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Adam Lambert ZMTV -- New Zealand Interview (9/26)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, September 27, 2010

Posted at : Monday, September 27, 2010

Adam Lambert is interviewed by Polly of ZMTV! 9/26/10


Anonymous said...

oh, such nice people , you cant to not love them
good for you Adam that you can give so much love

Anonymous said...

Oh! Adam is such a deep thinker... I like! :)
" You cannot make everybody like/love you. " That's just life and reality is. It's not you it's them.
It was such a sweet interview, just like Adam... sweet! :)

Anonymous said...

New Zealand,you are our heros. Adam must be going there in November. Couldn't find the date on the October Calendar. OMG where has the year gone. The holidays are rushing too fast. Adam's GNT was over too fast. Nice to know Adam and company getting some days off and having fun. Sue we here bits and pieces of things going on.

Anonymous said...

Truly a wonderful thoughtful man, wish there were more people like him, he makes the world a better place. could listen to that voice all day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys its Jan from NZ, our concert is scheduled for 17th Oct, on the calender under Auckland New Zealand. And yes we looove him here. Unfortunately I bought my tickets to go over to Sydney Australia and unable to do both. Would have loved to see him in my own country,but I am still really excited.
I heard this interview on the radio this morning, Polly is great.

Anonymous said...

@ Jan
Hi fellow! Did I understand you right? You are missing sweet Adam in NZ but is catching the venue at Sydney? WTF?

Anonymous said...

OT but read some more from that Hot Magazine article. They had photos of "the incident" with the pap but called it a scuffle (instead of Adam "attacking" the pap as worded in EW). Much more benign word but the best was the headline "HE'S NO LAMB - ERT". Loved that! Continuing OT since I"m on a roll here (LOL) but also read an article from the Phillipines saying that some parents are concerned about Adams performance and it might become "an adults only" concert! Maybe they are just saying this to get press? Anyone here from the Phillipines that have any idea about this? And another OT = no, just kidding! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Off the subject. There is a new petition to get adam to host SNL.
or tweet to @foxvegas

Please spread the word. via twitter and facebook. there are attached links. VERY easy.
Also, vote Vh1top20. Now that we have more timeand less videos to watch. LOL

Israeli fan.

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun. Yes you understood me right, bizzare isnt it, not to mentiom disappointing. you see no NZ dates were announced till the Australian dates had sold out. so my daughter and I booked our flights and got concert tickets to go to OZ and once we did all that and PAID they announced the NZ dates and as you can see they are really close.So for lots of reasons the NZ concert is a no go for me.

Anonymous said...

Good interview...but would have like a more positive note. Sounds like Adam was giving great advice and how great to remember the NZ fans!
(Who by the way have been in a state of collapse waiting for Adam to grace their shores,and now it will happen). It's differcult to top the last guys interview from NZ.

Anonymous said...

Nice interview - big props to Polly & the ZM crew, they've ALWAYS supported Adam & play his songs heaps, their radio station was the first to play Fever which I love. Can't wait to see our boy in concert Oct 17, counting down the weeks, hours, days etc.

Anonymous said...

I just read that Adam's UK venue's hold 600, 800, 1362, and 2,000. I am still wondering why management hasn't noticed what he did in the U.S. and are not willing to seek much larger venue's. I'm sure the UK has places that hold more than 600 and 800 people. Looks like that would work our Man to death and cost a fortune. Maybe they will learn plenty after this Tour is over. Meanwhile Adam will gain in popularity in those countries.

Anonymous said...

Just had a few minutes to catch up. This is such a nice thread, but a few back had a few "crabby people" on this site of love, peace and light? So I am adding my two cents here...although you guys are responding to anothr thoughtful interview. This is a great place to rant…you know I have done it and I was told to “ get over yourself Glambert”. I can take a punch, though! It shouldn’t matter if we call Adam BB or HH or whatever as long as it is respectful and nice. Also, sometimes the Glamily members may have typos, but basically we are a very astute group! It’s fun to see comments from Adamluv, Adam Fix, ZZ, Glitzy, MGF, fan4fun funbunn40…on and on. We are a supportive family. Gosh! This is so weird, but the last 3 times I have posted, the radio is on, and as soon as I start typing, If I Had You comes on… So I guess I should say I am glad to have all of you as 24/7 friends! Anyway, for the crabby people: There are two excellent theories for successfully winning an argument with a Glambert…I forget what they are now…it is late…but neither one works anyway.


Anonymous said...

I had a typo with the ? mark on the second sentence....It is declarative and not interrogative. I'm sure I am forgiven.

