Anoop Desai makes a surprisingly unclassy comment about Adam Lambert
Filed Under (American Idol,Others ) by Admin on Thursday, October 21, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, October 21, 2010

From Access Atlanta:
Anoop is flying out to Los Angeles tomorrow morning to shoot a video for the song and record more tunes.
I asked him what his brand is: “It’s smart. It’s intelligent. I’m a gentleman. My music is real. It talks about life and situations I can relate to. You’re never going to hear me singing a song like Kesha or Adam [Lambert.] That’s not my lane. My lane is smart and hip. It’s hooky, it’ s catchy. I want to appeal to simple universal characteristics we all want, which is love.”
He said he is single though he doesn’t preclude dating. He has had pain and breakups and such in the past. “That really is the main vein running through ‘All is Fair.’ Me writing about people without calling them out.”
Thanks to AdamssAngel and ZZ!
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I am so disappointed that Anoop has decided to bash Adam's music to get publicity for his new album. Pathetic.
I thought Adam let him stay in his apartment after IDOL? This is how he repays Adam?
low blow, Anoop and not necessary. Just too your own horn.
no joke , anoop. we won't hear you sing like adam because there is no way in hell that you CAN sing like adam.
toot your own horn.. can't type!
How bad is Anoop's comments. Oh, so only his music si about Love and "smart". Who he thinks he is. He was lucky to get into top 10 after Simon gave him another chance. How could he put down his friend ADAM who was so kind to him. Why has to put his friend down in order to bring himself up. That's so Low. No Respect to you Anoop! That is not cool !
Tsk Tsk, Anoop! Not a nice thing to say about our sweet Adam! Are you implying that Adam and Ke$sha are not smart??? I think NOT! Do you have over 80 sold out tours in US and internationally? NO, you don't, so why don't you take a lesson from your AI Season 8 friend, Mr. Adam Lambert! I think both Adam and Ke$sha are doing quite well, thank you very much!
"I want to appeal to simple universal characteristics we all want, which is love.” And Adam doesn't????? That's all Adam talks about and says over and over that his tour is about. WTF??? And comparing Adam to Ke$ha?? Give me a break. Very, very disappointing. Never much liked Anoop anyway - thought he was kinda full of himself. Looks like I was right. ugh
what a freak! i thought he is a friend of adam, i saw him at adam's birthday! you can never tell people's character, USER this guy. never heard that his first single was a hit. SAD, SAD WORLD. ADAM ARE YOU LISTENING,PLEASE BE CAREFUL IN CHOOSING YOUR FRIENDS!!
Anoop really should not be saying stuff like that. Adam is smart, Adam is intelligent, Adam is a gentelman AND Adam's music is "hooky" and "catchy". What the hell was he thinking?
Sanjaya PWNS Anoop Desai. Just sayin'. :D
Maybe we should take a deep breath, not bash Anoop, he probably didn't think through how what he was saying was coming off. And I have to admit and say, I really really really don't think Adam fans should go after Anoop with a lot of ugliness, I'm starting to think that OTT fans do actually have a negative affect on AL's career, in some of those ways that have been talked about in the last year. Anoop was foolish here, I'm disappointed too, have at him if you must, but maybe we should try to keep it civil, short, clean, and ON-POINT to the foolishness and shortsightedness of his comment specifically. Anoop will learn his lesson from this all on his own I imagine. He's still young, his immaturity, green-ness, and lack of worldliness and business savvy was showing, but maybe we should think of and focus on Adam?? IDK, just a thought.
That was very disrespectful of Anoop!
Not nice to bash our Adam. Do we detect some jealousy here??????????
Yes, Adam did let him stay in his apartment.
Anoop you could never come near Adam's beautiful voice or his other fine qualities.
Adam is all about love.
Forgot my tag above @ 8:37pm - MGF. Didn't mean to be an ass and/or suggest that I know better or seek to amputate anybody's right to post just as they want to - I'm an OTT fan myself :), that's fairly obvious, lol... I'm just thinkin' that maybe this is a WWAD moment (What Would Adam Do). ???? IDK, MGF.
Anoop! I'm disappiointed in you. All of a sudden you have "turned Shitty, Shitty, Bang Bang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never a good idea to say something about a friend (?) just to better yourself. For a better, richer future, just follow these directions: Never Say Anything About Someone unless you can say something NICE"
My Mom taught us that. And I can see that Adam's Mom taught him that also! You will never hear him say anything bad about anyone. Regardless!!!!
