Adam Lambert and Tommy signing autographs after Concert in Indiana
Filed Under (pictures,tour news ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Credit Twitter : HannaBec
Thanks to danilo85
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Tommy looks totally Rad in these picts. He's got that whole glam thing going on. That security guard looks familar. Does he travel with the GNT as their lead sec. guy? Can't comment too much on BB as his hat is covering his face. Was this the concert that VEVO was taping? Questions, questions, and more questions. Guess I'll wander over to Fan Site and seek some answers--maybe.
OK, Tommy looks more feminine than Adam... IMO! I don't know, maybe I'm seeing things or I'm
Did anyone else's background color of this site change to charcoal? It kind of matches Tommys makeup..
You know that old game about - if you were going to be marooned on an island and you could take just one thing etc...
If I was going to be marooned on an island and could bring only one thing with me... it would be Adam Lambert
If I was on Death Row and was granted that one last meal of my choosing before my execution... it would be Adam Lambert
If I was offered the power to bring about World Peace OR Adam's Piece... okay, okay, I'd choose World Peace... but it would take me a minute to think about it... and I wouldn't be happy about it!!
Love these pix of BB. Thanks as always 24/7.
MGF ;)
I love Tommy more than Adam. (I know, don't attack me!)
I think Tommy can easily become a rock star of his own but I want him to gain experience with Adam for now.
MGF, I'm with you! Tough choices, but Adam rules!lol Beautiful pics of Tommy! He really is a sight to behold and I get his fans loving him too. funbunn40
Cute pics.
This gray is hard for me to READ....
But great pics of Tommy J....
Adam is not feminine looking and neither is Tommy! Those remarks really tick me off! I find the new background very difficult to read the comments. Thought it was just my computer since I've had trouble for a couple of days reading comments. Straining on the eyes. Adamluv
I love this background! The focus here should not be on our comments but on Adam Lambert!!!
Tommy is such a white skinny flat all can have him yukkkkkkkkkkk
HA! Tommy’s too good looking for his own good..
I don’t think I have ever said anything about the layout of this site, even if there were a few which I didn't like... (the present one I dislike the most). I did like the previous one though. But all these changes... are tiring and I’m.. lost. Are you people trying to please everyone here or just yourself? I’m sorry but that’s way too maniacal for me (and I am myself a little bit maniacal). However, I really, really thank you for this and I do hope you’ll keep this one. It might actually help me to get on with my life! I’ve been spending way too much time on this site.. for months now.
Apart from the layouts frenzy this is a very good blog. I really enjoyed ‘meeting’/reading you all and I might stop by now and then.. to say hi. You (most of you :-)) are nice, funny (to hilarious) and very smart people.
Love you. :-o :-) :-)
GLB, dont quite understand why you are leaving this site? Please dont since we need thoughtful, smart commentators and I always enjoy what you have to say and that you think enuf of this site to not be ANON! Please stay. Adamluv
Tommy looks great. But the background is sooty.
Off Topic:
@GLb - hope you at least stop by now and then, as you say, and post w/ your tag. (and I hope you enjoy reclaiming some of your life :), good luck with that, lol, BB's pull is strong). I am facing some changes myself and will probably be commenting in an ebb and flow manner (very "FLOW" right now, sorry I've been such a long-winded gas bag 24/7 peeps, I think I'm coming up on an "ebb" period shortly so I'm lettin' it all hang out right now, my apologies everyone, use scroll function, I'll never know, lol) but I do still want to participate, I hope you find that yourself GLb and stay around, if even only stopping by now and then.
MGF...Your 10:19 posting is a "classic".
Seriously, it's like something that should be written on one of those motivational wall posters (you know the ones they make for big companies).
I know nothing personall about you, but I have enjoyed your postings, and hope that you'll at least visit from time to time.
Tommy sucks no freaking talent,don't know why Adam hired him.Adam let Tommy go you don't need him.PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GLB and MGF, I know this site is so consuming and taking us away from living life, mine big time, but it's also been a wonderful connection experience. Hope you won't be away too much, as there would be a big empty spot! Guess we all need to pace ourselves, so hard when there is so much Adam and glamily to share. Anon.1:46,Why so mean-spirited? Appears that that you have deeper issues than Tommy to be that negative. Monte being the musical director approves of his musical ability and Adam being the perfectionist that he is, expects all musicians to have the talent to back him up. I would say their judgement has more professional credibility than a remark that "Tommy sucks." Seems more like a personal issue. funbunn40
Looks like someone got into "Daddy's" makeup
Pic # 1.....What are those beads on Adam's shoulder...a gift from a fan maybe?
I'm sorry but Tommey don't attract me at all =\ , Adam is gorgeous xD really made me sad that he shaved the other side T_T
But if he like it it's ok with me
This is Adam news site if you love tommey more go and make your own site =\
anyone agree ? =\
I think the ultimate pretty boy hair now is very short from the sides and it should be shaved from the back too. The top hair is long and styled up like a pompadour. Hard do describe, but it looks very fash.
