Matthew Mitcham explains why he declined Adam Lambert's kiss
Filed Under (tour news,twitter ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Robert Mitcham is a gymnast who was at the Sydney show and he declined Adam's kiss because he's in a "committed relationship." He Tweeted that he hopes Adam understands.

Thanks to danilo85!

Thanks to danilo85!
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Yikes! Speechless!
For those who are wondering if he's gay or straight, he's GAY and in a committed relationship. He's very famous here in Australia.
Kinda Chase Crawford-ish in the face (didn't AL say he dug Chase Crawford??) Whatevs, just being silly. MGF.
It's very understandable. Nothing to do with Adam. Very nice of him though, by declining politely and by protecting the feelings everyone concerned. Very nice boy!
He looks like Cheeks a little. Same strong jawline. - abby
Can't wait to see the epic vid. HA!HA!
H's the acticle about this incident:
He mention Adam does this regularly on the show. Again the media loves to sensationalize everything.
OMG. Look at that body...what a beautiful "work of art"!
What song did the attempted kiss happen in?? Am dying to see the video, and learn more about how it all went down (or didn't go down, I guess).
- Adam Fix
I don't think it was cool to embarass Adam like that. Maybe the guy is kind of full of himself since he's a big celeb and so pretty. He's at the show, he says "Adam does this all the time" why not have some fun with it.
No big deal, I just think the guy was being kind of a drag. ebbtide
It may be in IIHY, just guess from the tweet
Hes so pretty!
Adam has excellent taste
I don't wanna spoil the party, so I'll...comment.
I agree with anon above who said just have fun with it. Adam wasn't asking for a relationship. If you wanna go to an Adam show and be up front, be prepared. Yesh, I thought it was a dis AND I think his body is not attractive...I like androgynous boys.
Rude. Sorry, but....very pompous sort, eh?
Tonguediving is hippie culture, not gay culture or rock and roll.
A kiss from Adam (or any performer, as part of his act) is a compliment, and "I think you're cute," not a cheat or an invite to break up with your boyfriend and go be BFF. Get over yourself. You may be big in Australia, but we don't know you in the U.S. You embaressed Adam. I'm married, and my husband would think it was funny if it happened to me. Go up to the front at an Adam show and refuse a kiss? My, aren't we special?
Guess Mitcham got some press out of Adam's expense. Adam can usually 'read' people, wonder what happened here?
Oh come on dude, it's just a kiss. Get with the program. Drop your partner if a kiss with Adam is going get his panties in a wad. Jeeeeze
Excuse me but no one has to be OK with a kiss just because they are front row at a concert. He was well within his rights to decline especially on the grounds he stated. Chillax people! Jeez.
uretha I think your wrong. People know that if you stand in front of stage at Adam concert chances are he will dive in. Especially this dude who apparently is "famous" in Australia decided to go up front. I am sure he thought he would catch Adam's eye. Def a diss if you ask me
No one should be forced to kiss anyone if they don't want to, for whatever reasons. WTF? You mean you give up all your rights when you attend a Lambert concert? Do you really think about what you're saying When you make these pronouncements?
MM wasn´t supposed to be up front. A friend dragged him there. I don´t think he had his husband with him,and the guy was jumping and fist pumping, so how could Adam know? But they respected eachother and were gentleman about it so all is good. MM got mean and nasty messages on twitter and I really don´t think he deserved that.
Lovely of Mathew to show the world that he is a gay man in a relationship that he values highly.Adam has also been asked to kiss other men and he's declined,Happened on a show in England. I think they were both very respectful to each other, and I sure don't think it's a big deal.
There is always world hunger ,the economy and the elections to worry a about.
AMEN! 1:42
1:36 hes "dived" ONCE before this show. And NO ONE has to accept ANYTHING they dont want to accept. End of discussion! Thats like saying someone deserved to be raped because of the clothes they are wearing...
Well said 1:42
If the media don´t make a big drama out of this, why should we? So silly! It ain´t that deep.
No, he didn't deserve it and didn't have to accept it, but why not be a sport and go along. It's not like Adam told him to bend over. It's just a fucken kiss.
Oh hell -- I want to see who the lucky guy was that Adam did kiss. I am on the fence about this one. One side of the ole brain is driven to "anything goes" with ADAM at his concert!
The other side saids you have an individual freedom of choice.
So I will leave it at my original reaction - bring on the videos - we need to see 'em all!!
Hey, THIS is what Adam was talking about ...
