Adam's Worldwide Certifications and Chart Placements (Updated 9/9/10)
Filed Under (album news,charts,If I Had You,news,what ya want from me ) by Admin on Friday, September 10, 2010
Posted at : Friday, September 10, 2010

U.S. Charts (as of 9/9/10; all numbers are peak placement)
“If I Had You"
#32 Hot 100
#18 Pop Songs
#20 Adult Pop
#30 Digital Sales
#48 Radio Songs
#3 Hot Dance Singles Sales
“Whataya Want From Me”
#10 Hot 100
#1 Top 40 Recurrents
#1 Hot Dance/Electronic Singles Sales (two weeks)
#1 Hit Singles Sales
#2 Adult Pop Songs
#8 Digital Sales
#12 Pop Songs
#10 Adult Contemporary
#18 Radio Songs
“For Your Entertainment” single
#5 Dance/Club Play Songs
“For Your Entertainment” album
#3 Billboard 200
“If I Had You"
#20 Top 40
#20 Hot Adult Contemporary
“Whataya Want From Me”
#13 Top 40 (also American Top 40 chart)
#2 Hot Adult Contemporary
#8 Adult Contemporary
International (as of 9/9/10; all numbers are peak placement)
“If I Had You"
#4 Singles (ARIA)
#8 Canadian Hot 100 (Billboard)
#3 Hot Adult Contemporary (Mediabase)
#8 Top 40 (Mediabase)
#8 Top 40 Radio (Nielsen Soundscan)
#9 Digital Sales
#10 Singles
#10 Digital Songs
#5 Top 50 Airplay
#7 Top 40 Singles (RIANZ)
#47 Top Hit 100 Airplay
#1 Radio 91.3FM Hot 30
#1 Radio 98.7FM Top 20
#17 Top 40 Airplay
“For Your Entertainment” single
#19 Hot 30 Dance Club Play
#3 Singles
#1 Hot 100 Airplay (Billboard)
#2 Hot 100 (Billboard)
#10 Top 40
#37 Top 40 Singles
“Whataya Want From Me”
#4 Singles (ARIA)
#4 Top 40 Singles
#13 Radio (Overall)
#32 Hot 100 Singles
#6 Top 40 Singles
#1 Hot Adult Contemporary (Mediabase multiple weeks)
#3 Canadian Hot 100 (Billboard)
#2 Adult Contemporary (Mediabase)
#1 Remixes (Nielsen Soundscan)
#4 Top 40 (Mediabase)
#6 Top 100 Radio
#4 Airplay
#9/#12 Singles (Nielsen)
#1 Top 40
#1 Radio
#2 Digital Songs
#3 Singles
#1 Radio (Overall)
#1 Mainstream Radio
#1 Youth Radio
#3 Digital Tracks
#5 Top Singles (Media Control)
#3 Radio Top 40
#4 Top 50 Airplay
#7 Top 40
#2 Radio Airplay (RIANZ)
#4 Top 40 Singles (RIANZ)
#18 Singles
#10 Top Hit 100 Airplay
#1 Radio 91.3FM Hot 30
#1 Radio 98.7FM Top 20
#3 Airplay/Sales
#1 Radio Top 20
#2 Top 40 (5FM)
#8 Digital Songs
#8 Singles (Grammofon Leverantorernas Forening)
#9 Airplay (Nielsen)
#6 Top 75 Singles
#8 Radio (Overall)
#7 Top 40 Airplay
#53 Top 40 Singles
#21 European Hot 100 (Billboard);order=position
#11 Singles
“For Your Entertainment” album
#4 Finland
#5 New Zealand
#8 Canada
#8 Sweden
#14 Australia
#16 Germany
#22 Austria
#22 Hungary
#25 The Netherlands
#26 Japan
#30 Denmark
#34 Switzerland
#36 United Kingdom
#46 European Albums (Billboard Hot 100)
#60 Ireland (IRMA)
Global Certifications (as of 9/9/10)
“Whataya Want From Me”
Canada – 80,000 units: March 2010
“Whataya Want From Me”
U.S. – 1,000,000 units: April 2010
Australia – 70,000 units: May 2010
New Zealand – 15,000 units: August 2010
“For Your Entertainment” album
Canada – 80,000 units: March 2010
“For Your Entertainment” single
Canada – 40,000 units: March 2010
“For Your Entertainment” album
U.S. – 500,000 units: January 2010
Canada – 40,000 units: January 2010
New Zealand – 7,500 units: March 2010
Singapore – 6,000 units: March 2010
“Whataya Want From Me”
U.S. – 500,000 units: February 2010
Australia – 35,000 units; April 2010
New Zealand – 7,500 units: April 2010
Denmark – 7,500 units: July 2010
Germany – 150,000 units: September 2010
“If I Had You”
Australia – 35,000 units; August 2010
New Zealand – 7,500 units: August 2010
“For Your Entertainment” single
New Zealand – 7,500 units: March 2010
Notes: FYE Album: 723,000 units U.S. (current)
