Glam Nation Tour in Sydney (10-20)
Filed Under (performances,tour news,video ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Adam with Morgan Joanel his opening act backstage in Melbourne, AUS. (Thanks ItsJoooory)

FEVER (Thanks HeartAdam4Ever for the tip!)
If I had You
Twenty Century Boy
Tommy + Monte Intro
Sure fire winners
Twenty Century Boy HD

FEVER (Thanks HeartAdam4Ever for the tip!)
If I had You
Twenty Century Boy
Tommy + Monte Intro
Sure fire winners
Twenty Century Boy HD
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Be prepare to watch the HOTTEST FEVER. R u sitting?????
Hi Guys...just wanted to say....i,m Back !!!
Been ILL for a month..but feeling better now that i am back online....Ive missed Adam sooooooo much and all my Glamsistas...this is a flying visit just to checkout how much catching up i have to do ,darn i,ve missed so much!!!!!!...i,ll be back later to start my trail of Deliciousness
Glam Nation i come xx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Welcome back Glambrit Isle!! Missed your posts!
This was a very good FEVER performance....
OH its just so presh the way he swipes taylors crotch -- bout time he showed him some attention . reminds me of those news articles from Bali about the two of them .Just sayin ! Rock and roll
OMG Glambrit Isle of Wight UK - so glad to hear from you Glamsista! Hope you're on the mend 100%, and glad to hear you say you're making it to your GNT London concert. Welcome back.
MassGlamFan (MGF)
What song did he go tongue diving during????
Wow!!What a performer...each and every song just keeps getting better! I can't wait to see what shows he is on in the U.S. after the GlamNation tour. I pray everyone embraces this wonderful voice and talent.
It's been a wonderful tour and I can't wait for the new album. Does anyone know if there is a video of Adam singing Can't Let you Go??? I love that song and can see him just sitting on stage and singing that...
BTW, his "It Gets Better" video is very good.
GIOW/UK - OMG, we've missed you SOOOOOOO MUCH!!! Your "ears must have been burning" because someone asked, recently, where all the Glambrits were (they seem to be MIA lately) and I almost posted, last night, that I really missed your comments and hoped you were still "lurking around" somewhere.
Hope you are feeling ok...??? Sick for a month...? Gosh!
Anyway - there has been MUCH deliciousness you missed (of course...would you expect anything less?). Make sure to check out Adam covering "Enter Sandman" by Metallica (I know, what?) for Tommy's recently...I think it was at the New Zealand show on Sunday. I have still not receovered from THAT performance!!
Take care,
- Adam Fix
@ Glambrit IOWUK
Glamshit, you were ill? So sorry, hope you are taking care of yourself and getting better... Several days ago I was telling everybody not to worry about you because you would be just taking your time alone to study the plans «C, D and E», just in case plans «A and B» could fail in let you grab the «glambugle» at the sweet Adam's venue you are going...
Welcome back, fellow!
Yikes!! A month sick - that is really TUFF!! Hope all is well - you need to be 100% cause Adam is coming your way soon!! I have been following 24/7 for awhile now and kinda/sorta "recently" started posting on this site.
I have always enjoyed your posts!! Whatever illness you were fighting I hope you are now A-OK!!
Anon @ 12:15, I heard it was in TCB.
Too much hoopla going on that happened in Sydney. We need videos to prove it! Come on Sydney! Let's see them epicness!
Hello again Glambrit. Just in time for all the action. Think the camera person took hand off camera for a while there. Duh! Adam at his frisky best. Understand it got even better--my fortune for more videos. Sydney getting the full AL treatment--good boy vs bad boy.
There has to be more Sydney videos...PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Where can I find some?????
welcome back, glambrits, haven't heard from you for a while.
i was there last night, omg! what an entertainer! he was connected with his fans. my two daughters who were not fans of adam before are now glamberts! thought i will find the tonguediving disgusting but NO, adam is doing it in good taste, sad that matthew declined the greatest kisser in the world, but i tell you this, adam has a good taste in choosing guys, matthew is such a nice looking bloke and very popular here in oz.
Welcome back Glambrit! Glad to know you're well.I'm very anxious to see how our sweet Adam is received in the British Isle. So happy you will be able to enjoy the London concert!
The Fever video above shows Adam on fire! What a sexy beast! What a performer! There is absolutely no one alive like Adam Lambert - the world is your oyster Adam! nancdruuu2
HEY 24/7 team - JUST FOUND A NEW LINK WITH TCB and Adam showing some LOVE to CAM -- here is the link:
welcome back, have been wondering where you were. Hope you're feeling better, ready for your GNT date.
Finally got my chance - still on a high over a week later.
HK fan
Thank ya anon 2:06. -
Don't know if this has been posted - but neck lick:
If Fever any indication of the general tone of the show, we are definitely missing being on the receiving end of some more videos. Pretty please, with sugar. This teaser is just not getting it. Besides there is a firestorm on another post about the tongue diving. War has been declared, but I am staying neutral, especially since I haven't the foggiest notion of what everyone is talking about. Maybe Sue will get some videos up in the next day or two. Can only hope.