"the diversity of gay lifestyles"! Some people (gays or straights) are into tongue diving, some are not. Nothing to be embarrassed for...nor to make excuse about...
I also agree, don't make a big deal out of this and stop overprotecting Adam.
@Eva 1:47. Just read this story. It is sort of problem! Surpise, Perez Hilton didn't finish article about this! It was not just embarassing for Adam. You probably forgot about "tongue diving"! But this story is gonnabe maximum good!!! publicity for this boy, whatever his name is. He is famous in Australia now he will be famous in US."Famouse Australian sportsman rejected Glambert kiss"! Don't think they will mention that he is gay. But Adam got another black mark in his file!
Now they will mention AMA, tounge diving, and rejection of his .... kiss! Also, try to find how old this boy is!
And the man must really love his husband if he refuses to kiss Adam Lambert. I think it´s so sweet.
Oh no! Say Perez Hilton, and I womit!
From Wiki:
...Matthew Mitcham, OAM (born 2 March 1988 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) is an Australian diver. He is the 2008 Olympic champion in the 10 m platform, having received the highest single-dive score in Olympic history. He is the first Australian male to win an Olympic gold medal in diving since Dick Eve at the 1924 Summer Olympics, and one of few openly gay athletes at the 2008 Summer Olympics...
The boy has my respect, no matter his reasons...
@Eva. Yes, I agree, he loves his husband(again, you sure they will mention in all of these articles that he is gay?!) This very romantic and if it was happen in the bar nobody even would pay attention(again, may be). Adam is very very big star. And he has some kind of reputation which you and me don't care about. But all of this f"""""g press they just wait when Adam will make any mistake. And it was a big mistake. We love Adam but we have to agree with reality.
I dont think it was a mistake. And I seriously doubt hes embarrassed by it. Seems like both of them handled it maturely. If anyone is embarrassed its the wacked out fans who create mountains out of mole hills.
Adam you picked the wrong one this time. Hope the newspapers don't give him too much publicity, however, we know its going to be front page in Australia. Maybe it will more publicity for you in the USA. As they say, even bad publicity is good publicity. Question, does this mean that when Adam has a "committed" relationship we won't see anymore kissing. Oh boy, what a sad day that will be.
If you sit in the front row at one of Adam's concerts, you can only hope you will get kissed. I sat in the front row hoping to get kissed amf I have been married for 30 years. My husband would say "You Go Girl" Hope he did not embafrass Adam.
It was just a fuckin' kiss! Get over yourself Matthew! Adamluv
I meant embarrass.
Adam may understand but I do not. He must be in a relationship with a jealous guy.
I'm sorry. WHY are we looking at this guy's mostly naked gymastic photos? I mean, he has a beautiful body, but I can't freakin' believe you're publishing his photos because he refused to kiss Adam during a concert!
I love this blog. I check it every day. You guys rock. But this time, you kinda slipped up. Talk about someone riding on the back of a legitimate celeb, to try to get himself famous... and you're helping the dude. UGH!!
You know something. When situations like this happen with Adam it gets talked about and everyone has opinions, but in the end all works out just fine and Adam comes out looking good. Think this will be the same. Integrity is a great thing. Now we know both Adam and Matt possess it.
Good to hear your voice of reason. We don´t have to protect Adam every single day. I heard an interview today where he says that some fans can be overprotective. He loves his fans, I´m sure but seriously... He also said he would never force a kiss on anyone. No he´s not embarrased. It wouldn´t be like Adam.
I agree with @Urethra_Franklin 100%. Its really not a big deal...
Tongue diving is a fine art honed by Adam F. Lambert. Rule #1: Set your eye on the male and female that you find most interesting. Rule #2: This is entertainment folks and it is not meant to be taken seriously or a commitment of any kind, just receive the rock star kiss and enjoy it. Rule #3: For those very few in life that would not be willing to bask in the hotness of it all, kindly step aside and let the next VERY willing person have their turn. That is what happened and no rules were broken! Laugh, enjoy, be entertained and as Adam says, "it's not that deep". LOL
Maybe if it was just a kiss, but this is major
tongue! Not everyone likes that from someone they
don't know
take this guys photos down, this is an Adam site not free publicity for this guy. I would rather see Adam THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
If Adam is a hippie and he believes in free love, I guess he won't be committed to one person. Then he is in a small minority of gays. Or maybe he just wants to have lovers.
