Tweet of The Day
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Thursday, March 31, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, March 31, 2011

CLICK HERE to watch Adam's performance of "Rock'n Roll All Night" with rock band KISS.

Just for fun, which performance did you enjoy more?
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"Beth" made me cry like a baby. Tears of happiness because he sounded like an angel. <3
What does rock and roll have to do with being totally obnoxious at a party you crashed!!! I'll accept he went with the SS, but if any portion of Hilton's tale is true, Adam made a total ass of himself. His performances two years ago are not relevant. What he's doing now to establish his reputation are .
Perez actually implies Adam was on drugs as well as booze. Didn't take Adam long to fall. How can he party continually and work to produce a new album? I agree he should enjoy fruits of his labor--so to speak--but he's getting into scary territory.
I know Perez is a jerk, but the main question is whether what he says is true, or partially true. If it is, Adam does need to clean up his act. I can't believe that sweet sensitive Adam has already created this reputation. Not good.
anon 9:42PM, I knew it was just a matter of time until Adam had this serious meltdown.I watched that tube video of him at that Vevo Hotel Party, Tommy was even on the bed egging him on. It was horrid, just horrid I tell you.
For goodness sake! If you are TRUE fans you need to accept the fact the man is not a super-human demi-god - he is an ordinary person - entitled to let off steam and have a life!
Its people like Perez that pull stars down. You hear the people interviewed on television laughing about what is said about them. It just makes me laugh that some people will just believe anything that is said without even knowing the facts. Especially when you are a fan. I would just wait and see if Adam is as bad as some are saying he is going to be. I have only heard good things about Adam he is partying a bit but I hardly think we should condemn him just yet.
Chill all he did was get a little drunk and embarrass himself a little no one got hurt its not the end of the world.
9:50 - the Vevo Hotel Party was Adam ACTING! It was all scripted!! Good Grief! And 9:42 - it was only that stupid Perez that said Adam wasn't invited to Gaga's party - how does he know??? You people are ridiculous! Get a life and stop being so judgmental! Are you perfect???
Chill all he did was get a little drunk and embarrass himself a little bit he didn't hurt anyone or anything just had a little to much to drunk not a big deal it will be forgotten in a day or two
9.42 p.m. were you at this party? How do you know he was totally obnoxious at this party. If you think that Perez Hilton tells the gospel truth, think again. This is how he makes his living by dishing on stars etc. So I am sure he is totally unbiased ha ha. I don't even think the man was at the party but I am not sure about that.
So what even if it is true its not a big deal he just got drunk happens to a most everyone at some point.
at 10:10pm this is 9:50pm I know it was scripted I was just trying to be as ridiculous as 9:42pm. Gee, a girl can't have fun
@9:50 LOL I get your humor and appreciate! Obviously some people dont got a sense of humor and need to lighten up!
I am 9:42, and you could not find a more enthusiastic and passionate Adam fan. No, I don't believe anything I read and very little of what I hear. And trust me, I know all about Perez Hilton. No I wasn't at the party.
Perez implied Adam was on something more than alcohol. Do we know for sure? Of course now, and I choose to give Adam the benefit of the doubt. That is where I think Perez crossed the line. The innuendo does damage.
It is not just fun and games when you get thrown out of a Gaga party. Gaga!!! Come on!!! She doesn't have strict rule, ya think??!?!? Is it true? I don't know, do you? Perez says it is, and he was there. Is he lying? Maybe, maybe not.
Adam said he jammed his hand through the ceiling. How do you do that? I don't begrudge him one second of fun. However, he also needs to use some judgment.
You can disagree and think it's OK for him to let off steam, do drugs, consume high quantites of alcohol, act obnoxious to the point of getting thrown out of a Gaga party. I don't. Again, I don't know if it's true. I hope not.
Adam surely was in heaven because Sauli came to the USA again! One party there, another party there and Saulis´s b-day. One drink there, another drink there. Adam was having a great weekend and got a bit wild. Nobody´s hurt and life goes on. Rock´n´Roll! Adam has a heart of gold and Mr Perez Hilton should look at a mirror himself!
10:33 but you certainly go on about it as if it true. You condemn Adam as if it is true. My mum always taught me never to believe anything bad that was said about anyone unless you see it or hear it or know the source that it comes from. I do not think Adam is perfect but I could be pretty sure that it didn't happen exactly as Perez said as I know the source.
