Adam Lambert as a Vampire From Last Night!
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, October 31, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, October 31, 2010
This is apparently a new photo of Adam from last night at a halloween eve party.

Don't know who to credit or where this came from but thanks to Adamtopia for the tip!
Update: Sorry if you can't see the image, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE: Adam tweeted "Happy Halloween!" on twitter!

Don't know who to credit or where this came from but thanks to Adamtopia for the tip!
Update: Sorry if you can't see the image, CLICK HERE.
UPDATE: Adam tweeted "Happy Halloween!" on twitter!
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Cant see the image. :(
scary adam cool
Can't see the image too.
AM I the only one that cant see it?
can you post a link from an image hoster??
OMG the red eyes are HAWT!
Happy Halloween everyone!Love Adam fangs and all! Check out this site to help get great vids for European leg of GN tour:
Glad to see he kept the teeth from last year haha. He must really like being a vampire. I like it better this year esp the eyes.
4:59 if you think youre on his "privtae fb" youve been duped honey...he doesnt have one. period.
It´s the managment that runs his fb. He doesn´t do the bobobobaba.
Adam has a private Face Book????
one Adam's fb is run by his people.
the other one is private, under different name, only for his friends irl.
and it's from there.
Hell YEAH ADAM!! SEXI!!!!! You can sneak thru my window at nite and bite me anytime :) KAtie
Hope Adam had a great time and wasn't harassed by anyone. He could bite me anytime! He loves being a Glampire!! Take notice, True Blood! Wonder what costume Neil wore. An Ogre? lol!Hope he got into the spirit after his awful travel fiasco from Hawaii.funbunn40
I guess Adam's friend didn't protect his privacy..........put that person on the list with Pink.....
Anyway.....Happy Halloween BB
Hi! Adam come and bite me and I want my dripping blood all over you. It is halloween, watch out.
i have google crome with flash incorporated and i can see any image
WTF cares where the picture came from? Adam does Vampire--nuff said.
Hey baby, you can drink my blood any time. Come and get it. I'm waiting.
Are we cranky tonight??? Sounds like Neil and his ranting and raving about being stuck in Honolulu all night. He showed them, he didn't brush his teeth. Hah, just his luck that a hot Dallas Cowgirl on the same plane. Happy Holloween everyone. Some people eating too much candy--grrrrrrrrrrr! Just gave a 6' Wolfman some gummy bears...
I got my eye-candy...right here...LOL
vote for adam on 100 Heat Hot 2010 list
And hes said MANY times he doesnt do fb. So either A) hes lying and his private friends hang out on 24/7 or B) you few who think youre on a private fb to know this pic was from his private stash have been bamboozled. My money is on B.
must watch fan made videos!
mmm yummy.....totally agree with comment from
anony 5.44pm
...WTF cares where the picture came from? Adam does Vampire--nuff said.....
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Urethra_Franklin - Twitterers are saying this pic was from a club last night. A fan took it and posted it on her facebook.
Some fans are pissed off about Adam's privacy. But I personally don't care as long as the picture is harmless.
man, people need to chill. Who the fuck cares where the pic come from? He looks hot! Bite my apple Adam?
anyways, no Adam news tonight so I have dedicated my time tonight to fan made videos and I found a treat on this one. Very good treat people... fasten your belts and skip to 2:15 seriously you are going to flip out, like I did.
Looks like he was posing
i' glad i see him , i just miss , don't care the other stuf Adam is a growing man , can face'it . can be a surprise from him for his dearest fans , he knows we love him and we need to see him evryday.
Love to see the latest Glampire picture!
Oooooh, scary Adam... ok you can bite me almost anywhere you'd like bb... hahaha ☺
oh my god I want to be with adam lambert forever as a vampire god I love him.I want you come and suck my blood adam please.he'll be a great edward cullen as a vampire in twilight god I love him.harmony :) we love you :)
Too bad there's no such thing as privacy!
Sad I opened this!
@ZZ October 31 6:09pm -
Okay ZZ - I call your two AFL/TJR fan vid links and I raise you this:
MGF ;)
(a little poker humor lol)
I think some of us are being a little over protective! It does look like he was posing, and I think he knows by now if he is out in public there is going to be a picture taken, this one looks, like he knew it was being taken. I don't think it was an invasion of privacy. Great pic and I'm going to enjoy it!
Do you really think that Adam wouldn't want his fans to see how great he looks when he goes to the trouble of looking like a great Glampire? He loves to dress up and share the fun! Paparazzi in his face is another matter. He very willingly shared his Dusty Madrid disguise. He loves to have fun and he obviouly posed for this pic. He wasn't kissing anyone or doing anything other than having a good time. It's not that deep! lol funbunn40
ZZ. GRACIAS !!!!! por tus excelentes enlaces.
i love it!! very sxc...adam,u can bite me any day ;p
when did he buzz the left side of his head?
@MGF...I have seen that, it was posted here on this is fierce though! thanks for the flashbacks! I remember putting pop corn in my nose (I litterally couldn't find my mouth)LOL....
Btw, did you check the 3rd link I posted @6:31? that one is a treat, go check it out and skip all the way to 2:15 yum!
Gorgeous vampire! Love the makeup artist who did this, Sutan?
@ZZ & @MGF - thanks for the links :)
Its not even from this year but it IS harmless and GORGEOUS I'm just enjoying it Would like to see his look from this Halloween tho I'm sure some will surface later . A group pic with his friends would be really nice . Who do I think I am ? I should respect his privacy and leave the poor guy alone ! There, I said it for all of u. AAARG
I think everybody needs to chill. If Adam didn't want his picture taken, he wouldn't have posed. As far as privacy, stars do not have any.
Well if it IS from some private secret facebook, I hope Adam sees it so he knows his privacy has been breached. I know a few weeks ago someone from _bl made a fake Kris Allen account to talk to Adam on FB which was a douchey thing to do. Fandom sucks sometimes.
Get a grip people! I don't care WHERE this harmless photo of handsome Adam came from, or how old it is! It is great, and quite yummified. These people that like to pretend they are "so tight" with Adam, that they are in on his "private" accounts are the same people that stand in line at a concert and talk about how they are close they are with "the family" or with "the band" or with "the crew" or whatever. Yes, we would all like to be stuck to Adam like glue, and know of his every mood and wish.......but if we DID know all of those goodies and had access to him......we wouldn't have to get our fix of him on 24/7 would we??? I just feel a little sorry for people existing in that much of a dream world, but hey...if it makes them happy.....let them go. HOT PICTURE!
bite me adam
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