Adam Lambert Spotted in Miami Beach Today
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Friday, September 17, 2010
Posted at : Friday, September 17, 2010

Gearing up for the day, Adam Lambert was spotted leaving his hotel room and hopping on his tour bus this afternoon (September 17).

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Can't be a star without a run-in with paparazzi.....
Team Adam
here is a new video
At some gossip site (dont remember which) they had this as headline - "Adam Lambert accused of battery by LOSER cameraman." No more words necessary. Adamluv
Thanks for the link ZZ.
But that person who was narrating it is very snarky.
Adam is getting a moderate sales boost because of the publicity of this incident. For example, at this time yesterday IIHY was #87 and today it's #59 on Amazon top singles chart.
Adam looks very subdued in these pics.
Funny how there was this video in the UK site, because Adam is hardly known in the UK.
Hope fans in Melbourne showed Adam the love tonight! Small clips on South about faux fracas. More comments poking fun at Adam's hat than anything. Saw a poll somewhere and 95% behind Adam . The other 5% probably were papps. So sorry he had to deal with this waste of humanity. Of all people, he's the nicest to the press and doesn't deserve this aggravation. I have to respect the fact that he stood up for himself, but I don't think he will give them the satisfaction next time. Unfair, but a bitter lesson. Yes, Adamluv, I saw it too, LOSER cameraman!! funbunn40
8:41 It's the same pic, just blown up. Btw should Adam be jumping all around, singing and smiling while he's trying to put the key in the door of the bus?
After today, even the above picture seems unfeeling and invasive. No, he's not smiling 8:41pm. It may be a while until we see that easy, warm smile that came with genuine welcome. Any crack in his fragile, human armor brings a barrage of scorn for every facet of his being. Because of that, it's different for Adam than for other stars who have lashed back at the press. The increase in the intensity of hate blogs today is sickening. Wish we could put a big glittery, hazey bubble around him for while and only let love get through.
These things happen all over the world. In my country some photographer or blogger got a bloody nose and face after some rocker allegedly punched him. The rockers name is not known, because there's a rule that a person is innocent until proven guilty.
Big Mama here
Fan4fun... Big Papa don't cotton to you talking about Panther Piss when you don't know nothing about it. Maybe in Brazil or wherever you come from you squirt it on people, here in the good old US of A we drink it. I seen you writing about it a few pages back and it don't do no voodoo here. Just making you feel real good til tomorrow morning then you have to take another sip.
All you so called fans wantin Adam to move from the greatest nation on earth and come to yours maybe you ought to think on why everyone is trying to come here. We don't sneak into anyones country we stay here at home.
Send that pap test here, Big Papa wants his hands on him for just a few seconds, wipe that silly ass grin offa his face right quick.
Big Papa and me been gone for a long time. Come home to this mess. Makes me sick.
Big Papa is right proud of Adam for sticking up for hisself. Big Papa thinks pap test said something real bad about Adam's Mama to make Adam that mad.
Lotta new names here, lotta old ones gone. Lotta people got no name at all.
Big Mama
OH Big Mamma - I LERV U!! Pit Smack round our sweet fill Adam and he know love like to see it done.
Big Mama here
coloradoforadam - nice to hear you. You have fun at Denver?
@ Big Mama
I'm so glad, you are back! Why did you take so long? I missed you a lot, Big Mama! Please tell Big Papa I'm sorry for using Panther Piss (it's a improved recipe on my own) without his permission in my exorcisms... but attention, it is not voodoo! As a matter of fact they are against voodoos! My exorcisms don't hurt anybody, just devils, Big Mama... they take away the bad people and bad things from around sweet Adam. Big Papa and yourself don't have to worry, I belong to the good glamberts and just want to protect Diamond Boy, my exotic singing bird! Sweet Adam needs protection, Big Mama! He is famous now!
Big Mama, please don't go away anymore. You and Big Papa are respectful glamberts and are needed on 24/7 Paradise to keep away the trolls and haters. Sweet Adam needs you posting here always.
Love and Light to both of you.
