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Adam Lambert poll results made history on Access Hollywood

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, September 20, 2010

Posted at : Monday, September 20, 2010

Thank you to the fans who voted for Adam (VS the paparazzi)! You've helped Adam made history on Access Hollywood.


Anonymous said...

Don't mess with Glamworld!! We got Glampower.

Anonymous said...

Yowza! That's so cool!


Anonymous said...

Was this was a bit sarcastic?

Anonymous said...

Good on you Access Hollywood! I watch you guys all the time! I like AH... you go Billy Bush and Maria M. I can't spell her name... sorry! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay for Adam!!! Yay for US!! There is no no way that some Insesitive Low Life is going to insult Adam, and us not do something about it!! We care for our Adam a lot, and we are not going to sit on our hands and not defend him!!

Anonymous said...

We love you Access Hollywood. They usually are pretty unbiased. Thanks Billy and Maria. You guys rock!!!

Anonymous said...

Access Hollywood and most of the other entertainment stations got the memo. Great going guys.

Anonymous said...

We rock, Glamily!!! And thanks to Access Hollywood for setting up the poll to begin with!

Maria said...

Thank you Access Hollywood!!!

Who's E! again?

Anonymous said...

Off-topic - but gonna go there anyway... Lady Gaga made a great speech at rally in support of repealing DADT today. Proud of her, not a fight she has to take on... Just as I am proud and so encouraged by what Adam Lambert has done to further issues of tolerance and diversity in his own way. Pop culture heavy-weights using their visibility to promote knowledge, educating oneself, awareness - it's a good thing. Thank you Adam Lambert for being yourself.

Anonymous said...

Thank you MGF, good of you to mention this. Thank you Lady Gaga! And of course thank you Adam!


Anonymous said...

Lady Gaga is one of a kind. She dedicates most of her free time to fight homophobia.

Most pop female singers wouldn't touch Don't Ask Don't Tell with a 10 inch pole.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the poll and people with reasoning ability voicing what really is a no brainer. These paparrazzi have been baiting and harrassing celebs for so long and there is a line you shouldn't cross which they do on a regular basis. I don't blame Adam a bit, tho'if you let them get the best of you and lose it, you still have to deal with the inconvenient fall out. Anyone that has seen the many interviews and videos know that he is an honest, polite, accommodating guy. So sorry that he can't have a few peaceful hours at the beach on his own time, for which he is entitled. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Listening to the tone of their voices says a lot and IMO, they both supported Adam. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Adam; he's been opening doors for everybody! He stood up for himself as a human being.

Yipee, I was one of the voters also!

glitzylady said...

I agree wholeheartedly, it is time to stop the harassment...period...its one thing to welcome the paparazzi if the celeb wants or agrees to have the pics taken, its another thing entirely to be subjected to a constant barrage of paparazzi bullying, basically stalking and assault on an individual's freedom to have some time off and privacy, even when in public...I have never believed that because someone is famous for whatever reason, that they should suddenly lose their rights as individuals to ask not to have their pictures taken...I could care less about the paparazzi's "jobs" if they are like the two who harassed Adam to the breaking point he obviously reached. There are obviously some who are doing it properly and it does have its place, but there are others that overstep their bounds....If the celeb is "working" fine, they are "on" and pictures will be expected...if they are not working, leave them alone if they ask to be left alone...Not too much to ask.. And thanks to Access Hollywood, the only one of two shows of that type (the other being ET) that I will occasionally watch...Adam just continues to make history!!! I think most people, if they know the whole story, would support Adam...everyone that I have talked to does, including those who barely know who he is...

Anonymous said...

Access Hollywood - you rock! Thank you for standing up for Adam, Russell and Katy!

Anonymous said...

forget this poll (although it is awesome!)but people we need to keep emailing E! they have not officially appologized to Adam and that Mike D-bag,he needs to appologize officially. And that Radio station with Kevin and Bean, I am going to write them an email. Shame on them for supporting that idiot and taking his side. Shame on you fuckers!and shame on you all those who called and supported that D-bag.
Also GLAAD, what a self-centered institution, they are cowards if they accept this crap as an appology. WTF people!


fromthegreyfort said...

Don't mess with the Glamberts! We Are The Sure Fire Winners . . .

Anonymous said...

I know, the Glamberts just want to fight.

Anonymous said...

I bet soon the Glamberts will divide into too separate groups, the hardliners and the moderate ones..

Anonymous said...

