Adam Lambert In Hong Kong
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sure Fire Winners (Longer Version)
Music Again
Down The Rabbit Hole
If I Had You (HD)
Broken Open with a twist at the end!
Sure Fire Winners
If I Had You

Taking his glam rock road show overseas, Adam Lambert was spotted at a press conference in Hong Kong earlier today (October 12).
The “If I Had You” singer was presented with all kinds of gifts and cards from his uber-eager fans as he hung out at the Hong Kong International Trade & Exhibition Centre.

SOURCE: Celebrity Gossip
Thanks to AdamLambertHK
Music Again
Down The Rabbit Hole
If I Had You (HD)
Broken Open with a twist at the end!
Sure Fire Winners
If I Had You

Taking his glam rock road show overseas, Adam Lambert was spotted at a press conference in Hong Kong earlier today (October 12).
The “If I Had You” singer was presented with all kinds of gifts and cards from his uber-eager fans as he hung out at the Hong Kong International Trade & Exhibition Centre.

SOURCE: Celebrity Gossip
Thanks to AdamLambertHK
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seems to be a great crowd , how come is not soldout? i'm waiting video , a girl said she recorded whole the concert but need more time to go home and upload'it , mayby somoneelse will be faster
Are you sure it wasn't sold out? Looks like a lot of peeps to me?
for some reason my intial response is just - yum.
I think the reason why they cannot say sold out is because it is general admission meaning no seats so the number of tickets they sell corresponds to the capacity space which means a margin of maybe 1,000 tickets more or less than capacity will mean sold out. The Manila concert grounds purportedly could hold 20,000 people with 15,000 maybe GA. It was clear that all seats were sold out, but no one can figure out if the people standing (in GA) did or did not fill the area. I was there and I think the GA area was jampacked with people standing while the seats in the seated area were all filled too so I think the Manila concert had 20,000 people give or take 1,000 more or less. At any rate, whether sold out to the last space available, the Manila concert was awesome as admitted by Adam himself because the crowd was one of the biggest in the Asia part of the GNT and the audience reception of the performance was great.
Looks like a lot of people enjoying Adam. Love his shirt.
Awww! Adam you look so gorgeous considering you might not have enough sleep?! Anything you wear BB looks Hawt on you because you're so freaking HOT! :) Even when you're daydreaming (ref. 7th pic) looks soooo damn gorgeous!!! Love your big tail bb, I wanna pet it... lol
Nice jacket...I can see that with a pair of velvet lounger pants......current red candle and some vino......HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
red current candle
Adam rocks the Kimono Jacket honoring the Chinese. Very cool. Big crowd. Is this the Manila Concert? Difficult to tell. A GREAT Review on the Manila Show in the Philippines Press, the reviewer loved Adam and the entire show. So the videos above post talking about is that Manila or Hong Kong. Know we are a day behind them, must be Hong Kong. Guess Suz526 not in Hong Kong!!! Rambling this morning, only one cup of coffee. Thanks 24/7 for the daily roundup.
Is that a silver fox tail? Looks like a silver fox tail. My mother had silver foxes and I have an deco era silver fox jacket. Furs are still popular in other countries, still it could be fake, but doubt it. Who else walking around with a tail hanging off belt. I call it a rock star hit! Take that Gaga. Ha Ha!!! Beats the hell out of meat any day. Just be careful wearing that in US, Peta takes a dim view of anyone sporting real furs.
Love, love the jacket Adam. You could not look more gorgeous, but then again, maybe you could. Your beauty has no boundaries.
Fox tail for a foxy man.
Adam Lambert is one hell of a sexy men and add a fox tail to the mix and it just takes it to whole onter level of sexiness. He is like no other, he sit there with the tail hanging with confidence of a king and sweetness of a kid, wild and foxy like a hottie from another planet. I will never love another man or artist like Adam Lamber.
adam's crowd in manila was 18,000 according to one of the reviews and his show was considered successful.
Well I just have to say it. ADAM LAMBERT IS THE BEST FUCKING ARTIST TO COME ALONG IN THE PAST TWENTY YEARS!!! Wanta argue? Call my attorney.