Glambrit, Welcome back! a month is a long time! Adams slowly licking Cams neck is fricken' hot!!!!!!!!! OMG! Adamluv
There's a fairly decent WWFM and pretty good TCB on Mj'sBigBlog if anyone's interested. Don't have YT links at the moment.
Here's the YT link for TCB Enmore 10/20, pretty good vid :) -
Love it when his hair starts out like a carefully sculptured, sparkly crown and then slowly comes apart with sweat and heat and body rolls until it's flipping down over his eyes and he has to be rough with it toss it aside and we............OMG, I need chocolate, hard liquor and a cold shower - all at the same time!!
Terrence - Adam - Taylor!! The hottest chorus line ever!! After all this time they are just melded together in one sexy, devastating dance!! Seriously, if you didn't know it was Adam singing, you would just think he was one hell of a prof dancer!! I just love that blood curdling scream from some adorable fan when he FINALLY kisses Tommy!! Kiss - Kiss - Kiss!! XXX
Uh oh, didn't get to the cold shower in time. ADAM!!! just one (well, about five) viewings of him licking Cam's neck, just got me o--!!!!!
Just sitting in a chair and i'm a 50 something year old married woman. Thanks Adam!!!
Pause during the lick, it's is just AMAZING!!!!!
Darling! Powerful! Genius! BEYOND Sexy!
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cam deserves a nice lick! Up there all the time by her shy, hard working self!
Did anyone else notice in that first photo:
-- Adam (fittingly) standing in front of a sign that explains where to find a defibrillator?
-- How much Morgan Joanel looks like Megan Joy?
@Anon 7:25 - re defibrillator - HYSTERICAL!! Thanks for pointing that out, I was too consumed w/ admiring the high hair and AMAZEBALLS eye makeup... but what a good laugh that was!
Tonguediving, necklicking, crotch swipe followed by booty slap, extended Adommy action... and more?
Clearer vids please!
But if this is all we get then its alright
Thanks to those who posted, much appreciated!
"Rock 'n roll mother!@#$ers! Rock 'n anyone OFFENDED?"
OK, so I see Adam has found his hips again, thank God! XFactor was WAY tamed down, I was a tad worried, but, no prob... Glad to see he is back to being his over the top sexy crazy self! Glad to see you back BB, party on Garth...Luv Ya!
Anon - 7:05 PM...OMG, laughing so hard at your comment! Hope you got that shower...but I think it was you, again, who came back and said you'd been rooted to your chair and hadn't moved, so I'm guessing not! :)
Adam was a smouldering ember at this show! OMG, I'm so shocked the stage didn't ignite! And the Cam lick??? Will be using that as fantasy fodder for the next year or so. Jesus!
- Adam Fix
WOW!!! I'm speechless! The hottest TCB ever! The Cam lick, the grunt, the floor action and the boyish grin at the very end!!! He is hilarious! What an entertainer....I have no more words!
Anon 1:03am - re your mention of the pre-lick GRUNT - IKR :). JFC. He wants us to have fun and get excited (easy to comply with that, lol) in various forms, don't see the harm. And the vocals, truly as hot as anything else, melt to the core hot.
Here's where Adam was supposidely turned down(he says "both of you at the same time, boys and girls....why not!") Only one of them gets a smooch though, so I'm assuming that's where Matt declined???? The guy who got the "Pash" was later on before the dancers were introduced!
This user also has full versions of Broken Open, Sure Fire Winners, and Aftermath. :D
FULL versions:
While I'm on a roll here hahaha
Thanks for links for songs PassionN2010!
Saw the kiss scenario in newer thread - It was all fine and BB handled is beautifully, as per usual! He was sweet w/ the female fan he pecked...and then was funny when he later said, to the male fan who did accept his intentions, "Sorry, I gotta get mine..." or whatever he said... definitely more exuberant with his fanboy, which was visceral and great.
I love it when Adam even catches himself laughing at his antics on stage. I think he thought Monte was still right behind him at the end of TCB and would have kept going! His smile and shrug of shoulders at the end was priceless!!
SOOO much FUN!! His accomplishments over this past year are just staggering! He soo deserves to be recognized -- keep voting on People's Choice!!
I hope Adam is also seeing the immense amount of feedback he is getting about doing more ROCK!! His next album just has to have this!
A cover of Sweet Child of Mine with Slash would be fab!!
So, I have seen some of the videos and have to say, WOW, POW, WOW. No wonder everyone is buzzing. Cute guys, major kiss with Tommy, lickin Cam (bet she wasn't expecting that, ha), leg action with Taylor, floor action, mic action,tongue diving action, action, action and more action. Adam looking coyly at the audience, and grinning. Betcha they all remember this concert. One for the R&R history books.
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