You know, it's blogs like this that cause the media to call Adam fans "fanatics" and "devoted" (to put it nicely). Not the site, it's great, but come on, people. Some things are just a non-issue. The media is able to blow them up and mention fans because some of us turn absolutely EVERYTHING the poor guy does into a shit-storm of controversy amongst ouselves. It's ridiculous. Now I know that I will be crucified for saying all this, so I know better than to sign my name to this one! But don't you all think we should concentrate more on things like the great performances, song sales, stuff like that? Stop making stupid, piddly things so newsworthy!
Anon @ 2:57 I LOVE YOU! and THANK YOU!
@Anon 2:48pm Where are you from?! How come people like you even visit this blog?! Do you have anything else to do? We love Adam and may be somebody is overprotective(like I). But what are you doing here? You will feel very comfortable on Perez Hilton company.
Thank you! You won´t be crucified. Respect!
I love Adam, am pained when he's rejected. But I'll get over it, and know the last thing Adam wants to do is to impose himself upon anyone.
You guys that think it's no big deal--well it would have been no deal at all it he gave Adam a smooch. And it could have been a dry one. Come on ladies, you know how to do that, and I'm sure Mr. Diver did as well.
The guy had a split second to react and how do we know what kind of jealous his husband might be and maybe he was there too. I can see being pretty rotten jealous over a kiss from someone like gorgeous, talented, sexy, famous Adam Lambert. Just .......dreamin'!!
Matthew Mitcham is entitled to be a Diva if he wants to, and further to not be in the spirit of Rock and Roll. As Adam has said before, there are different lifestyles, and obviously this guy has a stick up his rump. Glad he's not my boyfriend, I prefer someone a little more fun.
what a missed opportunity for matthew, a kiss from adam will not ruin a relationship, people do it all the time with their love ones.
Eva and JakeL Big hug! WOOTS!!
Give me a break! The guy is being a jerk. I'm married but if i was at a concert and someone wanted to kiss me i'd go with the flow. It certainly wouldn't mean that i loved my husband any less!
Life is too short....enjoy it and have fun!!
aforget matthew- now we concentrate adams hotness and his sexiness-his music;some people think and act like theyre the emost impt. in that country or theyre beeter than anyone else- pretend to be a virgin to thier relationshp- u know what i mean .aristocrat?hypocrite? yes soem people.this is mnor will stop talking about this guy mathew.
Adam will never think of his fun kiss diving will turn to a twitter explosion. We dont even see the epic moment from vid and we have an epic thread already. Unbelievable. Well, its all fun, dont make it too serious.
No sweat... Adam also once refused to be kissed by someone in the (British ) audience... during one of his interviews...
Eeh when will Tommy start tonguediving !! That would be great !
Why is 24/7 promoting this debate? Please remove this thread.
24/7 isnt promoting the debate. Dumbass fans started it with their BS "hes a jerk" crap. Why dont we ban dumb ass fans instead? ;)
Well, well...this guy wanted media coverage and he succeeded. He obviously planned it ahead. Come on, a brief kiss during a show should not jeopardize his relationship. If that's all it takes to upset his mate, I suggest he get out of that relationship ASAP because it sure aint a solid one.
Aw, how sweet and romantic. Matty whishes to remain pure and untouched for his hubby-wubby. He should be commended and respected for his old-fashioned honor and then instructed to STAND THE FUCK BACK!!! I would claw my way over my husband's body and stand on his shoulders while making him hold my purse and chapstick as he videotaped me from his vantage point in the act of raping Adam Lambert's mouth!!! And, it would be ok.
Glam Nation is a mad, electrifing show and the kiss is a benediction bestowed in the spirit of love and passion and acceptance. No harm done in refusing, but, Dude, what a party pooper wrapped in a wet blanket!
(And for the record, I would return the favor if my husband ever gets within smooching distance of Angelina Joleigh. lol)
And I was having such a lovely day. Went to the show with good friend, saw Secretariat, had fun and tuned in here. Only read a couple of these posts and think I'll stop there and come back when everyone has calmed down a little. Don't have a clue in the world who this Matthew guy is, so won't comment. Moving to a friendlier neighborhood. Think we need a block party,I'll bring the booze.
Hey, I am adding to the numbers here by posting, but I just want to add that this guy has 4,000 followers on twitter. All of Adam's band members and dancers have more followers. Not that big of a deal.
This guy decided to miss the chance of a lifetime. His problem! For everyone that refuses Adam there are a million who would happily kiss him. I suspect Matthew is in a very controlling relationship and afraid of his partner. He's probably kicking himself as we speak.
