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Adam Lambert Picture of the Day!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 25, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, September 25, 2010

Forgot where this 'handsome' and 'charming' photo shoot originated from. Does anyone know?


Anonymous said...

No, but I'd bet it's not from «Idol»...

Anonymous said...

OMG....I'd do anything to touch his hair,eyebrow,eyes,nose,lips,neck,glambuldge....What a beautiful,handsome,gorgeous,sweet,funny,smart,talented man! Adaaammmm !!! =lovebert=

Anonymous said...

This looks like it's new. Never seen it before!

Good find!

judysdancin said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's from the idols live tour playbill. I have it at home.

Anonymous said...

Yes, from the playbill. And Yes, he is perfection.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He's everything

Urethra_Franklin said...

Oh crap I bought that. Ill have to dig it out. WOOTS!

Julia said...

What's the "playbill"????

Anonymous said...

@Julia, I think it means a program or theatrical program.

Even a sad look or a deep thinking look he looks so damn gorgeous. I love to see smiles on that gorgeous face too.

Anonymous said...

thankyou peeps at 24/7 this picture is a gift... Adam is perfection... this has to be my new screen saver...oh yes it does :D

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

La foto del día es ADORABLE

Anonymous said...

A playbill at a concert or theatrical event is like a menu at a restaurant.

Anonymous said...

if this man is not in a movie soon, i will just kill myself.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon. 6:37PM
Well, if he makes to be in a movie you'll feel dead anyway... Death by Adam (>-->-O) Lol!

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun, is there a concert close enough to you that you could fly there and back home without spending an arm and a leg? I would love for you to see him. I'll just bet you could not contain yourself!!!!!!!!!! He is the "it" of the century!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Está foto es el mejor regalo en la ausencia de ADAM, nos gustaria seguir viendo está foto mañana.
En verdad es muy Especial.

Anonymous said...

Love the lighting. That guy is SO photogenic.
Sure has a good head of hair.

Anonymous said...

@ FF

Thanks for asking, baby. You see, the lack of money and my job are not my only problems right now. As an immigrant here, it's the right time for me to become an effective «resident» in Portugal until the end of December, and it includes collecting some documents and paying some fees which deadlines I can't miss... and this whole situation prevents me from leaving the island this Fall. In other words, I'll have to keep my status of «a sad, wet and salted fucking glambert», a true cast away in the middle of the Atlantic for a while, until my chances decide to smile at me... But don't you worry, baby, Sweet Adam will certainly provide all the strength I need to manager it, and so will my fellows on 24/7 «Paradise», I'm so sure of it!

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun, come back to argentina sistaaa !!!!!, ustedes los brasileros tienen un espiritu que adoro, los argentinos somos un tanto...deprimentes :(
The pic is like a CD cover, me likeeee ;)!!!!

Anonymous said...

It IS, in fact, from the $25 program that was sold at the venue of the American Idol tour.
I took the program from the Idol tour and scanned a photo of him from it....THIS ONE!
I believe this came from one of my facebook albums and got circulated around!
Look for me on Facebook and add me as a friend!
Nancy Medina xoxo
(i don't know how to post here as anyone other than Anonymous!)

Anonymous said... if we need reminding how beautiful he is.....Thanks 24/7 for this swoon shot!!

Anonymous said...

He is my beautiful monster!

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun 1:59pm/9-26-10

I centainly understnd your plight. Getting your residence is the most important thing for you right now. Adam will be with us for many, many years to come. (My gut feeling and everyone else's also). Hopefully after you have gotten
all your ducks in a row, he will be on another tour and you can see him. Meanwhile, soak up the love through the vids and pics. take them to bed with you and DREAM!! He is a special gift from Heaven and OH, how I would love to be his MOM..
I would be splitting the buttons off my shirt all the time. So much pride and joy he brings to her.
Well, you hang in there and keep in touch with all here at 24/7 for the daily news,tid-bits
and gossip. Here's to you, cheers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Anonymous said...

This "playbill"? photo of Adam takes my breath away... Never saw it before... Never saw him look more beautiful...

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is perfection at best. sexy,sweet,handsome,beatifull and so stylish, all packed to the rim that it is just overflowing. He is all that and more,just not possible to describe in words. LOVE MY ADORABLE ADAM!!!!!!!!!!