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Glam Nation Tour in Nagoya

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 3, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, October 03, 2010


Mad World

Music Again

Band Intro


Sure Fire Winners

(Photo via @ginaaxton)




Voodoo, Opening Medley and FYE

Fever and Kiss





Anonymous said...

Adam sings FYE in the first clip. Illustrates what is truly wrong with the US...that Adam has to go overseas to perform his first single. What a sad country I live in.

But, how lucky for Japan! It sounded like you all enjoyed the show!

I hope Adam has a great international tour and gets to perform ALL his music.

Thanks for sharing these videos!

Anonymous said...
Opening Medley with FYE (HQ) ~> gorgeous quality

Anonymous said...

WOW....BEST audience EVER listening to SOAKED

What a difference when he doesn't get the rude shout outs......


The Dark Side said...

OMG Fuckin unreal. FYE!!! What a way to wake up in the morning and to get FYE for the first time in a age. Can even forgive the crappy video which went black every other minute. WOW, WOW, I am overwhelmed. Will have to watch this video another 6 or 7 times, maybe. Hey, thought the Japanese were conservative. This, my friends was not a conservative crowd. Hallelujah!!! Are we happy today. YES! YES! YES! Uretha where are you??? Happy days.

coloforadam said...

Fiery, liquid transfusion complete - have barely escaped irreversable coma! Thank you 24/7!! Anyone who left that concert without a FEVA' would have to be dead!! Beautiful GlamNation - welcome back!! I am sad that we did not get to see FYE live in USA - he should know that everyone in those 72 venues this Summer would have lapped it up like a kitten with cream - naysayers be damned!!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe he sang FYE!!!! It is the hottest song on the PLANET and it is SO AGRIEVATINGLY IGNORED in our f**king country!!!!

Anonymous said...

Admin....those F..K..G banners are f-ing annoying..PLEASE do something about them

it just ruins my experience here...FFFFFFFFFF

Anonymous said...

Holy hot hell - the opening medley alone would have felt like the concert of a lifetime to me! So much to say, another time maybe but do have to take a minute and say - mutha fricka FYE!!! Dayum I love FYE... On many levels but love how those lyrics play out in some ways in terms of his relationship with his fandom (as do many of his songs on FYE CD, part of why I love CD so much). Also, just wanna add that I love the borderline hysteria of the audience... and loved how well they sang along to FYE... they had great pitch and were almost collectively on key when they sang "I'm here for your entertainment", so awesome I thought... BB must have loved this audience. And oh, how awesome are those dancers to be able to adapt to their various venues so well, tiny stage, gotta love them - woot woot. Again, opening medley alone - thud, DBA. Looking forward to lots of happy positivity in this thread (fingers crossed lol). Lovin' AFL right now - those vocals... some of the best on the pop scene, just not debatable IMHO.


Anonymous said...

@coloforadam - always enjoy reading your comments

Anonymous said...

Isaac (drums) is wonderful in Fever. Listen carefully.

Anonymous said...

Beyond words! And those fans!!! They were giving Adam the love and adoration he so deserves! Couldnt hear FYE for a few seconds since the screaming was so loud and enthusiatic! LOVE THAT SONG! And the screams at the kiss, just like here in the states! Go Japan! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the videos 24/7. I don't know about anybody else but I am missing Adam like crazy. Keep requesting his singles on the radio. FYE should have been a #1 hit in the US. Boo!

Anonymous said...

Agree with all of the above. I wonder how many eye pokes those security guards got trying to do their job during Fever.
Too funny!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I have a huge grin on my face right now watching those fans giving Adam all their love!!!

His vocals are pure...the voice of an angel! If only we here in the States could have seen FYE live at the GNT concerts we saw! Lucky Japanese fans! Thank you so much for posting these means so much to us here in the States!

Anonymous said...

Had forgotten that Soaked came from Matthew Bellamy of Muse. Just listened to their unreleased version of the song and, duh, Adam sings it so much better! Glorious rendition! And yes, I also thought about the security guy with all the hands in his face! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Why or why did we have to wait for him to go overseas to watch him perform FYE. There ought to be a law!

Anonymous said...

Watching these videos is giving me such a headache it is pounding as much as the drums. Just goes to show how very much Adam missed. Tolerating extreme pain after a week long drought is the least price to pay.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Adam, baby, you were so missed, you have no idea! Thanks God your voice and presence are back to our sad days, the ones without news of you!
What a great concert! Although the stage looks as small as the one of my high school(I sure remember, I acted many times on it)... the dancers were almost steping on the stairs to Paradise; and the acoustics, well... could be so much better! Anybody, Glamily, do you have any idea how many people were in the audience? Just curious... How about the silence («um silêncio sepulcral»)during Soaked ?!!! Wow! Japanese respect, what could be better??? (by the way, where is your coat, sweet Adam??? Soaked??? Too bad!)
And how about that security guard? Such a good show and there he was... all the time with his back turned to sweet Adam while watching the japanese glamberts fantasies?! Poor guy, let me guess his name...ummmmm.... Neal Watanabe? Neal Yukio Taba? Neal Yamamoto? Neal Takata? No??? Oh, wait, I got it!!! Toshiro Neal!!! Hay?!

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun, you crack me up gurl! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

U.S.A. is the most powerful country in the world. But mostly people live there are more conservative than anywhere in the world. I'm sorry but I have to say that it is time to open their minds to reality. Adam will help them to change through his music interpretation ha!ha!ha!

Paula was right when she said to Adam that he shook everything in the competition. PEACE to u America...............