Lolita - you said it. u Franklin, maybe you're the dumb ass?
Lolita - LMAO. \o/
I'm with Lolita on this one
....shall be trying that trick out come the day Glam Nation Rocks London Town
I also agree Matthew's gonna be well pissed off once Adam becomes World Famous and he knows he could of had his chance of a lifetime...quite foolish really
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Dark Side;
Mind if Eva, Rae, Lolita (cuz she's a scream!), and I join you? I wasn't crucified (amazing!), so I'm free, LOL!!
i want to be kiss by adam lambert -only once in a life time and that kiss i treasure it.all my life.sorry to say this;this guys same birthmonth sing like pilose same birthyear zodiac sign(animal) dragon year born.(different birthyear but same zodiac sign animal and same birthmonth sign-pisces-dragon year born-all icna say he mis the opportunity.
5:14 Nope. Intelligent and enlightened. Shame some of you cant be as well.
And Im so glad several of you referenced the time Adam refused a kiss. Now im wondering how many kisses he refuses on any given night at the barricades.
Why this kid refused is no ones business and not the point. If he didnt want the kiss...oh well, no kissey. Hes not a jerk. Hes not a publicity hound. He didnt plan it. Hes not in a controlling relationship. He JUST. DIDNT. WANT. TO. KISS.
Over and out...have fun with your ignorant debate.
I think Urethra_Franklin 4:48 has a point. To say this guy is a jerk or worse etc, how foolish. I'm a hard core Lambert Lover, and I choose to think about his career and how media scenarios and internet blogging potentially reflect on him before I go all cray cray on sites. Funny and clever posts like Lolita's 5:03 are amusing, but uninformed nasty is just that.
Heeey! Group hug!!
So, because this guy rejected unwanted advances, HE is a scum bag??? And anyone who doesn't agree with you has no right to post on this board??? You know, you can love Adam and still see that he is not faultless. It's a human trait. Some of you people would do quite well in George Orwell's society that advocates Groupthink.
Does anyone remember Greg Luganis, the American Olympic gold medal winning diver? He won gold medals in everything for 20 years in the Olympics. He's gay, but no one knew until many years after he quit competition. Admire this young man as you do Adam for having the fortitude to comeout to the world and the love to stay faithful to his spouse.
His body is what it is because of the sport he has chosen.
Lolita: You just made my evening. I've been reading the comments and just realized how stupid the whole thing is. I laughed until I nearly peed my pants. Just picturing you climbing over your husband etc etc. Soooo funny. I hope Adam reads some of these blogs and laughs at them. I think this swimmer will rue the day he refused Adam's kiss, because in a year or two we will not be able to get near Adam. It will be big arenas with loads of security.
5:33 I agree. Anyone has the right to choose what to do as in this case to be kissed or not by Adam. I for one do not care about M&G but spent almost USD1,000 to attend one GNT concert at front row, have devoted many hours daily to visit Adam related sites and contributed to the fandom by way of posts and blogs. Not wanting a hug from or picture with Adam but doing everything else to be at his concerts and promote his career is a matter of choice.
After being here for months, this is the very first time that I agree with you, Urethra Franklin! Well said & thank you!
I agree to u guys that everyone has the right to say yes or no. Being sport especially you are in a big crowd and everyone is having fun why not!!!!!. Oh Adam my darling I'm yours ha!ha!ha! Life is too short people enjoy while it last don't be a kill joy. U just stay home if you don't want to experience the unexpected okay????????? Go Go Adam live your life and we are here to support you. From a single parent
why is this big of a deal? Shocking!
Hey peeps - a fuller TCB from Enmore 10/20:
sorry for redundancy if it's already on 24/7 somewhere, don't think it is yet, off-topic to this thread I guess :), but thought it might be enjoyed, lol
ok guys time to leave this blog and go to the new video and close up of the birthday kiss with Tommy in New Zealand. Its so much more fun to watch than geting your knickers in a twist over some kid who didn't want a kiss.
Lolita - you are hysterical!! That image was the most fun I've had in a LONG time.
ha ha, I'm definitly with you on that...
Agree that this Matt guy has the right to refuse a kiss...but seriously why would he not want to kiss him!!!
HK fan
No body embarrasses Adam Mitchell Lambert! And not end up being sorry for it that is.......
