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Adam Lambert's Twitter is nearing 700,000 followers!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 3, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, October 03, 2010

As of today, Adam has around 7,000 followers more till he breaks 700,000! If you do not have twitter, sign up for one and follow Adam! It's very worth it!


Anonymous said...

I am confused, I thought he had more than that number weeks ago? I guess I better get with the program

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine Adam reading 7000,000 tweets a day? Great for so many followers to read, but chance that he'll ever see or respond just about nil. I follow him as well as Neil, dad, dancers and band. It's fun. Love seeing pics they twit! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Good advice!! :)

Anonymous said...

He now only needs about 5,000 more followers.

Hey Glamily, vote for suz526 for MS Youtube by following this link: (so far she is number 1 in this category!) You can vote for other categories as well...stuff that applies to Adam of course!)


Anonymous said...

I voted for the super great Suz! Hope she wins! So deserving! funbunn40