nowadays huh?! I've been crazed w/ the same sort of thing :), good stuff 'though, love my babies!! Anyway, I figured you were busy with that (and squeezing in that last bit of summer fun!) and not that you were "away"... and was especially hoping that you weren't "away" at another round of rehab 8^)!! Ha Ha. Love your comments as always...even if they are few and far between sometimes :).

Urethra_Franklin said...

Didnt I read somewhere that Neil was a child actor? Like in commercials or something?? Anybody know what he did?

glitzylady said...

Yes, I think that was true about Neil being in commercials, in fact Adam was also in a commercial or two, but I think Neil was more in demand at that things change....I remember that Adam talked about that in an interview at some point..

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:27 -- I believe that the full audio interviews are on previous posts on this site.

Urethra_Franklin said...

This is always a fun interview with Neil to revisit from time to time. ;)

Anonymous said...

@6:27 - This is the title of the other thread here on 24/7 where the longer audio portions are up: "Adam Lambert Interview on Kidd Kraddick". It's a few threads back. MGF.

The Dark Side said...

Great interview. Funny stuff. Who asked what they paid to blow smoke up Adam's ass? Happy Adam has Neil along with him--sure it makes things much easier/nicer for him.

Anonymous said...

All the ppl. that tweeted 'they would definitely not be listening today and thanks for the heads up" sure missed a good time! Loved how casual they all were! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

When I listened to the audio a few threads back, didn' hear Neil at all.This ended too soon. Would love to see all of Neil and Adam's exchange. It probably was Neil asking "How much are they paid to blow smoke up Adam's beautiful butt[my words, as it is beautiful]lol Thanks Urethra_Franklin for other Neil link and I didn't know that Neil and Adam had been in commercials or that Neil had done any acting. Would love to see them if they still exist. Glitzylady, do you know how old they were at the time? This was a great long interview. I could listen to Adam and Neil all day long. They are total opposites, but I'm sure they are very proud and loyal to each other and being on this tour can be a real bonding experience and the opportunity to respect each other's talents. Glad they will always have each other. Neil can be so funny. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Nice to see hair is growing back...I know
I'm obsessed...but I love his thick black hair

Anonymous said...

Love the videos and the Brotherhood!

glitzylady said...

@funbunn40 1:38 am

Okay, I went back into my "Adam Lambert Trivia" (stashed away in my head somewhere...) and remembered that the LA Times Idol Tracker "Adam Lambert the Ultimate Interview Part I, the Early Years"...on Aug. 4th, 2009...article contained a quote by Adam that he and Neil had done auditions in LA around the time Adam was 11 and Neil was around 7 or so I suppose...for acting jobs, commercials, etc.. He said Neil "got a ton of jobs.." but Adam only got one commercial for Century 21 Real Estate, in which he got to take a whole day off of school which he thought was pretty cool...and by the way, if anyone is interested, you can go to the LA times archives to read the whole 4 part article is quite in depth and gives a lot of info...up to August 2009...all the way from his conception (!) on his parents honeymoon on up....

Anonymous said...

Wish Neil would grown his hair back!

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady. Thankyou so much for the info!! You're a wealth of amazing Adam gooddies!!! Guess I won't get much done today, as I have my Adam fix mission to attend to! You're the best!!! funbunn40

glitzylady said...


You are more than welcome...It's nice that my head full of trivia can be put to good use...I'm very good at a game of "Trivial Pursuit", BTW!!!! LOL! I just remembered that series was so interesting...Hope you enjoyed it...and learned a few tidbits...And back at you...!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Glitzlady! Here's that link:


Anonymous said...

Here's part II:

Part III:

Part IV"


glitzylady said...


Thanks for posting that info...makes it easier to find!!!