I think it's all OK but he almost hit that guy down below when he threw the TV out the window and that is unforgivable AND who is going to pay for that hotel romm?
I sure wouldn't want some of the fans Adam has. We will never know everthing about him, even if he is very open about his life. Why not wait until more comes out. We may hear from GaGa, after all she likes him. Why didn't anyone else say anything? They had time to make a statement, only "snake" Perez did>
Adam will never be what each fan expects him to be. He'd end up in a Psycho ward if he tried to please everyone.
Gosh people he is human, not a saint. Are any of us perfect? NO, we are not.
The above video is fun, enjoy!
@anon 10:41 PM!
Joking? Right?
10:41. I said several times in my 10:33 comment that we don't know if it's true of not. Even though Perez is an a**hole, and I don't like what he does, what he says generally turns out to be true.
Getting drunk is not the problem. The issue--IF IT IS TRUE--is getting tossed from Gaga's party.
None of us are perfect, but you already know that. And how can YOU be sure it didn't happen like Perez stated. What lies has he previously stated or published? Has he been sued? Who won?
I'm finished with this discussion. I have spent thousands of dollars going to many Adam concerts and buying multiple copies of everything Adam has produced. I don't have entitlement over what he does. But I do have the right and obligation to have an opinion as do all of you.
Keep in mind that I --like you-- want the best for Adam. I want him to stay focused on the prize as Madonna said.
OMG. Perez has created a big bitch storm. I'm seeing "Lady Gaga kicks Adam out of party" headline in a lot of entertainment sites...
Argh. Stupid Perez. He needs to find another victim. Leave Adam Lambert alone.
Seriously- don't you think this story would have surfaced before now if it were true, or lots of tweets about it the night of the party? someone besides perez would have commented on it. Really would Adam go that drunk to the party of his idol, or would anyone with him allow him to go if he was incredibly drunk? Why no comment or pics of his leaving? no tweets of his getting "kicked out"I am hoping this is Perez's April fools joke, why would he be so sleezy, even for him, to report on a story almost a week later, I thought they were psuedo friends? Didn't Adam go to Gaga's concert on Sunday (I think Sunday) and sit in VIP boxes? this whole thing doesn't make any sense. Yes Adam drinks so do most 29 year old men, but this story is just a little far fetched. I guess I will believe it when Adam comfirms it and not believe the tales Perez spins no one else has weighed in on this have they? haven't seen any other comments.
@10:41 PM
Oh for goodness sakes! Did you not read the part about the TV being thrown out the window was because THAT WAS A "VEVO" COMMERCIAL! Sorry but geez! Please don't confuse a scripted advertisement for real life! Thats the way false rumors get started! Here is the link!!
Perez wasn't even at Gagas party, as it was the same night as his own birthday party. So he certainly isn't reporting fact but hearsay.
A story can be slanted any way just depends on who is telling the story. Go over in your mind something you have done in the past. Then think about how the telling of this would sound by someone who was a bit mean spirited and wanted to get hits for his blog etc. and hadn't had any interesting news lately. Then think of this same story as told by your mother or a friend.
Sauli and sis picture
Well I'm sure Perez is happy.
This story has been picked up from articles all over including the UK and Oz. Wow with friends like Perez who needs enemies.
Okay...ON TOPIC here:
I really loved BETH and was So proud of Adam up there in front of millions around the world..He looked fabulous and was finally able to be himself a little more..Win or "lose" he was the star of the show that night. He brought tears to my eyes.
