Adam Lambert SOLD OUT in New Zealand!
Filed Under (tour news,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Monday, October 11, 2010
Posted at : Monday, October 11, 2010

According to ZMonline on Twitter, Adam Lambert's concert in New Zealand has sold out tonight!
Congrats to Adam and thanks to the fans in New Zealand for making this happen!
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Yeah NZ!!! We know you'll show some L*O*V*E to our boy when he comes there.... *\0/*
New Zealand Rocks with the Rock God!!!
Awesome!!! Im so happy that I got the tickets and Im gonna be there to experience an amazing time!
Even though New Zealand isn't that big, we can show Adam that there are alot of Kiwi Glamberts here!
Hi Lisa good for you!!! Any idea how many seats?Rema
adam is big downunder (NZ/OZ) maybe adam will say to us: THANKS FOR LOVING ME, WE ARE DOING IT PERFECTLY.
@Rema Hi the place holds 5000 seats.
WOO-HOO!!! This is news, though? I just assumed it WAS sold out!
Jan from NZ - are you still lurking around here? Have a GREAT time at the show!
And to all you NZ fans - enjoy, and don't forget to breathe!! Adam tends to pull the air right out of your lungs, as you stand there, dumbfounded by his beauty and talent.'ll soon see. Please report back!
- Adam Fix
OT but wasnt FYE suppose to be used tonite on DWTS? It wasnt! Adamluv
Wouldn't it cause a commotion if Adam was a contestant on DWTS? I don't think my heart could take it!! Think we should start making requests? Salivating just thinking of it. Imagine him doing an Argentine Tango! The tv's all over the US would combust!!! I hadn't heard anything about FYE being played, Adamluv. funbunn40
I guess there was a change of plans on DWTS as far as playing FYE. Sometimes the music choice doesn't alway fit the dance IMO.
Yay New Zealand! Thank you for welcoming Adam Lambert. You are in for a treat!
Please change this unflattering photo of Adam.. With all the great shots.. this was the one you picked.. Congratulations to NZ. I've seen Adam live three times and I just can't get enough of his incredible voice,his charismatic personality and great beauty.Love him beyond belief!!
Homosexuality is punishable by 20 years in prison in Malaysia, but prosecutions are rare.
And Bilboard, shame on you for not reporting anything about Adam's succesful 72 cities US tour instead reporting this???? Are you kidding me. IMO I find billboard very offensive
OMFG.....just got home, how can I sleep now, I can't believe its over, need to go and see him again.
OK brief rundown, don't know if it was sold out, but must have been pretty close, all the seats were sold and the floor was pretty packed. No supporting act, just music. People singing along, and kind of dancing, bit hard being so squashed. Lots of glow sticks, a pretty young audience, lots of people in their 20's. saw quite a few gay guys, some in great outfits.Just wow, when he comes on, he knows how to command a stage, had eyes for no one else. I was about 10 feet from the stage towards Montes side, could see his new tat really well. Got the same line up as Japan, so had FYE, really great moves, fitted the music so well. Could see all his little facial expressions and hand movements. No kiss on fever, at least I don't think so, all the cameras went up at that point,and blocked my view, big cheer in the hope it would happen, guess he's getting ready for KL. Seemed like several new little moves in Fever though. Everyone was singing along. First time I'd seen the dance part, always skip that on the videos. Sleepwalker was great,BO was beautiful. Audience pretty quiet. Soaked amazing. The room was absolutely silent briefly at the start of the acapella part. Picked up pair of knickers in SFW, quick sniff then threw them back, then something else, a camisole I think, he looked puzzled and mouthed whats that, then picked up a bra and threw it back. Then picked up a handful of bras, threw them and asked where all the boys underwear was, as thats his preference - big cheer. Loved strut, so much better live, and music again. Kept saying to my friend, oh I love this all of them. Everyone was dancing to IIHY. It went so fast, didn't want it to end. Got Madworld and TCB for encores.
My friend who I went with, although she liked him on Idol hadn't really followed him since. I think she is now a convert. Says she normally dances at concerts but several times, especially in the middle section just had to stand their as she was so blown away, and keep repeating OMG he's gorgeous, so was able to have a good gush on the way home.
Thought I saw Neil as we were having a drink before going in, but could have been mistaken. Saw Terrance as we were leaving the hall, he was shorter than I imagined, but such cute dimples.
Couldn't take any pics as had to hand my camera in,cursed my husband yet again for taking the small one away with him, as I could have had that in my pocket. But actually quite glad that I wasn't worried about trying to take pictures and could just take in every moment. Lots of cameras there though, so hopefully someone will upload pics and videos. If my husband thought my 'obsession' was bad before, he ain't seen nothing yet!!!
