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Glam Nation Tour in Houston

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, September 08, 2010


20th Century Boy

If I Had You

Sure Fire Winners

Opening Medley






Music Again


Anonymous said...

The show just ended and look what we have?!

A M A Z I N G 24/7!!!

LIVA said...

still waiting for the videos!

Maybe tomorrow morning

Anonymous said...


The fans are stalking by the buses while we are stalking on 24/7 waiting for videos! Hope Suz was there tonight! ( fin-gers crossed XXX )

Anonymous said...

very funny fan made video...

whoever made this video, u are genius! you really made my evening...Thanks again..


Anonymous said...

ZZ thanks... good find! That was hilarious!:))

Anonymous said...

Terrance just tweeted that they WILL be playing in Los Angeles in December - no date or venue set yet tho! Fantastic! 'Cuz I live in LA but have gone to the Costa Mesa concert and will be going to his Hawaii concert also. I'll pay whatever I've got to pay to see him right here in his hometown and mine!

Anonymous said...

ZZ - ha, ha! That was great!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

ZZ, that video was so great, made me LOL!!!
Kcinkcity is amazing.
Can anyone remember which IIHY intro the Tommy kiss was from?

HK fan

Anonymous said...

If interested, here are a couple of nice articles about the Texas venues...


Anonymous said...

Thanks y'all for the great links! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

HK fan, that kiss was from providence, RI. Its funny I asked the same question first time I saw it, I guess its hard to ignore those 2, they are damn hot, aren't they? Promise I'll kiddnap them one day and tie them up in my livingroom:)

Oh, here is the video...


Anonymous said...

"Yah,Yah,Yah!!" Yum,Yum,Yum - my FEVA!!

Anonymous said...

OMG, OMG, OMG!!! Sleepwalker, the best I´ve ever heard 'till now. Adam, Adam, ADAM!!! I'm dying here!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, 7:53am........why the H hasn't that song been released as single?????? He sings it with unbelievable emotion but never better than last night!! It's like there is one song that really gets ripped out for each show and last night it was Sleepwalker. Must have to do with his moods. In Denver, I believe it was Soaked. Some complain that he does not have enough of the true Rock sound - THEN RELEASE SLEEPWALKER AND SHUT THEM UP!!!

Anonymous said...

As always Suz, thank you so much for your efforts. You bring light into so many hum-drum days with you videos.

Anonymous said...

So cute when he forgot his words on SFW. Love it when he can laugh at himself. Gorgeous laugh and smile.

glitzylady said...

As a frequent poster to this site, you'd think I would be getting used to Adam's amazingly beautiful singing talents and vocally perfect renditions of his songs night after night, and perhaps even become a little bored with listening to them...(Never!!!) I do have to admit that I don't often have the time to listen to all of the songs for each concert, but go to a few "favorites" to see "what he did with it tonight" sort of thing...Today, I'm off work, no one here but my computer, Suz526's vids, Adam, his Glamily and me...and all kidding aside, he just absolutely brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart because he is just so unbelievably talented and he just radiates happiness throughout his performances...His voice just stuns me every time I hear it, especially in person and even on these videos....I am thinking back to his Idol days, how much my husband and I were impressed with him then, but now realize that was just the "tip of the iceberg" when it comes to his apparently limitless ability to entertain and inspire us...(Not to mention he is Sex on Fire...sorry, I can't help but notice...) I can only begin to imagine how very proud his family and good friends are of him, and have always been, knowing that he was just one step away from having the world become aware of what they have always known. Obviously gushing a bit here but Adam does inspire gushing ...I am so thankful for Suz526's dedication to Adam so that we can see each and every performance, along with the others that share their vids, although I don't know how they can even begin to concentrate on filming when he is up there on stage...I have yet to even remember I have a camera at his concerts!! Hubby and I will be seeing Adam (again) at the Puyallup on the 21st and I can hardly wait...Just so happy for Adam and for us as well, to be witnesses to the beginnings of his present and future wildly successful career...Okay, I'll stop now...but just wanted to say how fricking proud I am of him, and also how proud I am to be one of his fans....As GIOW says, I am "berting" with pride!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Best Ring of Fire I've ever seen. He really put a lot of feeling and power into it!

Anonymous said...

Houston, we have a problem!!!

Machine..lalla what? He totally blanked out and forgot the first 2 verses of Sure Fire Winners! Adam, ( pssst )we know it was planned... hehe We loved that blooper... priceless!:))

glitzylady said...