WWFM: 1,521,000 units U.S. (current; includes remixes)
IIHY: 375,000 units U.S. (current)
FYE single: 333,000 units in U.S. (8/2010)
A FEW GLOBAL STATS as of 9/9/10:
*** IIHY has now reached the Top 20 (overall singles and/or radio airplay charts) in a total of EIGHT COUNTRIES: Australia, Canada, Finland, Latvia, New Zealand, Singapore, the Ukraine and the US, and TOP 10 in SIX COUNTRIES Australia, Canada, Finland, Latvia, New Zealand and Singapore!!!***
*** WWFM reached the Top 10 (overall singles and/or radio airplay charts) in a total of 21 countries: US, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland and the Ukraine!!! ***
And of those 21 countries, WWFM reached the Top 5 (overall singles and/or radio airplay charts) in 14 of them (US, Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, New Zealand, Singapore, Slovenia and South Africa)!!! ***
*** FYE the single has reached the Top 10 (overall singles, dance and/or radio airplay charts) in a total of FIVE countries: US, Finland, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore!!! ***
*** FYE the album has reached the Top 20 (sales chart) in a total of SEVEN countries: US, Finland, New Zealand, Canada, Sweden, Germany, Australia!!! ***
Thanks to indybeck71!
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wOw - lots of numbers. Love how all these countries have responded to Adam and his music. Just read that WWFM is now playing on VH1-India! Music is indeed a universal language. Adamluv
dayum u rock adam!!! is yours go get it!!!
Really hot WLL from the Idol tour last year! Anyone know what city this was in? Adamluv
Sorry, must admit my attention is mainly on the GIF... haha... how much more when it's Adam that way... lol
Too many great news... way to go Adam! ♥ubb
ok here is what happened tonight. I was voting on VH1 since 8:00 oclock and after 9:00 Oclock my computer got slower and slower and at some point it froze its fucken ass off. I think people are voting last minute for other videos making that whole fucken website dAMN busy. I think we have to start voting early people, like monday and do it through out the week. COme on...ok now I can't type, my fingers and my neck are hurting from all the votin... WTF! I gotta go pee...I haven't released my bladders pressure since 7 o'clock, ma vaJJ is gonna burst..fuck!
Ok, now that I have released some pressure I can comment on this awesome news. I am so proud of you boy! The world is urs!
Btw, I am listening to ZMonline, NZ radio, they are playin Fever... Hell yeah! Pimpinnn
Holy F*ck. Go Adam. It seems the world is just waiting for you. AND YOU HAVE WORKED SO HARD FOR THIS BB. xoxoxxoxo
He's got the whole world in his hands!!!!!!!!
Awesome #'s BB - you go boy
So funny this gif is being used on this thread tonight... I was just thinking yesterday about all the delicious footage from Lambert's set on the AI8 Idols Concert Tour... there's been so much GNT and pre-GNT promo/press footage these past 6 months that I've sort of put aside my thoughts about the AI8 summer concert footage... but there is some really awesome footage out there from that AI8 Tour and some EXCELLENT fan vids using that footage. It's easy to forget but BB was very very sexy on the AI8 Tour, in the best possible way. Think I'm gonna go hit youtube and look for a couple of my favs :)
how do you get these numbers. thank-you now if we could just get adam's songs to play here in america, I would be sooo happy. Never hear him on the radio ever! I'm thinking of moving to another country lol
Seeing these numbers are very impressive.
