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Adam Lambert Paparazzi Kerfuffle featured on Extra today

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, September 17, 2010

Posted at : Friday, September 17, 2010


Anonymous said...

Hahah! Adam, you made it on Extra x2 and probably other gossip news and probably the tabloids! Adam, all you can say is... " I can scratch this one off from my bucket list! "... lol

Anonymous said...

Some people may feel that Adam went too far (not me), but the bottom line is NOBODY will ever be on the paparazzi's side, EVER! Their behavior makes them easy targets for scorn. Adam has come out of this with positive PR regardless of the fact that he lost his temper.

Anonymous said...

Who never ever looses their temper? NOBODY!
Paparazzis are the lowest of the low and the scums of the earth. If they treat celebs with respect then they will be regarded as such by all of us. They deserved to be scorned and named names... ha!

Anonymous said...

It will blow over... I think the exact wording in the last part of the first tweet wasn't the best idea Adam ever had, could have done without that...but firmly believe it will blow over without backlash. Adam has had a good rapport w/ Xtra - would have like to see them throw in another line or two of their own about Adam's good guy status industry-wise, but I guess they are not in the business of being Adam's PR/Spin guys. Really do think it will blow over quickly. Legally, it's laughable to pursue as I would think that nobody would want to set some sort of precedent on behalf of paps.

Anonymous said...

And their words shouldn't be taken seriously either! What do you expect from SCUMS OF THE EARTH!!!

Anonymous said...

haha! i can't stop laughing at the sheer fact that Extra and other celebrity gossip shows make things so over-dramatic...even stupid little things. i don't blame Adam for losing his temper. who hasn't lost their temper before? we all make mistakes. nobody's perfect. the paparazzi has a way of provoking celebrities...even the ones that are really nice to people. pretty much all the paparazzi peeps are the douchebags.

Anonymous said...

*****It's 6:55EST - many more hours to vote on VH1 - let's really put an effort in to voting there and see if we can't keep IIHY in the Top 15! DO WHAT YOU CAN. Keep requesting IIHY too, radio stations might actually talk about the topic and spin IIHY a little more, sad but probably true, so let's take advantage of it. And call Open House Party!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah anon 3:56
Thanks for reminding!

Anonymous said...

I used to kind of like Mario Lopez, but not so mmuch anymore. He's making a mountain out of a molehill by insinuating that Adam hurt the guy. No more EXTRA watching for me. The paps were mean to Bullock, too, and her male companion looked like he was ready to bop somebody. What a way to make a living by harassing people.

The Dark Side said...

Think Adam just plain embarrassed about whole episode and wants it to go away. This is really out of character for him--usually easy going. Wonder what paparazzi said that finally put him over the top. This too shall pass.

Anonymous said...

The paparazzi is the lowest in the hierarchy. Must find out who ordered this. Remember the tape when Adam was leaving for his overseas promo tour and the paparazzi were at the airport filming and "accidentally" talked how ugly Adam looks without makeup? Could there be a sick person who doesn't want Adam to travel outside the US?

Anonymous said...

Adam about to be on "E". 7:09pm EST right now - think he's gonna be part of something called - Celebrity Fued Friday, coming up after commercial break maybe. :(. MGF

Anonymous said...

I think new law need to be pasted to protect people from the paparazzi. They take it too far. Where are the rights for these people they are harassing, taunt, and drive over the edge so they can force a story. Down with this paparazzi behavior!

Anonymous said...

Access Hollywood made it their first story, adding a poll at mid-show (people can vote at AHNATION.COM) asking whether Adam went too far or not. I went to their homepage to vote and the results showed 75% pro Adam vs 25% against. I checked again two minutes later and the results showed 35% pro Adam vs 65% against!!! Obviously NOT a reliable poll.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight. A year in jail for this, but Lindsay and Paris go free? Oh yeah. Once again the media has blown this out of proportion. Murderers go free, but a scuffle over a camera warrants jail time? Must be a slow news day for the likes of EXTRA and other gossip shows.

Anonymous said...

Who do the Paparazzi sell their footage and photos to? If people would stop supporting them, there wouldn't be a demand for them. Plain and simple, I think.

I don't understand the attraction to this type of media. Don't people have anything better to do with their lives than to live vicariously?

L8yFingers607 said...

Adam's track record with the press and the paps is 100% good natured patience. For Adam to flip, this guy had to have crossed the line big time and caused Adam to tell this one individual that he was no longer welcome. I don't blame him, but I guess its time for him to hire security to handle things like this in future.

Lili said...