@anon 10:59am

Maybe there was someone sitting in the front row that distracted him just for a second....I supposed even Adam can get a little flustered when confronted with the vision of a pretty face...just like we do all the time whenever Adam is in sight...

glitzylady said...

Oop! "suppose" not supposed....see, I can't even remember the right words when he's around....

Anonymous said...

I see they have released Fever in NZ. Time to release it in Canada!!

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady
Hi there, fellow! In your patient way of being, you please tell me HOW I can explain(?), what good english words I'd have to use(?) to tell everybody searching in 24/7 Paradise «HOW FREAKING PROUD I AM OF YOU AND YOUR AMAZING COMMENTS, how much I thank God to have people like you being part of my life... which I've already dedicated to sweet Adam! Yeeeahhh! What a very good point we do here!!! Don't we?

Anonymous said...

ZZ, thanks for the funny link! Anyone else notice at the beginning of TCB, Monte played a few notes of "Deep in the Heart of Texas"? forgot that's where he's from. Also saw tweet about LA show and screamed for 5 mins! Dont have a landlord like you, ZZ, to send me a STFU letter! Couldnt believe when you posted that! FYI, there were tornados in Dallas on Wed. Guess they didnt wanna compete with "the tornado that is Adam" so waited a day. LOL> Adamluv

glitzylady said...


You at a loss for words???? You ALWAYS find the right words and I appreciate your kind ones...You and I both know that all of our words come to us in our attempts to describe what an amazing human being Adam seems to be... I am so grateful to him, his parents, his friends, and the Universe at large, for putting everything in place last year so that now we can all be here to share our love and admiration for him (and the "occasional" frisky comment)...You are one of the great souls I have become acquainted with in the last year, both on this site and elsewhere, and honestly you are one of his biggest cheerleaders!....Adam Lambert fans are much like he is (at least I like to think so!!!!) Kind, loving, smart and witty (of course...), generous, with excellent taste in music and men....aren't we??!!! LOL!!! So thank-you, and also thank you to Adam....and also another big thank you to "modern technology" so that we can view Adam whenever we want, over and over again, and to marvel that he just keeps getting better (I don't know how he does that!!)


Noticed the little homage to Texas...was very fun....they just all looked like they were having a ball up there...

glitzylady said...

OH!!!! And while I was writing that last post (book...) of mine, an ad came on TV advertising Adam's show at the Puyallup Fair coming up on the 21st here!!!! YAAAAYY!!! 10,000 seat venue....YAAAAY! again!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:53, OMG. you were right about Sleepwalker! Best.Performance.Ever. of that song! I now hope his single is that version! Outta this world! Glitzlady, got my plane tickets and I'll see you and Adam in less than 13 days! I'm dying here with excitement! Might have to spend the nite in the rental car but dont care! Just need some fabulous warmer clothes and state fair, here I come. Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Adamluv @2:02 pm

Will see you there!!! And yes, that Sleepwalker is exceptional...the one that sort of got me going earlier....don't get me started again!!! LOL!!!

The Dark Side said...

He would have to be Superman to fit in a new video right now! Actually he is Superman, so I guess all this hoping could happen. I like Sleepwalker as his next single. Better yet, lets revive FYE, which is my personal favorite, and it won't cut into his killer schedule. Brillant!!!

Anonymous said...

Lovin the glamgod with the glamrod.

Anonymous said...

I'm late to the party here glamfans - but -

@glitzylady - loved your Sept 9 9:05AM post/comment - all kinds of true :).

Thanks to all the Glamily for the great links and shared info all the time!! Always appreciated.

And since people seem to be sharing some of their recent favorite performances - I LOVED the Dallas "Strut" from the other night, and this "Strut" from Houston is pretty great too!

and hey, you, right above me, Anon 4:15am - HYSTERICAL... yet completely right on the money at the same time ;)!

MassGlamFan (MGF)

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady - nicely said! We all feel the same way, but you summed it up eloquently. :)

And I don't have time to watch all the videos from every how's the new drummer seem to be doing?

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix

Don't think he's started yet??? After Atlanta, I think...but I could be wrong...

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix, Sept. 15th is LPs last nite with the band. he tweeted that the other day. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

What would we do without you Adamluv?? MGF :).

Anonymous said...

Thx Adamluv 12:21 - that's right!

- Adam Fix