I'm on the edge of being outta here too because for two years I have been enjoying Adam -- his voice, his presence, his dignity, noting the way he interacts with people and the industry. HE has been inspiring AND instructional to many and I think he is a VERY bright and admirable man. But all this Tommy diversion is getting too strange...some people liking Tommy more than Adam...people wanting to see more sexual stuff happening between Adam and visual presentation of Camilla -- just all that ever increasing touchy feely with Tommy...testing the audience to see if it titillates...and they scream with ecstasy..."Sex!Sex!! Adam, give us MORE Sex...we are starved for YOUR AND TOMMY'S SEX." This site now regularly features Adam and Tommy like they are an "item." It's like this site is a promotional for their relationship as well as Adam's voice. They sure couldn't be liking Tommy for his musical virtuoso because THAT belongs mainly to the genius of Monty! Look at all those photos of Tommy! Is it a "gay" social statement they are making -- like "F..k the AMA. We'll do what the f..k we want?" Or are they appealing to "gay" men -- and the women who love to watch gay male sex? If they are just having fun showing love then why isn't the entire family showing this affection like in the IHY video? Maybe Adam is just bored and amusing himself up there seeing how far he can push the envelope. I don't know what the hell is going on but wake me when it's over. Thanks for all the great info in the past. Can anyone recommend a straight Adam (no pun intended) that gives us the thrills of Adam without this conjured up (or real!) day by day photo review of Tommy's progression into a "prettier boy" who is willing and happy to meet Adam's sexual desires... Beverly
I understand to some point the young people being exited about Adommy, but the older women.. NOT.
I have the same thought too as annoy:4:08. I do love Adam very much.
Such awful comments! That is all part of Adam's show. Personally I think Adam and Tommy are hot. But I don't see Tommy staying with Adam in the band. He just looks like he belongs in some other band.
It's called free-will people, we're all able to use it here
Open your eyes people, what is shown on this site, is only what is happening, it is not censored to remove parts that some of you may not like. Adam is the one that brought Tommy into the spotlight. Couple or not couple, they do appear to like and have fun on stage together. Remember we are only seeing what Adam wants us to see. He has always stated he is sexual. So why the surprise it is part of his shows?!?
Beverly 4:08pm .. are you certain it is this site you are upset with? or What Adam is presenting to us?
I love watching the interactions betweem Adam and Tommy. I think Tommy definitely belongs in the band. Love them both!
I would not want people to call this as "Glam nation sex tour" I do enjoy most of Adam's self sex appeal action but "F" someone from behind even with cloth do turn me off. Long time ago, concert is all about singing, nowadays definitely changing. Seeing him with such talent selling himself out to please his fans does break my heart. Maybe he is enjoying himself and maybe its time for me to go too. What I remember clearly from one of his early interview : he performed at a low grade club and he quoted that people came only to see the chick but not my singing. I hope this is not the case here.
omg you people are beasts. adam is georgous and tommy is pretty. adam likes pretty boys has said so many times in interviews. they are just putting on a show people get over yourselves. never read so many catty comments. gal
OMG I think it's ridiculous that some of you are leaving the site because of Tommy's so called OVEREXPOSURE.
Most of the threads on this site are ADAM-related. I'm not exactly a big Tommy fan but I DO want to hear about him on this site. He's only featured in one or two posts a week.
This site is still 24/7 Adam.
And to that person who says she wants to find a "Straight" Adam blog, i'm sorry but there's no such thing lol.
Hmmm...very odd thread but everyone has a right to express how they feel about Adam and Tommy, the sexy parts, etc.....I don't understand the anti-Tommy sentiment all....He is a part of the band, is Adam's friend from what I can see, and is very talented in his own right...and Adam is fortunate to have him as part of the crew, along with Monte and the others...For heaven's sake, if you don't want to look at Tommy then just focus on Adam (I do...can't help myself..) or just move on to some other thread that is all about Adam..Tommy takes nothing away from the "Adam Experience" IMHO..And regarding the "sexual" side of Adam...he is who he is...the sum of all the can't really separate them out...if you want just the voice, then put the CD in the player or hook up your iPod and enjoy, without the "moves" and the visuals that sometimes accompany an Adam Lambert performance...or watch only the acoustic videos...there is something for everyone..part of his charisma and persona is his inherent sensuality that he can't help but show from time to time.. He has stated this repeatedly and who are we to tell him he can't just bust loose from time to time..poor guy might just explode from all that pent up "energy" if he can't let it out a little bit once in a while...The AMA's might have been a little heavy on the "busting loose" but this tour is his baby, his show, and from the responses from the audience every night, he is obviously doing something the opinions of the people who are selling out his shows...I too love his sweet, serious , dramatic side, such as the song from Brigadoon, "The Prayer", "Is Anybody Listening..", "One" from Idol, "A Change is Gonna Come", "Soaked" and all the others, but I adore his sexy, fun side with Fever, Whole Lotta Love, and now 20th Century Boy...I understand some of the comments are spoken out of love and concern for Adam, his career, and fear that he might not be taken seriously and might be regarded as "too theatrical" which may be translated as "too gay" ...he's going to do it his way and I think it is important that he do it that way if he so chooses...He just looks so frickin' happy up there, performing his sexy ass off...I also don't see that it has become all about "Adommy" either...And since I'm on a rant (Adam had his turn the other night...LOL!!!) the comment above opining that it is the "younger" fans who like the Adam-Tommy interactions, is not true in my case anyway, I'm more "cougar-ish" in age and don't find it distasteful at all...nope..not at there you have it...just my opinion, for what its worth...Just how I feel...and hope you all stay on for this wild ride that is Adam..