I'm glad the boy is doing stellar worldwide.
Can't wait for the new album to break even bigger records.
Anyone else notice that the UK always lags behind in the numbers threads.....BECAUSE THEIR MAIN RADIO STATIONS WILL NOT PLAY ADAM , 2 BBC stations in England who control the radio, I believe.
WTF is wrong with that country! Is it so superior (in their own minds) to the rest of the world ??
Kris who ??? Oh yeah, he was just inducted into the Arkansas Hall of Fame, with one hit single and nothin' else. Oh, but he did win American Idol. WOO HOO. Where would they induct him if his album went platinum and he had some sold out concerts. Maybe they have an Arkansas Super Hall of Fame for that. Justsayin'
All I can say to this anon 8:44 is...
So sad for the fans who have been waiting patiently for them to play anything of Adam's songs. We feel for you... :(
ZZ, I wanna reach thru my computer and bitch slap you for commenting again on listening to Fever on the radio!!!!!! LOL! I am so jealous, gurl! And I bet I'm not the only one! Enjoy that fab. song! Adamluv
Adamluv LOLz, I usually listen to Virginradio canada and ZMonline (NZ) radio, they put BB on constant rotation and that gives me the creepiest HAPPY feeling ever. I love NZ, Canada and OZ, they are just awesome! Maybe we all glambers should me far North or down under, sitting in the middle ain't helpin, is it?
Looking at these numbers, Adam's come a long way, has he? But this is just the beginning!
@8:44 The BBC and Radio 1 and 2...I've been doing a lot a thinking...wondering why the UK doesn't play Adam on the radio. Radio is a medium. TV is a medium. Newspaper business is a medium. Together they are called the Media. So...what if the "media" (BBC TV) does not like Simon Fuller or Simon Cowell and are therefore not playing Adam on BBC Radio 1 and 2 so as to not enrich the two Simons. Make sense?
I am going to start putting a Y in front of UK when I type it from now on until they start playing Adam. Do I have enough influence? We will see, won't we? All you Brits on this site, don't go getting your panties in a wad, ok? all in good fun
Can only speak for Canada, my country, but our radio stations jump on whatever Adam puts out. I hear his music constantly wherever I go. USA radio, which I guess is dictated to by the religious right in your country , has a LOOOONG way to go to catch up with the rest of the world. But I guess it is up to you American listeners to demand a change, isn't it ?
ZZ, I thought you lived in NZ? BTW, I noticed there was no mention of our good neighbors to the south - Mexico, Central and South America. Anyone post here that has any info? Is Adam not known in these countries? Maybe not liked? Also heard that WWFM was just released in France! Good! Adamluv
Oops! Just saw Brazil on the list! But I think that's all. Adamluv
This is soo exciting. I love to see these worldwide stats his numbers are going go even further off the charts once his international tour kicks off.
Adam your dream is just beginning and us fans will make sure it all comes true for you we love you soo very much!
On a sadder note I read today that Allison's record company DROPPED her from their label. WTF?? Maybe another label will pick her up. She is soo very talented and is Adam saw this from the very beginning.
I would think it would be soo great if she could join Adam as his opening act on the international tour.
More exposure worldwide may be just the ticket for her. She is a real rock talent. I would hate to see Allison's dream of making it fade away from her. I do not think her previous label company promoted her well.
Did not mean to switch subjects but Allison needs to stay!! Anyone else out there with me on this one?
@Adamluv 8:04 pm and MGF 8:35 pm
The answer to your question re the gif from the Idol Tour:
Whole Lotta Love at the final stop on the Tour: Manchester NH
@ Adamluv
Yeahhh, I saw Brazil too (I'm brazilian, you know?) but no reference to Portugal. Here is my «Yeeek!» at the good catholic bitches!
Never mind, sweet Adam! GOD loves you, my exotic baby singing bird (and gave you all these talented blessings). Keep singing and body rolling to us! We are so blessed too for having you around!