I was a fan of Anoop but not anymore!! Not going to buy his "SMART" album!
Anoop is not a gentleman. Adam's music is all about love, unity and peace. But, Anoop is the opposite regardless of what he says. Never been a fan of his, and his classless remark only solidifies my feelings. Adam has said nothing negative about his AI competitors. Adam helped them on the show actually. Anoop was a jerk on the show, especially to Kara and is now showing what a jerk he is. Anoop obviously never learned the golden rule. Your jealousy and insecurity is again rearing its ugly head, Anoop.
Mr. Anoop,are you saying that Adam has not spent the last few months on tour promoting love and acceptance? Where have you been hiding? Please don't put Adam's voice and personality in the same catagory as Kesha. She is entertaining and I appreciate her loyalty to Adam. However, she knows as well as you do, that Adam has a voice that only comes around once in a lifetime. He inspires everyone with his music to be accepting and loving to all on this earth!! Be careful what you say. It may come back and bite you in the ASS some day!!
i feel so sad for adam but am glad he has good friends, like kesha and katy perry.
this is anon 8:47, just wanted to add, I don't see any of the other Idols on the road pulling in MILLIONS of dollars!!! So we know Adam knows exactly what he is doing. if it sells baby, DO IT! I don't exactly see the winner bringing in a bundle nor do I see him on the news or hear people screaming his name from the rooftops..
Yet every night the world is soaking in sperm from Adamgasms, worldwide. It's like an Adamgasm Tsunami!
wow, actually I didn't think snoop was even in the music industry anymore. What a low blow, I actually liked him on idol and thought he got a raw deal getting voted off so early. If he's thinks he can anyway put down adam for publicity and that's all this is about he's got another thing coming. Anoop your are BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE!
Like they say, you can't change the spots on a Leopard. Obviously Anoop has been this way all along and just used Adam. He is not the only one. Thank goodness that Adam is smart enough to pick these people out and they are not friends for long. Good-bye Anoop!
cant you tell anoop looks?face and his real attittude?hes a great pretender almost like judas and betrayed jesus.anoop u can seel ur album to india-bollywood-understand.
Maybe he's saying he can never sing as good as Adam or have the success that Adam or Ke$ha has?
Or maybe he's not really good with interviews?
As you can tell from his short, sort of awkward in a sense, answers. Though I must say his first sentence, does sound quite arrogant. (Speculation... speculation!)
Personally I didn't take this as being 'bashful'; Perhaps sometimes we can be quite sensitive to comments made towards Adam. As we are fans that adore and love him to death!
Let's not get caught up with the negative and focus on the positive. (You maybe thinking... who is this person telling us what to do! If it came across as such, it is not my intention.)
Love you <3
stupid dude just ruin his career. he is still nobody and he is saying about billboard singer. what adam been talking about, is how good that singer is how amazing the artist is....humble people can win people heart and make themselves grow to a true successful person.
Comments probably taken out of context, so don't jump to any conclusions, people!
Anoop probably just doesn't find Adams and Keshas sexually charged music and performances tasteful and surely hes entitled to feel this way . Quite a few people that were fans when he was on IDOL have turned away because of his lewdness on stage .He talks about love and tolerance but that disappears quickly when anyone expresses am opinion that doesnt reflect total worship of Adam . His IDol fans who bought a lot of his records nay think twice in the future about supporting him .
Maybe Adam has confused love with sex .
Who's this "Anoop" character???????
- Adam Fix
Sad when people become so full of themselves that they place ego above friendship.
And, 9:24? Your reserved spot under the bridge is available now.
Well, that WAS rather a bad choice of words...and I have a feeling he won't hear the end of THAT for awhile... His fellow Season 8 contestants might have a few choice words for Anoop..such as WHAT WERE YOU THINKING????!!!!! I'll give him just a little benefit of the doubt (but just a LITTLE...) and say I am thinking that isn't quite what he meant to say (or maybe it WAS..), but considering the fact that he thinks of himself as being "smart" I would think he might put his thoughts together a little more carefully. And I suppose he could have been misquoted..who knows.. Adam is doing quite well, thank you, so it doesn't really matter to me what Anoop thinks or says anyway...Off to Hawaii tomorrow to see Adam next week!!! YAAAAAY!!! Much more relevant to me!!! Doubt I'll be flying off to anywhere to see Anoop... : )
I agree with anon 9:20 lets not jump to conclusions. and some trolls on here need to ease on down the road.