Off Topic:
IF what is being said is true,even partly, and I don't believe parts of it at all, I would guess Adam is rather embarrassed at best, and mortified at the very worst. I also think whatever happened, his "friend" Perez is a pill, to say the very least. I think Perez was wrong to imply he crashed the party..because he did not, from what we have heard, and also to imply there was anything more than alcohol involved, when he doesn't know that, just a snarky remark. And I would also venture a guess that this will have an impact on Adam, both personally and possibly professionally, no matter WHAT happened . To listen to Perez Hilton as the gospel of all that happened that night is ludicrous at best. And by the way, I don't think Adam is a perfect saint or a god, who can do no wrong. What fun would that be?? I just hope he takes care of himself and also never sets foot near Perez Hilton again. I hate trash journalism of all is demeans the soul and trashes people for the stupidest things, often wrongly. There are some who probably deserve it ( I won't mention any names..but we all know a few..), but I have unfortunately seen many instances where it was just plain mean and hurtful...and undeserved. I can think of a lot worse things to happen than to get drunk, act sort of silly, and embarrass yourself..come to think of it, I think I might have done that a time or two myself..just not in front of Perez Hilton...Waiting to hear what Adam might have to say about this, if he does. Guessing he has already spoken to Lady Gaga if there was a reason to do so, and he will be paying for the ceiling repair (we know that part about putting his fist through the ceiling is true..). Private party, should have stayed private.
I suppose if ANY of this is true, it might not be in Adam's best interest to comment anymore than he already has. The thing that worries me most about this mess isn't what Perez H says, but that (allegedly) this story is confirmed by another person who WAS there. At least that is what the tabloid sites are claiming. Of course, no idea who this mystery person is. I really hope this didn't happen. It's one thing to party and have a good time, but quite another to get so sloppy and obnoxious that you are asked to leave. Oh well, I guess it could be least he didn't puke on the birthday girl! (Kidding here, a little levity...don't kill me!)
Adam :
1 ) is beautiful, extremely sexy guy
2 ) is talented and successful artist
3 ) has found genuine love in his life and the guy is in town
4 ) there´s happy pictures about the 2 everywhere
5 ) didn´t go to Pere´z birthday party
Perez :
1 ) writes a trashy gossip column
2 ) has had a one-sided crush on Adam and is now very bitter about it.. he doesn´t have anyone else either since no one wants to date him...........
3 ) has been known to exaggerating/ making stuff up
4 ) had a very little guests in his own party.. wonder why ??
Summary :
I think it is kinda obvious what´s going on..
Bitter Perez was trying to trash Adam even a little bit, but I don´t think its working..
Maybe if Adam was a schoolboy it would, but he isn´t... he´s a rockstar :-) <3
Every thing Perez says about Adam just draws more attention to Adam and his work. His record sales are gonna go up like crazy!! :-) And that is, if this has any effect at all..
Actually I hope it was true or atleast never corrected.. Then pp, will keep talking about it and Adam will be conversation topic until the fall when his next album is due to be published.
If Perez really wanted to pull Adam to the gutters ( where Perez lives permanently ), he shoulda gone with the old classics :
1 Adam sexually harassed a minor
2 Adam assaulted somebody
3 There was a proof he was doing drugs ( " Adam Lambert offered me cocaine in mensroom but I said no " :-D )
4 He was insulting women
Try to shape up Perez, that´s not a way to make someone look bad!!
And I´m sure Lady Gaga didn´t mind at all, she´s probably laughing at this whole thing :-)
I SURE don't believe most of what Perez says..I think he just wants to stir up things cause he may have had a slow news week(lol ??)I believe what Adam posted on his twitter page & NOT anything else unless Adam himself posts more.People,do some of you really believed that Vevo commercial was what happened??That is really rediculous!!Go watch it again(link above some place)It was filmed in Jan 2010,I think & was ( of course) scripted..I like Beth the best,BTW,& if you want to vote for Adam again for idol of the month,( change the very end of the link to 04) whole link is
PerezHilton Perez Hilton
@adamlambert Ha! :-)
7 hours ago
this is an interesting tweet!
Have read a few of the news articles, all the comments so far have been positive. Good article about it from the Real Steve Gray. And @anon 12.57 that is a very strange tweet from Perez
Good god people! This has nothing to do with Adam being perfect. THis is what a person who has life does. Have fun with friends. Don't believe whatever Perez says, he is a leach and he makes his butter N bread out of gossip. Period!
Adam is an adult and he will do whatever he wants and we have no right to judge him, it is his life. If he wants to Drink, Bottoms up baby! It just kills me you all believe what Perez has to say, Perez is an idiot who called Will I am an 'N' word and he denied it later on. Are you saying Perez is to be trusted??? Perez is a blogger who takes naked pics of teenagers. He is a bully and this is what he does. I just can't stand that guy and what a disgrace to the gay community. He goes on ellen and promises he won't bully anyone and there he goes trash talks people. Way to go Perez! And it makes me LMAO seeing him consider himself an A-list celebrity and tryin to associate his name with Lady Gaga, Britney and the likes. What an idiot. I hope somebody kicks his miserable ass one day.