Just read an article about Adams upcoming Malaysia performance and in it, they said he wont be allowed to wear his typical "revealing clothes" and "no stripping allowed". Mother fucker! I've been to 4 of his GlamNation shows and he didnt wear revealing clothes at one of them nor did the Mofo strip! I want my money back!!!!!!!! Adamluv
@the dark side, the above crowd picture is definitely HK...I was there. Venue holds 3600, and don't know if it was sold out but must have been pretty close. All seats were sold, floor was pretty full, very packed together at the front.
p.s. the jackets not a kimono (thats Japan), its from a shop called Shanhai Tang - very expensive, never shops there.
HK fan
Adamluv - IKR :)... you frickin' riot. MGF.
I wonder if his leather pants with the lace up crotch, will pass inspection. The only thing I have seen him take off, is when he is changing costumes. Now his dancers are another story. All their clothes are revealing, and in a country where most of the women are covered up it might not be acceptable. In USA, we are so used to these things, it seems commonplace, but might raise eyebrows in other countries
Holy crap Adamluv, I didn't know you had that ragin' fire in you girl. I'm laughing so hard right now, I'm making tears.
Funny thing though, when I read your post, your face came to my mind and all of a sudden I was right there with you, mad as hell.
Great post!
MGF and PRS - dont encoursge me! LOL! For all my working years I have had to be very mindful of my langiage, so sometimes now the real me comes out!!!!! Adamluv
@ Adamluv
You can't ask your money back once the things you didn't see on stage were not announced to happen! You'll have to use your imagination as well as some malasians seem to be using theirs. Let's start it pronto, I'll help you up, OK? LOL
OT but plz vote for Adam at these sites:
(Top 30 Under 30 2010)
(Rock In Rio 2011)
(Jingle Ball)
Plz vote for him! He's leading almost of those.. dont let him drop, vote plz!
Absolutely loved that special jacket that was given to Adam. It made this sexy, handsome man look even better than he does at any given moment. With all the gifts given to him at the Hong Kong trade show, we can see the love and admiration his fans have for Adam all over the world. He seems very happy and is enjoying all that life has to offer with the success of his GNT.
HK FAN - WELL????????????? Are you still alive? :)
Where's Fever? The clip that says Fever, above, is actually Sleepwalker...???? Did Adam and Tommy kiss in HK? So curious.
- Adam Fix
Thanks HK, I was in state of confusion this am. Got to love that Fox tail, very sexy--all the glam actresses of the forties wore them. Adam just as pretty, so suits him perfect. WTF is this 25' rule in Malaysia? Know how far that is? What happens if he steps to 24 feet, they stun gun him, arrest him. The only bare chest I ever saw on GNT stage was both drummers. Guess they will have to shirt up, along with dancers. As for getting a refund, guess we all should have refunds, no stripping by Adam reported at any shows. Think that would be noticed and commented upon, the carnage of course, as ppl stormed the stage.
@adamfix, still alive, just, still on a high - need another fix, once is not enough. see my 'review' on the NZ sold out thread, couldn't wait till this morning for a HK thread.
Nope, no kiss, although the crowd were up for it and egging him on, maybe getting ready for KL.
and re above thread about the jacket, should have read Shanghai Tang, and that I never shop there, way out of my price range.
HK fan
What a beautiful, meaningful gift for Adam and he looked so elegant wearing it. Reminded me of the old Hollywood smoking jackets from the olden days. The jacket looked fit for royalty. funbunn40
@Adamluv and PRS
Add me to the list of wondering what I missed in the 2 Glam Nation concerts that I have been to (and the one that we all three saw at the Puyallup..) Maybe because they were both "all ages" I want to see one of the over 21 venues...Stripping????? Revealing clothing???? Does that mean he can't take his jacket off??? Guess we'll find out!!! LOL!!!
Wondered about taking off and putting on coats. Do they call this stripping? Well we know for sure there will be no "Pretty Kitty" moments, or sexy moves. Hey wait a minute. Adam walks across the stage and it's a sexy move. The Boy is in trouble. How is he going to dim all that sexiness down???
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