"If I Had You" and "WWFM" Chart Updates!
Filed Under (charts,If I Had You,what ya want from me ) by Admin on Monday, September 13, 2010
Posted at : Monday, September 13, 2010

Adam Lambert's "If I Had You" holds at #18 with a bullet on the Mainstream Top 40 chart.
"If I Had You" also climbs 20-19 with a bullet, earns "Airpower" status on Adult Top 40 survey.
"Whataya Want From Me" still moving up the Adult Contemporary chart, rising 9-8 with a bullet.
SOURCE: IdolsNow:
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Just love that messy hair look. SEXY HOT!!!!
Hey Guys..............Got me some Tixs...for London......so excited:)
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Yeah Lambert...Messy Hair love IT....grow your Hair Back please in time for London or Else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
been away for few days at the Isle of Wight Bestival..3 day Music Festival (Rock and Pop)were most peeps wear fancy dress (Adam would Love IT)and get totally out of it...tis great fun !!! before i left i made lots of desperate frantic phone calls and all i can say is its not what you know but who you know!! success i,m on my way to Glam Nation Tour end of Nov...YAY.... i have been practising my body rolls all day ready for some action with Adam (i wish)lol
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
OMG Glambrit Isle of Wight UK - I am soooooo psyched for you!! It's funny how we peeps don't know each other one damn bit but we're so excited for each other when someone get's to go to a GNT concert, especially if it's a fist, and potentially ONLY concert!!! I truly am excited for you. I've been swooping into 24/7 here and there, busy real life, sort of behind, but I'm so glad I've popped in tonight - great news, really puts a smile on my face. Will be looking forward to a good report to be "thankful for" near end of Nov. near our American holiday :).
MassGlamFan (MGF)
ps. Your music festival sounds cool
I mean gets (no ' apostrophe)... and fiRst concert, not fist concert :)... 'though there may be plenting of fist pumping. So excited for Glambrit that I couldn't even type, lol. MGF.
Glambrit, we were asking where you were. Thrilled for you and happy for us since we'll have a first hand report of our Adam! Adamluv
So happy and just plain ol' thrilled for you....that is just the best news....I was beginning to worry that you were not going get to to see Adam and the crew...and it pays to know people and/or have alternative methods to get those tickets....now you have to work on the M&G....more stress and anxiety...but it wouldn't be the Glam Nation Tour without that!!!!! Have seen bits and pieces of IOW Music Festival on cable over here...Looks like a huge amount of fun....And as MGF said, we have never really met, but still feel like we know each other....maybe we will meet one of these days, at some big Adam event, you never know...In the meantime, keep practicing those body rolls!!!
It's that sexy bedroom look again!:) Trying to put us in the mood Adam?... lol (pls don't stop) Ooops! almost forgot what's the topic about? Me bad... spank me! Ok, I'm going already!:)
GIOW/UK - AWESOME NEWS! The world would not have been right if you couldn't get tickets to see Adam live! SO happy for you! OMG, I can not wait for your recap/review! It'll be a lot of fun to read.
Now...how to get fan4fun over there to the UK....???? Maybe if we all chip in a few bucks, we could buy her a plane ticket? :)
- Adam Fix
Well, it has happened to me now...can't get IIHY on Vh 1. What are they doing anyway? Re: above pix, that's my favorite hair style 2nd is Elvis style especially when he's dressed up in suit, etc. But any hair style is hot on Adam.
Looks like this picture is from the video "Time For Miracles. I love that song.
Think the pic is from AI8, Fox logo on it... and maybe from the "Satisfaction" performance?? MGF.
@ GlambritIOW/UK
Oh, Dear God, YOU ARE A-L-I-V-E... AND SOOOO WELL! Not missing in the middle of the Atlantic swimming to America! And GOT the glamGNTtickets! God bless you, fellow. Now we can stop our MAY DAY messages looking for you. No rescue needed anymore! Let save it to AFTER «Universal Power of Adam Lambert»'s live touch. Bless you again, I'm so happy for you babybrit!
@ Adam Fix, you are so glamgenerous! Thanks for your attention fellow, but things are playing very bad to me this end of summer. Unfortunatelly sweet Adam will have to wait a little more time to «tongue dive» with me. Ha!
Love you, Glamily. Welcome back GIOW/UK!
Yea, I think it was Satisfaction as well. It wasnt TFM even tho his scruffy look in that was one of the hottest ever! Adamluv
Whatever it's from, it is still one of my favorites!!!! : )
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