Adam Lambert Smiling During "Soaked" in Munich When Guy Shouts "I Love U Adam"
Filed Under (pictures,random,tour news ) by Admin on Friday, November 12, 2010
Posted at : Friday, November 12, 2010

Photo credit: Scorpios4Adam
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Adam's foreign fans are making him very happy. No wonder he's smiling! He looks like he's having the time of his life. What a fantastic opportunity. This is the great part of fame. Stay happy and enjoy the fruits of what you so brilliantly created! I'm happy too! Just got two tickets to Y-100 Jingle Ball and M&G with Adam! My first one!! funbunn40
A M&G!! That is great news!! Sounds like Christmas is coming early this year for you!!!
Soooo happy for you! Have a, um...Ball!
SOOOO true!! Adam has worked so hard to bring joy to so many. Nice to see he's getting the loved returned by our fan-friends overseas.
...and Wow girl!!! SOOOO happy for YOU!!! M&G?? How can you stand it? I was so thrilled to make eye contact for a few seconds while he smiled, signed my liner notes (Yay!), and touched my finger while handing it back... You're going to see the great spectacle of Adam live on stage,, AND meet him!! I'm dizzy for you!!
So to quote a fun thread from the past, you're going to lose your Glam-tour M&G virginity!! lol. Make sure you share your experience with us!!
@funbunn40...whhhaaaaaaaaa? M&G? Are you f'n kiddin me? Man, I'd kill for a M&G with this dude... I would actually kill for him to fart on my face :)
This is the happiest I have seen Adam. His Munich performances are out of this world. He is on fire with back to back songs. I saw some new and fun/sexy moves from Adam. He seems very happy, good on you Adam. I hope you stay happy and healthy. Love you Adam always.
funbunn40 - OMG!!! A M&G?? Good thing you'll be able to perform CPR on yourself, if needed! ENJOY!! And tell us ALL about it. So jealous!
- Adam Fix
I knew Adam was smiling during "Soaked"! I saw it! We so happy for him!
@funbunn40 You are very lucky, happy for you,
M&G with Adam!
@Cindy nice to hear from you, darling
He's still so unspoiled. His smile is so genuine and sweet.
Awwwww such a gentle smile from a very playful boy.
YAY \o/ \o/ \o/ funbunn40 you are a very lucky girl! I spent my GNT trying so hard to get a closer look at him but my bad case of astigmatism FAILED ME. So i shall be looking forward to your account. Please do everything you can within your powers to vividly recall each and every second that you are in the presence of his gloriousness :D
Just so happy for you and but for me it's death by jealousy :(
Totally OT - my friend just posted this on her FB page. It's a mom who's 4-year old son likes to wear girl's clothes. She wrote a book about it. There is a video clip from a local t.v. show they go on, and the comments that the dad, teacher and older brother make at the end had me blinking back tears. I'm posting this because Adam talks so much about always playing dress up when he was little, and we all know how accepting his parents were about it...and look how confident he turned out in the end!
- Adam Fix
Please support Suz and Rolando in GN Europe.
Great vids from Copenhagen and Munich.
@Adam Fix OT- Grab a tissue before you watch the princessboy vid, you'll need it at the very end.
A M&G for funbunn40. How exciting! When is it ? We'll be waiting for the play by play.
THAT is a caught moment in time. BEAUTIFUL!
10:26 I once farted on my brothers face. I got into SO MUCH trouble!!!
When I come across books like My Princess Boy, I really wish I was still in the classroom.
Que gran noticia es muy emocionante y comparto tu alegría y también, va ser un regalo para nosotros,
cuando no cuentes tu fabulosa experiencia y los detalles de ADAM!!! Que gran día vas a tener.
Felicidades Funbunn40
aw he is so adorable hope the guy was cute that shouted out.
~Fame is the shadow of passion standing in the light ~ Sallust
I don't know who Sallust is, but I came across this quote and it made me think of Adam. His amazing talent and his passion for life and performing has produced a breathtaking artist. He casts a huge shadow; fame is his destiny.
Then I come here and see this photo, and Adam's achingly beautiful expression makes me wonder: Does the light shine on him, or THROUGH him?
HERMOSA expresión de Mr. LAMBERT!!!!!!!!!!
"La luz brilla por él"
Feliz día para ti Fan4fun !!!!!!!!
I usually don't watch Soaked video, but now I had to. Adams character and the smile was almost satanic.
When Adam smiles,it touches so many hearts :)
We have complained about rude noise during this song but I truly believe that Adam enjoys it. He knows the song is supremely emotional, touches a very real place in all of us and people are going to react. How Sweet!!
@Anon November 13, 2010 8:47 AM "SATANIC"?? WTF? Never in a million years would I have associated Adam Lambert's beautiful, brilliant, ANGELIC smile with Satan!
You surely need glasses...or an exorcism....
I hear Drake's in town...maybe that's the reason for all the smiling.....
I am thinking maybe he smiled because it was a GUY yelling that for a change...or maybe someone he knows..or maybe he just felt like smiling!
And @anon 8:47 am...Well, I suppose we could take that either at face value or you meant that he had a little of the "devil" in his eyes when he smiled, which isn't always such a bad thing...if you know what I mean! LOL!!! I love his smile regardless... ; )
Regarding 8:47, I think there is someone, or someones, who want to post comments to stir shit up, maybe put Adam in a bad light, but they know they need to be subtle and not go to far. I am soooooo not the conspiracy theorist type people, SO NOT, but I see this in threads from time to time. It might not be the case with 8:47 this time, but I do still feel that this happens in threads here and there... again, it's troll-like behavior, but very subtle, so that their comments are taken in, contemplated. You can tell when someone is a fan but doesn't like the kissing or too much sexy or something like that, even when people comment in that regard, if they are a fan you can still pretty much see they are fans, but there's something about some comments that are posted that smacks of troll, but they are just subtle enough to come off legit. Again, I'm so not the conspiracy theorist type, but just an observation.
