Longineu Parsons III Officially Leaving The Band
Filed Under (news,The Band,tour news ) by Admin on Saturday, September 4, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, September 04, 2010

He posted this message on his twitter this morning.
"I am saddened to inform you that the Atlanta dates are my last shows with Adam!! It has been amazing getting to rock with you, see you soon!"
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I'm saddened to, Longineu. I wish you the very best.
Oh! I thought it was 'till the end of Adam's US tour! I guess not! Oh, well, good luck LP!!!
Hello! Isaac Carperter! :)
It was originally reported that his last concert would be Sept. 21st! Dont know why the change but I wish him well. I will miss him! Thanks, Longineu, for being such an integral part of the GNT! Will try and see you with Yellowcard. Adamluv
Ohh that's too bad.
Good luck to wherever you're going, LG!
Well, crapola. I was really ready to see him on the 18th of Sept. So, at least I can thank SUZ for all the wonderful venue video's she has brought to us. His equipment looks to be a little more soficated than Isaac's but we won't be able to judge the whole thing till he starts. Good luck Longineu, wherever your life takes you.
he not very loyal friend or band meber actually/keep chcnaging why why. loyalty is a true friend .if the perosn not loyal one then he can leave anytiem he want.lp is libra born-his birthmonth-his birthyear-monkey year(birhtyear) keep changing get bored monkey year.
attitude-get resless.
im a loyal fan of adma lamber forver but cannot follow lp hes no longer in adma lambert band member.lp ur out therefore i cant follow you anymore.
Thank you BEAUTIFUL Longineu for ROCKING for us and we will always be looking for you with your next project! You are a beautiful soul!!!!!!!
and a freakin' great drummer!!!!!
Hate that he's leaving before the end of the tour. I'll get to see him on 14th.Can't wait.Gotta get an autograph from his next-to-last show. I hope he's not cutting his own throat leaving the band when it's on the verge of world domination. Anybody else going to Atl on 14th? or have an extra ticket for 15th?
Awww I'm going to miss seeing him!
Wonderful to spent time with you at the Sydney Mardi Gras Longineu, you are such a cool and
awesome guy! Oz will miss you, but hey,we went to a party tonight in OZ and Yellocard was playing!
Correction...Yellowcard!!!! (It's 2.30am here..so half asleep!)
I'll miss seeing LP at the Hardrock in FL. I also thought he would finish the US tour, but now that Isaac has been hired that probably freed him up to go on with Yellowcard. He did a stellar job with Adam and I'm sure no hard feelings. Everyone has to follow the beat of their own drum! [Corny I know!]haha He always was so nice to fans, giving his time and mingling. He is so talented and I wish him much success and happiness. funbunn40
I think he's going to be a big loss and we'll all miss him.
To Longineu:
We'll miss you man, but we certainly wish you the best luck and a brilliant career! Thanks for supporting sweet Adam all this wonderful hard working time!!! We all know it hasn't been only for the job or for the much fun included, but mainly... RESPECT for him (and for yourself).
Don't you forget your Glamily, promise?! Thanks a lot man. «Vaya con DiĆ³s, amigo!»
Sad to see him leave. I saw him in Charlotte anf got a picture with him. He is sooo sweet. I wish him all the BEST. I know Adam is sad to see him leave. But I knoe that Adam is wishing him ALL THE BEST TOO.
Sad IIHY fell that much on VH1. I have been voting EVERUYDAY!!! I think there is more to it then just the vits.
BTW,did you notice that GAGA is not on the lidt? Also, I hardely hear her played on the radio. That last video wasn't good for her carrer, I think. I love her music but hated her two last videos.
Please call Houe party tonight and tomorrow night at. 1-800-669-1010. Request IIHY and WWFM.
Also, vote and request on siriusxm.com/siriusxmhits1
And ryanseacrest.com/americantop5. Yesterday Adam came in 2ed place.
There is a place to request. Request all adam's somgd. And keep voting VH1 when you can
I know ,it's NOT easy being Adam's fan. lol
Israeli fan<3
Israeli fan, I vote at all those places but dont understand that Adam came in 2nd place on Seacrests Top 5. He isnt even on the list of choices, just on submit request. Am I missing something? Adamluv
Sad to see you go....but, glad you're following your heart/dream.
Peace brother!
first , i loved very much LP , Adam said it was a very good cllaboration with him , just look at him and he knows what Adam wants , i wish him the best. second i have a problem with vh1 site , Adam video dont play and the site for 100 greatest ... for voting has a broken link , all the day i tried to open and for gaga i return to Madonna , she dessepointed me , the last twoo video are bad taste , the music isn't good
I think vh1 don't want to keep a video too long in top 20 , i voted a lott , i think they want another video from Adam
so sad to see Longineu leave the Glamily...really rated him a great drummer and Friend of Adams..
hope he enjoyed the ride with Glam Nation Tour..
all the best Longineu for the futurexx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Longinineu we wish you well; and I think Adam would be the first to tell you to be yourself and follow your dreams. Ofcourse as an Adam fan I wish you could remain with this awesome band however you must of thought this through long and hard. Be happy and rock on!
Longineau, your move back to Yellowcard is our loss. Happiness to you always in whatever endeavor you take on. You are one of the best drummers out there now. Take care...
LP I wish you all the luck & happiness in the world, I'll miss you! **hugs**
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