@HeartAdam4Ever 10 10:41 PM -
I've heard this about Allison, but am so bummed out about it that I haven't investigated it further for confirmation... it'l like - I really don't even want to know the truth I guess... I just want to bury my head in the sand about it... really bummed about it. She is crazy talented, and I LOVE that damn cd of hers, LOVE IT... hope it works out for her eventually!
Upset about Allison, too! Would also love to see her continue with Adam.
But on a lighter note, as I mentioned above, I was inspired by this thread's gif to go look at some of my old fav's from the AI8 summer concert tour... and I always loved this fan vid - it didn't get a ton of hits like some of kcinkcity's do - but check it out - it's yummy
Just checked out the WWL video from Manchester, NH during the AI8 tour. Had never seen before.
OMG, sure was the lift I needed on this sad anniversary a.m. with all the 9/11 news coverage. Wahoo!!
Err.....that is WLL and left out an "it".
Guess I was "all shook up" !!
Great job, Adam! Love you.
IIHY still on top20! Just moved slightly down on #17. But VH1 just announced top20 songs in 2010 and both songs in this list!
Hi, Im from Argentina, admit my country are crap with the numbers, I dont know about the sales , I got 6 argentinian edition, 2 usa, and 1 european...and keep countin :),In our radio ranking (top 40), BB was number ONE for 3 weeks consecutives with WWFM, right now are still in the top ten I guess his 9 week. I got any information about a incipient fan club are reunited next saturday for welcome another latinoamericans fans, and he get his first interview in a teenmag. Love to all. Ale.
AS SC said world-wide star is born! and it's only the beginning. What did I miss about Allison? She going to stop opening for Adam? Say it isn't so. Or are you talking about Jive records dropping her. Either way, this girl is a rare talent and she will forge her way in the music business. The Scoop please.
No 17, WHAT?? I start voting on Saturday and vote through Friday--how is this happening? Can't vote just one day a week. I know we are all busy, me too, but for Adam I vote. Happy he made the top 20 list for both WWFM and IIHY. Anyone beside me not watching the VMA's Sunday? Guess I am a real minority, but cannot stand Cheslea Handler. Free to express my feelings.
No, not watching the VMAS either due to their snub of Adam! Glitzlady, thanks for answering my question. I only wish he had done that at my Idol tour show! It looks like Allison's not going worldwide with Adam. I had mentioned the other day about jive records dropping her and the petition online for RCA to pick her up! No one said anything so I guessed no one cared. I'm glad ppl do. Loved her show with Adam! She's a great talent! Adamluv
The BILLBOARD INFO reflects the previous week. Last week - IFHY went down 3 spots to 35 - and also digital songs went sent down4 spots to 34. Radio Songs stayed the same at 48. Please note: Billboard updates every Thursday (But check after 9:00 am) for the previous week sales.
I bet he'll go back up next week!!!!!!!!
@ Anonymous 10:212 AM
Hi there, es decir Ola! Are your tag name «ALE», or is it just a saudation??? Tienes un nombre ficticio? Eres tu por casualidad la(o) misma(o) fan Argentina de hace algo de 1 mes o otra(o)?; si tu eres la misma(o), ya te he dejado messages... pero ya no importa, solamente que me gustaria mantener contacto contigo porque soy tu ex-vecina brasileña que vive hace 9 años en Açores/Portugal... and, Glamshit, sometimes I really feel soooo lonely! (but not today, ha!). Once I don't have any brazilian commenters in this site, loving sweet Adam like I do, please Argentina, be welcome to this 24/7 Paradise and talk to me, alguna vez, porque me gustan tanto mis «ex» vecinOs argentinOs (yo he vivido con un novio de Buenos Ayres por 4 años!!!)... y a sweet Adam yo creo que le gustariam TANTO ó MÁS... Hahaha!!! Que tán calientes y machos (pero delicados) son tus hombres (ay, ay, ay)!!! I miss you argentinian guys!
Living in Brazil or in Mexico!!! Anyway, gracias por amar a mi idolatrado sweet Adam! La mayor estrella, the most shining and brilliant body rolling siempre, EVER!!! Being my fellow or not, thanks for posting, Argentina, thanks for your infos... Be welcome, again! Hope see you around...
