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Hong Kong News Channel Talks About Adam Lambert's Arrival

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Adam says that he's been to Hong Kong a few years ago on a boat but he only stayed for one afternoon.

Thanks Shirley for the translation!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I want more... you're teasing us! :)
I love cruising! It's one of the best way to really relax with a 24 hr. room service, makes your bed 2x a day, entertainment galore, shopping on board, land at different ports, not to mention non-stop eating with numerous restaurants to choose from, spa & pool, bars & club & gambling if you're into it. Meet people from around the world. You do nothing... just eat, sleep, shop, tour & be entertained!!!

Anonymous said...

Full Translation : American runner up Adam Lambert tour concert in Hong Kong. In the afternoon, he's wearing this Chinese costume for the press conference said he came to HK 9 years ago on a cruise but only stayed in an afternoon. So this time, he want to try the food there on go shopping.

Katherine said...

is the food in Hong Kong really that good? I have never been there. I have only heard that it is the most rich city in Asia. (Stock market etc)

Anonymous said...

Yes, the food is very good if you know the place. I grew up there and just went back to visit. What I did just eat, shop and sleep for whole three weeks. It is the different types of food and shops and you choose from there. Very interesting and exicting place to visit.

Anonymous said...

That was it???

Anonymous said...

Well, there are also places you can visit but not much sight seeing, I prefer Europe. People visit HK usually go to Japan as well. HK is a place to make business and money, lots of rich people there.

LP said...

Adam was referring to his working cruise, when he was 19, and he was part of the entertainment. He was on board for 10 months, and cruised around the world.

Anonymous said...

@11.41 the ratio of rich people is very small compared to the number of poor people. I think Only about 5-10% of the population earn enough to pay tax. And yes there are so many good restaurants, lots of shopping, but also stunning hills and beaches if you go 30 mins out of the city.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Thanks for info on Hong Kong! A great perk from this site is getting first hand info about culture, geography and customs from those that live or have visited these countries. The countries seem closer and more personal. funbunn40