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Adam Lambert Live in Malaysia Astro Hitz

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, November 4, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, November 04, 2010

Adam Lambert's Live Concert(10/14/10) Aired in Malaysia today on Astro Hitz. This was ripped by LiAnn.

Part 1:

Part 3


Anonymous said...

OT alert - I will come back and watch this video later, but right now, I would like you all to take a look at this blog from the mom of a 5-year old boy who decided he wanted to wear a "girl costume" for Halloween and the result/comments...

- Adam Fix

Carlos said...

I thought it was going to be like a full show!! I mean it was still cool but it wasn't like a full live show I'm disappointed =(

Anonymous said...

When they keep bragging it's the concert,I was wonder did U guys watching diff things.Bcoz what I watched just a snippets.LOL!But do not disappointed bcoz Star World is one of the TV sponsor.And I won't be shock if one day,maybe in special day like New year or Xmas,they gonna air it like they did with Showcase Kris Allen :) Kris showcase was a full concert;) So,I hv faith bcoz concert in M'sia is a 'clean' ones and I say it's suitable for all to watch... especially grandpas and grandmas.Haha!!Weepee!!! -M

Anonymous said...

ok, I am so beaming right now, my chest is gonna explode with pride! So proud of this dude...Fuckin WOW is all I can say.


Anonymous said...

They played FYE, the song banned in the US. They showed those campy "girly" "embarrasing" cover photos. This is in a muslim country. What does this say to the middle american, those 1500 protestors who pissed themselves after AMA?


Anonymous said...

I loved how they showed Adam's big notes especially the way he sing sleepwalker and the response from the audiences. Oh! He looked so beautiful in the interview.

Anonymous said...

I hope we are able to see a high-quality version of this in the future because I could barely read the stats, etc, across the bottom of the screen.

But I thought this was great - although brief. I loved the shots of the fans pouring into the show! Lots of guys...lots of young people! And I absolutely loved the shots of the crowd going wild at the concert!!!

Great exposure for Adam - yay!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Hermosa y aleccionadora Historia del niño y
Halloween. Un niño afortunado con una madre
que respeta y cuida sus derechos y emociones.

Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix - thanks for that link @11:45. Too many words and no words at all to say both at the same time.

Also Adam Fix, I know you said that the glorious task of raising your little Sure Fire Winner currently prevents you from the "me-time" needed for reading for pleasure, but when you can, you gotta check out The Hunger Games, as was previously discussed in an old thread (You too daydreamin - did you get the series in your library yet?). My child told me of some rumblings about a movie being made, I said I could see Adam Lambert in a certain role, my child said oh me too, we both blurted out the character at the same time, we agreed, LOL! But I'm not even entirely done with book one yet, so I might change my mind :). But anyway, check it out when real life allows. Thanks again for link.


Anonymous said...

They banned FYE?Where the heck I've been?I didn't know the song was banned.I thought they just play WWFM bcoz Adam started to promote that song right after AMA thing and it hits.I always feel bit sad bcoz his first single didn't worked out just bcoz of that incident.I think,it's ridiculous!I love was banned?Dang!
So,BTW my friends told me we even played FEVER in our radio station. :D And one time i was shopping and I heard FYE played.I was like a kid who got candy telling my sis,it was Adam!!Then the next song was...I don't remember :P And this happened way way waaay back!We don't ban Adam's song :)-M

Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix Thank you for the link.
One day I might tell you about how, as a child, I first found out about homosexuality and about the sad destinies of gays in a communist country that penalized (male) same-sex intercourse with five years of prison. GLb

Anonymous said...

Hi GLb - on a lighter note, I have not been able to find that link/vid for you that I mentioned in that other, older thread, with the audience view, Adam's View, from a GNT concert. I'm totally frustrated, lol, oh well... maybe I'll come across it by accident some time, and if I do, I'll post link.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to appear greedy...but where's part 2?
I thought it was good, although not the whole concert, it did show lots of footage. It was a good programme on Adam that focused on his music, and not on when he lost his virginity!

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Very positive and enjoyable to watch! thrilled at the reaction of the crowd. AdamFix, if that's the story of the little boy who dressed up as Daphne for Halloween, it is indeed moving and she should be mother of the year! Saw it at afterelton but sometimes hesitate to mention stuff like that since it's so off topic. Glad to see others are interested! For MGF, the Dallas Morning News has nominated Ft. Worth councilman, Joel Burns, as Texan of the Year for his heartfelt speech about growing up gay. Yay! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Oh Adamluv - thanks for that info about Joel Burns... been so busy lately, been rushing like hell through this site (which has been good on some levels [threads] ;)), not been paying much attention to things outside of my own reality and real life lately, but glad I just caught your comment. Very interesting, thanks. MGF.

Anonymous said...

Just another Mt. Everest to climb & conquer but I have faith that it will come in time ... ADAM is the Messenger of Love that so many have been waiting for ... only problem is that they are all in denial. Thank you ADAM!!


Anonymous said...

Might not be the full Glam Nation Show as what we thought but it's all about Adam. Enough to give Adam more exposure and air time in Malaysia nationwide. More publicity the better-er‼ ☺

Anonymous said...

MGF, we got all but that one book in the series..."THE Hunger Games"! Ran out of money!! I guess I will just have to borrow it from somewhere or buy it and donate it to my library as I have done so many times before LOL!


Anonymous said...

Great idea daydreamin! MGF