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Adam Lambert Not Worried About Catching Viruses

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, November 4, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, November 04, 2010

ADAM Lambert isn’t worried about catching viruses from his fans.

The American Idol runner-up — who has become famous for his passionate entanglements with fans at live performances which see him snog or “tongue dive” random members of the audience — is determined to keep tongues wagging at his gigs, no matter what the risk.

“No, I’m not worried at all,” he said of the possibility of picking up an infection.

“The more I worry about it the more likely I am to do it. It’s no big deal. And anyway, I have only done it twice. It’s just that people have made a big fuss about it.”

Lambert recently revealed he has a fool-proof plan to ensure he doesn’t lock lips with the wrong girl or guy.

“The thing about kissing somebody is that you know if the person wants to be kissed or not,” he said.

“I would never kiss anybody who didn’t want to be kissed.

“The people I kiss are the people who give me that eye the entire night. I would never force myself on anybody.”



Anonymous said...

I saw him in full eye contact with a blonde headed cute girl in the front row in Sydney and he came off the stage to get her and everyone went so wild they over powered her. Someone said he knew her. She was really close to the guy who got lucky that night.

Anonymous said...

I have been at three of Adam's GN concerts and I gave him that eye the entire night and he was even more than welcome to force himself on me but did I kiss? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!I am trying out a new look.

The Dark Side said...

Right! I am sure there are people in the front rows of his concerts that don't want that up close and personal connection to their superstar. Anyway, how would anyone know if they had a fever, since the show heats up the room the instant Adam steps on the stage. Love the story about the cute blond who was wiped out by the over zealous crowd, who 'didn't' want to get kissed.

Anonymous said...

9:34 loved your comment - hilarious. I know the feeling!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to be repetitious but anon: 9;34 aint that the truth! Trying a new look is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

To be honest, Adam does not have many cute female fans and if there are any cute girls in his concerts, they are Tommy fans.

Anonymous said...

I Disagree @ 1245.... Im Cute and I Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Adam :) I like tommy too! dnt be mean! Katie

judys dancin said...

Anon 12:45, prepare to be bombarded! That wasn't a very nice comment! R u a poser?

Anonymous said...

JJJeeeze Judy whats wrong with People?? Katie

Anonymous said...

This is completely off-topic, BUT does anyone also frequent the idolforums/Adam website?? I've always check the "New at a Glance" Adam website that's put on my Madamimadam and cannot get into it. My computer keeps going on interminable 'loading' mode. This has been happening for 3 days now. I'm not having this trouble with any other website, so I don't think it's my computer. Would appreciate any comments or advice.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:54....Never been to this site, but is there really a lot of the color Pink? And there's an IdolForums banner across the top? If so, I just jumped right on, no "loading" whatsoever. Might be your computer.

Anonymous said...

I go to idolforums and for the last few days, everytime I'm there, a virus notification comes up on my computer so dont know what"s going on? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

If ppl keep on comment like Anon 12:45, Adam's Label will snub Tommy one day and then all his fans has to find him somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I'm anon 12:45, I'm not so cute anymore and I'm older. I don't go to his concerts, because I don't care for that. My point is, I wish Adam had more young fans. But money talks and bulls**t walks.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a lot of younger cute female fan oversea, a lot of strange thing happen in US. Damn it.

Anonymous said...

The US cougar fans have the power, but I don't like the way they dictate. For example they would never approve Aftermath to be a single even if Adam co wrote it and it is very important song for Adam. Instead they promote Fever, because Gaga wrote it.

Anonymous said...

Young or old, it doesn't matter they're all fans of Adam's & that's all that matters & counts‼

Hahah... but everybody who attends Adam's concert all give him the eye the entire night! So which is it Adam?... the come hither look then?! ☺

Anonymous said...

So my 2nd point is, that the cougar fans don't really like Adam or HIS music, but his crotch. Sad, but true.

Anonymous said...

I think we have an invader on this site! anon 3:03!

Anonymous said...

Oh thank god someone responded. I thought I killed this thread :D

Anonymous said...

Are these US cougar fans that powerful, can control the release of a song? I heard they are very rich to buy multiple M&G and always in the front row. Why don't they just buy some guys to satisfy them? That's Horrible. I hope they don't follow Adam to the other countries.

Anonymous said...

