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Adam Lambert Radio Interview with 93.3 FLZ Tampa

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, September 18, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, September 18, 2010

More pictures here!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like no new single until the spring which is 6 mo. away. IMO that's too long to be out of the public eye (especially this early in his career). If the album is delayed, then more mo. with no song. Dont think this is a smart move. Maybe ok for us hardcore fans since we'll be following his every move but the general public needs to see and hear him on radio and talk shows. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Charming as always......maybe the accostic songs from FYE will come out while Adam is overseas........I listen to them alot....the ones from "Unplugged"

Anonymous said...

I agree with Adamluv. I'm so sad that new album has been delayed. :("

I hope it doesn't get delayed again and again like many artists tend to do.

I heard Kelly Rowland's album was delayed for 5 years!

Anonymous said...

hw has only 4 video , outside America that's counts , Ai is over now ka is almost forgot , Adam needs more videos , but i think after the tour and during he will be fine . i yhink too spring is too far , he can do some good video from fye too , i think sw , maybe soaked , aftermarh , sfw and cant let you go , this last deserves to be promoted this fall - winter , is a very good song for this season. in Europe vh1 and mtv there arent the only music channels . there are another , national tv stronger , with better audience , Adam's management has to to a promotional like Born to be , unplugged from vh1 for these tv. gaga,pink, and a lot another artist has comercial on these tv , please consider that for promoting Adam

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that picture!! That smile is back and so REAL!!

Anonymous said...

Love the picture too! Great to see Adam not affected by earlier disturbance & annoyance.

Hahah...BALLS you crack me up! Not much of a pitcher... I mean I'm a pitcher, I'm a catcher... not so into sports... lol Yes please Adam, we love it when you play with words!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dreamy look... yum yum yummy!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks fantastic in that picture and that hat. How can anybody be that cute and his hair is growing back.

Anonymous said...

Cool, cool interview. Great questions. There are so many fantastic songs on FYE, he really should release 2 or 3 more singles.

Anonymous said...

I agree that there are so many songs left on his album that can be released as singles. I wonder what could be the reason behind not doing that? There has to be a reason so I'll just have to leave it in the hands of the experts. Back to voting on vh1, Y100 Jingle Ball 2010 and access hollywood

Anonymous said...

Love the smile,too,Adam.Please DON'T SHAVE anymore of that beautiful hair off,ok?The interview was great.Oh,please don't get a full arm full of tats.Be different,& leave those arms in their natural state..I love your freckles!I know somebody who is so sorry that they got so many tats..One looks like a big bruise from a distance..Even Cher tried to remove the ones on her arms,& wasn't too sucessful.That's why she usually wears jackets or long sleeves.I believe she could only partially remove some of them,& not too well..we loveya like you are!Those 2 tats that you have now are fine..just wanted to have my say( but I know you'll do whatever you want to)...from a BIG FAN with love.I forgot...I know you said prob no more videos from "FYE",but how about an acoustic version of "Soaked"? so beautiful.I hope there is an a short acoustic version of some of the songs from FYE...I will buy 2-3,I promise!

Anonymous said...

adam lambert ur handsome and u have a great voice- p;s pls dopnt shave ur head-hair anymore ok?

Anonymous said...

Great interview and good questions! Like do you wear underwear?... haha Sometimes!... LOL Keep us guessing, Adam!! Tattoo... I don't about this one. Please re-think it twice or three times. I have an idea, maybe a removable/washable tattoo!... haha ok not so Rock 'n Roll.

Anonymous said...

Vids of this interview




coloforadam said...

Can't WAIT for tomorrow morn reports - the St. Petersburg concert is tearin' it up - thousands of screamin' Adam fans - mostly wonderful, energetic kids. He IS here to stay - the whole stadium was singing and rockin' to IIHY - bloggers who were there were groping for words!

Anonymous said...

I cant get over how many of you are soooo sure what Adam should and should not do in his career. How did you gain this knowledge. Do you work for the music/entertainment industry? Btw SONY is the biggest in the business and they hire the best to promote their clients. They're in it for the mOnEy!! If they thought Adam should release another single, it would be out right now. Give Adam and the rest of us some slack from your constant know it all attitudes, Please...

You guys who comment on Adam's hair, clothes, tats or no tats, ok, that's an opinion and everyone has one. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't, but you care.

Adam did mention in this interview that some people think they know what's best for him and that gets on his nerves. "See, Simon," as quoted by Kara.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 3:42PM

Yeahhh, I loved the «balls moment» too. Sweet Adam is so NATURALLY funny, even making fun of himself. He just can't help it! It's just one more of his so many talents. Ha!

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 8:46PM
Tatoos are great (at least those chosen by sweet Adam), he has good taste!
«C-O-M-A-N-D-O» is more than great! Ha! WE have good taste too...Ha,ha!

donnaw said...

I loved this interview! As always, Adam is so articulate and funny! What a great sense of humor and i absolutely love his giggle!
Funny comment about him liking or not liking balls....he's so cute!