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Glam Nation Tour in Manila (10-10)

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 10, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, October 10, 2010


Vodooo/For Your Entertainment/Down the rabbit hole




Broken Open


Sure Fire Winners


Music Again

If I Had You

Mad World


glambert-acb said...

Check out that funny video with Adam !! You will laugh ! (L)

Anonymous said...

OMG! Suz526, these vids are so wonderful and so are you! So up close and amazing!
Great job!

Check out the Tommy "wink" and the Monte "hair". Wow!

Anonymous said...

Fever kiss and Suz, that's what Glam Nation tour is all about..

Anonymous said...

This sleepwalker performance was as good and intense as the one in Houston. The man only gets better and better.

laurieb said...

thanks suz256 for more great videos..Adam never ceases to amaze me.. every performance is dif, never boring or repetitive..Adam is brilliant and wonderful to watch. I just love that guy!!!

bec said...

Adam Lambert has grown up and become a true "ROCKSTAR" in every sense of the word. This performance is relaxed confident and yet powerful and dynamic. I don't think Adam really understands how he fills up the stage when he performs. This is the seasoned artist I would pay to see!!! "Rockstar"!!!

Anonymous said...

Tommy is such a bad ass, I love him. Kiss and Wink?? PRiceless!!!

and Adam as always, FAB!


Anonymous said...

when Paula Abdul said to sweet Adam in AI-8th that he would be ICONIC I really believed her, no doubt, no questions, because I already knew it by my own conclusions, at least two weeks before she had said it. I'm so proud of myself!!! Now I know that I haven't waste over a half century of existence on this mad world seeking out an utopian perfection. I found it, it is real, it's flying around the world showing off itself and its name is sweet Adam Mitchel Lambert! The amazing shining young man is turning an IDOL very quickly and guess what? I'm in love with him... Yay!
Fan4fun (so proud to be a Glambert!!!!!!!!!!!)

Anonymous said...

Glamshit, I have to run back to my «Hell's Kitchen» now! I have a special salad to prepare... I'm thinking about a «peacock»... well, it's not a singing bird, but it's certainly exotic and pretty beautiful...

Anonymous said...

There are just no words that can encompass the great talent and ability of Adam and what he exudes with every performance. I think we've used every adjective known to mankind. For me, he is a SUPERNOVA! I hope he burns long and bright until I'm well into my last years (FYI that's about another 40 years).

And Suz!!! JFC lady you deserve a friggin award. Your FF miles must be unlimited. Your amazing contribution to literally millions of fans that can't make it to concerts will be comended I'm sure.

Thanks for a beautiful Sunday morning gift: Just me, Adam and a cup of coffee.

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun..I really want to know which Hells Kitchen restaurant u work for lady. Cause I go to a lot of Hell restaurants and honestly I hate to be the hungry/furious customer waiting for her food while the "Adam freak" chef is going GAGA over youtube lambert videos in the kitchen.
Atleast I want to be a customer sitting at the kitchen counter, watching adam videos with the crazy chef(fan4fun) and munchin on some carrots :)


Anonymous said...

OMG THANK YOU SUZ526!!! Can't tell you how much you have been missed. These videos are amazing. Crowd sounds totally pumped. Yeh, noticed Monte's hair from bald to long??? What a difference a wig makes. Ah, it all Rock and Roll.

The Dark Side said...

This is all too hairy this evening. Monte sportin that fantastic wig, and Adam, well Adam, he looks like he just got out of bed with that tossled hair. WoW, Double Wow. Boy is on fire tonight. And our incomparable Suz526 capturing all this splendor. YES!!! The Dark Side is humbled.

Anonymous said...

OMG SUZ! Thank you so much for being there! You are our hero! Love all your hard work. Also, thanks 24/7 for all the latest updates!

Now, I'm going back in and enjoy my private show... you can call it that! :) Later...

Btw, HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all Canadians!!!

glitzylady said...

I love everything about these vids...Adam, Adam's hair (gorgeous !!!) , the Kiss (mmmm...), Tommy, Monte, Monte's hair (!!!), Isaac and his big grin watching Adam during Fever...Just amazing...Adam is just on Fire...and as @PRS said, he is a SUPERNOVA because "superstar" just isn't enough...he is just constantly expanding his talent every time he gets on that stage...a star just twinkles in the sky but a supernova is constantly expanding outward to become more and more visible and shines more brightly, and that is what Adam is doing..and I am so happy to be here to see this man burst on the scene to entertain us...Little did I know that when I unknowingly saw him in the touring version of Wicked several years ago that he would be the focus of my adoration now...What a difference a few years makes..And thanks to the fabulous Suz526..and the also fabulous Rolando for once again sending us these vids...yay!!!

Anonymous said...

