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Adam Lambert & Tommy Joe Ratliff - Hands All Over

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 10, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, October 10, 2010

New fanvideo created by the talented kcinkcity.


Anonymous said...

Wow, wow, wow, wow, holy mother of pearl. Seriously, watching this could provoke a damn heart attack. It's one of those things that you're gonna have to watch over and over just to be sure you really understand what you're watching.....and how unbelievably HOT AS HELL it is. I really should not have checked this site before bed. Maybe I'm wrong...hmmmm???

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot to thank kcinkcity. THANK YOU A BILLION TIMES OVER!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes Rae, checking this site before bed, before work, when you need to be focused...or productive... or getting out the door... can be lethal :). I've been working so hard on cleaning up my posts lately...these fan vids do NOT HELP!! lol. Lawdy I do love me some kcinkcity fanvids, something fierce. Will keep it clean, but...well, sexy is sexy.

Anonymous said...

OH breaking new.. Taylor detained at airport

Anonymous said...

Death * By * Adam!!!

Can I be Tommy...just for 5 minutes????

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU - to Adam and Tommy for giving us so much SEX ON FIRE!!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Hot video, kcinkcity is always so good at fitting the moves to the lyrics.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

I cannot watch this video again. I don't think I would recover!!!! It's too HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam Fix - I'd take being Tommy for ONE MINUTE, 45 seconds even, lol... and who you think you're foolin' - you're watching this vid again RIGHT NOW I bet. Me too, and it's 2:35am :), DBA and SDBA (sleep deprivation by Adam :)). MGF.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your posts HK fan. MGF.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

OMG - that is the best Adam/Tommy video so far. Way too hot for an old girl!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Just saw the ugly comments on the next thread too, perhaps Glam Nation should just ignore, I'm thinking that the highroad could use some more traffic right about now. MGF.

Anonymous said...

Again, you are not ignoring me its obvious there is truth in the words that I give you.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh lots of French kissin and kinky PDAs all during a live concert! im sure that most of this is for entertainment only. but again if adam and tommy keep on doing this every nite during their shows, theyll gonna end up being real life lovers, haha! talk about gettin carried away now.

Anonymous said...

thank you, enjoy yours too. Actually love reading everyones, even enjoy the more heated discussions...

HK fan

Anonymous said...

What would not I give for just one of those your kisses, sweet Adam?! Ohhhhhhhh, sweet fantasy!Keep dreaming, Fan4fun!

laurieb said...

Those two are having the time of their lives doing those seductive moves on stage, and I for one am lapping it up and enjoying every minute of it..Keep exciting us all Adam and Tommy, we love you

LP said...

I am thinking this all started with the AMAs , Adam won't let anyone say no to him. This is his way of thumbing his nose at them. Hope he doesn't get hurt in his carreer.

Anonymous said...

I swear this video is like a car don't want to look, but you can't resist, again and again. After seeing last night before bed, had a hard time falling asleep (too much adrenaline flowing). Now I'm at work and it's right here in front of my face (I haven't played it yet but I really want to). I have these awesome 23" side-by-side monitors and, well, need I say more? What to do, hmmmm????

Anonymous said...

I too think this is Adams way of protesting.

Anonymous said...

Hot pic of Adam & TJR from Manila concert

tori said...

omg. thats all i have to say. just watched this 7 times in a row....lets just say IM SO HAPPY THIS IS HERE. AHHAAHA im 15 years old and in love..what can get better?

Anonymous said...

I am an Adam Lambert fan and have been since AI/Season 8. I looked forward to each week's performance and Adam's new look and styles. Now on the GNT, there are times I think that all the kissing, gesturing, gryrating, etc. take away from the music... that impressive vocal talent that stirs your soul. The reviews should be about Adam's musical artistry and not the "sideshow" that seems to be going on around him. I will remain a fan and look forward to this site and the videos posted, but I also understand the opposite point of view and don't want to see Adam Lambert destroy his career by being labelled the gay American Idol because of his actions and behavior on stage. Hope he is safe in Malaysia and follows the rules of the contract he was asked to sign.

Anonymous said...

MGF - I really did NOT watch this video again...except when I closed my eyes to go to bed and replayed it in my head! Seriously too scorching hot! I can only die one time each day. ;)

- Adam Fix