As Adam would say "it ain't that deep". I don't think Anoop meant it the way it sounded, and if he did shame on him! We know what Adam is about and we are not going to be able to make everyone see what we see in him.
When I first read the comments I felt very defensive. I wonder what the context was, his inflection and where there were pauses. I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt, that he was nervous, trying to promote his album and trying to set himself as different from others. He is new to the business. Let's give him a break. This could have been very innocent. Reading something is very different from hearing someone say the words. The pauses, the inflections etc. Let's give him a little "love". That's what Adam would want...even if his words in writing feel like nails on a chalkboard. :)
A desperate attempt by a less than genuine person to sell a CD. Doesn't seem to smart to take a year and a half to make an album coming off a show like AI. Adam is and will remain positive despite what is thrown at him. He has loyal friends, and Anoop is obviously not one of them. Anoop, your mouth is larger than your talent. Sorry guys, you are darn right. We do get upset when someone or something interferes with Adam's positive energy. I won't apologize but Anoop should.
Kesha and Adam do not have the same sound at all. Anoop may think his SOUND is smart and hip, but apparently he is anything but...
The unkindest cut of all - from a friend. Not cool.
Agree, 10:02. Ok, I was NOT going to bash Anoop, but I just cant help myself. I don't know that someone who dresses like an extra on "Big Bang Theory" should be talking about how "hip" he is. There, no more snark from me! Glitzy, I wish I could go with you!! Gave a great time!
And HAVE a great time as well, lol! (oops!)
Read Boring.
Anoop turned me off totally at the Dallas Idol show when he practically asked the people to invite him back to perform solo. I couldn't believe he did that. Gentleman? No, I don't think so. Greedy dick? Yes.
Kesha is terrible. I wouldn't put her and Adam in the same sentence as far as singing is concerned. They're friends and apparently smooching friends, but ain't no discussion when it comes to singing and whatever the stuff is that comes out of Kesha's mouth. It ain't singing.
I can't believe he dissed Adam like that....
Not only that, but Adam's friend KESHA too?
Anoop is so full of himself.
I think Anoop cooked his own goose here. He would benefit from all of us OTT Adam fans as long as we think he's Adam's friend. Now he won't get that backing. I'm not going to send him hate mail, but I am going to un-follow him on Twitter and I certainly don't care if his career goes down the smart, catchy toilet.
Off to un-follow........ebbtide
Well done Anoop. Now you have finished your publicity for your album. Thanks for using Adam for your publicity!!
(He was trending on Twitter)
*roll eyes* I can't believe I voted for him. Ugh.
@ V 10:29 and 10:30 pm
Thanks, I am sooo excited, as you can imagine...Adam and Hawaii!!!! And Adam two nights in a row...singing ...truly fabulous!!!
Please removes Anoop's face from the home page. I find it annoying.
Thank you.
I'm going to withhold judgment of Anoop. He and Adam have been good friends. Who knows what he really said or how he said it or what he meant?
Anon at 12:31am
You are right of course...we know how the media can twist things around, as Adam has had his share of words misquoted..remains to be seen I guess.
Has anyone HEARD the interview? I think it´s strange that Anoop could bash Adam like that. Perhaps it´s out of context. I think I saw Adam pimp for Anoops record on twitter a while ago and he was on Adams birthday party. Aren´t they friends? And Kris don´t want questions about Adam. Are they turning against him now? Someone said yesterday that some artists don´t want to be mentioned in connection with Adam. Should we worry or perhaps just look at the positive?
Listen to this clip I just found. Perhaps it´s already posted but anyway.
mmm, agree its not worth sending hate mail for (will give Glamberts a bad name), but after several readings of the above quote, can't see how its anything but bashing Adam. Which doesn't leave a good taste in my mouth after all the times Adam has mentioned him and that they were friends. @10.35, just unfollow him on twitter etc, and don't buy the cd....