I'm with you for this ride, Glitzylady and agree with your every word, especially the same exact serious songs , along with the fun ones you just mentioned that are also my faves. Great, thoughtful post. funbunn40
Too much of a good thing is OVERKILL. It's boring now.
wow...lots of drama here. I have really fallen behind on this site and can barely post a few words from time to time. Sensing that the 'energy' here has changed. Lots of Anonymous peeps now. Still plan to 'stick around' as time permits.
It's true the kissing part is so predictable now, but I don't want it to get any more hardcore on stage, rather the opposite. The music is the main thing and it never gets boring. Maybe he can try something sexy in a photoshoot.
And I don't mind he is portrayed butt naked, if he's willing to do that :D
Totally agree that music should never be bored no matter how many time you watch or hear. Kissing, tongue diving are OK for me, but nailing somebody on stage is becoming X-rated. Being X-rated means being labeled doesn't matter how well you sing. This may be too harsh or too serious. But in our society, it enough to drive away many music lover and I don't want to become X-rated Glambert. I hope Adam is not going in this direction and only time will tell.
And just to clarify, in the light of day, I am not advocating an increasing level of "sexy-ness" on stage either...I've been to Adam's tour show and what I personally took away from it WAS the VOICE and and the feeling of his stage presence and joy that he brings to the show....almost all of the show IS about that...just because the first songs most of us go to are Fever and 20th Century Boy and WLL when he was doing that one (I admit it....LOL!) doesn't mean that is all I want to see from him...I still thrill to the memory of Adam singing live right in front of me...four times since last year...and I truly remember the amazing voice and his gorgeous self just feet away from me most of all...i barely remember the friskiness there at all...much....It is a small part really...Adam just standing there singing is unbelievably sensual in itself....We get a little frisky here sometimes ourselves but I think we all really want the same thing for Adam, to bring that wonderful voice and his beautiful soul to the world stage....for all to see..and appreciate..
Okay, I have a feeling I'm going to regret this, 'cause I'm kind of rushing and not thinking this through very well - but for me - I don't comment on the voice constantly and continuously ('though I do very frequently, if attention is being paid :)) in part because nothing changes there - IN THAT IT IS ALWAYS CONSISTANTLY AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, INFALLIBLE, RELIABLY BEAUTIFUL AND STUNNING AND MINDBLOWING AND PERFECTION!! Does that make sense to anyone?? There are different things he does with his song material at different shows, and I love the nuances and pay attention to that VERY closely when I consume concert vids... but what is ever changing, if even only a little, is the showmanship and performance level/nuances and so it is that which compels me to comment frequently. The choreography and staging is set but liquid at the same time, and it is in this performance/showman realm that I tend to feel different and changing things that compel me to comment, (and often-times cheekily so, 'cause that's just a fun/silliness thing)... my feelings that don't change are my constant appreciation for his vocal prowess, and I've said a lot of what there is to say in that regard, as many of us have, so I don't always go down the vocal path when blogging about concert vids - it's like - that's sort of a gimme (not a GIM, a gimme :), hope you know what that means), that stuff sort of goes without being said - 'ya know what I mean - it's like, stating the obvious, over and over again... but before I get back to RL, please allow me to also just say that so many of the participants here consistanly show, via commenting, their high regard for Lamberts innate vocal gifts, consistantly, perhaps it is alongside the cheeky stuff but it is consistant, and it sort of ruffles my feathers that any one of them should feel it necessary to defend the way in which they choose to stretch their wings a bit in other lighthearted areas on this site... but that's just my POV...(It's an anonynous blog on the freakin internet, I get that, it's going to include a crazy mix of posts, not taking it personally, but thought I'd interject on it). Again, probably shouldn't be posting when I'm rushing, don't know if any of that made sense and don't have time to reread/edit, but it is what it is, will be what it will be once I hit Post Comment :). MGF.
yep, its a "gimmie" and a GIM all at the same time....LOL. and you have nothing to regret that I can see...Ditto my dear....
@ Glitzylady
My dearest fellow, what a «wild ride» I take reading every single of your comments! You (patiently) rock, girl!!!
Sweet Adam would l-o-v-e those wild rides too... I'm so sure of it!
@ MassGlamFan
WHEN, neighbour, in the name of the glamgod, YOU ARE NOT RUSHING? Please quit your «CIA Agent» job, will you? You won't regret it... and don't you regret this post either, you are always a fantastic commenter.
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