This is a great news. I don't watch AH as much. But I watched a different footage of this incident on their website on Friday. Now this AH vote was done by American viewers and that's good news. We certainly are 'Sure Fire Winners'.

I have another concern. You probably remember when on Idol finale Paula Abdul said to Adam that no matter what happens with his career after Idol she will always be his die heart fan front in-line. Why don't we see or hear anything from her in defense of Adam?

Anonymous said...

Did the Glamberts like Paula?

Shirley said...

^ yes. The glamberts loved Paula because she's always such a big Adam supporter. She hasn't said much lately because she has her own problems to deal with. (her own career etc)

Anonymous said...

I'm in Europe and I don't get to see Access Hollywood, but E! is on the cable channel.

Anonymous said...

Just saw on our local music video channel here in NZ a little clip of Adams little tussle with the Pap, and our Guy Drew said "So the moral of the story is dont mess with Adam Lambert or you will get a hug", we under play everything here, very laid back. Dont take it all so seriously I guess.

Anonymous said...

Adam should wear a gaucho hat more often.

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't mess with the strength of the Glamberts! Proud to be one of them.

Anonymous said...

ZZ sometimes your language on this site puts you in the same category as Mike C and the pap.

Anonymous said...

@ ZZ

May be you should calm down, fellow, let's take it easy. Sweet Adam wouldn't like you (us) to have another day ruined because of this «nothing people», their narrow minded comments and crap opinions. Although you are so right, maybe you should let it go, think with me about it. Today those scum of the earth are bad joking and messing with us, but tomorrow is another day... the Universe will respond, sooner or later, oh yes, it will!!! And I'm pretty sure they won't like the answer (don't mess with the Universe! Ha!) mainly if we let them think they are winners instead of fucking losers. Until there, we'll keep on supporting and loving who cares about us too, our shining star. It is sweet Adam who deserves our attention and strengh, all the good days of our lives.
Start by having a good morning, ZZ. Cheers! Remember, we are celebrating the GNT huge success, even with plain coffee, aren't we?

Anonymous said...

@@ ZZ
PS: When I say narrow minded comments and crap opinions I include some people posting in 24/7 «Paradise» too, unfortunatelly.

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun, I totally agree. Its just that I believe whole heartedly that this is not about Adam only, this is about all the good people. This D bag has managed to offend everyone of us and he has to pay for it. I am not deffending Adam, I am deffending human beings. But you are right, lets celebrate Adam's GNT success at the moment.
FYI, I am a very loving person by nature but things like this also set me on fire.


Anonymous said...

@@@ ZZ
I understand you sooo well! My blood boils very frequently too... and my mouth open wide for all my dirty English vocabulary. Ha! That is WHAT makes us such a pair of passionate and diehard fans... fans of sweet Adam and fans of the visibility promotion. And that is WHY I'm so glad to have you in my Glamily. Cheers again, fellow! Another toast to this amazing GNT and to this amazing 24/7 «Paradise» site that have linked some of us for ever!

Anonymous said...

What is really sad news is that none of the TV shows have commented on Adam Lambert's great success this summer with his SOLD-OUT Glmanation Tour, especially with so many other big names cancelling their concerts.

I am glad Access Hollyood showed the results of the poll. Adam fans are tops.

The Dark Side said...

I don't think this latest dust up with E and all their back pedaling will make shows talk more about Adam. Main Stream America, which is reflected on these shows, aren't sure what to do with Adam's outness. ET and Mary Hart are big Adam supporters, and I think we can add Access to the list. Things take time in this Country-- Unfortunately! Adam decided to be himself and now so are others. Still very new and media unsure what is PC so say nothing.

coloforadam said...

Yah, 6:39am - I agree with you - makes me wonder what snotty groups in the entertainment industry have decided that he is not cool!!! Watch them come around at some point and "discover" him again like they invented his greatness!! He mentioned that about some "fairweather" friends that he had before Idol. He is very aware of that kind of nonsense and will always handle it appropriately. Don't cha just love the guy??

Anonymous said...

I am just waiting to see that moment when the entertainment industry that is currently denying Adam his due, suddenly realizes his true vocal tallent and superstar personality. They will be spinning in their heels and will wonder why his fans were so passionate about him.


Anonymous said...

Any photographer who tries to take a photo under an unwilling person's clothing should be charged with some sort of molestation. People have a right to CHOOSE who they let under their clothes! And I don't know what that photag said to Adam to try to provoke him, but I think in that instance the photag gave up his rights to not get the hell beaten out of him. Enough is enough!