HK fan
I learn some good being a fan of Adam as a fan outside US, never judge a person just base on one piece of information ,especially coming from entertainment news. This is how our Adam is judged all the time, not doing any help for him. Anyway, never heard of him.
oops, should have read 'agree' with @10.35
HK fan
No one has to like Anoop's opinions...but he is entitled to them...just as I am. I have checked Adam sites multiple times daily since he appeared on AI, but I, too, feel I'm entitled to make a negative comment. As much as I love so many things about Adam (or I wouldn't be on this site), I do NOT like how he acts lewd on stage. Do we really need to see an amazingly-talented performer imitate masturbation with his microphone? Ick!
Please don´t send hate mail! That´s not a good way to make a point. But those of you who follow him on twitter - unfollow. I guess he will notice that.
Things like this make me sad. If Adam was a jerk, not caring for his friends you could understand this kind of "unclassy comments", but he constantly talks well about everyone, and I´m sure, his pimping increased Anoops record sales. This wasn´t a good morning.
Anon October 22, 2010 2:46 AM
Anoop isn´t talking about live performance, is he? He´s talking about the music on his album that´s supposed to be smart and catchy and he´s a "gentleman"(!). Has he listened to the lyrics of Broken open or Aftermath? Broken Open is the most beautiful poetry you can ever read. And he mentions KeSha in the same sentence...I really hope it´s a big mistake.
The person being talked about is not worth mentioning at all. Let's focus on our Adam. I'm very excited about Adam's upcoming concerts. Can't wait to see more videos. We have your back Adam baby. nancdruuu2
I'm surprised by Anoop's comment, he's got a beautiful voice that stands on its own. (He's no Adam, but then, there's only one and we're blessed to have him.) The problem is that it doesn't matter who he referenced, Adam, Kesha, Madonna, or Usher.. I dislike putting others down in order to build oneself up. That said, there's no need to bash Anoop. I'm sure Adam's not losing any sleep over this. I prefer not to support Anoop's music and wish him well. Karma is the great leveler.
Perhaps Adam isn´t losing any sleep over this, but I would if a friend stabbed me in the back like that (If he meant it like we assume).
i never like this anoop guy even before..he'll definitely FLOP into oblivion..if he's smart he should keep his mouth shut..huh!
Is all this surprising about Anoop? Not to me.
As to this hurting Adam's feelings. I think (to his credit) "friend" takes many different levels to Adam and he's not going to lose sleep over this one. He may bring someone into his life but he's not naive enough to think they are without guile...ever. On the other hand he functions with a less judgmental attitude than most of us and that's what keeps him centered. Admirable. You can be sure he had to work at it. A lesson to be learned for sure.
Yes everyone is entitled to an opinion,like when Adam said he doesn't like Susan Boyles music, but then again he's not a friend of Susans. Thats why people are upset, because he is supposedly a good friend of Adams, Adam has often mentioned they were good friends on Idol, and they've kept in touch since. Definitly seems a low blow.
HK fan
From the comments of the Anoop story:
Rodney Ho:
"I just got a call from Anoop this morning. He apparently is getting flak for the quote referencing Adam Lambert. He was not meaning to disparage Kesha or Adam at all. He wanted me to clarify. He was simply saying his music is different from theirs. He’s not saying their music isn’t hip or smart or catchy or hooky. His sound is more R&B pop. That’s all."
Well, It was Rodney Ho who wrote the story, so is it his fault we missunderstood?
"You will never hear me sing a song like Kesha or Adam Lambert."
Yeah you're right.
Cuz you will never be good enough to sound like Adam.
How very rude of him and totally uncalled for.
I should probably just keep my dang mouth shut, but I was too tired to look into this further last night (just commented on the 24/7 post) and it's interesting to me to learn that this was Rodney Ho... Not gonna say too much, and Rodney is...alright - but I will just throw out there that there are a few "regulars", commenters, on RHo's site/columns that are not particularly nice to Adam Lambert... so if anyone is inclined to check this scenario out further and planning on hitting Rodney's column, but are feeling a little sensitive this morning, you might want to skip the comments section :). I lurked there for a while many months ago, quickly tired of the snark-for-just-snark-sake, and moved on, but I pop in every now and then, and it's the same old tired diatribe among several of the regulars. I suppose the same could be said of myself and some here, LOL, but again, it's the snark-for-snark-sake-only and the oh-look-at-me-aren't-I-clever among some of the regulars that I find a bit boring. Too bad, because others who seem to frequent there are really cool. Anyway, talk about boring diatribe (mine :))... I'll shut up now but I know I usually get my panties in a bunch (and just palin feel badly sometimes) when I visit there - so just throwing out a warning to anyone who might be heading on over.
btw, I think people here did a great job commenting on this thread, if anyone cares :), just my opinion. I get what Anoop was going for, I really do, did the FIRST time I read it, but sheesh man, choose your words carefully dude, cuz the entertainment news media is always gonna be looking for the hot sound-bite first and foremost!
