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Adam Lambert: No H8 Campaign Photo Shoot

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 10, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, October 10, 2010

Adam posted this picture on his twitter as his new avatar. Not sure if this is an official photo shoot for the No H8 Campaign or if this was photo shopped.


Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous picture of Adam, but what an even more beautiful message of love. This is the reason we all love Adam so much.

Anonymous said...

I take it that this means vote NO to H8. What does that mean?

Anonymous said...

I know the eye color was "enhanced"...but what a tremendous photo and message.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Its awesome but its totally photoshopped.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think this is an older photo, totally photoshopped. I hope he does a video for the "It Gets Better" project.


The Dark Side said...

Think this was about a month or so ago when Prop 8 in the news. Haven't read/heard anything new lately. I'm in California and surprising it is a hot button issue in this state. When you realize that everyone who lives outside CA thinks everyone is a card carrying liberal. Not true. I am personally a gold card carrying liberal and will, of course, cast my vote for Moonbeam and Newsom.

Anonymous said...

Hey DarkSide, is Gavin Newsom gay?

Anonymous said...

Hey Glamily, I hope you may forgive my ignorance but, seriously, I have no idea what «H8» means... HELP!

Anonymous said...

"H8" stands for "hate" ... (say the sound for "H" and the "eight" together and it sounds like hate.)
NO H8=No Hate

Anonymous said...

gavin newsom- i like him hes a mayor of san francisco.! like him
oh gerry brown staff called meg whitman a whore thats degrade the women what a bad guy.get rid of those guys. ditn do anything for the poor.we vote for individual.

Anonymous said...

@Jake I was hoping he will too. But I think that the fact that he is on world tour and singing aftermath and strut that his songs are louder then words. Just Adam being Adam is a huge statement. Don't you think?
He realy should stay away from politics right now. Just keep doing what he is doing. He is changing ppl one state/ country at the time. He changed me !

Israeli fan (IF)

Anonymous said...

I'm from other country too.. What does that mean?

Anonymous said...

That picture was made months ago by a fan. Notice how the NOH8 'face paint looks off.

Anonymous said...

For those who want to read more about the No hate (NOH8) campaign and why?

Anonymous said...

Every day of Adam's life is a testament to being out and proud.
He lives it ,breathes it...He is a great asset to gay rights by being Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam is being dragged into politics whether he likes it or not. He is a wonderful spokesperson; he just doesn't know it--or maybe now he does. His life is a testament to honesty, integrity, acceptance, peace and love.

The Dark's to old fashioned liberal values!!! I join you. Tolerance is supremely needed in our country today, and that means from both sides of the aisle. We need discussion and compromise, not hate and smears. Save our democracy. Vote your conscience, but treat others with dignity and respect. Most of all, LISTEN to someone else's point of view.

Sorry for the rant, but I am sincerely concerned that we have replaced values with the all mighty dollar.

Anonymous said...

Proposition 8 was passed by the voters in Calif. a year or so ago, saying in essence that gays should not have the right to marry. It didnt pass by very much if my memory serves me right. According to a hugh amount of money was spent by out of state interests, such as the Mormon Church in Utah, to pass this proposition. And as we all know, money talks! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Anon. 5:01PM
As sweet Adam uses to say... Thank you, thank you so much!

Jamie Smith said...

I made this. I photoshopped it a while ago, and I have NO idea how he found it. I am beyond thrilled that he did though!

Anonymous said...

I think the photo is amazing.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@ Jamie Smith:
You made the pic? Wow.. that means Adam really paid attention!

I love the fact that Adam uses a fan art to send his message. Goosh.. I love that guy even more now :D


Anonymous said...

Yay Jamie Smith! Congrats that Adam used your pic!!!

Dark too! I'm in San Fran Bay Area and am voting for Moonbeam and Newsome! I am glad we also have that in common besides our love for Adam!


laurieb said...

Adam is sending a very strong and clear message by simply posting this picture. I love that he is letting us all know how he feels about the world situations in these subtle gestures. Hes not preaching and in our faces about it and that speaks volumes to his character. LOVE you Adam

Anonymous said...

Great post laurieb 7:36am. I also read that Pink said the video for her new single "Raise Your Glass" will be set at a gay wedding. It's a GREAT song btw! Downloaded it yesterday, really good, interesting lyrics, but super fun, check it out! She gets it.

Anonymous said...

There was a big hit a couple of years ago in Finland called Ihmisten Edessä, that is a song about a lesbian couple. That song is too a popular wedding song.

Anonymous said...

You upthread posters who call him Moonbeam are too young to know that he was formerly called the flying none (pun) in the late 70's because, like Obama, he flew everywhere and all the time and accomplished little good for the now almost gone under state of California. Sad state of affairs for you guys....just saying:)

Anonymous said...

Anon 12;16, and you prefer the billionaire running against him that hasnt voted in 28 years? Just saying . . .

Ashley-Rahne said...

A - It's obviously photoshopped. B - To The Dark Side... OF COURSE it was a hot button issue in California, THAT'S WHERE THE BILL IS. DUH. And not everyone outside of California is liberal, in fact most liberals are around California and Nevada, where Hollywood and LA are. Down South East and Central South it's mostly conservatives completely against this type of thing.

Order Antidepressants said...

I am very happy to read this article..thanks for giving us this useful information.

ChristopherIlll said...

@Jake I was hoping he will too. But I think that the fact that he is on world tour and singing aftermath and strut that his songs are louder then words. Just Adam being Adam is a huge statement. Don't you think? He realy should stay away from politics right now. Just keep doing what he is doing. He is changing ppl one state/ country at the time. He changed me ! Israeli fan (IF)

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