8:47 Perhaps you meant "angelic"?
I have more of an issue with the fact that 8:47 doesn't usually watch Soaked than with the "character" and "satanic" comments. WTF. I mean, I'll admit it, I go right for the upbeat songs first, because I enjoy the energy, and I might not even get to the slower songs until the evening or following day, but shit, I watch 'em eventually. Whatever, to each his own, but wow, no Soaked viewing, interesting. Maybe if 8:47am watched Soaked more regularly, he'd/she'd see the angelic in Adam more as many of us do???? My point of view only, everyone has their own. Possibly a troll, we'll never know, guess it doesn't really matter. Love that Lambert.
wow, congratulations, you must be so excited. Remember we will want all the details..
HK fan
Think our boy with the million dollar smile has a little of the devil in him at times. He is also bathed in sunlight. It is what it is--one very happy guy doing what he loves doing, entertaining the world. It doesn't get any better than that. I am always amazed at the screaming during Soaked. Whoever heard anyone in an audience scream when a tenor sings opera??? And this song deserves that accolade. BTW, I love opera, but a scream here and there might be fun.
@HH Nov. 13 at 8:30AM - exactamente
OT - hope you saw my reply to your post in the old thread. Thank you so much for that. I'm so so glad that you are posting more often now. We love your comments too.
Anon 11:25 am How do you find out about hearing Drake's in town? Where can one see these little tidbits of information? More info please!...
@Dark Side. I disagree that Adam is screaming in Soaked. I think in this song we can hear his real vocal gift and 3.5 octaves voice. Adam is singing in Soaked and this is absolutely fantastic voice. Soaked this is the song I like to compare Adam and Freddie voices.Because Freddie never screamed.
Also, this is not a show if it doesn't have devil touch! Not SATANIC, leave to Bebier:)
@delilah5 9:33 pm
I have to defend @Dark Side 5:31pm on this one...she was referring to the AUDIENCE'S screaming at inappropriate moments during this beautiful song, NOT Adam screaming!!!! I think you just misread it...It's okay...I have to read some things more than once sometimes...
@glitzylady 10:13 pm
You right, I just didn't understand what Dark Side mean, sorry. I wish I can hear Soaked once live and without audience's screaming. I like this song on CD, it became my favorite from the first time I listen FYE album, but live it sounds very different,absolutely amazing
Drake flying half way around the world to see his friend? Oh, how perfectly lovely, if you are right. And, oh how clearly it is none of our business until Adam says it is.
Thanks y'all for sharing in my excitement for JIngle Ball M&G Dec. 11th! Never was so looking forward to losing my M&G virginity! If I don't spontaneously combust from glamarays from Adam I will document every second! No time for a face and body lift! Will have to go as I am! Busy weekend and hard to read all posts and comment. Fan4fun how are you? Ordered glambox and tour cd/dvd and 2FYE. Need to go back to work! My kids won't see a dime when I'm gone. Adam will have it all! lol Never been so self indulgent in my life and guess what? I don't really care!!! haha Love you guys!!!
So gorgeous!!! Love you Adam!
@Anon 12:31am - is that you funbunn? I've been missing things left and right on 24/7 lately... so you got a M&G - yippeeeeeeee... go on with your bad self girl!!
@MGF, Yup,12:31 is me. So excited I forgot my tag! My real life is interferring with Adam 24/7! [sorry family and friends, kidding!]Still pinching myself! This M&G is from Y-100, not Sony. so I'm not sure how this will unfold. Katy Perry,Enrique Iglesias will also be performing. I have no idea what Adam will be singing or how many songs, but guess it may be WWFM andIIHY. Would love to see him do Fever, actually the whole GNT,can't help being greedy! I'm going with my daughter, Lynne who also went to Hardrock. Wish her sister could go too. She was with me in Raleigh, but she has to work. Hope the glamily and Adam will stay safe and healthy. Saw a pic of Cam in Stockholm from Isaac, It looked bitter cold. Still don't know how Isaac injured his hand. funbunn40
Funbunn I am soooo jealous! Have a blast! Hope you get to talk to him for a minute!
I was at the concert as well and I thought it was so funny when the guy shouted that and Adam smiled, so innocently. I remember it very well. Of course the concert was great although the venue wasn't but they got what they could out of it. He was smiling a lot during the concert, he seemed really happy and satisfied. His voice was amazing live, it always is but live it's almost unbelievable. And this has been said before, and I couldn't believe it but it's true: he is MORE beautiful and MORE sexy and MORE down to earth and charming live than he is on screen. Took my breath away. His smile made me whimper ... aaa I could write an essay so I'll stop here. 2 more weeks and I'll get to live through it in London:)
Poland Loves Adam
As for the whole "soaked" thread, his rendition of it was gorgeous and chilling. There was an older lady standing next to me who looked as if she was praying to Adam while he was singing "Soaked" and it was a divine experience. Some people were shouting or clapping during the performance of this song but I think it's because they thought he had finished already but he wasn't. I myself yelled "shut up so he can finish" into the crowd. The concert went by so quickly for me, like 5 minutes, probably cuz I knew the whole set by heart. Wish it could've lasted longer...
PLA (if you even come back here...what am I doing on a thread this far back, myself?) - we have missed you SO much! Where've you been? You finally got to see Adam live?? Oh, happy, happy, joy, joy! Yes - Adam live is quite the mind f**k, huh?!?! I meant that in a good way. :)
- Adam Fix
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