Anon 202 and 303;
You are out of your ever-lovin' mind. First NEVER make a statement about a group as a whole unless you know them personally. Us "cougars" would be happy to see Adam release the ABC's as his next single, if that's what he wants. And somehow I have a feeling that we may know more about what "Aftermath" means than some narrow-minded youngster. Finally, yes, we love the "crotch" as you so crudely (but typically) put it, but only as it relates to the entire person, emphasized by the dances he does. If he didn't want us to look, he wouldn't move the way he does! So there!

Anonymous said...

Goes for you, too, 3:16! Being a grown-up can be a wonderful thing, can't it ladies (and gentlemen!)??

Anonymous said...

3:03 you love it too! Admit it or you wouldn't be talking & discussing it... that means you're thinking about it Welcome to our club! lol

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:16, you are reading my mind. They treat Adam like a gigolo. I think Adam meant that when he joked about buying a Maserati. Isn't Maserati a gigolo car? I've been thinking also how to prevent them getting visa to European countries. I need to get some true elite people on my side on this, gay or straight..

Anonymous said...

@3:16 PM

Ageism right there!
Calling young ppl narrowminded!
You have contradicted yourself: Please read your own comment "Never make a statement about a group as a whole unless you know them personally"


Anonymous said...

I think all Adam Lambert fans love, Adam, his music, and his crotch - I mean dance moves. Ahh, you know what I mean. Adam likes it like that. He's naturally sexy - it's not that deep!!geez!


Anonymous said...

Why don't we change the subject and explore why is it Adam's fans consists of "cougars & milfs" instead of just younger fans around 20's and early 30'sl? Any ideas?

I personally think it's great! Adam got all the demographics covered. The more the merrier!

Anonymous said...

I say that the cougars are jealous for the younger fans. I've seen it happen, also nasty comments. Prove that I'm wrong if you can.

Anonymous said...

what is up with all these ignorant trolls on Adam's fan sites lately? Did something happen to make them insecure ? I have to admit it is entertaining.The troll writes something and then under a different name answers himself. The only drawback it's the same topics over and over again and that's become as boring as hell.

Anonymous said...

Im 17!!!! Im Obsessed with Adam His Music and the glambulge :) Katie

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:57, yes I am older and I AM jealous of your youth! Just wait till you are older. I guess you are going to tell me when you are older "YaY, I am finally older!" and maybe fatter, more lines on my face etc etc etc? Adam does NOT discriminate. That is what makes him so great to me, not to mention his outrageous good looks and extremely attractive brain and power for positive communication and his unbelievable vocals. His musical style has been absent for about 35 years in my opinion. I for one, am listening to "Music Again" just because I watched a very humble guy sing his heart out on American Idol. He makes me feel young again and this gift has put such happiness back into my life.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if you are a cougar, young, old, no teeth as long as you support my adam you are in ha!ha!ha!. Stop fighting guys ha!ha!ha!

coloforadam said...

I can't 'splain it but who the hell cares? Anytime you open yourself to loving someone or something, it blows you away and changes you in unexpected ways and I think that is ageless, timeless and priceless. So really, "your opinion of me is none of my business."

Anonymous said...

@coloforadam in my opinion ( which is apparently none of your you are wise beyond your matter how old you are.

Anonymous said...

Errr, excuse me!
Sorry to interrupt the fight... errr... what the hell is a «cougar»? Doesn't come in my dictionary...Am I one?????

Anonymous said...

Adam has fans of all ages in other countries. I was in the Q for his autograph and I have seen fans ranging from early teens to what you term as cougars. Why do people always generalise that an older woman fan is after Adam's crotch? Most of us just love his powerful vocals which has been absent from the music scene for a long time. And it just is a bonus that he is such a charismatic, beautiful and loveable young man.

glitzylady said...