"What an idiot. I hope somebody kicks his miserable ass one day." Somneone did and remember how he cried about it on tv?
PH was scorned by Adam since Adam was with Fergie who he hates and did not attend PH Blue Ball- Remember the Black Eye Peas had a brawl with PH and he was crying on his blog!
PH attended Adam's birthday party, but Adam was snapped everywhere over the weekend except PH's party--scorned queen alert!
anywho....Gaga got kicked out by the Yankees last year remember that story
After watching the above video the first time, I forgot all about the lies spread about the Amazing One by ???? cvan't even remember his name.
Did anyone else notice that KA was in the Idol audience tonight? He WAS introduced by Seacrets after all.
@ anon 1:36 AM
Not everyone here believes everything Perez Hilton says...just wanted to point that out.
Adam's tweet had to have been about the "Rock Band" by the four guy contestants on Idol tonight. I was blinded again by Paul's teeth!
I don´t think this will hurt him att all. But I must say, shouldn´t magazines check with Adam before printing anything coming from Perez? They all just write his story word for word without questions asked. I havn´t read all of them, don´t want to give them hits.
It´s a new month. Let´s keep Adam on top on Faxo. If that´s the only place we vote, it won´t take up much of our time. If you want to help me keep Melinda Doolittle up there too, I would be pleased.
i really don't think Adam and Gaga are the same type.
but unluckily he didnot know!
he is excited with her b-party, but she is not willing to see him there.
and how can u imagine a woman shed herself with fresh blood on the stage cannot enjoy a cook smearing during the party?
the BIGGEST lesson Adam should get is
DON'T make friends before knowing them...
not Gaga not PH
We all hear comment´s is it from perez or anyone else in the way we "want to hear"
to me perez comment " whatever he was on to" as we know Adam has been very excited and been working so hard to get free time with Sauli (metdown or not he was totally titled to get some steam off ) what he was on to was LOVE and Excitement...
But if we want to find something negative of any comments presented from whoever´s mouth we see and find it no matter of what ..
I have been tweeting lately and i can see this happening all the times with crays.. its a bit amusing, irritating in some point , but also i have laughted my AOFF most of the time..
We shouldn´t think all as negative point of view but surely IMHO Perez should make a statement what he actually meant about it, to avoid missunderstandings etc.. World is a cruel place..
sorry about typos if any .. i am in a rush ;)
I must've been under a rock today because this Perez stuff is news to me.
Adam tweeted about Lady Gaga's birthday concert which indicates to me that he was invited.
Folks, it is April Fools Day so Perez obviously thinks he's being funny when he only is the almighty fool.
Birthday party and concert are two different things. Party on the 28/3, concert 29/3.
If Adam did horrible in that party, for sure the cops has been called!!!!!right!!!
I'm just gonna stare at
adams picture and give him a big hug!!!
Peace and Love to all the fans who rwally cares about him....
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Adam is living his life like a rock star, now lets celebrate this as he has achieved one of his goal. Can't remember which interview he said that before. Has Adam ever let us down in any of his performances? Judge yourself. He is a workaholic, making himself the biggest star in this universe is his goal, a few parties and drink will not affect him at all.
TWEET ADAM! TWEET! Inquiring minds want to know the truth! Please everyone stay calm!! Adam will be ok. How many of us have had some drinks and made a fool of ourselves? His episode just happens to be blown up by idiot Perez and of course plastered on my MSN page! Ugh!! Be a good boy Adam! You can act silly on occasion but don't make it a habit. That's all. Love you all the time!!!
P.S. On the other hand, Adam needs to be careful because the press will twist everything around to make it sound like these celebs. are a mess! I am currently watching the Today show before work and they are getting ready to devote a whole segment to Lindsey Lohan falling on the sidewalk and I am sure they will twist it into a drunken episode!!! UGH!! No matter if she was drunk or not, really? really? Is this the only news they have for today? It's crazy!! Have a great day all!
I'm in line with the very first poster.
Some of you people really need to get a fucking life. Some of YOU are worse than the douchebag.