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love all of you Japanese fans that gave Adam such an enthusiastic great welcome and appreciation for his incredible performance!!! Choked me up!!! Don't know how you could have filmed anything without fainting dead away!! Opening medley blew me away. FYE, just can't describe the adrenaline rush it gave me! Hope we'll get it next time in US! Japanese fans, the classiest for respectful silence and ultimate silence during Soaked!! Thanks for these much anticipated videos!! It had to be so hard to do!!All is right with my world again, just thinking how happy Adam and the glamily must be with this response!! Sooo happy for all of them!!! MGF, I'm with you with all that you said!!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I don't think US is the most powerful country. At least India and China are more powerful. That's why US obey these. Never a bad word, instead they bark the wrong trees.

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun,Glad you made it out of Hells kitchen to see your Diamond boy! Still laughing at your post! What a happy day!!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun - aren't you the clever one...gosh there's nothing better than a good laugh sometimes. Hi funbunn40, I love what you said about AL and the glamily being HAPPY w/ this response, I hope so too - all of the business element aside, I hope they are happy with how their creative content and artistic vision is being received, that's gotta feel good, hope so... I know I feel good right now :). Thanks again for the laugh Fan4fun.

Anonymous said...

Terrance tweeted last nite that he was sick and was taking fluids and vitamins, and that it's his birthday on Thursday! Maybe they'll do something special that nite during the show? OT but heard that SFW was played during the break at the NFL Rams vs. Seahawks game. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv - I never made it back to the thread where I asked you about the Monte/Cassidy show (can't even remember which thread it was), did you go?

Anonymous said...

ooooh happy day, what a treat FYE!!! fantastic...i love that song...Adam was in fine voice as usual...stunning

well done amazing japanese fans..also on top form...

@fan4fun well done for a great post :D

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

Aquarius_y your videos are great. Wished you could have zoomed in more. The other videos were terrible. Please read the interview with SUZ so you can learn to take better videos. Not that hard but you need a steady hand. Please don't post rotten videos. Just an exercise in frustration trying to watch them!
You could really see the wonderful fan reactions to Adam and the RESPECT his audience gave him by listening. American fans can learn something from this!

glitzylady said...

I have to say that I was so happy to see Adam performing FYE in Japan...I was fortunate to see him perform it at the River Rock (in Canada of course..) and he used it as his entrance...It was just amazing and I really can't imagine why he doesn't perform it in the US...I know, I know, the AMA's etc., but his fans, including a good many of us US people who traveled across the border to see it, LOVED it and I am so happy that I was able to see him perform it live...In a way, it is his "signature song" the one that says it all , particularly if you interpret it to mean that he is here to entertain us as a performer, and not the "other" interpretation that is a bit "friskier" and more "controversial".., and so fits him to a "T"...It truly is the song that he should have been able to open ALL of his shows with (IMO)..It just has an energy that is unbeatable..I am so glad that he feels that he can sing it overseas but it makes me sad to know that he feels that he can't do it here...Maybe the next time around...

Anonymous said...

MGF, OT to everyone else, but no I ended up not being able to go. Last week was a scorcher here in So. Cal. with it reaching 113 degrees in LA for the first time in recorded history (1800's). My friends decided at the last minute to go the night before and camp out to make sure they got in, and I just couldnt leave my dogs home alone for so long especially with the heat. Anyhow, will meet up with 1 of them this week and get all the details and post later. Briefly, she said they were right in front, it was great and they took lots of photos. Some things just arent meant to be! Adamluv

the Dark Side said...

GlitzyLady you spoke for all of us. It is definitely his signature song and likely will be for his entire career. I know he was put on this earth to Entertain Us. Loved how the audience sang FYE every time, and also how loud they sang IIHY. Think it was a smaller venue. Read a post somewhere that it was. Osaka and Tokoyo will have large venues as they are huge cities. Can't wait for tonight's show to see more of the love they have for Adam and of course to see him perform FYE again. Guess security tough and getting videos a problem.

Anonymous said...

I don't get the freakin deal with FYE here in the US. I love, love that song. It made the whole album!!! American needs to get it's head out of it's ass..
I'm glad Japan showed Adam the love. Notice how everyone kept the same pace with the music? Loved how they showed respect during Soaked also.
I can't say anymore than has already been said.
Thanks Japan for alll the vids. One Thing,
I SURE MISS LP. He is more of a flamboyant drummer. The band has a different sound without him. Not knocking Isaac, just saying,

Anonymous said...

Wish Adam would sing Mad World slower. It makes me jumpy when he goes so fast. I don't get the full impact of his beautiful voice when he singing it so fast. Anyone ever heard why he sings this song fast?

Anonymous said...

The original version by Tears for Fears was the faster paced one so probably just doing that, but agree, I prefer the slower version.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

WOW - what a show! Such an enthusiastic audience - what an adrenaline high to watch! Loved the crowd singing along. Watching FYE made me feel sea-sick, and I could barely hear Adam, with the audience singing - but I didn't care! Yippee! I don't understand why he didn't perfofm FYE at his US shows, either. He would've been performing it for his rabid fans, not critics! Unless he was afraid there would be fallout in the press, if a reporter were there...? That's the only thing I can think of, because everyone, at every venue he performed at, would've absolutely died from sheer ecstasy if he'd sung it.

fan4fun - HA, HA!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

anon 9:25 Adam sings MadWorld up paced so he can give the same amount of time to each part of the concert.

Fan4fun = very funny

Adam's entire album is filled with songs he can relate to. Most of them can be taken two ways -g or s. I hope his next album is filled with his exceptional vocals and less on g or s.

Anonymous said...

I also prefer the slower version of Mad World. It just sounds like he's in a hurry to get it done, or like "in the olden days," speeding up a record. His facial expressions were so exquisite when he sang it more slowly.Without an opening act he would be able to do the slower version, but maybe he just feels he needs to have a slow, fast balance of songs. funbunn40