This guy had to have been giving Adam the "eye" or Adam would never have chosen him. The old "come hither eye". This guy don't know what he missed out on. Too Bad!!
Now, will someone please post the address of the video so we can all see where the little muscle ass kid turned down the kiss. Hell, like the poster above said, he has that kind of body due to the profession he has chosen. So, maybe he would rather open coke bottles with that ass rather than kissy poo Adam. Big Deal. He is just a looser.... Now, waiting for the video where the infamous "no kissy me" happened.
MGF or EVA, do either of you know the song he was singing when this little tight ass dropped the "don't kiss me" bomb? Share if you do. tks
Okay, not to prolong the debate...but since everyone has an opinion.....
First and foremost!!! Glambrit Isle of Wight!!!!!!! Good to see you...have missed you!!!
Here is what I think, as if it really matters...The man had the right to decline the kiss..he is young, in love and serious about his relationship..and he just didn't want to....
HOWEVER...!!!!!!!!!....I was in the front row at one of the concerts...and I have no allusions that he would pick me...LOL!!!...and my husband was right next to me...BUT if I had been so amazingly lucky (and probably am being wildly delusional here...) for that to actually happen...WTH, I would have been happy to reciprocate...and my husband owes me a big one anyway...because he ran the Boston Marathon this year, and there is a tradition that the Wellesley College ladies stand out in front of the College offering kisses, and my husband, being in the "spirit of the moment", and all, and being faced with the opportunity to kiss all sorts of young pretty girls, went for it, much to my amusement... And I told him that well, NO PROBLEM...keeping in mind that Adam is a kiss-y kind of guy and who guilt or second thoughts for me!!! Not that it will EVER be an issue, I would guess... So..I really think its up to the individual...and faced with a split-second decision, he made the choice that made sense for him...No criticism from me here..And in the whole scheme of things, as Adam would say "Its not that deep!!!"
Hi, so far there are just two funny stories about Sydney's concert. One them in Examiner said "Adam gets frisky in Sydney":) Good funny article. Adam had plan to be wild in Sydney. I think he was wild, sexy, and
Also, is it possible to remove the pictures of this Mitcham person? They are pretty annoying.
Nice bod!
Lolita - let's run away and get married, because I think I love you! I love the way your mind works. HA HA!!!
Too bad Matt didn't have a "flat Matt" (like the flat Adam) that he could slip in his place, as a stand in, at the last second during the attempted kiss by Adam.
And here's my take on these snarky know, we're a big Glamily here at 24/7. We spend a lot of time together. I think everyone's got PMS all at the same time and are all feeling just a litttttle crabby - right? And there's a full moon. So just chill, people. Life will look happy again in the morning.
- Adam Fix
I think it's weird if you're more jealous of a popstar than your own husband.
@8:23 PM
It happend during If I Had You. I´ve seen a video on adamquotedaily, but it was a very bad one. The women/guy with the camera must have been in chock, cause we could see not so exciting views from roof, floors, back of heads and all from very long distance. Adam chatted a lot, got down from stage to the crowd and reached in, touching hands and then it was all a blur and hysterical screaming. I know he kissed a girl(no tounge)near the diver, and then he moved on to another guy. This is what I got from twitter when it happend.
And I have to add to my post at 8:40 pm just a bit...In reading it back, it may have sounded as if I was not surprised or even a bit mildly shocked by my husbands rather out of character behavior...kissing girls!!! Yikes!! ...He is a serious runner and he wouldn't want to lose that much time from his run so just a quick peck on the cheek sort of thing!!!! My eyebrows were raised and I was rather bemused in addition to being amused..But we've been together a LONG time and the situation was quite innocent and silly and I just assumed he went with the I say it is a long-standing tradition at Boston...So I tease him about it every once in awhile and I remind him that you never know, I might get some sort of equal opportunity-thing sometime..But probably not!!!
why don't some of these people, let the real fans who really love Adam , in the front row? If they're not a hardcore fan, stand in the back!
Thanks for the laff Lolita!! I feel the same way!!
glitzlady,I think the bond of love you have with your husband just grew stronger. I admire that in a marriage. maybe the same has happened for this MM with his marriage.
I can't believe that people are ragging on the guy for refusing a kiss from Adam. Personal choice, folks. Adam would be the first to defend that concept.
