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Paisley and Adam Lambert in Magazine

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, November 4, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, November 04, 2010

From slp808js:

"I was looking through old videos and found this video of Paisley at the height of her Adam Lambert obsession... trying to lie down and cuddle next to Adam's picture in a magazine. so funny. I forgot that I even got a video of this...I think she was about 16 months old."

You may remember Paisley from last year's hit youtube video:


Anonymous said...

Oh good, Adam has a young female fan. Loveit!!

Anonymous said...

She's now 3 years old and still in love with Adam! 16 months old, 16 years old or 61 years old, they all act the same toward the Glam!

Anonymous said...

Awwww! I watched that last video a while back and it's just so touching! And the first one, ugh! Be still my heart! How adorable is that? Love knows no age, race, nationality, or's the one true Universal Language, IMHO. ♥♥♥


algal said...

Oh, Paisley, we're right there with you, girl!! So cute! Love the way she pokes Adam in the nose!

Anonymous said...

These videos are precious! I remember when a reporter asked Adam if he'd seen the video of Paisley dancing to his song quite awhile ago and he said yes he had, that she was adorable and kinda made him want to have a kid - awww!

Anonymous said...

Estos vídeos siempre serán adorable es
impresionante el amor que demuestra está bebe
por ADAM.

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWW this really warms your heart!! Paisley in all her loving innocence shows how children really do have the MAGICAL answer.

They see through unbiased eyes, are blind to all the negative in the world and find only truth and love. Children seem to be the real "teachers" - ya know?

Keep kissing Adam, Paisley, cuz he is a real sweetheart just like you!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Lord! What a sweetness!!! Sweet Adam should see this... if he didn't yet! The new generation of Glamberts have got a leader! The future President of «Club Weird», for sure... no campaigns needed! Ha!

Anonymous said...

so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee adorable fan of adam ha!ha!ha! NOw she is 3 my goodness love the expression when she is asking for adam ha!ha!ha!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they were friends in a previous life or something - she seems to feel such a connection

Anonymous said...

Too precious for words!!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Wow, how do you explain that... amazing! Paisley is so cute and so precious... we share your sentiment and adoration. And hey, who would have thought that Adam's music videos can be such great babysitter‼ ☺

Anonymous said...

that is sooo amazing!! she was actually getting upset, she wanted adam on the phone, how cute.i believe kids pick up on greatness, idk my daughter only obsessed over "barney" lol

Anonymous said...

Not sure if this has already been posted but here is Paisley at 2 1/2 singing If I Had You!


Anonymous said...

it is amazing that even this little is enjoying adam. paisley, you must be a malaysian, your mom's accent sounds familiar.

Anonymous said...

Paisley is my favorite Adam fan. I love seeing her adore him more. Melts my heart.

And thank you to daydreamin for the link of Paisley singing IIHY!


Anonymous said...

Laughed over the Barney comment! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I can't seem to get anything up on that link you posted of Paisley unfortunately...

HK fan

Anonymous said...

HK fan, sorry it wasnt me with the link. It was dreaminlif. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

oops - sorry

HK fan