Can't we get past Perez's crap?! This site is full of it and to make matters worse, there are people who actually believe this lunacy, and there are others who are being totally sanctimonious about it. NO ONE IS PERFECT!!
Adam has probably received a gazillion tweets by now, some nice, some oh so nasty.
Let it go!!!
@Urethra_Franklin .... absolutely.
It´s April 1 today. This is funny. Now we can joke about the "incident". (The Adam/Gaga duet):
Every one needs to stop being so gullible. PH got just what he wanted. He tweaked what happened just to get this kind of reaction. PH is a total idiot and a two faced person. We all know what a good person Adam is ,so he had a little too much and acted somewhat foolish, but he's human. We need to stand by Adam and know how many rumors are started by trash like PH. Karma will get PH and Adam will be fine. He was always so focused at his concerts not drunk like other artists and know he is working hard on the next album. Let's all stay positive!
" Urethra_Franklin said...
Some of you people really need to get a fucking life. Some of YOU are worse than the douchebag. "
.. are you coming on to us ? <3 :-)
What does it matter what happened? If you are a fan of Adam you are fan. Stop this bullshit and be a FAN! If he got drunk and actually did what Perez said (which I don't believe by the way)so what. It doesn't stop me loving him.!
My God Eva!!!!!!!!!
I visited your link and there was info about Adam´s #2 WORLD TOUR starting right after the second album (out in May). Is it an Aprils Fools Joke??? Now stop talking about PH and let us get focused to that!!! This may be a Joke. I do not know really. Does anybody know!??? Please!!
I think Adam means the Rainbow's classic from the 70's.. :)
@Anon April 1, 2011 1:53 AM who said "... Adam was snapped everywhere over the weekend except PH's party--scorned queen alert!..."
PH only hurting himself, **just ADD this to the list of items that any A or B-lister (hate those terms, but is easy QUICK reference at the moment) who might have previously considered allowing PH near them will now keep firmly in mind when being potentiall involved in any interaction with him! This is just another item that PH is putting in his own way in terms of being taken seriously, in ANY capacity, in the entertainment arena. Remember when PH was on Idol, a HUGE platform for him (always wondered how he got that deal) promoting a young new artist (probably most of you don't remember, lol, and that's part of the point I guess, lol), anyway, apparently a failure at a LEGITIMATE venture of PH in the entertainment industry... and things like this certainly won't encourage industry insiders and A/B listers to warm up to Perez... not knocking Perez necessarily, he does what many do to make a living, I just think that if he seems to want a more legitimate place in the industry, things like this aren't the way to go about that, and I wonder why he wouldn't think it through more and make better and more savvy business decisions for himself? Whatever, almost feel badly for the guy.
Adam is smart, no worries there!
Adam is having wayyyy more fun than PH !! He's a big boy who can take care of himself AND he doesn't take himself too seriously. He's got his boy with him and is working on new music and parrrtying's all good !
@sixona, ditto. OMG ditto!
Maybe PH & Mike Catherwood can get a drink together sometime
New wonderful pics of Adam and Sauli leaving Gaga's concert:
Can somebody bring them here. I don't know how to do it.
It´s Aprils fool. Of course it´s a joke. Read about Adam and Gagas duet, with maximum security and high ceilings.
Yes, just went back to the "great news" and realised it was a Joke... Oh me... I feel myself a total fool!!!!
@Sanni LOL
You should look up on Aprils fool. All that "news" were too good to be true. :-)
A pic of Sauli and Katri at Adams house. At least that is what it said.
I have been jumping the whole day from one thread to another because of that PH thing. Now I´m so exhausted that this fooling happened to me. Nobody in my office could fool me before. I need a cup of black coffee now. Sigh!
Sanni (head inside a brown paper bag)
Just turned on the radio this morning and heard WWFM. Then the dj said: Did you hear that Adam Lambert was thrown out of Gaga's birthday party. So it's started. I was just glad there was nothing added about him being drunk and punching a hole in the ceiling(this coming from the PH story). Adam has just about gotten over all the stories about that AMA performance and the cancellation of his appearance by ABC and GMA. Now this story will just add more fuel to the fire. Adam is always described as talented, smart, articulate and charming. He is an adult and should know what he is doing, but stories like this do nothing to make him more acceptable and legitimate in the music industry and to the public who will buy his cds. He has too much to lose. So let's hope it was a one time incident(if it did happen),and that Adam gets back to working on his new album and his developing relationship with Sauli. We know that Adam is not perfect, not a saint, but gossip like this will not help in advancing his career. Keep your eye on the prize Adam.