What surprised me at Rodney Ho's site was that even his regular commenter's, many who are not Adam fans, thought what Anoop said was not cool. I really don't know how that could have been taken out of context? But I REALLY hope Adam fans can refrain from harassing Anoop on twitter. It's so embarrassing to see that and I'm sure Adam would not be ok with people saying crap to Anoop whatever the circumstances.
Nice to hear that Anon 5:43am, about the regulars at Ho's, I hadn't read your comment before I posted mine just above minutes ago, but I'm glad to be reading it now! Thanks. And also, I firmly agree w/ your sentiment about Adam fans not harrassing Anoop, crossing my fingers :). WWAD?
I really don't think he was bashing Adam... He just meant they did not have the same style. Even though he has the carishma of a wet noodle I thought is voice was OK. This was not a "smart" comment at all; taking a page out of his own book would have been better by saying nothing at all which is what gentlemen do right? No one ask him about Adam; when Adam said that about Susan B. is is because he was ask he just didn't say those things to up himself better. Besides like Adam always says lets focus on the positive. Vote for Adam on the Billboard site he is doing well and we want to keep it that way.
how can someone cut the hand off that feeds them. how can anyone be so stupid. he looked like a spoiled brat on ai.
He's right, he'll NEVER put out a song like Adam, he doesn't have the talent or the voice to even compare. Anoop is just jealous. I met him at a meet and greet and he came off as an arrogant ass.
2:33 It's rock and roll. If you can't handle it, don't watch. A lot of us want to handle it.
Any article with Adam's name on it almost a hit nowadays. Those "journals" do know how to get attention. Slightly negative comment, Glamberts will react and that's how they survive. I myself will choose those that respect Adam to read and give them the hit they deserve.
Did not like his comments about Adam. If you don't have anything nice to say about someome don't say anything. H is jealous of Adam. I would not buy any of his albums.
In regard to the comments above about Adam's behavior on stage, etc., I do agree that Adam will lose many, many fans if he continues to do the things he is presently doing. I, too, don't need to see pretend masturbation or listen to him say M Fers. He needs to stop doing things that upset most people. My 12 year old daughter, who is a huge fan, certainly does not need to see or hear these things. Adam has it all--talent, looks, charisma, showmanship. He doesn't need the "rock n roll bad boy" image. And I am not a troll here and don't need a place under the bridge.
We didn´t see the questions he got. Perhaps this Rodney Ho asked about Adam and keSha, like Adam was asked about Susan Boyle. I find it strange that Anoop would choose Adams music to be so different from his R&Bpop. There are tons of artists not being R&B, Justin B perhaps. I think that this Rodney Ho took a chance to get a reaction from Adams fans and get hits.
If I was lucky enough to be Adam's friend and be invited to his birthday party or allowed to use his apartment as a favor then I would not put Adam's name in any context that could be remotely construed as negative. If I wanted the public to never associate me with Kesha or Adam in the future since I was just starting out, I would say what he said. Adam put Anoop in the category as backstabber.
Who the hell does he think he is? Just an ordinary singer who sounds like many others! grrrrrrrrrrr
Like Anon 6:35am, I try very hard to not give hits to sites that, when you do a general Lambert google, come up with what you can sort of tell is going to be a snarky story. It is very difficult, takes restraint, lol, because I do like to follow Adam Lambert, but I sincerely do try to not give hits to sensationalized stories. 6:35am is absolutely correct, many writers nowadays will put Lambert's name in title or body of story just for the traffic alone, even outside of the entertainment news arena.