I am no longer a GNT virgin.
HK fan
Just posted a massive long thread and lost it...
start again OMFG, just got back from the concert, it was amazing. I can't believe I have actually seen him, and now I really need to see him again. Don't know if the venue was sold out, must have been pretty close to it, all the seats were sold and the floor was pretty crowded. Was about 10 feet from the stage, on Montes side, saw his new tat very clearly. There was no supporting act, just played music, people singing along, trying to dance a bit but very crowded. Quite a young crowd, lots of people in their 20's, a few older ones like myself...quite a few gay guys in some great clothes.
Just wow, when he came on the stage, what presence, you just can't take your eyes off him..but then you all know that. We got the same playlist as Japan, so got FYE. loved the dancing in that, fitted the music so well. I could see all his little facial expressions and hand movements. Great eye makeup. No kiss in Fever, although the crowd wanted it (at least I don't think there was, all the cameras went up ready at that point and blocked my view briefly). Seemed like a few extra moves in there though. watched the dancers part, hadn't seen that before as I always skip that on the videos. Kept giving my friend a running commentary like - now he's gone to put a coat on etc. The middle bit was great, loved sleepwalker, and BO was beautiful. Audience pretty quiet on soaked, and dead quiet right at the start of the acapella part. Really loved Aftermath.
Love it HK Fan - LOVE IT :). And you whole thing about - when you see him once, all it does is just make you want to see him live more - yep, that's the Lambert Effect!! It satisfies the craving, but only momentarily :) and really just heightens it! And I loved your line about your husband - yep, get it. And loved your line about how you kept saying "Oh I love this song" ON EVERY SONG. Loved your line about your friend now being a total convert. I'm giggling here reading this - too funny. Well, gotta get back to real life - you glad I checked in, you put a huge smile on my face! Thanks for all the other info too, like no opening act, etc.
One less GNT virgin in the world - a good thing :)!
Oh geez HK fan - didn't realize you weren't done - so sorry to interrupt, truly - sorry to interrupt HK's flow 24/7 readers, seriously :)... keep going HK fan - lovin' every word!!! MGF.
Underwear thrown on stage in SFW, picked up some pants, little sniff and threw them back, then a camisole I think, looked puzzled and mouthed what is it? Then a bra and thre it back, asked for no more because of the dancers, picked up a handful of bras and threw them back, asked where all the boys underwear was as thats his preference - very playful.
Loved strut and music again live, hell loved them all. IIHY was brilliant, everyone singing and dancing. Got 2 encores Madworld and TCB.
My friend who liked him on Idol but hasn't really followed him since is now a convert I think, kept saying OMG he's gorgeous. And says she normally dances at concerts but kept standing still as she was so blown away, so was able to have a good gush with her on the way home.
My camera wasn't allowed in, cursed my husband again for taken the small one away with him which I could have just put in my pocket. But was quite glad I wasn't worried about taking photos etc and could just watch every little thing. Lots of cameras there though.
If my husband thought my obsession was bad before, he ain't seen nothing yet...
I am no longer a GNT virgin yeh.
HK fan
oops just realised the original post is up, so now you have it twice - sorry about that, it definitley went to web page not found or something and disappeared. Oh well just scroll down the last bits, its just a repeat.
HK fan
Yay for Adam!!! Love this photo.
New Zealand you are in for a treat. Show Adam your love. We in the US are having withdrawals.
Great to hear you had a fun time, HK Fan.
Thanks for the recap, Hong Kong fan. Hong Kong gave our BB so much love.
Adam must think he's waking up from a dream every single morning before he realizes this is really his life. And the band and dancers gotta be pretty stoked, too. :) ebbtide
HK Fan, you are forgiven--we all get carried away, and thanks for a very nice review of concert. Loved the no longer a virgin part. Said it all. It is fun converting friends who have never followed Adam. Like showing off a baby, just a very large, gorgeous baby. Hey New Zealand you rock. Just keep in mind size doesn't always matter. Doubt that's a problem with our boy, just sayin. Enjoy!
@Anon October 12 10:20AM - RE your "Like showing off a baby..."
I Like that, so true... the pride, the joy, the devotion, the excitement, the hope, the unconditional love...
love to show off BB :)
4:16 Be careful what you say about an unflattering picture of Adam. I think it's beautiful. He doesn't take unflattering pix.
Thanks Nuuzeeland for all the love for our boy.
HK fan, thanks so much for the review, and so happy for you no longer being a virgen! Anymore details come to mind, please tell us more! Adamluv
HK Fan, Thank you for that wonderful vicarious GNT concert! I enjoyed reading every word of both posts. I love the image of your friend just standing still, in awe of our beloved singing man, just saying OMG he's gorgeous. That thrills my heart!