@Sanni - you are just too adorable.
@Eva - Hey BFF, enjoy reading you as always! (and actually, just fyi, a few days ago I was rushing and posted in haste w/out my tag a couple times, don't even remember what thread it was anymnore... and when I went back later - guess what - YOU had responded to BOTH my untagged comments favorably and in agreement basically, HA, funny... guess we really are meant to be BFF's, lol. Thanks for the "fresh" viewpoint you bring here (27yo right?). And hey Eva, I think you follow such things-did Neil or Eber tweet about you know what? Do you know by any chance? Gotta run but I'll check back later just in case you reply.
On-Topic: Beth - the eyebrow - gaahh, I need that image on a chip implanted in my brain so I can go to a "happy place" instantaneously any time I want/need :).
Please, please stop the dooom and gloom! It´s depressing and THIS will not help Adams image. Stop worrying for Gods sake! This is Adam F***ing Lambert and he will do just fine!
oops - just ONE MGF necessary :)... holy frick, one is enough!! Yikes ;)
I KNOW we are meant to be BFFs. Could that thread be when I had a posting frenzy? Spent a whole day at work posting here.
No, Neil and Eber have not tweeted about the "issue". Neil is Vietnam. What the hell is he doing there? Planting rice and putting out fishnets and travelling by bus at night bouncing off the bed thrice (compairing that to his four month on the road). He is not telling what mission he is on.
Out of pure loyalty I sign twice.
You are gorgeous, even in a paper bag.
I want the Beth eyebrow image tattooed inside my eyelids. I could stand the pain just to have him there.
...if Adam was so beyond blind drunk "and maybe on something else" how did he remember and tweet about hitting the ceiling...... tuck your blue balls Hilton
Why some of you are so worry, it is not the end of the world. Adam is getting gazillion press attention by partying wild . Lots of people in Gaga BD but only Adam make it to the headline in the same level as the superstar Gaga. Cool! People don't know him now will check on him and find about his AMAZING live GNC concert. Win/win!!! Don't forget he has the best voice out there in the music world!!!
@Eva =D Sanni
do NOT even click on the blogosphere articles w/ the ridic headlines... DON'T EVEN CLICK ON THEM!!!!! Go request Billboard Aftermath Remix to your local station instead! Or request WWFM or IIHY to a station that you know has played them in your area in the recent past!
Perez doesn't keep to the truth. Do you guys remember this (I'm not leaving a link):
Adam Lambert, you horn dog! Ha!
The American Idol contestant was spotted last night attending Cavalia - you know, the thing with the horses that Larry King is always raving about on those effing posters all over El Lay - with one of his back-up dancers (above) with whom he's been previously linked romantically!
Which would be all well and good, if he hadn't been spotted the night BEFORE hand-in-hand with former Finnish Big Brother contestant Sauli Koskinen!
That scoundrel!
LOLz! We're jealous!
Best of luck, bb! And in the immortal words of our most beloved Snooki - "Get it in!"
I'm just amazed how tabloids can use him as a reliable source of information!!!!????? And yes " LOLz! We're jealous!" you are.
Jealousy rules PH's every move, IMO. I'm being quite serious, my pov. He really should work to get a better grip on that, it's destructive to the advancement of his own legit interests in the entertainment industry, poor thing.
And with Adam Lambert specifically, I really do believe on top of jealousy, desire comes into play. Oops, sorry Perez, didn't mean to get you going with that "on top" phrasing... just another thing that will never happen for you with AFL. Poor thing. #frustration. ;)
@ daydreamin
That is a pic of Sauli and his co-host Katri. I am sure his sis is not over here right now.
Back to positive. Here is a new fan video of Adam and Sauli:
his voice is stunning on Beth. I do hope he goes in a rock direction with his new music.
I hear Kesha suppose to come visit Adam in May. she has an invite while doing a show in LA.
Ronnie this is 10:41pm I was kidding. Just got back to the site, sorry it took so long to answer you.