Count me in the group who likes his tousled hair. How handsome!

Anonymous said...

I've already commented on this thread but the touseld hair comment reminded me of one of my favorite interviews:

But, these vids are keepers, too.

Anonymous said...

How many different ways can we spell tousled. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely loved these vids. Adam looks fabulous esp. with the tousled hair. He is an awesome performer both musically and visually. His impressive vocal talent stirs your soul esp. with a ballad like SOAKED. No one in the music industry today can hold a candle to Adam Lambert. We can see that his connection to the audience is pure electricity no matter where in the world he is performing. With his GNT we have seen the emergence of a superstar Rock icon.

Anonymous said...

Suz,what a nice surprise to see your videos again!! None of the other ones since the US could compare( even tho I appreciate the other fan's efforts,yours are, & always will be the BEST!!)Will you get to go anywhere else for more overseas shows?I hope so,but if not,then you made my day!!DJR

Anonymous said...

Suz better come to Europe to take vids too..

Anonymous said...

Adam truly connects with his audience. It must have been great to be at that show in Manila. I mean WOW!, his look was spectacular, especially during Sleepwalker, and his voice, incredible. Others have said it, but I will repeat it here: Adam only gets better and better and better with every single show. Oh! What wonders await us in the future? So looking forward to seeing him again at some point.

Anonymous said...

Great vids! Did he sing IIHY?

Anonymous said...

SUZ526, Question? Did you get a close look at Monte's new Tat? If so, what is the Tat? I could not see well enough the way he is standing to know what it might be. Please post for us.
thank you for the great vids. Been a long time for us starved to death Glamberts..

Anonymous said...

Curious also about the tat. First I thought it was a guitar, but then it looked different. Large Tat, covers his upper arm. Way cool.

Anonymous said...

Are there other suz'videos?? IIHY?? and the encore?? What was it??.

Thanks to 24/7 and Suz to make us feel a little closer to Adam.

The Dark Side said...

Correct way to spell tousle is tousle. I am notorious for misspelling or simply spelling my own way. Been doing it for years, and can't seem to stop--no harm, no foul. Get my point across and move on. Since this practice could be dangerous to small children learning to spell, I only post on over 18 sites. Keep the Adam fires burning friends. Suz536 did you tape IIHY and encore? Think I spelled that correctly. LOL

Anonymous said...

OH, SUZ526, one more thing. Did you find out what Neil had tattooed on his upper right arm near the shoulder? We have heep big interest in these guys tats. lol (Neil looked like he was going to vomit and pass out lying on that table.)

Anonymous said...

Oh Suz526, What would we do without you? We're so spoiled and jaded now with your magnificent videos!!! Thankyou so much!!Adam is such a pro and I think this is one of his best concerts ever!!! So confident, polished and at ease. He captures my heart more and more every time I see him. @Glitzy lady,Didn't know you saw Adam in Wicked! Did he stand out then or was he just good in the part in general? I've seen parts on youtube, but live is always better unless Suz526 is filming! Love the tousled hair too! Not sure about Monte's wig,but all in fun and rock and roll. It'll have to grow on me. haha funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I thought this was one of the best shows from the tour. Adam was beyond brilliant - the voice, the movements, that "loose" hair were all spectacular! And to see and hear FYE on stage again! Fabulous! Please do it for your U.S.A shows. Your fans will go beserk if you do! And Monte, with his close up during Sleepwalker, is looking mighty fine these days!!!!! I felt as if I was seeing the show for the first time - it seemed so fresh! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ FF,I don't think Suz526 visits this site, but pretty sure she visits mjsb and her youtube comments site. Info on Negative Neil twitter explains the extra-terrestrial symbol in detail. The tat looks like a spider on stilts to me, but it ihas simple lines, no shading and is well done.Neil put a closeup of it on twitpic that you can access from his twitter. funbunn40

Glitz and Sparkles said...

I have watched Sleepwalker 10 time already...I am mesmerized...he is sooooooooo beautiful. I'll be here all day watching these vids!!!

judys dancin said...

Oh how nice it is to have Suz526 back! What a difference! I too am not complaining bout the other videos, but WOW these are so good! Thank You Suz, you are my hero!!! Maybe we should pass the hat so she can afford to follow Adam around!

Anonymous said...

Dear Suz, THANK YOU for these amazing videos !!!You made the day of every fan - the concerts just keep getting better !!!

Anonymous said...

Is Suz526 on Face Book? Maybe someone will post a short bio on Adam's Fan site. Love to know more about this astounding person. thanks

glitzylady said...

anon at 2:53 pm

I think she stays pretty makes it easier to do what she does...and she is an amazing fan of Adam's...Maybe someday we'll know more...

Anonymous said...