You know I have more respect and admiration for Michael Sarver. He started out a bigot, but after spending time with Adam his whole outlook changed and he delivered one of the most heartfelt, supporting interviews for Adam after the AMA's. He didn't worry about what his friends would think. He stood up for Adam. There is a world of difference between being a real friend and being a user like it seems Anoop has turned out to be.
"You’re never going to hear me singing a song like Kesha or Adam [Lambert.] That’s not my lane." Bwhahahahah. That is the understatement of the century, Noopi!
Anoop, sweetie, no one is going to hear you singing a song, period. There is 0% interest in anything you do--unless, you appear to bash Adam!
Like other reasonable voices in this thread, I don't think he meant it as a slam to Adam, he was just pointing out the rather obvious. He is nowhere near Adam's league in atristry or style. They do appear to be friends and I'm sure Adam understood exactly where Anoop was coming from. 3-2-1, retract claws!
Some of you may remember that even on Idol, Anoop had a manner of looking and sounding angry/resentful/annoyed in several circumstances while rockin' an argyle sweater. I think it is just his personality type. I actually liked his voice on the show, and--surprisingly--enjoyed his performance on the Idol tour. Can't imagine buying his album, though. Because:
Lolia, that's the best post I have come across in this thread!
...and leave your 12 year olds at home, or take them to see Beiber....
I think Anoop is more clueless than intentionally putting Adam down. Not everyone is fantastic at interviews like Adam, some people just talk and it comes out sounding really dumb. Let's cut him some slack.
Oh Lolita - why'd you have to go there about the black lipstick girl... holy hot hell...
I'm still not over the black lipstick smearing from Highline Ballroom show in NYC last Feb... and then this:
I may never recover ;)
Low Blow Anoop!!! I guess Anoop has never listened to Adam's music. Adam's music is so moving emotionally that everytime I was at his concerts this summer (4x), I had tears in my eyes when he sang soaked. Aftermath has the most amazing lyrics and I could go on and on. Some of Adam's music just makes you want to dance, but also gives a powerful message, loke Love. Anoop should learn never to burn bridges. Adam is a good friend to have and would never diss Anoop like that. People are strange.
Oops! I meant to say like love, not loke love. Sorry!!
MGF: I KNOOOOOOOWWW! I wanna kiss black lipstick and smear it all over his face! Fat chance of EVER fulfilling that (or any other) Lambert fantasy! However, Halloween is just around the corner. Maybe, just maybe, I can talk my husband into applying some black eyeliner and shiny, black lipstick. And, oh yeah, covering the grey at his temples with some Grecian Forumula and then "indulging" me. Ha!
Adam Lambert is the sexiest man alive and he knows how to use it. It is an art form in and of itself. Every movement, gesture, hell, even just STANDING on stage, is nuanced with sensuality. (Forget for a moment the loooong legs and their area of intersection, have you ever just watched his HANDS? *shiver*) I don't understand people that want him to tone it down to appeal to the greater masses. Adam will never be a Frank Sinatra, thank god.
Personally, I vaguely remember nights of booze and dancing and grinding that resulted in a staggering gait and tousled hair and smeared lipstick, but I was more sloppy than beautifully smokin' hot like Adam. (Uh-oh, I was more like KESHA!) :( :( :(
Here's to life and love and youth and music!!
Although I don't care for his music, I can understand Kris Allen refusing to answer questions about Adam. I'm going to assume that Adam is probably sick of answering questions about the AMA performance, being gay, and American Idol. Although LLWD has certified platinum, Adam's CD has outsold Kris's 3-to-1, WWFM has gone platinum, IIHY - gold (and that's just in the U.S.). It makes sense that Kris wants the focus to be on his music. Isn't that what any artist wants?
Adam is sexy, sensual, gorgeous, sweet, beautiful, & a very smart man, take those adjectives, & you have a description of his voice. thank you MGF for the link for that wonderful performance in Atlanta.
For the record here, I just tried to give some insight to my Dallas GNT show, for the second time, & this time lightning shut off my electricity, so I will just keep my experience to myself, & say, & I mean this with all my heart, it was a perfect moment in my life, never knew what a blessing Adam has been for me, thank you Adam for coming into my life!!!
Anoop - you have ALOT to learn about giving interviews and choosing your words carefully!! Personally,
I believe that an apology to Adam is in order if you are indeed a true friend to him. It might also show some class on your part to do this as an open statement. But that is your choice.