Urethra_Franklin said...

I was a victim of a typo once. Shit happens, whatcha gonna do.

Anonymous said...

Uree [ ;) ] - that was hysterical.

lmb - you're so nice, I like nice, nice is good.

And hey peeps, I was actually popping in to say let's keep respectfully requesting IIHY... I was pleasantly shocked to see a local radio station post a positive story about Lambert on their website just yesterday, hoping that means they're gonna start spinning it! Gonna go text them my request right now ... Request if you can find the time fans.


Anonymous said...

@ lmb

I'm so «openly» glad do be a fan of your comments and grateful to have you in my Glamily! WE ARE a supportive family, indeed, learning with sweet Adam every single day of our lives, even being (some of us) much older than him...
Some threads behind, in a response to the Adamluv, Glitzylady and Adam Fix supportive comments on me, I «quoted» sweet Adam as saying in this interview something that, as a matter of fact, (@) Anon.Sept.27, 4:11PM is saying in a comment above, in this same thread. I guess this is a real example of how much connected we Glamberts are with sweet Adam's way of thinking and living. Such a great connection in all the meanings of its strength... and I'm sure it's not only my opinion: you are so right when you say that none of those «two excellent theories» would work anyway when crabby people try successfuly to win an argument with a Glambert.

Love, light and peace on 24/7 «Paradise»!
Long live sweet Adam, our amazing catalyst! And may God bless him every day of his long life!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so sweet AND funny! Just taking a few minutes to post from my office here at work.

Hi MGF, it's AG here. Which website are you talking about? I have yet to hear IIHY on any station in the Boston area. I have heard WWFM on the radio and in a Dunkin's once and also in a restaurant which was a pleasant surprise while dining. I made my cousin stop chewing and listen.

Anonymous said...

@ AG

Whaaaaat???? You said «WE» are sweet and funny??? No way!!!!Hahaha... if YOU MADE your cousin stop chewing and listen to sweet Adam, hey there, wake up!!?? YOU ARE the lovely one here!!! Lol

Anonymous said...

@AG - how the heck are 'ya? OMG AG, 92proFM has been playing IIHY a lot for a while now (92proFM did that promo w/ AL befoe Lupos concert). Kiss 108 plays it and I think it's #5 on their KISS Top 30 Countdown (on website). WXLO 104.5 started playing it a bit a few weeks back and I was actually sorta shocked cuz they are a "variety" format more than Top40; their DJ's actually email back sometimes when I request! But the station that is COMPLETELY formatted such that IIHY is very fitting w/ their playlist, yet they weren't playing it, is Mix 104.1, so frustrating. But anyway, go to their website if you have time and comment on the recent blurb they posted on Adam... and request if you have time so that they know their listeners truly want to hear it. You can text or email, don't have to deal w/ phone, it's pretty painless & quick. There is a "management" type reason why they haven't played 'till now, but I'm typing this in on my iTouch and it's a pain :), this length has exhausted me as is, lol. Oh, also, I'm pretty sure Coast 93.3 plays it a little (they are tied into KISS somehow I think).


Anonymous said...

@MGF, thanks for the radio tips. I do listen to ALL those stations while driving my long ride to work but I guess I keep missing IIHY. I usually have talk radio on all day while there, especially now with all the pols making their statements. But, I will check out the website. Thanks again.

I've forgotten what you posted earlier about your computer but I hope it's fixed soon. You'll need your energy for the upcoming Japan sightings.

(I feel like a kid again waiting for my GLAMBOX order to arrive!)


Anonymous said...

AG - you made your cousin stop chewing their food and listen to Adam? That is priceless!! Absouletly love it. Silence and reverence should definitely be the order of the day, when an Adam song comes on.

Or people should whip out some candles and light them, get out their smelling salts, draw up a nice warm bubble bath, sip some champagne, hug the person immediately to their left, gaze into each other's eyes or crank it/climb up on the table and shake their ass!

Whatever moves you, and shows your Adam-appreciation!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

AG you crack me up.."I made my couzin stop chewing and listen"!!!! ROFL!

Anyway, thanks, I needed that!

I LOVE the positivity here! Don't like crabbiness either.

Thanks lmb... you are sweet and loved here along with everyone here!

On another note, I heard Finland dropped "Fever" as a single and it went straight to number one...yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo know great music when you hear it!

Poster above, Adam requested smaller venues. I am sure he will now consider larger venues once he see's the money rolling in. I heard as of around the last Florida concert there are estimates that Adam himself has made around $2 million smackeroo's! He says after his tour he will probably get that Maserati...he deserves it and geeze, will he look good in it!