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Adam Lambert Interview with B97 FM

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, September 3, 2010

Posted at : Friday, September 03, 2010


Anonymous said...

Like this guy so much... would have dug his music anyway, but what a nice bonus to be able to dig what I'm allowed to see of him as a person too. MGF.

Anonymous said...

Adam LOVE you sooooooo Much
........The UK NEEDS Adam Lambert Like NOW!!!!!PLEASE
WTF!!!!Wheres Adam's promotion in the UK???????????????
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Hi MGF...Hope all is well? chin up know we are always around lurking on this Wonderful 24/7 Adam Lambert Site

Cecilia said...

Love you Adam!!!!

Quiet day today...

Lolita said...

His eyes...his EYES...they mesmorize me!!!

(Along with other various body parts. lol)

Anonymous said...

I just love Adam and I'm so happy for his success, nobody deserves it more!

Anonymous said...

Re..Lolita...Glambulge lol...sorry but couldn,t stop myself for saying it...
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Urethra_Franklin said...

B97!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOTS!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks great!!!!

Anonymous said...

Toot toot

(Bot Bot... Toot/Bot.... Bot/Toot...)

MGF ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam says touring thru Dec. but so far I've seen no concert dates neither in Nov. nor Dec. Have I missed something? Adamluv

glitzylady said...

@Adamluv 11:46 am

Probably has things lined up but not confirmed yet....Seems like I heard he might be going to South Africa, etc.., but no word yet...and don't quote me on that!!!!

Anonymous said...

The first sweet Adam's own TOUR, and here he goes... and finds all this total and absolute success waiting for him at every single venue. M I may be wrong but I guess that, for any other singer/performer, what is happening to sweet Adam is as difficult as finding the very pot of gold under the raimbow!). Deep inside my Diamond Boy must be soooo proud of himself, of his band&dancers and of his fans! Yeahhh, very proud of his blessings!
Hehe... the best is yet to come, my sweet singing exotic bird!

Anonymous said...

Adam, just remember NZ. They have been on back burner for so long now waiting for the Tour.