Adam Lambert Excited to perform for Malaysian fans tonight
Filed Under (twitter,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Adam just tweeted about his excitement to perform for the fans in Malaysia.

"Excited to perform for my Malaysian fans tonight!!! My priority is giving you a great show, and I don't mind making a slight compromise to do so. You all are more than worth it!!! Bust out the glitter!!!"

"Excited to perform for my Malaysian fans tonight!!! My priority is giving you a great show, and I don't mind making a slight compromise to do so. You all are more than worth it!!! Bust out the glitter!!!"
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Love that man! So much class and he will do just that!!What a nice message to Malaysian fans!! Hope we will get to see videos. funbunn40
that's my boy! adam, your fans are lucky to have you!
i remember beyonce cancelling the show there because she was not ready to compromise but you, adam lambert is all class. i hope the malaysian fans will appreciate your gesture.
That's how you win them... don't fight fire with fire!!!
You go Adam!!!
And, so you were expecting anything else from Adam??
Yes, he IS a class act, we all know that. May the Gods keep him safe and sound...And may GLITTER flow and glow, we wouldn't want it any other way. Yup, you GO Adam with your BAD self, we are cheering you on! GLITTER FOR EVERYONE !!!!
Hope all that glam and glitter scares away all those PAS boogie men. Well you know it's close to Halloween and the crazies come out. Keep it classy Adam and keep smiling. What a boatload of BS you have had to take in this week. Well, the price of fame, etc. probably didn't know you would be so often in the eye of the storm. We have your back Adam, so play on.
Just read a very nice, and very long Interview by a Joe Lee of the Malay Mail. He made Adam very welcome in Malaysia and it could not have been a more positive interview. It is a shame that we have to be bombarded with all that PAS press and not have a chance to get to know the Malaysian people--this guy was uber nice. Apparently, Adam a little stiff at beginning of the Interview, but loosened up. Sounds like a great many people in Malaysia are looking forward to the GNT Concert tonight. Go Adam.
New pic at Malaysia! He's so CLOTHES... :)
good to see new KL promo pics of Adam..lookin kinda stiff and conscious at times here, i guess this could be Adam's first encounter with an extremist in a Muslim nation..he will definitely not forget this experience! i am quite sad that Adam didnt mention any hi and hello and thank you for having been performed here in Manila in his TWEETER..sigh! but we love you still darlin Adam..come back soon!
Good Luck Adam - show them what a class act is. Have fun with all your Malaysian fans and then get the heck out of there. May the wind be at your back.........
Have a good time and just mind your manners!LOL The fans will love you for it. Your voice and class will carry you through!!Love you!!!
okay Glam Nation - I'm a little ticked off right now - please tell me if I'm being overly sensitive, I'm open to your "calm down freak" comments :). Here is an online story from ABC regarding concert I just popped open this morning:
I gotta say - I think they are hinting that Lambert is not trustworthy on stage - FOR THEIR (ABC's) OWN PURPOSES. If not that, if that's reading too much into it, fine, but I do feel that they are certainly putting out a slanted story and not giving equal weight and measure to his sentiments that he will do what is necessary to bring his music to his fans, while respecting the scenario/situation.
I don't talk about this much, but I am actually one who thinks Lambert fans need to be very careful about how much they rally on his behalf in situations like this - there, I've said it and let the cat out of the bag (hope you guys don't like me any less :)!!). I'm not saying, at all, fans shouldn't comment etc. where it's necessary, not at all, but I do think we have to tread carefully in this regard - for all the various reasons people have already talked about on this site - HOWEVER, I will be making a respectful and carefully worded and BRIEF :), comment in reply to this article, nothing too snarky, but I'm going to write something. I have to go find my ABC password first :), because you need that to comment... and I'm not asking anyone else to do the same, but thought I'd throw it out there in case you want to.
Sorry to go off-topic AGAIN, but this thing annoyed me. I'm a big one for "it aint that deep", I really am, but IDK, this got under my skin.
As for on-topic - Holy Hot Hell THAT PICTURE, gaaaawwwwddd.
Isn´t this the sweetest thing?
Oh my gosh Anon @ 5:31am - THAT IS AWESOME. Wow, I mean, just Wow. Thanks for pic link.
Yeah, that´s not what you expect from those "evil beasts" in Malaysia. My heart melts.
OMG! Look at that crowd! They really love him.
@ Eva
Thank you so much for the link «many faces of Adam» you gave to me several threads behind.
I have all those his expressions recorded during AI-8 weeks but it was amazing to see all of them together in an only video. I know exactly when each one of those his face expressions happened and some of them fill me up of joy others break my heart when I realise what was going on through his mind at that time. I appreciate you worried about giving me this chance, and enjoyed every moment of this your «gift» to me. Thanks again. And you were right... impossible not to have instant different reactions during all the video.
So happy ju got to see it. It´s hard to know when you´re online because I think we are in different time zones and you sleep when I´m up and spamming this site.
Right now I´m following the Malaysian GN.on twitter. Adam didn´t kiss Tommy, he blew a kiss to the audience.
I can't stop thinking about Adam and his performance today. Adam is out there all alone being brave and representing the United States as a true hero. It makes me upset that his own country has turned their backs on him time and time again. Adam is all about love and caring for every human being. Is that so hard to understand? Take note GLAAD, if you need a true hero to honor, look no further than Adam Lambert. He's living his life without complaining, caring for others, embracing diversity. What more do you want? Thank God for the millions of Adam Lambert fans. We have his back! Love you Adam - be strong and safe.