Wonderful videos, Suz thank you so much, weve been spoilt and missed the high quality and close ups that are Suz trademark.
This appeared to be a real high energy concert with Adam really connected and he seem to be real smiley and happy, though I think these high quality videos do help in capturing that so well.
In comparison you do notice how more restrained and quieter the Japanese people were.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does Monte not normally have a microphone to sing in to? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

On MJ's, I think its the end of Tokyo 3 thread are pictures of all the new tattoos. Neils is strange, just lots of lines coming out from a centre point, Monte's is awful, a huge black rabbits head with red eyes, Terrances was writing, couldn't see Sashas properly as it was still covered, and the sound guy had a little squirrel in a place only known to him...

will watch the bideos later. something to look forward to after work.
Adam should arrive in HK today...shame the weathers not good for him.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

ooops, should have said videos....

Anonymous said...

Hi Suz526, You r amazing! I was there at the concert too.. Adam is georgeous! I love him

Anonymous said...

@Funbunn40, thank you for posting what Neil got on his arm. Tat that is. Can you post the site addresses of mjsb (what does that stand for?) and the SUZ526 UTUBE comment site. I would love to read these postings. Informative people like you helps some of us along so we can have more fun following all news about Our Man Adam. tks so much.

Anonymous said...

Adam is literally sweaty after the concert, It's very hot.
I love it when crowd goes 'WE WANT MORE' after the concert, Adam and The Band came back for another song-"MAD WORLD!"
You are a sweetie Adam! We love you! please come back for your second concert here in manila!

coloforadam said...

Did anybody hear how much of the 20,000 venue was filled? It sounded like they were having a wild time!!

Anonymous said...

Impresionante presentación en Maníla.
Voz!!!!!Gran energía en todos sus movimientos
coreográficos, derroche de simpatía y belleza
Excelente la banda y cuerpo de baile!!!!!
Un concierto MARAVILLOSO.

BIENVENIDA Zuz526 GRACIAS por tus increíbles vídeos que nos mantienen al día en este tour con Adám!!!!!. Tus imágenes y sonidos son fabulosas.

Anonymous said...

I. WAS. THERE. Yes, it was one of the best shows of the Tour. And, I got to meet and have my picture taken with the great SuZ! She is a lovely, lovely lady. She patiently and tirelessly took the video of the whole show. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Finally got back to watching IIHY. That stage looks like it's at least one foot higher than the audience. Don't know how those people in front could see much. Maybe middle seating better for this show. Videos could have distorted the height o the stage. Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

FF, mjsb stands for It's not an Adam site only. She deals with all Idol info. plus SYTYCD and Americas Got talent. A lot about Kris Allen. also DWTS. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Hi FF! Monte's tattoo is a black bunny with red eyes. At first i thought it was his gibson epiphone guitar but then i saw a clear picture of it in another site. I was at the concert and was surprised to see a much younger crowd. The exchange of energy was just amazing. Manila loves Adam and we are left wanting more. If i only had the means now, i would have followed him to hongkong which i used to visit since 1995. Such a great place to shop and knowing Adam, he would love the place but i think with the time constraint, he may not be able to move around.


Glittzchick said...

YES!! Everybody loves the hair! I've been sayin' forevah, I adore you, Adam, but let your hair down (I mean, not just in the figurative way you always do.) It is so damn sexy, and I'm glad others think so, too. SFW has gradually become my favorite -- He's doing those bicep pumps are whatever -- that's new -- where he stands there and holds his arm out with the muscle bulging like a body builder. Bet he's getting a little wt-training in. Anyway, the Alpha of SFW totally knocks me out every time. I cannot stand it, yet I watch it first every show.

and Suze, you're in Manilla! YES, AFL knows what he's doing in all aspects of the biz. You must be hired to go around the world with him, and we all sure are super glad! Your vids take us to the front row and knock our eyes out!

All you (this is getting long. I'm excited -- haven't watched for about a week!) All you who says he's a superstar expanding into the universe and become interstellar -- couldn't agree more. Does he KNOW how fabulous he is? Part of me says he must, to have that complete cocky confidence, but I dunno. All I know is, every time you thnk he can't get better, he does.

Speaking of "cocky," he wither has a pistol in his pocket or he's just really glad to see the Phillipiines. And I loved the quick, secret, easy-to-miss smiles that passed between him adn Tommy during the Fever kiss. Love Monte's extensions too. Rock and roll!

At the last concert I saw live, my husband said he just sat back and absorbed all the love iin the room -- said the sompact energy of so much positive emotion was overwhelming. I love you, Adam! We love you, Adam! The world hasn't seen anything like you since....EVAH

Anonymous said...

Anon at 6:20pm

Glad to know you were there. Were you on the right side of the venue?


Anonymous said...