I'd like to hear from Adam what this scum paparazzi said to him or his friends to make Adam so mad. I think there is more to it than just taking pictures. Adam is very patient and there is a limit to being nice all the time.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Extra belong to ABC??? Would explain their take on the story. They waited until most of the crowd went away before talking about Adam's side on the incident.

On Access Hollywood, they showed a filmed excerpt of the exchange between Adam and pap. He was telling the guy to go away (after an hour) because he would NOT get into the water (guess they were waiting for that). I truly have an aversion for paps!! They have ruined SO many careers that then translate to ruining lives.

Anonymous said...

Honestly?! I would kill somebody who interrpati fun with my friends and take some rest from a lot of hardwork and event in the night. Adam was very polite and made this idiot laugh! Poor boy, he will have a lot of scandals during his life. I hope he prepare for this sh***. Adam, love you.

Anonymous said...

GNT voted best summer tour on faxo


Anonymous said...

Cool ZZ.

Anonymous said...

So much trash. A year in jail? Right. That makes sense, doesn't it.

How about that wonderful lady elected Republican senatorial candidate in Delaware who has history of trying to "cure" homosexuals of their God prohibited illness. Next step for her is to throw gays in jail. Gee, just the enlightened thought our country needs.

It all makes me want to puke. But instead, think I'll go shopping and listen to Adam.

Sorry for the rant.

glitzylady said...

I'm sure this will blow over but I still really hate the tabloids and gossip shows and their "business as usual" way of making things seem worse than they are....I suppose they actually ARE the paparazzi for all intents and purposes, and they wouldn't have nearly as much to report if it weren't for the obnoxious photographers that obviously like to constantly follow and provoke celebrities....I think its fine to film them when they are "working" but its just plain obnoxious, really, to bother them on their "off" time...A few pics maybe but they shouldn't be standing around just 20 feet away for an hour or more, not to mention it draws attention to the fact that someone famous is the focus of the photogs...It serves no purpose except to sell magazines, fill in the extra space on gossip shows, and make a lot of money for paparazzi....I grew up in a vacation area where there was an unspoken rule (and still is...) that the celebs were respectfully left alone...and I know they appreciated that..Everyone needs down time to relax, Adam gets so little and I can understand why he just got tired of it, especially if the pap was verbally harassing him and the rest of the group. Maybe not the best possible way to handle it from a legal standpoint, but I am guessing that most of us and others are secretly or not so secretly cheering him on....And it could have been dangerous for him as well and we don't want HIM to get injured either....Let's hope it ends here, without the pap pushing it further...Adam is so new to this life and will undoubtedly learn a lesson here and there along the way. I really agree with others who have said that it should be illegal for this sort of harassment to happen...The "average" non-celebrity wouldn't put up with that kind of crap and would call the police and the photographer and/or harasser would be asked to move along...Guessing this sort of thing happens a lot but because it's Adam, they are going to make a big deal....And even if that idiot pushed it further, I doubt much would happen to Adam in reality, maybe a fine and a slap on the wrist...highly unlikely any jail time..Being a celebrity should not preclude the right to privacy, even in a public place...Paparazzi harassment may come with the territory, but that doesn't make it right...Just my opinion..

bec said...

I think EXTRA ended up taking Adam's side as much as they could without actually saying it themselves. I wouldn't be too hard on them as this is "news" - I suppose. I don't think anything will come of this, but I want to know who this "pop" guy works for and please notice how fast they SOLD the pics and the vid. That should tell you what their interest is. Making money, in my opinion. I hope this doesn't hurt Adam and I think he knows it was not the smartest thing he ever did, but not the worst thing.

Anonymous said...

IT WAS A POSSIBLE 1 YEAR PROBATION, AND $1000 fine. I don't think he will have to worry, it was simple battery. No bruises, or lacerations.
nobody was pushed to the ground and the camera never left the paps hand or got broken. He did have security a big fat guy, I don't know what he could have done except sit on the guy. Adam was the only one incognito, Tommy was sitting next to him, looking like Tommy always does, no hat even. Neil was there too. I think it all happened so fast, and everyone was so surprised at Adam, but there has to be more pics, that we didn't see, and a whole lot of witnesses.

Anonymous said...

Pap name is Eras......Peeps in Florida should get their cameras and take pics of him for a couple of hours....see how he likes it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Got name from (

A-Team here!!!!

Anonymous said...

Update...pap is Victor Eras...

Anonymous said...

I have seen adam is several situations being harrassed by obnoxious paparazzi, andi often wondered how he kept his temper in check. So, he got fed up with this guy hanging around like a Vulture. He didn't hurt the guy. Lots of pictures of the whole incident. Good for you Adam Luv - you didn't Hit the Creep.

