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Tonight's Venue in Des Moines, Iowa

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, September 3, 2010

Posted at : Friday, September 03, 2010


The Venue Pictures

Thanks to Little Bee!


Anonymous said...

Oh my (in a good way) MGF

lois from Iowa said...

what does this mean, I thought it was on the bridge?

Anonymous said...

EAUTIFUL!! I wish I could go there.
Hey, everybody. It's FRIDAY!!! Last day to vote VH! for thi week. GET BUSY!!!!
Also, REQUEST IIHY and WWFM on OPEN House Party, cal 1-800-669-1010
Can't wait to see tonight's show. Shold be WIKED!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! that looks spectacular!!! Water view, city view and Adam view! What could be better than that?!?!

Guys take pics and videos for us please!:)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm thoroughly confused but as long as the Glamily knows where they are going.
The original venue held 2000, they said all ticket will be honored. That park and cirular stage certainly looks TOO SMALL to hold the GlamNation. Someone on the twitter list posted a pic of a previous concert that had a larger stage at the park end for the band and the audience was literally on the bridge.

Guess we'll just have to wait until tonight.

Oh, BTW, the venue host tweeted that Adam's lasers had to be cleared by the FAA for tonight's concert (think that stands for Federal Aviation Authority) lol

DC Canadian

Urethra_Franklin said...

They should all jump in the water and have an aqua party after the show.

Anonymous said...

Bridges on both sides! They are going to have to stop traffic during the concert or there are certain to be a lot of accidents! LOL

Anonymous said...

I would love to by fly into Des Moines during the show to see the lasers from the sky!

Anonymous said...

Policemen would have to be directing traffic on both bridges to keep the traffic flowing or Des Moines will have a " Mexican stand off " situation!... lol.. JS

Anonymous said...

no one can jump into that river, it is dangerous

Shirley said...

Wow this is gorgeous and so beautiful....

It's like a wedding park.

Anonymous said...

<3 these pictures. Adam will have a lot of fun performing here.

Anonymous said...

Tip: Oh! goody looks like Suz in the audience tonight!!

Anonymous said...

Where will BB change clothes?????

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many boats will pull up behind the stage to get a listen.

Anonymous said...

I would!!!

Anonymous said...

This is going to be interesting. Very lovely surroundings at least. Adamluv

glitzylady said...

A friend of mine has a meet and greet with Adam tonight and she is SOOOO excited...and I am SOOOO jealous LOL!!!! A very lucky and deserving lady...And what an amazing location...Can hardly wait for Suz526 vids...

Anonymous said...

@Anon September 3 10:11AM - thanks for reminder on Open House Party! (and yes, I'm psyched for vids from tonight's show too, was just thinking that).

@DC Canadian September 10:18AM - that's hilirious about the lasers and the FAA... well, I guess it could stand for Fabulous Awesomeness Approaching...but I think it stands for Federal Aviation Administration, LOL!!

You're right - we'll just have to wait 'til tonight - or for me - probably tomorrow morning :).


Anonymous said...

OMG glitzylady - please give details of M&G if and when you can. Thanks, MGF.

glitzylady said...

@MGF 12:17 PM

Will do...I am sure she will be absolutely stunned speechless for awhile but I do expect to get a full report...and very soon! She has her "script" all planned out, what she will say....we'll see if she can remember any of it...LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting & beautiful place, indeed! But it is as open as sweet Adam's life!! Anon 11:13 AM asked a good question above: where will sweet Adam change clothes???

Anonymous said...

anon 11:13am, where will BB change clothes?

LMFAO, probably under the bridge? Relax woman, they sure will have a trailer where they can get ready and all..:) You just made my day though...But honestly, you're worried about Glambuldge, right? LOL

What up glamily, Adamluv, fan4fun, MGF, glitzlady, Urethra? How u all doin? Where is GIWUK? and Fanbun? FYI, u missed a hot topic yesterday where ZZ and Urethra had their first child conceived. Hate those haters. I am glad todays posts are all Happy happy. I love it when I just read fun stuff abt bb and drink my Beer. Cheers U all!


Anonymous said...

Yep ZZ, happy happy!
ps. When is the Glambaby's due date???

Anonymous said...

ZZ, no I didnt miss it! I posted there with shout outs to you, Cheril and Urethra. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@MGF Glambaby is due June 2011, ofcourse I am gonna barf the glambaby in to Urethra's mouth after 5months. Our deal is carry 50-50!


yo Adamluv, whats up my glamsista? thanks for the shoutout! always love ur posts.


Anonymous said...

Btw, I had morning sickness today and I thought it was the Glambaby, but NO it was the Beer LOL


Anonymous said...

Wow, can't wait to see videos for this this show. Suze526 is going to be doing the videos, so we know they will be great. Love adam, Love the Tour, and give thanks to All of Adam's Glamberts that film these shows for us to see. THANK YOU ALL SOO MUCH!!

lois from Iowa said...

the concert was awesome didn't know about the meet and greets afterward, security kept pushing us off the bridge, sorry I missed U Adam