Suz 526 back and better than ever. Loved the vids of Adam and Monty together..the lights, background,everything. I agree this is their best show. Adam showing off his amazing voice. Thank you Suz526.

Anonymous said...

Oh God..Iloved interaction between Broke and Adam, What envy! but of the good one.. I would like to be Broke just for the minute she dances with Adam I'll leave him very exhausted and really hurt..jaja..

Joey said...

OMG, did you see the wink in the gif?? AGRH! SO HOT

Anonymous said...


Manila - you got lucky!! This show was sizzzzzlin'! Adam's hair was so freakin' sexy Isn't it really humid in Manila? I just thought it was the humidity doing that to his hair...not something he did on purpose...although I hope he DOES do it on purpose sometime in the near future! And he had my favorite, and most beautiful, eye make-up (yeah Sutan!)...I think there are little rhinestones, or something sparkly, glued just below each eye, in his lashes, right in the his eyes really catch the light. Gorgeous!!

Wow, again. Fever blew me away - Adam was SO on point! And the intensity and fierceness of Sleepwalker was just, plain, awesome.

And finally - thank you SUZ!!!! We LOVE you!!!!!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@ Glittzchick October 10 7:43PM -
I hear 'ya on the SFW thing, I'm a total SFW junkie, a complete addict!

Thanks for the fun posts everyone, fun reading.

Thanks Suz, so appreciative.

Adam Lambert is... everything.


Anonymous said...

SFW is my 6-y.o. son's favorite song...I told you the story about how we have to BLAST it in the car, and play it over-and-over until I - ADAM FIX - finally said I didn't know if I couldn't listen to it again!!! But, y'know, that was after a million+ listens. Then I got over it, slapped myself upside the head, and we've listened to it a million more times since then. I just had a weak moment, is all.


- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

re montes tattoo, it is the black 'death' rabbit that appears in the film 'Watership Down", can;t remember the name offhand, Lord Frith or something, but it means that a rabbit is going to die..

HK fan

Anonymous said...

mjsbigblog is definitely worth a visit, she runs separate threads for all Adams concerts. I'm a long time luker there. I keep trying to login and post comments but haven't manged it. Does anyone know how to do it. When I put in my e-mail adress, it asks for a password, so I try putting my own in, but says invalid, and to press forgotten password, and they will send a new one on e-mail, have done this about 8 times, but no e-mail ever appears.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

also on MJ's there was several mentions of a famous Filippino singer in the front row last night, Arnel someone from the band Journey. Nobody knew who he was, pretty sure he was a well known bar singer in HK, saw him several times, he went to the states and did one of those contests looking for a new singer for the band (journey) and won.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Adam 15 minutes of fame is Damn cougars thinking a guy is into them dream on and go do some damn housework or better yet raise your kids instead of spending hours on end posting everyday on Adam talentless ass.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:02, obviously if you are at this site, you are of course go wash your mouth out with soap and go to bed.

Anonymous said...

To one of the previous posters, Suz526 does read n post to this site sometimes...just did a few days ago! Here is her twitter account:

but she says she frequents this one all the time and we can def catch her here on her youtube channel:

Thanks you so much Suz for all you do for us fans!


Anonymous said...

Glam and FAB Adam's concert last nite was my first watch at the MOA grounds! and it was all worth it! we here in Manila were indeed lucky to have been graced by the sexy Adam on a 10-10-10 date! my liking of Adam since AI days has solidified more! WE LOVE YOU ADAM!!! come back here to the Philippines very soon! thanks also to producer BLUE DREAM prod for bringing the Glam Tour here in Manila. now im a GLAMBERT for life! and to ms. SUZ, always great job on your exciting documented vids of the fantabulous songs sung during the show. i missed Adam rendering Time for Miracles...sigh, did the Glamberts notice it too?


Anonymous said...

Arnel....look for him on Youtube with Journey...He also has amazing glad he came to concert..there were other celebs there also....they know talent when they see it.........

Anonymous said...

BB was hotttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Anonymous said...

Hi Adam Fix, this is the problem when a concert falls on a Sunday. Next day is RL and we've got not much choice. Twas so difficult to find Suz and from the looks of it we were on opposite sides.Well I guess these excellent videos says it all. The energy exchange was just wonderfully overwhelming. The voice impeccable and the talent tremendous! But as i've said earlier, he leaves us wanting more. It seems so short but considering the difficulty of his songs, unbearable humidity plus the heat from the stage lights, i can't ask for more. In fact, Adam gave us more than what we deserve. We all had a blast and certainly an extraordinary experience of a lifetime. I don't have the slightest idea how Suz does it,but her dedication in providing us great videos means so much to millions of us all over the world.Will still find a way to get actual ticket sales.

Btw, your son has very good taste! Kind regards.