OMG Eva/6:28am - he blew a kiss to the audience - PERFECT... gaaaahh, just PERFECT.
Only problem is - now I'm gonna go follow on twitter too, damn girl, my workload is screwed!
MGF :)
LOL!! Do you think I´ll get any work done? Nope!
Crap Eva - the twitter feed is awesome. Anyone else reading right now who has the time, check it out if you want at:
There are about 10 different tweets that I want to post, but for once I'll edit myself and just post this one:
"I've not been to a concert in KL this packed in ages!!!! Wow!”
Well, okay, and maybe this one:
"Adam is just so awesome as a performer... I feel like crying of his perfection... "
From twitter:
"How dare anyone say he doesn't promote morals?!? HE SAYS AFTERMATH IS ABOUT LOVING YRSELF. LISTEN UP!"
Yes Eva - glad you posted that. And this one:
"Sethshomaru RT @tobymiaw: I'm just so amazed that i'm speechlesss... Adam is everything amazing y'all... "
(damn, I gotta be at a volunteer thing in an hour :(..)
A compromise made in order to share your artistry and that of the composer is not new - the Borodin String Quartet had to compromise musical values in order to perform Shostakovich when faced with Stalin censorship. Adam Lambert is to be commended.
So funny, I was going to post exactly that one myself, but you beat me to it.
Been struggling this AM to put feelings into words but you said it perfectly, nancdruuu2 - thanks!! I know the concert is going on at this moment and I have lead feet when it comes to getting out the door to work. Need some of Adam's courage and I always get it on this site - Have a good day all and Love and Light to the GlamNation crew!!
Another tweet:
msnbuzz The crowd is jumpin' and singing along! It's just incredible in here
less than a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Oh sh*t - they're JUMPING - get out the handcuffs and the Night Sticks...
MGF ;)
(shouldn't be joking about that I guess, but looking for some humor these days)
Nothing beats a few well placed jumbotron screens when you don't have good seats! MGF.
I forgot to post the pic link of the crowd. Amazing!
Wow! He gives them TCB too! That makes me happy.
No, he didn´t. My mistake. :-(
He should have. Mad World is kinda boring now.
@EVA 7:26am - IKR!
Me too. Good for them. I guess he's telling them that - it's plain to see, you were meant for me... ;). Your crowd shot pic link @7;24am was amazeballs Eva.
@Eva 7:29am -
saw this tweet:
farahlily TCB motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!! Got vid!!!!!!!
less than a minute ago via Echofon
WTF! He DID TCB too!! Very confusing twitter, since there is one retweeting all the time and that becomes "old news". So they got two encores. So good!
2 minutes ago via Channel X SMS tweet
To all the 24/7 readers - I guess me and Eva shoulda gotten a room, a chat room :), sorry if we bored you, sincerest apologies.
To Eva - that was fun... I thank you... my workload, not so much ;).
Hi Eva - an overdue, but warm welcome to you, as well! Didn't you say you're in...Sweden...? Anyway, we're so glad your here! Thank you for your enthusiastic and funny posts, and for all these great Twitter updates - that was awesome!!! LOVED the crowd shot.
And MGF - goes without saying I always look forward to your posts. :)
Sounds like Adam triumphed...good/love won out over evil (ha, ha). I'm going to make him a purple cape with a glittery "A" on the back, that will swirl around him as he stands on various stages around the globe, radiating confidence, acceptance and tolerance (oh yeah - and sexiness) to the citizens of the world. Glamberts, UNITE!!
- Adam Fix
Yes MFG, I also apologize to all those we perhaps bored to death. But it was fun and exciting, wasn´t it?
Adam Fix - Thank you. Yes I´m swedish and theese asian GN:s are perfect in this time zone, 3 - 4 in the afternoon, while the US GN are 2 or 3 at night. Of course I could rock around the clock with Adam and get a perfect look for halloween.
Eva and MGF, you girls are driving me crazing! I really don't have time to open your twitter posts, have to wait until I get home.
I'm just glad that he is still safe.
Well, after all this excitment of the Malaysian concert New Zealand is going to be so boring place.
@ Eva and MGF
Yay! What a race! Hahaha! Loved the news that both of you got. I'm going to my Hell's Kitchen in 30 minutes for a night turn... But I'll be back in 6 hours and will be able to see your links...
And, @ Eva, I guess you are 3 hours in advance, if your time in Sweden is the same of UK's.
I loved the «kiss to the audience»... that's my sweet Adam, my so much sweet Adam!!!
Yo! Eva and MGF thanks for the memories...especially the WTF moments. Adam doesn't compromise his beliefs often. All the love pouring from this audience to Adam must be like a shot of Adrenalin. Thanks for the words of wisdom MGF, we are all aware that sometimes our desire to protect Adam is over the top. Also, sure, most of us are policing ourselves. I personally have tried to put a positive spin on all the negative press releases I have posted to. Well except for the one who asked, who is Adam Lambert. I fell off the rehab wagon, and called this person a moron. I'm still struggling with this addiction.
how i don't see the LAMBRITS posting here now adays???
Love hearing all the tweets! Keep it up! Not boring in the least! Adamluv
Anon 10:06, nice interview! Here is the link:
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