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Pretty boys dancing at an Adam Lambert concert last night!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, September 18, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, September 18, 2010

From Jesha84

"These guys were AWESOME!!! All of them, including an Adam look-alike, danced fabulously to Beyonce's "Single Ladies" during the intermission at the Glam Nation stop in Melbourne, FL. 9/17/10"


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Thanks - Adam needs buckets of love and joy today. These guys are precious!!


Anonymous said...

Concerts are for having fun and lettin' loose - you go peeps

Anonymous said...

I'm getting ready to go now to the Trop in St Pete. This is next to the last show stateside. I can't wait. I have peed 20 times in the past two hours. OH, Mercy, I can't wait to breathe the same air as Adam Lambert!!! Hope there will be someone there to make some good vids. Sorry to say, it is not listed as a Glam Nation but going to have a good time anyway!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeahhhh! Let's DANCE against the little devils who hardly try to get into our lives and soak us as a sinking ship!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU Adam !! Although I never saw myself as a hater , not long ago I probably would never had watched this or , if I did would have made some sort of rude comment meant to put these beautiful boys down . Now I only people dancing , having fun , and i'm able to see them and celebrate with them our common humanity and love for Adam and his music . Love IS all

Anonymous said...

Yes, boys strut your stuff! and the guy on orange shirt, shake what you got baby... haha Good for them I would do the same! Whatever makes you feeeeeel goooooooood!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:12, the power of Adam Lambert! Thank you for your honest comment! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

OMG, Adam now has impersonators, just like Michael Jackson!

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv,
Correction: «THE UNIVERSAL power of Adam Lambert», baby! Ha,ha! It's so big and fat and havy and strong that when fell on Earth (about 2 years ago) made our planet FLAT again, remember? Lol!

...and @ 3:32PM,
You are so right! Love is all... and sweet Adam is ALL LOVE! Why don't you get a tag and join us on board of our 24/7 «Paradise»? Be welcome, let's celebrate sweet Adam together!

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWWWdont no what to say you guys said it all for me Peace Love

Cheril said...

This is why Adam's concerts are so much fun. Everyone dancing and just being joyous. It is bringing people together and making people realize like ANON 3:12 (thank you for your honesty) that we are one human community. This is a summer to be remembered. Adam has made much more of a difference in bringing people together than he can even imagine. Not everyone tells their stories, but sold out concerts are letting us know that this man is loved and he and his glamily give it right back. It is inspiring.

Anonymous said...

@ This your comment is also inspiring, @ Cheril! Well said! Fan4fun