Oh for goodness sake!!! WTF!!!!! ??? ( I may be "older", as in not 20 something...) but I know what those letters stand for and I know how to use it properly in a sentence...also UNF, as it applies to Adam at times... Sorry, this cougar, MILF, or whatever you want to call me, loves all of the aspects of Adam, his music (ALL of it...) his beautiful soul, his lovely personality and, yes, I have also admired the rest of his parts from time to time...because there is a lot to be admired, and I am NOT referring to his "crotch" BTW ...Anyway, as to the comment that all (or most..) of his fans are older women who "control" all aspects of Adam and his career...I call BS...I have been to 7 of Adam's concerts since last year and have seen MANY younger fans at each of them and I am pretty sure they are there to see Adam, although Tommy is also a cutie IMHO, as is Monte, and Isaac, and everyone else in the Glamily...Perhaps one of the main reasons that Adam doesn't have even more young fans is the fact that he does not get enough radio play and promotion of his music...He is not featured in the teen magazines in the US hardly at all ( but is elsewhere in the world..) and many young people simply do not know who he is..Even though he has had an amazingly successful Glam Nation Tour he is not yet on the radar of many young people..So instead of ruining Adam's career (in the opinion of some who shall remain "anon"...) by "demanding he release Fever and making his GB our main focus of adoration" (paraphrasing here...) , I truly believe that we cougar-types have certainly helped to keep him afloat until he is finally discovered by the rest of the unfortunately clueless out there...The media has been largely silent except to occasionally show pictures of Adam chasing the paps or re-show ad nauseum the AMA pics..and many of those who do not watch Idol have only a vague idea of who he while Adam does have many fans like myself, who have a few years of life experience and can see and appreciate Adam for who he is, an amazingly talented, kind-hearted, generous, polite, etc., etc., man with a beautiful soul (and one who is nice to his mom...), he is on his way to super-stardom and undoubtedly will have many fans of all ages..His voice is too amazing to be ignored for much longer and once people get to "know" him better, he will be one of the "greats" of music in the years to come...not taking offense here, just get slightly tired of hearing about all of Adam's older fans, as if that is a bad thing...There are lots of younger ones out there too...And I really think he appreciates every one of us regardless of age...After all, he says "we can ALL party together"...

And Fan4fun...consider yourself a refers to over 40ish women who prefer younger men...or a least appreciate younger men..

Anonymous said...


Oh man...thanks for the laughs, everybody! This thread honestly had me laughing out loud. I had to pick myself up off the floor!

Debating Adam's crotch and who covets it...who is a cougar vs who thinks they might be a cougar vs those who want to be a cougar vs those who have no idea what a cougar refers to but are wondering if they are one (hi fan4fun! xxoo)vs those who are actually cougars but are offended by the term vs what is the age cut off to be considered a couger...I'm a MILF, you're a MILF, she's not a MILF, we're all MILFs, I'm 17 but wish I was a MILF, your mama's a MILF...Adam's brain is beautiful - no, Adam's soul is beautiful - no, Adam's voice is beautiful - no, Adam's eyes are beautiful - no, Adam's crotch is beautiful - no, ooops, it's Adam's bass player who's beautiful - no, we're all beautiful...!!!!

HILARIOUS - people, listen to yourselves! You are so fuckin' funny!

Now - let's all just get back to the business at hand, which is supporting Adam, and stop squabling amongst each other. Although this was some of the funniest stuff I've read in a long time.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

OMG Adam is gay and yet women of all ages are getting so hyped out and throwing at each other.
Get real ladies!

Anonymous said...

Oh - and back to the original topic of this thread...

“The people I kiss are the people who give me that eye the entire night. I would never force myself on anybody.”

Adam - that is just not true.

First of all, as many have said, if you kissed everyone who was giving you the eye the entire night, you'd have blisters on your lips! And not from infectious diseases, but from having to make the rounds and kiss between 1,500 - 40,000 ppl each night, depending on the venue and city! Seriously - is there anyone in the audience NOT giving you the eye all night?? I even saw 6 year olds at your Seattle show giving you the EYE!

Secondly - you did almost force yourself on that gymnast in Australia. I watched you on video. But why did you stop yourself, rather than force yourself on the other 2,499 people who wanted to be forced-upon by you, hmmmm?

Love ya, Adam!

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix...

: ( Well, hurmpf...guess I did get a little "off topic"...but only because...well, I forget..must be that "cougar" or MILF, or whatever the hell I am.... thing...and I lied..sometimes I do notice the GB...a little bit, once in awhile...but only when its in "commando" mode...because then how could I NOT notice...but then again...

Anyway, to get back to the topic at hand (can I mention that body part?? I love his hands too!! LOL!!!)

Yes, as some have said: What is Adam talking about..he only considers kissing those who give him the "Eye" at his concerts???..I think he might consider narrowing it down to those who DON"T give him the eye, because it would simplify his choices considerably, to about two or so...because from what I have seen in my experience with 7 concerts in the last year, everyone there is giving him the eye, including my husband, even though he probably would deny that...He always looks mighty happy when watching Adam perform...So there is obviously some special "Eye" thing that we need to find out about and then practice at home...So if anyone hears anything, please post it here because I have two more chances this year...And Adam Fix, you and I might have a slight problem at that second LA show, being in the balcony and all, but one never knows...

and to 10:36 pm:

Adam is gay??? NOW you tell me...