Thank God Adam has true friends like his best friend Danielle and others like Alisan Porter, Allison Iraheta and of course his band and dancers all around him. This keeps him happy and that is all we want for him as fans!
Sad commentary on choosing which friends can be truly trusted to "have your back" at all times!
anon 2:33 OK! I hear you for the millionish time.You have posted that comment and similar ones so frequently I feel embarassed for you. Get along little troll, get along.
Anoop, thank you for convincing me, a potential fan, not to buy your music. I will add your name to my evergrowing list.
L8yfingers607 said... 8.37 am...
Totally agree with what you said about Kris... I remember also Adam once said that he prefers to talk about his own music than the whole time about other artists...
Don't want to fan the flames (my own position on this is fairly "soft" and laidback) because I'm not sure if that's in Adam's career's best interst, but did y'all see the Examiner article:
this is a tweet from Anoop the Examiner put in their article
"Whoa..reading my mentions. How are some of y'all going to tell me I'm dissing my friends? Hilariously out of line and miscontextualized. First of all, interviews are not direct quotes. If they were they'd be long as anything. Point I was making: my brand is not the same as other major respected artists out there. Know some of y'all love Adam and so do I. The end."
Not sure what I think of that, still processing, (and really, "it aint that deep" lol) but I'm sticking with my WWAD perspective regardless :).
You have to promise to post every day! You absolutely crack me up. My cat is giving me the evil eye cuz I woke her up laughing!
Lolia 720 and Lolita 800 - thanks for the great posts! Feels great to start my day smiling ear to
/Couple posts very funny. To compare Adam and Anoop kinda like water and oil. One is bland the other slick. Not sure Anoop meant his words to come out as they did. This story getting more attention then the out of context story that Adam to be a Gay Father any day now. LOL to the press for taking these unnews worthy stories and making them into news worthy stories. Poor Anoop has to take cover from Adam's fans. Didn't anyone warn him???
Ooops! Who is Anoop again?????????? Ha!ha! don't waste your time with this type of nonsense. People we don't like more wrinkles. Love u Adam
I always thought Anoop was a little arrogant, especially when criticized by the judges on Idol in comparison to Adam good naturedly chuckling or respectfully listening to criticism. He has a pleasant voice and these comments could have been taken out of context. I'd prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt and not bash or harrass him, giving any credence to some medias opinion of us being vindictive, bat shit crazy fans. I think some fans actions, while being well intentioned, actually hurt Adam in the long run.I Don't think this really is that important and tomorrow it will be old news. Adam can sort it out and address it himself if he thinks it has any merit. Funbunn40
Lolita/MGF - OH GOD...the black lipstick smearing incident in NY! Will never, EVER forget that. That was primal. That made me catch my breath and forget to let it back out for a couple days. I think I gripped my dining room table so hard you can still see the marks. DAMN. Our boy is so freakin' sensual!
Thanks for the flash back.
- Adam Fix
Anoop probably means that Adams image is different and more sexual. If you compare Adams Take One and FYE albums, they are very different too ;)
Well if Anoop read that article, he should understand why Adam's fans got angry at him. A simple apology and clarification would have been enough.
But what did he do at his clarification? Lame self defense & saying that he loves Adam. *snort* Yeah.. nice way of showing the love, man!!
While I believe that he may not be a jerk backstabbing friend, I think he is so full of himself & stupid enough not to give a sincere apology at his clarification.
@Venz1 - I agree and typed out a comment similar to this yesterday but lost it, or got distracted and didn't hit post comment or something. His tweet was worse than his original comments IMO. His original statements weren't that bad (not that they were that great - sheesh boy, THINK). I knew what he meant right off the bat with his original comments, but there was still something about them...something... oh whatever, you all know what it was about them that rubbed the wrong way... but there was a valid point there at least that he was attempting to make in the original comments; but the tweet, arrogant. You know, I can't help thinking about his few PARENT interviews on AI, and one in particular, where they basically talked about him being an only child, and receiving all their abundant love (and more), he was sort of a little prince to them and they, the mother anyway, even went so far as to kind of infer that he was spoiled or something like that... well, the other day in that tweet it was showing. Commence learning lesson now Anoop.
Don't mean to continue the thread, thread is probably totally dead, actually I hope it is, but damn that tweet bugged me.
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