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Adam Lambert is Nearing 1 Million Fans on Facebook!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 10, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, October 10, 2010

Adam Lambert currently has around 990,900 fans on his Facebook page. Adam needs around 9,000 more fans till he reaches 1 million!

If you have a Facebook, CLICK HERE to "like" Adam's page.

Thanks to glitter4adam for the tip.


Judys Dancin said...

1 million...fabulous! Way to go Adam!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No surprise, but after saying for past few years that I would not join Face Book, I did so Adam could get l closer to his one million mark. The star in this super star just keeps getting brighter and brighter, and not even one year since the release of his debut album. Your are my sunshine!!!Sunshine

Anonymous said...

oh man peeps - have you been over to check out some of the pix on Adam's Facebook page?!! Amazing. I can't beleive I haven't perused around there more (I have to live life and all that :)...isn't that something Adam has said - he wants us living our own lives to their fullest and not fawning over him all the time :), good advice - trying to do that, but he doesn't make it easy sometimes, lol). I don't spend all that much time on Facebook as it can really be a black sucking hole of time wasting - but fans, IMHO you gotta click on the "CLICK HERE" above and check out some of the pix if you haven't done so before... or maybe I'm the last one on Earth who hasn't(well, maybe not on Earth but the last one among the Glam Nation anyway ha ha)... boy I've been missing out... there's actually pix I haven't seen before!

Anyway, this news is cool, so great.

Anonymous said...

I have been on fb with Adam for awhile now and really have enjoyed it. glad he is almost up to one million. It's so easy to join off his web site on google and they even put his picture on your info page.

Anonymous said...

Another place to visit every day is the video IIHY on VH-1.We're trying to get it to 1,000,000 views ASAP.Please,all Adam fans, view it some every day..Thanks.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 4:54PM
I can't do it, sorry. Fucking SONY blocked it for Azores zone!

Anonymous said...

I have been following Adam on FB for quite some time, but have heard (from various sources) that Adam has nothing to do with that site. He even said "I don't know who runs it, but it's not me"...? I still follow it, even though most of the things they post have already been posted here (because 24/7 is so fast, and ON it).

- Adam Fix

qlettelhiz said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

at fan4fun, I can't watch Adams videos on vh1 either, but i watched them on vevo yesterday, IIHY was at over 8.5 m views, WWFM over 9m.

HK fan

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@ HKfan
Thanks for this info. I'll try it later.