Yay guys I am still lurking thank you for you kind wished, had I first local TV item this morning about holdin back in Maylaysia, but said dont worry NZ you will be getting the full package, no worries. Mentioned stripping and kissing (stripping) WTF. Wish theyd get things right,
Adam will also nbe on Xfactor Australia on 18th oct in OZ. We get it here a couple of days later, do you guys get it at all?
Sorry above comment from Jan NZ
HK fan! You came through for us! Thank you for such a wonderfully detailed play by play! Really wished I coulda been there!
one little point I just remembered, in SFW, when he came to our side he did a small slip, then lifted his foot and carried on singing whilst picking a small speck off his boot, then flicked it at the crowd with a cute little expression on his face - without missing a beat.
HK fan
HK Fan - OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! I am just SO exhilirated for you! I thought you would've posted something ont he HK post, so I was asking where your review was - but then, BAM, came here and got it in duplicate! :) Yes, after Adam's had his way with us, we can't think straight, much less function.
I have adrenaline running through my veins after reading your recap of the show...remembering when I saw Adam live! Ahh, it's so exciting to see him, after all the build up and anticipation. I distinctly remember thinking I was going to get hit by a car, or have some horrible accident that would prevent me from getting to see him live (oh yeah, and f'ing up the rest of my life, too) and was pretty much holding my breath for a whole week leading up to the show, begging the universe to keep me safe! Colorforadam - remember? I think you posted the same thing. Ha, ha!
Oh, the things this boy does to us. Pitiful...but yet, so worth it! I am so thankful, every day, that my time on earth coincides with Adam exploding on the scene.
Thank you, again, for the great recap! Glad the show was so great for you (AND your friend - yippee)!
...and I totally relate to your last line about the obsession you had before being NOTHING compared to post-live-Adam-viewing! Right there with ya.
- Adam Fix :-D
...oh yeah...and loved the hilarious comments about all the girl's undies (etc) thrown up on stage! Ha, ha!! Saw that in one of the videos, but wished I could've had a better view and heard what he was saying! So thanks for recounting that. Super funny! Yes - Adam is probably wondering WHEN guys undies will be thrown up on stage...seriously!
- Adam Fix
@ HKfan, Thanks for taking us on your Adam adventure and sharing your deflowering experience! There's nothing like the high from that first live Adam performance. I can still feel the electricity and you brought it back again with your report! It's almost like being there! Glad you've been broken in are now an initiated glambert! NZ fans, get ready for the experience of a lifetime! funbunn40
ha ha, chuckling out loud at my 'deflowering' experience, its been a long time since that happened...
@adamfix, yeh, sorry it was on this thread, had to write as soon as I got in, couldn't have gone straight to bed, still too pumped up.
Off to see Grease (on stage) tonight, will probably spend the whole show comparing their singing to Adam's, and thinking how much better he's do it, he'd make a good T-bird with the Elvis hair.
HK fan.
@HK fan - I had been searching for your report since this morning except here hahaha but it is worth the wait. Thank you for reliving the experience of many of us in this complete and lively recap. It was a fun read and I'm so impressed with your vivid account. Because if you will ask me, I will definitely beg off for i don't remember much and i'm still dazed until now.
Adam Fix- you are truly hilarious and i can relate with the anticipation which must be the common denominator among GNT virgins. Btw, i left a post for you under GNT in Manila videos but that is nothing compared to HK fan's amazing recap. Now, the GNT in Kuala Lumpur is something to look forward to with all the restrictions they have to follow. And since Adam is up to the challenge, it would be interesting to see the necessary adjustments that the entire Glamily will make.
@ HK fan
Thank you so much, fellow! I knew you would make us plenty of good info about your adventure. Loved TWICE every single word of your report(s).
@ Glamily
Come on, people, do something to help me, protest against, pray for, call 911, whatever! After reading HK fan report, Adam Fix, Funbunn40 and Bing, I'm quite sure I'll be the only Glambert from our group remaining virgin when GNT is over... Glamshit! I want to be deflowered by sweet Adam too!
@Fan4fun,Hope that day will soon come! Think Adam needs to have a vacation in the Azores and stay at the hotel of your Hells kitchen with you preparing him an exotic meal of his favorite things that will have him singing your praises, virgin no more!! funbunn40
Oh they will pamper Adam in New Zealand. Even the radio interviewer talked to him like he was a little baby. :)
@MGF and 10.20, agree with the 'like showing off a baby'
I felt so nervous during the hours leading up to the concert, my stomach was churning, heart beating really loudly. Told my friend how nervous I was. I just wanted everyone there to love him as much as I do, and after reading several reports and blogs seems they all did.
HK fan
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