@Adamluv Sept 11 10:37AM - I saw your 1st post about Allison - I didn't reply because I was truly bummed out, as I said above, burying my head in the sand about it... I have a few family members who are teenagers who love her cd, and I truly believe that if her team could just get a track played on the radio, and into the ears of the teen crowd, it would catch fire w/ the teenage set, more so than Adam even IMHO! And there are some great great tracks on her cd too, IMHO, that are universal and that I really really love, and I think others in the 25 & on up crowd would love too if they were exposed to it (beyond the GNT crowd). Well, crossing my fingers that things work out for her.
MGF, I love her CD! fan4fun, so enjoy reading your remarks in Spanish and it appears that you've led a very interesting life! As we all should have and continue to have! Ciao, Adamluv
@ Adamluv
Indeed fellow, thanks God my life has been very interesting (and much more after «meeting» sweet Adam and my glamily here in 24/7 Paradise) and it's for real! But baby teacher at LA, «CIAO» is italian!!! In a good spanish (I mean, in a good MEXICAN SPANISH) it should be (Glamshit, it'd seem to be sort of «Terminator») «HASTA LA VISTA, BABY!» Ha!!!!
Hi! I feel bad for Allison, too but she just turned 18 ... there's a long road ahead of her. Look at ADAM! He had to wait 10 years before we found him. If we all support Allison & request her music on the radio maybe we can help her in some way, too. It's just not her time yet but she's talented enough to stay relevant with a little help from ADAM's & her fans. Love & Light to ALL Glamberts Worldwide!
BTW ... I think HEAVY voting on Saturday thru Wednesday on VH1 is Betterer!! JMO
Ja.ja. Sorry fan4fun, i dont see your message before, Ale is my name, laugh very hard wen you said "argentinos machos y calientes!!, siento decepcionarte, pero ya no quedan muchos!!!, Portugal must be a dream, i almost go to live at Spain for work reason, but still here...anclada en BA, I promese you come here more often, is a REALLY GOOD SITE, very concret and very well informed, but i a fiercian...Love. Ale.
Fan4fun, Babe, I know Ciao is Italian but for all the years I lived in Mexico City, that's what everyone said! Or a long drawn out "Adiooooooos". Tess4Adam, I also heard what you said about Sat. thru Wed. being the crucial days. Adamluv
I am sorry, but I think that not a lot of Adam's fans take care about VH1 top20. I still will vote and my friends on VH1 adam's fans. But it is just 400 of us. So, I don't think we can keep Adam on top20 next week.
Actually, may be this is right. VH1 needs new video and Katty Perry or Usher can make video almost every month. Adam can't afford it yet because he is on his own. Good luck Adam, we love you and waiting for your new video. But don't do "Fever", please.
"Sure fire winners" can become another "We are the Champions"!
@ Adamluv
Hey fellow, no hard feelings please, hope you understood I was only trying to play «words» after my 5th beer yesterday night (glamshit, it was Saturday night and I was home with my cat Icon just diving into 24/7 «Paradise»...)
So glad to know you too lived in Mexico City. Yay, I love Mexico so bad!!! (I think we don't have mexicans posting here, do we???) I lived there from 1980 to 1984, kind of at the same time I lived in Austin, Texas. I mean, spending months there, months in the other there, in fact
sometimes I think I lived during 4 years in my 1974 Chrysler Town&Country, on the road!!!
Anyway, when in Mexico, I had a rented apartment in Torres de Mixcoac, Mexico City but sometimes I stayed at Cholula, near Puebla de Los Angeles. What a great time in my life, such good people around! I was so happy and didn't know that, lol! But at that time people didn't use «CIAO», at least not to me, believe me! Hahaha, never mind, teacher, sometimes I'm a glamasshole! Ciao, fellow, «see» you in the next threads! I hope!!!!
Here's to all you Canadians who can't seem to stop BRAGGING about how much your country worships Adam, and continually plays his music,recognizes his genius, blah blah blah...
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! HUZZAH! YOU'RE FREAKIN' the best. I can only hope my country will wake up one of these days. But the more you, and the rest of the world, honors Adam, the more foolish TPTB look in the US who are shutting him out. The day will come when they will no longer be able to ignore him.
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