Cheril said...

Adam is the nicest guy. Tommy and Brooke mooned the paps. They were obviously saying something taunting for over an hour. Adam Im sure just wants to forget it. The Miami Police are not pressing charges so they don't see any evidence to carry this further. Adam shouldn't be embarrassed. His fans understand that no one should have to be harassed and cameras constantly on them with taunting remarks for over an hours time. That is ridiculous. Now Russell Brand was arrested at LA Airport for battery. Im sure he didn't do anything extraordinary either. These paps get in your face and in your business and if you touch them they cry. Sounds like it is a one-way street. Hope the LA police just let Russell go to. Katy Perry was with him. He could have just been protecting her. Paps are really overstepping their bounds, and they are the ones needing to be arrested. Adam rocks. He is a good guy!

Anonymous said...

Access Hollywoods report of this incident was much more positive towards Adam then Extra was. Know which of the 2 I will be watching from now on and which I will not! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

OK now my turn. I for one feel terrible for Adam; however I just hope he learns that these camera people are not worth the effort or the air they breathe. They hit below the belt and hit the hot spots of every celeb they can. Well thank goodness Adam just stopped when he did. This reporter was looking for easy money, and his own 5 min of fame. Over the years as he grows with this industry he will experiance many unsavory situatons that will require restraint on his part. It is unfortunate that this type of human being like these PAPS exsist but they do that is a fact he will have to deal with. We all have cell phones call 911 and report these guys when they step over the line. It isn't just Adam who puts up with this; Look Katie Perry just had a situation at LA airport. It is a daily event in the life of a celebs. There's alot of good reporters and news people who are so respectful and would never do this. I hope it just blows over and we can move on to follow our beautiful Adams singing career. He is so loved by his fans. I have to question is it time for a body guard to protect are boy when he out and about? I think it might be. Especially when he is away from home like he is on tour. What are your thoughts on this?

Anonymous said...

OMG! I can't believe this minor incident has blown up. The paparazzo was taunting him and Adam responded back. No, big deal. At least this generated buzz and I'm sure Adam has sold a few more albums and singles because of it which is good.

Anonymous said...

We could all stop buying and viewing images taken by paparazzi. It would stop this abuse of celebrities.

Anonymous said...

How about this, guys. May be we stop to make the comments about this f'' s''' but support Adam and talk, make comments about Europe, Australia, NZ tour and let's give a chance to talk about Adam to somebody else. These people just gossip about somebody or something they have no any idea. They just need to talk about it, they need to get their paychecks. Just like these paparazzis on the beach. Did you realise how many of them were on the beach in the same time Adam was there?! Somebody made the pictures, somebody made the pictures from different angle and somebody even made video!
We love you, Adam!
Unfortunately, I have to say, welcome to celebrites world (actually Adam knows about this world a lot), but also welcome to Freddie's world. Nobody knows about this world as much as... Freddie knows

Anonymous said...

There was no way this story wasn't going to be on network news tonight. Adam is a star and he is being followed around. Only other Idols I know they watch is Fantasia and her recent problems and Carrie's Wedding. Usually Idols are not Paparazzi foder. This is what he has worked for and his fans want for him. I am sure that he learned a valuable lesson out of all of this. Ignore these parasites in the future.

Anonymous said...

This isn't the first time ADAM has been harassed by the paparazzi. Seems to me I remember a time in LA when ADAM was 'cornered' in a parking garage & some woman named QUEENE had to 'escort' ADAM to his car. This incident (beach) looked 'contrived' to me ... they wanted ADAM to pursue the guy & knowing how ADAM almost always shrugs it off ... I think the pap said something about one of the GLAMILY or took a pic that they didn't want taken ... so ADAM tried to get the camera away from the pap to destroy the pic!! VULTURES!! ..JMO


Anonymous said...

4:44 Extra and all the other celeb tell all shows buy the pictures.

8:08 Never buy another magazine or watch another celeb news story show.

Show me a pic with the pap on the ground and then maybe I'll feel just a teensy weensy bit sorry about him being ATTACKED by Adam. What a p.o.s. joke.

Anonymous said...

It 's totally amazing to me that the whole incident was caught on camera. Collusion? A set up? Pre-meditated? That's why the cops in Miami aren't pressing charges. The stupid pap can go to the DA and file a complaint and if the DA wants to he can then file charges. Fat chance, though.

Anonymous said...

As usual, Glitzylady, you said well exactly what I was thinking. Totally agree. Funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I live in LA and I think the Paparazzi are totally out of control. If they treated a "non star" the way they treat artist, they would be in jail for public harrassment, nuisance, and stalking. They try hard to provoke the famous and then cry wolf. It really just sucks and it is them who should be in jail!!