Anonymous said...

I saw Adam kiss that guy in Australia who he met at the Mardi Gras this year. I also saw the blond girl with Adam at the Mardi Gras in March.
Both of them were beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha I'm laughing with you Adamfix and proud to be a cougar! The more fans of all ages,male female, gay, straight, the merrier! Katie @17 is one of my faves! Lighten up and be happy y'all! Fan4fun, Rawr! I love everything about Adam, #1 his voice and talent.I'm not dead Beauty is beauty for all to enjoy! Good points, Glitzylady! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Good morning Glamily,

It made my day to know that besides a MILF (I'm Icon's mother) I am a COUGAR too!!! It means I really belong to Glamily! YAY!

@ Glitzylady... Loved your comment as always, all the words in their right position and meaning in a sentence!

@ Adam Fix... I'm «LOLing» with you! Hahahahaha!
Aren't we SOME people?

@ Funbunn40... Let's lighten up and be happy we all together! We are all Glamberts loving sweet Adam in different ways. I LOVE HIS SWEETNESS that I find all over him inside and out, when he is singing, dancing, talking, walking, sleeping, eating, loving, doing whatever or even doing NOTHING but breathing, wherever, whenever, forever!!!

@@ Glitzylady: Where is the comment you made recently (?) that Adam Fix encouraged us to find and read and I missed? I'd go there behind to get it. You know how much I enjoy your opinions...

Have a good day you all, Glamberts!
Have a great day, enjoy your rest, sweet Adam!

Anonymous said...

PS: Sweet Adam,

Watch out the tongues, SEXotic singing bird, be aware of the viruses!
Now, back to rest, baby!


Anonymous said...

If people of both genders and orientations in their 20's and even 30's (people over 20/22ish who are really ready for good sex, don't want to talk about anyone too young) only knew, and experienced, what people in their mid to late 30's and 40's and beyond could do for them in bed, they wouldn't be so critical of those over 35ish ;). Way off topic I guess, but somehow came to my mind when reading this thread.

glitzylady said...

@Fan4fun (aka MILF-Cougar)

The posts that Adam Fix referred to were on the Oct.28th thread
"Photos from Honolulu Radio Station Interview" I'm not in the photos by the way... : (

Was just talking a little bit about some of the experiences during that great time at the Honolulu concerts...That was SO much fun..and it was so nice to meet so many other fans of Adam, including the very lovely and great Adam fan Glitz and Sparkles (who got to meet Adam...I'm still jealous!! So lucky!! ) I think she single-handedly got everyone up and dancing at the concert on the 26th...

Anonymous said...

My dearest Glitzylady 11/4, 11:37 PM - my comments were certainly not directed specifically at you...just to everyone who'd commented on this thread up to that point...when read as a whole, they were so silly!

And your mussings about what you "are" (MILF...cougar...both?) and what you like/notice about Adam had me laughing out loud, again! Thx!

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix

I know it wasn't ALL me (even though it IS all about me LOL!!!) I just included myself in the whole...and realized that I HAD gotten off topic just a tad bit (not that unusual in my case...that Cougar-MILF thing again..), and also saw the humor in all of the comments...we do go on, don't we!!! Such a serious group!! And then of course had to steer myself back to the topic "at hand" (here we go again...!!!)

Yep, I pretty much like all of those parts and how they are put together ...Don't get me started again...Because I may just have to expand on the "Commando" topic and then possibly get into will just stop at that...maybe....well.. I wrote more about that, but then deleted it because I am trying to be serious here...and NOT prove the point that some above were trying to make about never was kinda funny tho : ) Maybe I should email you and we can have some "serious"
discussions about what I just deleted..and our plans for making eye contact with Adam...

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix again : )

Hoping you come back to this thread...pls check your email...I sent a picture you might enjoy...and no, its not Adam, but don't let that discourage you from checking!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Glitzylady - got the picture, loved it, emailed you back! Would be happy to have salacious Adam conversations, any time!

Am planning to apply much gold glitter to my eyelids for the LA show. Hoping it'll catch the light, glint, and cause Adam to glance my way, even for a micro-second! Although, I'll be up in the balcony (and with my husband), so it might make climbing up to tongue-dive with me difficult for Adam...but I know what a determined guy he is! OK, must get back in front of a mirror now, and practice giving myself the eye without glitter getting stuck in my contacts. ;)'s rough work being an Adam fan!

- Adam Fix