Adam is also smart enough to know that a refusal from an audience member is within the realm of possibility. He has stated more than once that he doesn't want to force himself on anybody so he just moved along. Adam has also stated that he doesn't easily get embarrassed and his perspective on stuff like this is "it ain't that deep". It was a brief moment in time for both of them - soon forgotten. If anything, this incident should reflect well on Adam in that he did exactly as he has often said - not forcing himself on anybody. IMHO, what happened here actually negates some of the criticism directed at Adam because of his tongue diving escapades. Bottom line ... it REALLY ain't that deep.
@Lolita Thanks for the laugh.
Well, this thread may be dead now (and maybe that's for the best :)), but I still want to say to Anon 10:17am above that you made a very interesting point in your last few lines IMO. And seperately, I think we were too tough on Mattew also (I posted at October 20 5:53PM but forgot my tag, and actually, I was a little judgemental and snotty in my post, sorry, I didn't mean for it to come off that way). Anyway, thanks for the food for thought 10:17am.
It's utterly ridiculous to suggest that this man is a diva for choosing to say "no" to being tongue-raped by a total stranger. Just because Adam Lambert is headlining his own show, it doesn't give him cart blanch to assume that anyone at his concert is open to this sort of thing.
Glamberts have the reputation, and deservedly so, for being some of the most obnoxious people in the world of star worship. The very idea of (especially middle-aged) women dressed in garish, glitzed out garb schlepping from show to show, chasing a pipe dream that rubbing up against fame will somehow restore their lost youth is pathetic, embarrassing, and sad. These women go on and on at online sites - in very explicit detail - about the sexual acts they'd like to perform on Adam if given half a chance.
They hang out after the shows making a nuisance of themselves trying to glean information about the whereabouts of Adam and/or the band from anyone and everyone they think can give them a morsel of information. On the occasions when they make contact with the band - Adam is shrewd enough to make a quick getaway - they shamelessly ingratiate themselves to these guys under the assumption that these encounters will somehow make them "special" and give them a certain cache among the other fans. On the social networking sites, they blather endlessly about who has seen the most shows (it's not unusual for that figure to be in the double digits), who knows Adam/Tommy/Monte/Longineu/Cam the most intimately, who's scored the most meet and greets, and so forth.
It's the predictable scenario of someone whose self-image is so lacking, that they feel the need to bolster it by attaching themselves to someone famous. This is a collusion by both the deluded fans and the entertainer (Adam). Meanwhile, they are spending money they don't have (as expressed over and over about how "broke" they are from supporting their "Adam addiction")and Adam is happily raking in the dough.
Of course, not all Adam fans are this extreme - there are those who can keep their interest in proportion - but there are LEGIONS of "Adamholics" (as many proudly call themselves) who ARE so over-the-top about all things Adam that they have alienated many people in their everyday lives because they can't talk or think about anything else. Their obsession is so extreme that they're derisively referred to as "cray cray" (as in crazy not in a good way) and if anyone tries to question that obsession, they will turn on you like a crack addict who's being deprived of her next fix.
All that being said, it's not surprising that little understanding has been shown to someone who opts out of the chance to trade saliva in front of the world with someone they've never met. It's also not surprising that the aforementioned obsessed fans would accuse a world-class athlete of trying to garner attention by saying "no"...
Dear anonymous at 4:02 am December 30 2010. You don't get to write all that nonsense and be the last word here. You just attacked Adam for no good reason and went on some wildly vicous attack on his fans - also for no good reason. Who are you anyway? A Kris Allen Fan? Adam doesn't "assume" anything - he is quite clear about that. If you knew anything about him you wouldn't be suggesting otherwise. Also, your "Adam is happily raking in the dough" comment is another attempt to make him sound bad. For what? For accepting money AKA earning his living as a singer? What is he supposed to do? Spend all his own money to tour the world but perform for free? Yeah that would be sensible - not LMAO How is Adam "colluding" in any scenario where a fan is "attaching themselves" to him? He has no such control over that, nor does any other celebrity/artist/musician. And WTF is all this hateful stereotyping/assumptions/sweeping generalisations coming from you about his fans? Even the comments on this article demonstrate how wrong your vitriolic rant is. "Glamberts" are clearly as diverse as any other group of people. Obviously you have a problem with Adam and his fans - but what the root cause of that problem is has little to do with the reality of Adam's diverse & fiercely loyal fan base (who are generally very lovely people and range in age from 5 to 95, male & female, LGBTQ etc) and more to do with some other weird stuff that's going on for you personally. I suggest you get therapy for whatever is up your ass and leave Adam and his fans out of your angry, delusional psychological problems. Cheers.
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