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Adam Lambert arriving at the Nagoya airport

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, October 2, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, October 02, 2010


Anonymous said...

On a previous post, people commented on Adam's arrival at Tokyo's airport.

Adam has now reached that star status where his fans do not need to go to airports to show their love. They reserve that for the incredible shows that they will be fortunate to attend. That's a clear sign that he has made it past AI! Fans now go to the Glam Nation Tour for Adam Lambert and his band and dancers, not to see an AI former contestant. Simply wonderful!

P.S. I have seen many stars like Rihanna, Usher and others arriving at airports and there are no screaming fans there. They are however screaming at their shows. Same for Adam!

Anonymous said...

There was no one there because the fans couldnt figure out what airport he was at...

Anonymous said...

Taylor and Adam are positively glowing . Adam tweeted MY HEART IS FULL . guess that's all that matters. Wonder if there'll be an announcement.

Anonymous said...

Saw a photo the other day of Lane and Tommy together and they looked like siblings. My impression of the tall bald guy is that he was looking at Adam asking himself, Is that Adam Lambert? and then sending a tweet saying, Guess who I just saw at the airport! LOL! Welcome to Japan - how very sweet! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

After a relaxing trip to Bali, he was probably relieved to have such a mellow entry to Japan. They will go NUTS at his concert. Still, he is so friendly, looking directly at that fan and greeting her. He is SUCH A SWEETHEART!!!!!!!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

And the onslought of hate has begun (on twitter) anyone with even a glimmer of a thought in your brain that AL is a pedo...go fuck yourself!! He is nothing of the sort. Tay is get the fuck over it! These people really piss me off.

Anonymous said...

Who says their even an item. The whole group went on vacation together. Neil was there, Taylor, Cam, Terrance , possibly Lane and others.

Anonymous said...

Why do we jump to conclusions. It is nice to see AL happy but there is no reason to believe he is in a relationship with anyone. He has said before that he enjoys his close friends. I would not want to be in a beautiful place like Bali alone. Looks like he took anyone that wanted to go including his brother, apparently (?). I think I am glad I am not famous.

Anonymous said...

Rats! Looks like Adam shaved the right side of his head again with a lightening bolt this time.

coloforadam said...

They are flying in a private jet now - no way to track arrivals and gather a big crowd. Lightening bolt, huh? COOL!! Means Adam is on the Fierce-Track - the shows will be Raging!! Lucky Japan and let's get those videos flowing. I needa a transfusion TONIGHT!!

Anonymous said...

Yes , except for tommy- said to be visiting family and Monte who did a show in LA on Thur nite the whole troupe was in Bali. When Adam and Tommy were getting close last year and he took tommy to Cabo , Sutan and other friends went along as well. He Has been paying a lot of attention to Taylor lately so don't get all defensive about people wondering if somethings going on. Taylor is 20 and very cute not a child !

Anonymous said...

If Adam wants de Taylor he takes de Taylor!!!

Anonymous said...

NEAL, OH NEAL, where are you? They're at it again. Speculating about Adam!!! And criticizing his hair!!! Oh my, wonder if he can potty by himself :/ Who hands him the paper? Inquiring minds want to know. Come on. Give it a break. You guys put the paps to shame.

Anonymous said...

Stupid trivia for the day - Taylor is 21.

nancdruuu2 said...

About Adam's hair: I have read various interviews where Adam has said he has been criticized over the years about his eyeliner, make-up, etc. He has had to endure people telling him what to do and how to act for years by former employers and who knows who else. One story that touched me was when he was in Wicked, I believe, and he was told not to show up for rehearsal in his eyeliner-that some people were upset or talking about it. He said he would wash it off before the actual performance. I can't bear to think about Adam being upset for being who he is. I understand we all love Adam, so please, I respectfully ask: let it be.
Thank you

The Dark Side said...

One thing about being in Rock and Roll is that rumor is gona get ya, one way or the other. Remember when Jagger was sleeping with half the women and men he met. Course, he might have been. Adam say adamantly (no pun intended) that he is single and ready to mingle. I'm with Uretha on this one. Anyone accuses our boy of being a pedo, will have to answer to us. Sweetheart, whoever you are that tweeted this piece of garbage, go tweet yourself. That's a euphemism for fuck off.

Anonymous said...

Don't know if Adam and Taylor sre seriously dating but it sure seems something is going on there. So any heavy flirting with Tommy,kissing , licking ,dry humping ,etc. just wont have the same effect on me . Sorry, just doesn't seem right somehow . Think I'll just take my own vacay from all this .

Anonymous said...

Adam is an adult and can do whatever he wants w whomever he wants. Why do so many of his core followeres think they have to try to control any rumors re his behavior ,flooding internet w pics and vids of him and Tommy as a diversion from his "activity"with Taylor ? This only stirs things up further . If Taylor is now the bf why not make an official announcement. Seems like they'd WANT it known ! Why the secrecy?

Anonymous said...

DITTO Urethra!! Worst slur yet! Sick, sick slugs!! @Anon 1:40AM, For all I know Taylor is straight. Why this speculation? It's a close glamily and they're all good friends! Brotherly love comes to mind. Nothing else IMHO. funbunn40

glitzylady said...

Are they or aren't they, it's all good re Adam and Taylor whether they are togrther asgood friends or more than that...

What is so very sad to me is sick and disgusting Twitter Troll who said the terrible things about Adam related to say untrue things like that is revolting and I'm sure very upsetting to Adam, his family, and his friends who know and love him....

As to his hair...Rock on of many reasons I find him so facinating is his fiercely independant spirit and his determination to be himself, even in the face of criticism....he always looks good week,something different, and I can hardly wait!

Anonymous said...

Woa, what happened? I am gone less than 24 hours and find that there might be something going on between Adam and Taylor???? What have I missed? Just now trying to figure it all out.

This was Taylor's tweet on Sept 16th:

@laurencupcakee "Let's Get Married Already. I'm Sick Of Waiting." 12:28 AM Sep 16th via Twitter for iPhone in reply to laurencupcakee

This was his more recent to no one in general tweet of Sept 24th:

"To Shift Or not to shift?"

We could read anything into these...only Taylor knows for sure.


Anonymous said...

Guys, Taylor is straight and is engaged.