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Adam Lambert's Hong Kong Concert Promo

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, October 11, 2010

Posted at : Monday, October 11, 2010



Anonymous said...

yeh counting down the hours now.....

HK fan

Anonymous said...

HK fan, do you know of any glamberts waiting for Adam to appear at the airport?

Anonymous said...

Have a blast HK fan!

Promos are gorgeous


Anonymous said...

Have no idea, depends if they knew what flight they'd be on. Quite a few flights a day from Manila. I wonder what hotel they're staying in. I don't get local tv, and don't buy papers (never have time to read them, spend too much time on the computer), so haven't really seen anything, apart from big posters in the window of HK records.
HK ticketing is still showing standing tickets available, but don't know how many, but no seats left. Venue capacity is 3600 I think.
We don't have the ticketing problems over here that you seem to, tickets to all shows, concerts, ballets etc come from the one place. Its illegal to resell tickets for more than face value, so stubhub (or whatever its called) wouldn't be able to operate here, (although individually people do do it, but mainly for the HK Rugby 7's, which is the only event where tickets seem to sell out quickly).

HK fan

Anonymous said...

@HK Fam, the glam Adam is heading to your shores any moment now there in HK after a successful concert here in Manila last nite...we all loved Adam's fantastic concert to date! so if you're watching, have fun and get ready for the Adam EXperience!
too bad wished he could spend one more day here in Manila ...will miss you ADAM! come back to us soon!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear of your experience HK Fan! They got there about an hour ago! Have a blast!


Anonymous said...

Yep, Adam in my hometown. Too bad I live in Canada. Well, have to wait for vids.

Anonymous said...

Love the second poster. The top one places Taylor
in the foreground instead of Adam

Anonymous said...

Fantastic promo! Bet Taylor is a happy camper! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Awesome posters - strong visuals - love the drama!

HK Fan - can barely stand it....can't wait for you to see Adam live! Hope you survive! We can't wait to hear your critique.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

The person who does the posters at MJ's has done a great one for HK, including the skyline that Adam tweeted about.