@8:18- you know I think you may be right- feelin much better now thanks.
Don't follow PH and don't visit his site. No hits. Pass it on.
Adam's voice was out of this world on Beth and We're the Champion on AI finale. His t.v. performances after Idol: I love Sleepwalker & IIHY on Jay Leno and couple of his live performances of WWFM with full band production.
I just hope there's not a single person on this site who hasn't purchased GLAMNATION DVD. If you haven't, what are you waiting for. This DVD is the best thing since...just the best thing ever. Walmart Has It and many other places. Go out NOW and buy it and watch it. If you're a true Adam fan, do this. Then go out and buy some more for your friends and neighbors. You won't be sorry. Your smile will still be there next week!!!
E news says the rumors are not true and Adam's reps are saying the same thing.
I mean Gaga's rep
I voted for Beth on the poll. Every now and again I watch that bit on repeat. Just loved the whole look, sound.....and that little eyebrow lift at the end!
my gosh of course it's not true!!!!
We will see lots of pictures of what happened that night if he was really acting bad right????
So please just be understanding and ignore PH.
Just celebrate the goodwill and it will get better.....
Adam is a big boy and he can't please everyone.
Mom from Toronto, Canada
I was just gonna also say that E! News said that the rumor( that Perz told) it NOT true..They only quoted what Adam tweeted & that's all.PH is such a liar!!!Please keep voting for Adam for idol of the month..Thanks.
I liked "Rock'n Roll All Night" better.. I'm in the minority apparently.
I posted this on the Twitter Updates thread but here it is here too:
E news Talking about Lady Gaga's peeps saying Adam was NOT kicked out of her party. Positive tone to the report. Nice...
@Carlos, I vote with you. . . . . Adamluv
Oh yes, the Beth eyebrow....truly the work of a master showman........JAK . ^
Does anybody really believe Perez Hilton is capable of telling the whole truth???
Ladies, please, forget about all of this sh... about Perez, B-day parties, whatever!
This is the"Long Live Rock n' Roll!" This is Adam and Kiss! Blast, Glam, the show you saw just once! And we will remeber it forever!
Put GNL back in your DVD players! Mine is still there! And Rock all night and day!!!!
We are Glamberts, and We are the Champions!
Eva and MGF - loved your exchange on here! LOL!
The eyebrow lift...oh YES. Oh my. My oh my. Will not soon forget it.
- Adam Fix
Sorry but i can't really choose from these two stellar performances. Beth showcasing Adam's immaculate voice and the other enjoying his rock side. When AIS8 was just over i found myself watching both before going to bed, including WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS. To me that finale was the greatest way to end Adam's concert on tv from january to may even when he didn't take home the title because i was prepared for that. Besides he has already proven to the world that he deserved it more than anyone else but it wasn't allowed to happen. Just to be able to watch him perform with those legendary bands was the icing on the cake. I for one never doubted that he will someday be iconic and he is doing just fine headed towards that direction. Adam is so full of talent that he can no longer be ignored by the music world. He has already made his mark and history will be kinder to Adam Mitchel Lambert!
@ Bing, I totally agree with you! I love both for different reasons, but Beth pulls at my heart strings. His voice is so pure and clear. Every time I click on these wonderful links I get so sidetracked on youtube watching videos of Adam I've seen numerous times, but can't help myself. So glad they're there for us to go back and savor. funbunn40
The Vevo commercial mentioned above earlier on this thread with Adam throwing the tv out the window is a classic example of how easy it is to have things misconstrued as fact. Someone actually believed Adam threw it out the window when it was a scripted commercial. If that person tells another that doesn't know any better, that negativity gets passed around like the old game of telephone and Adam's good name gets "besmirched!" [Sorry, I love that word. It makes me laugh and I'll use it any chance I get! lol] Glitzylady mirrored my thoughts way back on this thread.Listen to all sides and the truth most likely is in the middle. Where's Neil when we need him! Wish he would write a blistering blog on the credibility and motives of the pulp fiction writer, Perez. I'm done with this whole mess now. Time for a serenade by Adam.. funbunn40
I could not make up my mind, but BETH is beautiful. There is also "We Are the Champions" that he sang with KA where he just blows KA out of the water vocally.
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