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Tommy, Monte & the rest of the Glamtroupe at Malaysia Airport

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Anonymous said...

where was neil???

Shirley said...

I believe Neil was with Adam's flight.

Anonymous said...

The Glamtroupe are happy to oblige what the fans want them to sign... nice to see. What if you're in a crappy mood? I guess just keep on smiling... must be tough sometimes.

Anonymous said...

i must say these adam's fans are all familiar with glamily. they knew all their names as if they have met them before. that was amazing! good job glamily for being accommodating and continue to spread LOVE around the world.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is so sweet and has a hard time saying nno, evenwhen he is presses for time. All of the glamily are so accomodating. It must get so old. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

is tommy getting more gorgeous OR WHAT? I bet they are all so tired. get some sleep band and dancers you are going to need it for tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Tommy is a real hunk. Think Tommy close to being almost as well known as Adam, and loved by his fans. He's single, and nothing stopping the girls from hoping. Monte always seems to be the consummate professional, leader of the troops. Didn't see Neil or Brooke or Issac. Think that's all that's missing. They may have been on plane with Adam, or maybe not. All conjecture here.

Anonymous said...

I love the Malaysian fans. They know their glamnation stars and they're so respectful and polite. Give them a great show BB, they deserve it. Ebbtide

Anonymous said...

Aww - those were sweet fans, very sweet! Greeting each band member/dancer by name, not screaming/freakin' out (if it were Adam - I would have), saying "see you tomorrow"...SO CUTE!! Thank you!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

The glamily could not be any sweeter to their fans in Malalysia. Good Luck glamtroupe. Stay safe and well. Take care of our BB.


coloforadam said...

AWWWWWWWWWW - Terrence had on an Adam t-shirt!! Tommy is a complete gentleman, Cam is genuinely sweet and cool, Sasha is so adorable and friendly, Taylor looks like a scared little kid that you just want to hug and reassure!! What a great bunch of American kids .... !! SO PROUD of this smart, open minded, courageous generation we have sprung on the world!!

Anonymous said...

Tommy Tommy Tommy so "obsessed with your sexiness" and I love your voice ! Would like you to be more vocal . If you could learn to flirt a little with the press the way you do on stage you would get a LOT more exposure and that would be just wonderful for you and your fans who cant get enough of you !!! If you cant think of anything to say just give us a SMILE AND A WINK