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady
I LOVE your comments! But it's not a surprise for you, is it?

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam. It's too bad a few of us fam/fans that aren't Victoria Beckham-size weren't there. We could have sat on that jerk (quietly, of course!) until he found himself in another hemisphere! LOL! I agree with those that say this was set up. That pap is NOT afraid, or even upset. I'm sure he was counting all the $$ he and whomever will split for getting these trumped up pics. Sad to say, yes, it is time for full time, on the ball body guards. At least until he goes abroad, where people are more civilized.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the city Adam was in and a fan snapped him running barefeet to the bus and before he got there he ever so lightly moved a paps camera out the way?. I thought the vid was funny he's walking and suddenly he's sprinting.

glitzylady said...

@funbunn40 and @Fan4fun

Thanks, this whole thing is just so ridiculous and and upsetting, but it sounds like things are okay at this point...maybe something positive will come out of it...I'm sure there are a lot of celebs who are saying (or at least thinking..) "Good for you Adam"...I want to be clear that I am not advocating violence against paparazzi, and I surely don't want to see Adam chasing down any more in the near future (for his sake..), but I do think some laws need to be tightened up to include the rights of celebrities to a certain level of privacy in their "private" lives. Its just gotten so out of control. I have to admit that I too will pick up a People magazine on occasion, but I don't buy the trashier ones that feature the cellulite on the thighs of celebs and then say "so guess who this fat a** belongs to??? Pictures inside..."...Just so unbelievably rude, the stories are often untrue...and disrespectful. It sounds like to me (just guessing here...) that the paparazzi were standing there waiting for Adam to take his shirt off and go in the water so they could get some bare-chested Adam pictures for whoever they worked for...and Adam wasn't playing that game...and maybe they started taunting him or the group who knows..anyway, neither Adam nor anyone else should have to put up with that kind of harassment...I know some of us (ahem...maybe me...) would love to see Adam with no shirt, but not under those took a lot of the fun out of his rare day off and gave the tabloids yet another story..mission accomplished, sad to say...One thing you have to say about Adam, he does things his way and doesn't back down...nothing wishy-washy about him...Just don't want him getting into trouble.

Anonymous said...

You know who feels guilty now? I do! I am one of the many people who LIKES viewing candid photos taken of people such as Adam and printed in magazines such as "People", etc. If I/we didn't have this vicarious desire, the photos would be of ZERO value.

Anonymous said...

This was very positive coverage compared to the D10 on E! last night.

I wish Out magazine would redeem themselves by standing up for Adam and the homophobic comments by the D10 guy (I did't recognize him, not the regular D10 guys).

glitzylady said...

Yes, Adam just tweeted about the D10...I feel really bad for him..I am sick of the way some of the media people treat him..its just so wrong on so many makes me very sad and literally makes me want to cry...I know some of us get criticized for "acting like moms" but its really just that I care about him as a human being with feelings and I know he has had them hurt deeply over the years. Would hope that someday the homophobic comments will beyond frustrating. Its one thing to comment on his behavior, but it should have nothing to do with his sexual orientation...I haven't seen the D10 thing, but can imagine...

glitzylady said...

Okay, now I've seen it...what a D-bag....not funny at all...

Anonymous said...

these two guys a paps name victor eras and E10 journalist guy making a joke about adam in jail-is a homophobic say something like this should be fired from their job-their bullies and indecent.

The Dark Side said...

Adam can't have it both ways. He is a superstar now and what he does will be reported on the news. It's what he wants and what we want for him. Will he ever lose his temper again,maybe, but probably not for a while. I thought the only show that needs to be on our hit list is the Daily 10. That guy, whoever the hell he is needs to be fired. This is the 21st Century E News. And your reporter isn't famous and can't go on Larry King's Show and apologize. Do something or lose a lot of viewers!

Anonymous said...

Next time Adam needs to start singing. If he is going to get onto the news no matter what with these paparazzo, it might as well be for the music.!
Or maybe, just rent a cabanna for the day,blasting his own music around it so those Papps can't even be heard. It is nuts that he went to the police, no doubt to make the pictures he created worth more money. Just sad. I visit this site often and I am actually fasinated with the amount of concerts and work goes into the Glamnation Tour. I enjoy every video. But really we don't need to know everything by way of a picture. Leave these guys alone.

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady
Well said fellow, again so well said, as always! God bless YOU for loving so much sweet Adam! Thanks a lot! I'm so proud of him, of you and of us, true fans!