I saw the pics, read some comments, but had too little time to post myself ..not in my usual wordy self, anyway :-)). Therefore, here I am now!
At first glance to some of those photos I thought it was a joke among friends or something,and then I saw the news.. I’m thinking the two-legged negative entity caring a camera might had said something nasty about Adam’s people for him to (finally) burst. We were all wondering about his patience (that seemed endless). No matter the reason, it could be a sign of burnout. The tour is causing more stress that we could even imagine and it’s not the end of it yet. I said it before, they ALL have to learn how to cope (somehow) with both the ‘light’ and the ‘dark’ of their status (Adam more than anyone). I don’t think I’d be able to deal myself with that, so no advices here, just thoughts.
I also can’t believe some of the US rules/laws ..or lack of ones (about stalking and harassment) but let’s not be naive about this. Leaving US for any other country in the world won’t solve a thing. Hatred, homophobia, lack of morals and hunger for money are universal (as much as love is).
As I’ve told you before, I saw a documentary about Tokio Hotel and it seems that those boys are paying big time for their success. They are more or less living in a kind of seclusion. A worldwide golden cage for four little birds! Maybe it’s worth it, I don’t know. I guess we all have to face the downsides of our lives. With the rise to fame, it seems one gains some liberties (that come with money and success), but also loses some (many?) other liberties (as the blessings of anonymity and freedom to move around). Adam knows it all very well.
I wish the fans (or authorities for that matter) could do something to discourage paps predatory behavior!
Dear Adam,I'm sorry you couldn't get any R & R for long in Miami.It looks like you were "on fire" in Melbourne last night,tho.I LOVE your hair!!It's so pretty.Please let it grow some more on the sides( & those parts in the back)..It looks lots better than a couple of weeks ago!!I hope on your next day off,you can get some real relaxation w/o the same thing happening..maybe Mexico?who knows..somewhere.
I FORGOT...IIHY went UP one spot on the VH-1 countdown..from # 17 to # not bad for being on the countdown for so long.We're having some problems with VH-1,tho..Some can't even play IIHY,when all the other videos are working( on Firefox) I can..right now,anyway,play it in aol or IE..very weird cause on aol we can not get the comment board or the video count.We can play all your other videos,I think..Does anybody have any pull with VH-1 or know what to do?We need to get the view count up to 1,000,000.That can be done soon,I think if these problems are fixed.Thanks.
Has anybody heard of this? Can this be true? I can´t find this sc "joke" on eonline.
@Big Mama - I had the strongest feeling we'd be hearing from you! Wow, maybe I should play the lottery tonight - my intuition was right on, lol.
Don' know if I was using my tag when you were on this site a lot a while back ??, but in any event - Hello - my tag is MGF (MassGlamFan). Hope you've been able to enjoy Adam's GNT vids while you and Big Papa were away! You weren't "away" at Adam Lambert Addiciton rehab were you? ;) {joke we used a lot on 24/7 this past summer about vacations and such, lol}.
Anon at 4:48, it's true. I saw the D10 last night and it makes the EXTRA coverage look downright positive in comparison.
I'd love for everyone to let E! know this is not remotely acceptable.
Big Mama, I'm glad to see you back.
Lets send Adam extra sweet vibes to buoy his spirits + lets imagine some GOOD coming from all this.
These things always happen on Friday nights, and everything closes down for weekends. This is an outrage and I will personally not rest until I have had an opportunity to tell E what I think of their Daily 10 substitute's slur about Adam Lambert. I'm also pissed about this guy saying "almost celebrity" Adam Lambert. Considering no one has a clue who this guy is, I think he needs to check whose fan base he is defacing.
Tempers not the only thing hot in Melbourne tonight, the Band is smokin! Adam too hot to handle tonight. WOW! Freakin Bad!!!
Big Mama here -
Thanks to all for the welcome back. I remember you Mass Glam Fan. Love and Light helped you with your name. Now just MGF? Love and Light is gone? She and me good friends on other site. Have to see her there I guess.
Big Mama the No War cool so subtle..ha!
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