Random Halloween Pictures from Twitter
Filed Under (Others,pictures,The Band,The Fans,twitter ) by Admin on Sunday, October 31, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tyler and his friend. "Me and the beat friend."

Terrance and his friend dressed up as characters from 'True Blood'.

An Adam Pumpkin that a fan on twitter name (Via @MadHatter1762) did.

A little fan name Tyler dressed up as Adam. (Via @addimaree)

Tyler and his friend. "Me and the beat friend."

Terrance and his friend dressed up as characters from 'True Blood'.

An Adam Pumpkin that a fan on twitter name (Via @MadHatter1762) did.

A little fan name Tyler dressed up as Adam. (Via @addimaree)

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Quick run & hide!... cuz the thirsty Draculas and Vampires are out to get you tonight to suck some fresh blooooood!!! Bwaaahhhhhhhhhhhaaa!
Another cute Adam... damn, Adam is popular with the little kids this year! Cool!
Looks like Terrance follows TruBlood Too!
Love the pumpkin one with the fingers!
Love the adam pumpkin!!!
need to get laid???LMFAO, sound check video..
awwwwwwwwww.....my lil boobert made 24/7!! I'm so proud of him!!!
What venue did Adam play when there were other artist there on other stages? Mariah C. was there. I think this is where this sound check was tpaed.
Little Tyler made a wonderful Adam! (Abum) lol
10:08 Singapore
Terrance looks good as Lafayette...
HK fan
31 october was my birthday, I had some presents but I feel that this year I just want to go to an Adam Lambert's concert (but unfortunately he is not coming to Spain), I'm really sad.
Happy Birthday Naike, and don't lose hope :)!
That pumpkin is So Freakin' AMAZING!! And Terrence looks so hot as Lafayette :)
adorable kids!
To add to ZZ's and MGF's collection on the previous thread, here's another fun fan video of "Adam and Tommy Toucha Toucha Touch Me" (from Rocky Horror):
BEST PUMPKIN EVER! :-) Good on you.
Addi, Boobert is so cute. That pumpkin is really incredible, and hope Adam sees it. And to Naike in Spain, Feliz Cumpleanos! Sorry but my computer cant make the line over the letter "n". Hope you get to see Adam soon. Adamluv
Sweetie, Cant see the video! Ugh! Maybe 24/7 will bring it here. Bet it's wonderfurl. Adamluv
MGF- Thank you so much.
Adamluv- Muchíiiisimas gracias!!
Naike, de nada! sweetie, finally able to see video and worth the wait. love the song, love Rocky Horror and love Adam and Tommy!! Adamluv
So sick of goggling Adam and getting news of all these nobodies instead of Adam!
@Sweetie Nov 1 10:28AM -
thanks for the link - I liked that one (love the song), a few great clips that don't get used frequently!!!
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