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Adam Lambert's Glam Nation Tour SOLD OUT in Manchester and Birmingham!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, September 10, 2010

Posted at : Friday, September 10, 2010

Good news from the United Kingdom! Both the Birmingham and Manchester shows have sold out in less than three hours! Two other shows in Glasgow and London which are selling very well too!

Concert details:

November 26: Birmingham, UK, Academy 2
November 27: Manchester, UK, Academy 2
November 28: Glasgow, Scotland, ABC
November 29: London, England, Shepherds Bush

Thanks to Chezza-sherbert/brit fan!


Taan Parisse said...

This isn't good news! I didn't get a ticket :(

Shirley said...

Taan Parisse,

Awww that's too bad for you but i'm sure Adam will have another concert sometime! Now that he's sold out in UK. That means he's in big demand!

Good job everyone in the UK!

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear this first thing in the morning!

Anonymous said...

Awww Taan Parisse - but don't give up!!! Radio promotion give-aways??? Keep your eyes open :)! Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

Great news! For those who were able to secure their tickets are the lucky ones to get through.

Because we know a great one when we see one! A D A M ... that would be you bb!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for Adam!

World domination begins!

BTW, how's the other tours in other countries doing? Anyone have any idea?

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful concert he will give there in the UK......don't know if he will change it from what we have seen in the states, but whoa.....if it is exactly as we saw it........everyone will be thrilled. So wish I was rich and could go to London, get a meet and greet, and spend Thanksgiving there.......been there once and it is on my bucket list to go back!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we'll get great YouTube videos of his international concerts, just as they've enjoyed our N.American videos?

Anonymous said...

hope adam lambert international tour is going to be wonderful one sold out i hope in all asian countries such as phils; japan;malaysia;australia;singapore;hongkong and new zealand.also in all euroepan countries such as austrialswitzerland and etc, oh finland and sweden and of course germany hes very fmaous in germany.more itlay paris and etc.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:50 I hope sooo. I wonder if Suz will be there... hmmm I would be very amazed & jealous if she would make it to these international dates.

LIVA said...

I read on twitter that Suz will be going to the European tour! So expect videos!

I hope Adam changes up the performances a little bit.

Anonymous said...


Get out of town! Does Suz do this for a living? If she does, she has a dream job.

Anonymous said...

this is great news especially considering Adam hasn't been very well promoted over here at all and the BBC and various other radio stations not including him on their playlist (even though they have no hesitation in playing records from some nitwit x factor contestants with no talent at all - sorry if this is negative and critical of other acts but it does so annoy me that we never hear adam at all on the radio over here but are bombarded with records from people who can't sing!)

Anonymous said...

anon 11:04 Have you tried requesting any of Adam's songs from your favorite radio stations? They will play it if you request it... at least in Canada anyways.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:04....
I'm really curious about this. I mean, I watched dozens of radio and TV station interviews from the UK and Sweden, Finland, etc. when Adam was on his promo tour there in April-May of this year. They were all SO excited about him in their interviews, so why the hell isn't he being played over there????

Please enlighten me if you can.

Anonymous said...

Reminder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TGI Friday

VH1 ~~~ Vote

Anonymous said...

I noticed that the Birmingham venue's capacity is 250. All are the venues comparative or larger? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

In Finland various radio stations play Adam, WWFM, FYE, IHY.I bought my tickets today to see Adam in Hamburg/Germany! Happy to go!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Birmingham venue capacity of 250 people is hard to believe! Geeeez, you can get that many people in my house! Why such a small venue? OH, listen to me, I should be grateful they are celebrating him and his music. I just want the whole world to see him and enjoy him. Not contradicting the fact tht it is 250. Don't mean to sound that way. God, he is the absolute KING of Muisc right now. I hope I live to see this thing in 25 years! Cheers!!

Anonymous said...

Size 250 venue is a pub or a cave?

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that Birmingham was 600 (still that is small, too small for who wants to go). but maybe the idea is to create buzz, demand, so he can come back even larger next year after the next album.

Anonymous said...

Glasgow holds 1300, Manchester holds 1500 and London holds 2000. Birmingham has 3 rooms, one holds 3000, one holds 600 and the other 250. Is Adam definitely in the one that only holds 250?

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 1:00PM
Hahaha! LOL! Now I'm relaxed! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I've requested Adam to be played but it doesn't seem to make any difference. Apparently the BBC say that they are committed to support British acts therefore Adam is not a priority but they play plenty of other American artists (the ones that are already established over here) so that doesn't really make any sense. When he was over here earlier in the year he did some tremendous interviews (Jonathan Ross and Justin Lee Collins were especially good) but they didn't seem to translate into record sales. Personally I think that as the BBC won't put his records on their playlist he needs some prime time television exposure - X Factor would be great, he did mention in one of his radio interviews that it might be a possibility but as it airs live on a Saturday night (with live results on a Sunday) it would seem he's not scheduled to do it as two of his tour concerts are on those nights.

The Dark Side said...

Since he is not getting air play in the UK, should imagine that you have to get your foot in the door if you are an American and particularly from AI. I think it's a given Adam does what he needs to do to open doors. If he generates enough clamor then the powers that be will sit up and take notice. Selling out in 3days should give the country a clue that he's a star there. WTH is Sony doing in England, playing dead?

Anonymous said...

