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Adam Lambert: Sexy Fever UNF

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, September 17, 2010

Posted at : Friday, September 17, 2010

Check out this new video from tuke18!


Anonymous said...

Much better seeing our sexy Adam doing and giving us the FEVER!!!! I will be at the concert tonight with FEATHERS on my hair. I have a hat I can bring!!!
Israeli fan

Anonymous said...

Hey Israeli Fan (by way of Florida if I recall, lol) - do some extra loud yelling and screaming for Adam tonight on my behalf, would 'ya... BB's had a tough 24 hours and I want him to feel the love!

coloforadam said...

".... I'm your slave."

Anonymous said...

The fucking SONY is blocking this video in Azores. Does anyone have a clue WHERE I can find and watch it? I'd appreciate. What does UNF mean? If this video belongs to GNT (and I think it does) I saw it for sure, because I watched to ALL GNT VIDEOS up to now, but in that case can any of you tell me what show was that? Just to watch it again? Thank you Glamily.

Shirley said...

Yeah I always want to ask what UNF means lol. It looks like people say that a lot in the fandom.

Anonymous said...

Wow! that is so Hooooooooot! :) I had to literally undo my shirt cuz I'm feeling really hot... lol Must be the weather today @ 14 degrees :)

Shirley anon 11:35

Universal Noice of F-----g :)

Anonymous said...

I think ppl. use it to mean "sexy" ? Adamluv

nancdruuu2 said...

The name Adam Lambert stands for peace and love. I agree everyone should show Adam some EXTRA love, screaming, and cheers tonight for what the paps put him through. I will be cheering in front of my computer when I see the new videos.

Hurray for our Hero - Adam Lambert! Keep on rocking!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The closeup ending was beyond UNF!!!!!!!!! Always thought there should be a video of Adam doing Justin T's song ! "The other boys dont know how to act" - that line was written with Adam F. Lambert in mind! Israelifan (now living in Florida) have the most fun in your life tonite and I agree with comments above, about screaming louder than ever to show our boy some love! And wear that Panama hat too! I'd skip the t-shirt and pants but hey, that 's just me. LOL. Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

YEAH! I would be sporting a panama if I lived in Florida and owned one. Can't boast either, but I can support all of you who do. Give him all the love tonight!!! Thanks from his fans.

Dinah-mite said...

OMG! What can be said about this Vid?? Loved his big smile at the end. Papp. are scum for sure, Hope Fl. does show him lots of love, he deserves it! He sure is bringing sexy back.

Anonymous said...

HEY Ya'll, really , what does UNF stand for. Let all these Glams that are in the dark enjoy these Initials also. Pretty Please,, :)

Anonymous said...

UNF = universal noise of fucking