Birmingham academy 2 is a capasity of 600.. Adam Tickets went on sale today and sold out this morning within hours. lots of band are booked to play there and they still have tickets yes this should make people sit up and listen...i hope :D

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

@FF Sept 10 12:44PM - Shit FF, if your house can easily fit 250 people then I wanna come down and visit that grand place and soak up some rays this winter!! Massachusetts winters can be a real bitch ;). But seriously, I have that same feeling too - about wanting the whole world to understand his incredible talent, I hear 'ya... resistance is futile - it will happen... good things come to those who wait, lol.

And @Liva/10:55AM - shut the front door - what the heck - is Suz independently wealthy or something - what's the deal with her - somebody enlighten me (but regardless, very cool).

MassGlamFan (MGF)

Anonymous said...

@ The Dark Side
I don't know what the glamhell Sony is doing in England, whether playing dead or not... I only know that in Azores the fucking Sony is blocking down sort of 20% of the amazing videos 24/7 Paradise trys to give to ALL of us.

glitzylady said...

Just a couple of thoughts about the UK (I mean, what do I know really...been there to visit a couple of times but other than that....not much..) This tour is going to wake up some of the radio stations there just like it has here...and just like here, apparently, there are obviously musical politics involved...Adam is making inroads here in the US slowly and steadily in spite of very little recent mainstream media attention..So much of what has happened here this summer has been because of his incredibly hard work, all of the local radio and TV interviews, his intense concert schedule and his very dedicated fans selling out his venues everywhere.... I don't want to sound like a Pollyanna but I have such faith that this will all pay off for him in the near future...I sure wish I could zip on over there and help to sell out the other venues...(my spouse would have me committed tho)...and I'm sure they will be very soon....And just like here the fans are so fortunate to have those smaller venues...because we know what will happen in the future...And wouldn't I LOVE to be in a venue that seats 250...I know its actually bigger than that but that would really be amazing...I'd be happy with a venue for one actually....And yes it is very hard to sit here patiently waiting for the rest of the world to catch up to us Adam Lambert fans...I have a relative who is a huge Tokio Hotel fan who recently asked me about of course I very helpfully sent her a BUNCH of assorted Adam videos....Haven't heard back yet...could be a really good sign (she is stunned into silence and immobility) or a really bad sign (she thinks I've lost my mind)..we'll "conversion at a time"...I didn't want to hit her over the head with this stuff, but since she asked...

jackie43 said...

My sister who lives in London just got three tickets today for London show. I live in New York and bought my ticket to fly over and see him. Staying for a few weeks. My first concert and am so happy to see him with my sister and her daughter. They both love Adam after watching him AI in England. In fact I wasn't watching AI that year and they said to me you have to watch this guy he is amazing. I took one look and have been hooked since. Been watching all Suz526 videos so I have a good idea of what to expect in England. Maybe we will be lucky and he will do a few more songs.

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady

Thank you for your kind reponse to my comment at you some threads ago... But don't you call me «great soul» because: 1) My soul has already be given to sweet Adam sort of 1 year ago (well, maybe he made it «great» and even multi-talented ever since... let's ask him about it?); 2) I may start to sign not as «MAHATMA Gandhi», but «MAHATMA Fan4fun»... you know, everything you say I trust, eyes & ears wide shut...LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If the BBC and Radio 1 would just stop being so deaf to the gift that Adam brings to the world, and so snobbish about American Idol, he might get some radio air play. Are they blind as well when they see what's happening all around Europe and Scandanavia? Maybe he's just too good and no male British singer can compare.

glitzylady said...

@Fan4fun 5:05pm

Here's the thing about the soul...I know Adam certainly manages to enrich my soul on a daily basis so I fully expect that he has made your's better as well...we may have to draw the line comparing any of us to Mahatma Gandhi tho...!!!!! I'm going to have to be more careful about what I say, its all going to give you a big head...and its YOUR head I am referring to and nothing related to Adam, okay???!!!! Just wanted to be clear on that subject...LOL!!!!!! Around here we always have to clarify....just to stay out of trouble and sometimes that doesn't even work......

Anonymous said...

My god when are they going to play adam's songs here in the states, never heard once. Same old crap rap hip hop you name it over and over/ It's sickening and I just usually drive in silence and then of course that doesn't last and I put adams's cd in! sorry, I'm venting because I just don't understand why they don't play him at all. Here in fla anyway!

Anonymous said...

If I had the money I would be buying a ticket to see Adam in the UK. My grandpop was born in Manchester, but unfortunately, I have never visited the UK. I really don't get the BBC not playing his songs. Don't they like Simon Cowell? Afterall, he said that AI finally found an international star. I believe that is why Simon left. He knew nobody could follow Adam's talent and showmanship, IMO. I understand supporting the British performers, but the US supported the British Invasion (which I loved) so they need to recipricate. Hopefully, with his sold-out shows and when they are witness to Adam Lambert live (he is like no other), they will realize he is the real deal and play the hell out of his music. Congrats to all the fans who got a ticket and hopefully, they will put on some add'l venues so other fans can attend. It is an experience you will never forget.

glitzylady said...

@anon 5:15Pm

We're just being silly....I hope you were too : )

Anonymous said...

From what I read on Suz's twitter, she says this is how she affords going to nearly 1/3 of his concerts:

"Careful planning, frequent flyer miles, volunteer to get bumped from flights (comps), share expenses, buy tickets at cost"

But she also says about going across the pond:

"I wish I could - but airfare is just too high. You guys take good care of him!!! Wednesday, September 08, 2010 2:42:01 PM via web in reply to VECADAM"


Anonymous said...

Thanks daydreaminmylif, you're the best!

Anonymous said...

london and glasgow uk shows are also SOLD OUT now...this is fantastic news, maybe more date's could be added...

the Glasgow venu seats 2500..i think thats amazing....

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx